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  1. 3 points
  2. Two handed weapons have +1 over "equivalent" slow one hand weapons. Great sword does two damage types and does high damage, which puts its equivalent as the sword, which has 6 PEN.
    2 points
  3. Narrator: And blow to smithereens the bridge they did. This level presented an extra challenge for my pacifist run; I had to make sure I got everybody off the bridge before I destroyed it. There was one particularly tricky thug I had to save. Knocking him out wasn't the issue. The problem was that where he was, on some scaffolding, I wouldn't be able to carry his body to terra firma, since none of the characters I had available in that part of the mission could carry a body up a ladder (Hector possibly can, but I didn't get to use him until after that part of the mission). To make matters worse, he was a poncho, so I couldn't lure him away from his post... at least not through conventional means. This ends chapter 1.
    2 points
  4. seeing how the monopoly is foundational to modern concepts o' State, am thinking you likely get your anarchist membership card with little fuss. congrats? HA! Good Fun! ps ok, so that were mildly amusing. am gonna give youtube a temporary reprieve from our condemnation o' its near certain recommended for you fails.
    2 points
  5. I'm onto Stormblood in Final Fantasy XIV. I enjoyed Heavensward a good deal.
    2 points
  6. Yeah. I mean, everyone knows that the solution to dysfunctional public services, especially those involving the monopoly of violence, is more opacity.
    2 points
  7. Yesterday I managed to sneak through the Temple of Eothas, but was stumped at the last bit with the slimes around the pool. I couldn't get past them and I sure as hell couldn't defeat them (Solo PotD), so I devised a plan: Lure the nearby Skuldr family to the pool, run like hell (had the Fast Runner talent) and watch the carnage. I quickly discovered that this was nearly impossible, because they shoot corrosive gunk at you. Well, then I'll just craft a potion of Bulwark against the Elements and drink that before I run! What. Long story short, someone thought it made sense to have potions undrinkable outside of combat. You can chug all the beer you want, but drink from a vial, nope. Well, I've had enough of that. I refuse to jump through their hoops. I will bend the game to my will, using the power of applied computer science. Here's how you do that. Step 1: The file. Download a program called UABE, short for Unity Asset Bundle Extractor. You need that to edit .unity3d files (well, not edit directly, but look through them). You can also use Disunity version 4, if you find that easier, but for this guide I will assume you are using UABE. Go to the PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle folder. Boy, that's a lot of files. This is where most of the game's items, spells, abilities and such are stored. We need to edit one of these files, specifically the one for the Bulwark potion. Find the "potion_of_bulwark_against_the_elements_l2.unity3d" file, start UABE and open that file with it. It should say "CAB" followed by a lot of gobbledygook in the text field. Click the "Info" button. Step 2: The value we want to change. In the window that just popped up you'll see a bunch of different assets, representing all the various info the game uses for that potion. We're not interested in the Textures and particle effects and such, what we want to do is modify the potion variable that designates it as unusable outside of combat. That means we need to look at the MonoBehaviour types, scroll all the way down to see those. Well, that's not very helpful. They all look identical, apart from the byte size. But intuitively enough, the biggest one is the one that handles the potion ability itself, and that's where our value hides. Click on that MonoBehaviour, and then "View Data" Doubleclick the Monobehaviour Base thing to expand it. Hurray, variables! See an interesting one? That's right, "CombatOnly", and it's set to 1. Now we know what variable to change... but how do we do that? Read on. Step 3: The hex editor Download a program called XVI32. Copy the potion .unity3d file to a new location, and open it there with XVI32. You may think you just stepped into the Matrix, but what you're seeing is really just the bits and bytes of the file, and you now have full access to those, which makes you very 1337 indeed. Each block in the grid represents a byte. A number is stored as four bytes in hexadecimal format, for example the number 9 is stored as 09 00 00 00, the number 10 is stored as 0A 00 00 00, 12 is stored as 0C 00 00 00 and 20 is stored as 14 00 00 00. Easy! Now, you may be tempted to search for "CombatOnly" and edit the value next to it, but unfortunately it's a little more complicated than that. The variable names are stored at a completely different location than the values that they represent, so if you want to change the values you need to find out where they are stored. That's not an easy task, but one thing that's helpful to know is that they are stored contiguously, i.e. the values appear in the file in the same order that they appear in UABE. Speaking of which, go back to the UABE and look at the variables surrounding CombatOnly. You should see a Duration of 60.0, then a bunch of variables set to 0, then the CombatOnly at 1, another bunch of zeroes, a 7, a 1, a 0 and then another 60.0. If we can find this pattern in the file, we will know where CombatOnly hides, and then we can change it! But if we just search for 7, 1 or 0 we will end up with thousands of results. We need to search for the number 60.0, as it stands out a bit more. Specifically, the floating point representation of it. Step 4: Finding the value 60.0 is a floating point value, which means it can have decimals (integers cannot), But, where integers in the file are stored as 01 00 00 00, 02 00 00 00 and so on, floating point values are stored in a completely different way that is not intuitive at all. We need to find the hexadecimal representation of 60.0, and luckily this website will do just that: http://www.h-schmidt.net/FloatConverter/IEEE754.html If you input 60.0 in the decimal box there, it outputs 42 70 00 00. However, this is what is known as "big-endian" format. In the .unity3d file integers are stored big-endian, but floating point values are little-endian! So what we need to do is to swap the bytes, resulting in 00 00 70 42. This is the number we're looking for. Step 5: The magic moment Go back in XVI32 and open the Search -> Find dialog. Select "Hex string" and enable Case Sensitive. Remember that the MonoBehaviours in UABE were all the way at the bottom in the list? That means you should start your search a fair bit down, by putting the cursor somewhere roughly at 25% from the bottom of the scrollbar. Input 00 00 70 42 in the hex field, and press Search. It should take you to the next occurrence of that value in the file, down from where you started. Look at the hex values where you ended up, going from left to right and then to the next line. Does it look like the 60.0-zeroes-1-zeroes-7-1-0-60.0 pattern we found earlier? If not, press F3 on your keyboard to search again. If it does - congratulations. You are a master hacker. Put your cursor at the 01 that represents CombatOnly, and type 00. Do not use backspace, this will delete bytes and you do not want that. Just type 00. Then save the file, put it back in the folder where you found it (maybe backup the original one first), and launch Pillars of Eternity. You can load a saved game or start a new one, but the important thing is that you can now do this: http://i.imgur.com/rYfBZhH.jpg And that's something to be proud of.
    1 point
  8. I give you the future Mrs. Volo.
    1 point
  9. Heh, my tactic in Homeworld 2 was to rush Battlecruisers. Hard to do in a 1v1, but oh so easy in FFA (then everyone hates you and quits the game). Best match I've had is when a regular I played against, in a 1v1, decided to rush BCs too. We had 3 fights with over 20 BCs and after each fight we would mine the resources from the wreaks as we exhausted every asteroid on the map, by the final fight we had so many ships we crashed the game... Really hope HW3 turns out good.
    1 point
  10. https://imgur.com/jGPhhHp Why I love Toronto.
    1 point
  11. Brandon's released a remix of the OST https://alexanderbrandon.bandcamp.com/album/conspiravision-deus-ex-remixed
    1 point
  12. true - i did carve out important on-hit effects as exceptions where stacking isn't relevant (i cited toxic strike and marux amanth as big examples). i think this is a YMMV - over time the type of gear i use doesn't generally rely on that many important on-hit/crit effects so it's less of a huge advantage for dual wielding. it's also important to note that while two handed weapons have +1 PEN over equivalent one handed weapons in general, many two-handed weapons have no way of further increasing their PEN, only estoc. So in practice, one-handed weapons might do better in low-PEN situations than two-handed weapons. (though estoc is pen king). again, these days my parties tend to be so planned ahead in advance that i have ez solutions to PEN/AR problems instead of it being an ad-hoc problem to solve (e.g. some source of tenacious inspiration, potions, etc.) this is very true, but for me mostly means i don't use two-handed weapons (or atleast avoid using them) on casters or caster hybrids, unless i have a lot of action speed bonuses. i don't think this is that big of a deal for more pure martial characters, at least once you have a few levels (and therefore more health [edit: to withstand some sluggishness when you need to heal]) under your belt.
    1 point
  13. I've liked it, I am just awful at it for some reason but have only played the single player campaign, where my time tested tactic is just being a hawk and using strike craft and bombers repeatdly.
    1 point
  14. On the bright side, shopping at Newegg may become a bit cheaper...
    1 point
  15. Indeed. It occurred to me that Twitter is the best argument that could be made to illustrate why no one should want the ability to read people's minds.
    1 point
  16. I'm starting a fundraiser starting next month to erect (no pun intended) a statue of Chris that could be toppled and vandalized.
    1 point
  17. I read Wallace's reaction as being against people trying to claim it was a hoax and that he was trying to play the victim. Even the FBI says it was a noose knot, just that it was used as a garage pull and had been for some time.
    1 point
  18. So... ummm… where are we going with all this? Should all copies of Icewind Dale, Torment, Fallout 2, Fallout NV, PoE, NWN2 be removed from Steam? Or should we all delete our own copies too? How far down does this rabbit hole go? That seems to be the trend nowadays. In all seriousness, folks who do this kind of thing get fired. It sounds like that is what happened. I don't know about blacklisting but that might happen. For a little while at least. I agree with Kirottu, this does sound at least a little fishy. Nothing I've read sounds like sexual assault in the traditional sense of the word. However, in the hyper-vigilant, #me too, all men are sexual predators era that term might mean anything. At best he probably should have known better. There is a long standing rule most men find out early on: DO NOT sleep with (or try to) people you work with. Don't s--t where you eat. That should probably be extended to people in the industry you work in. Especially a small one like game development.
    1 point
  19. Then there is the matter of responsiveness. Ability to react to situation, interrupt enemy actions, switch targets, heal/cure/buff oneself - or others. For all those things weapons with shorter Recovery (dual wielding is fastest) are vastly better. Reloading weapons are the best responsiveness wise (except for reacting with weapon abilities).
    1 point
  20. First time I use the "gasp" reaction for real!
    1 point
  21. As that collective age of the forumites goes up.. I'm sure we have much more sympathy with this point of view...
    1 point
  22. Yeah, it'd be preferable for me to. That, and I'd look kind of ridiculous in leather and football pads, I'd rather not subject people to that.
    1 point
  23. I never heard of it after the poll. It seems like a non-trivial change (especially because of shifters), so maybe they had technical feasibility issue, or was simply discarded because of lack of time. Maybe be a good old bug. I'll check it with my version. Maybe Flanked from actual flanking stacks with everything though (sort of passive). We (I and Frykas, who suggested the change) had similar issue with persistent distraction but I tweaked it to avoid it. EDIT : OK, my intuition was right : actual flanking maluses stack with everything because it counts as passive. Actual flanikng + divine mark = -35 deflection for example. Confounding blind only cause stacking deflection malus if flanking is applied first by actual flanking (or by Persistent distraction if you don't use the nerf part of my mod). It doesn't work with flanking applied by status, especially the blind from Confounding Blind. I don't think I can change the stacking of actual flanking since it is most likely hard-coded,. At least my mod does not make things worse than they were. I will simply change the mod notes to precise it doesn't stack with flanking from Blind part of the ability.
    1 point
  24. Are reptilians and rectal probes for nanochip implanting confirmed to be in the game?
    1 point
  25. For those we have lost. For those we can yet save. (Shadowbringers ending spoilers)
    1 point
  26. Just a sidenote. You guys don't wanna mess with leprechauns. Below should be applied in life in general not only in radiology:
    1 point
  27. Just wait for someone to declare 2020 a hoax, manufactured by fake news. It was a GREAT year! Edit: My favourite 2020 joke so far is the picture someone posted in the funny thread with your girl Pandora with her latest unboxing video
    1 point
  28. Hi ! Maybe if you have some time and enjoy helping others by documenting the game, you could join the workforce in the Grounded Fandom Wiki ! https://grounded.fandom.com/wiki/Grounded_Wiki We are very few, unorganized, and everything remains to be done, so it's probably the funniest part where anarchical innovation is welcome. You come and just start working on anything you like, even if its just a 20sc proofreading of an already written page. See ya
    1 point
  29. Marine veteran adopts dog who saved his life in Afghanistan
    1 point
  30. Portugal Preparing Several Billion-dollar Clean Energy Projects for Post-Coronavirus Future
    1 point
  31. Starts at 7 minute mark and ends at around 53 minutes. Rest of the time is spent on Q&A.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Man serves free coffee to essential workers from home window
    1 point
  34. Anonymous donor in Massachusetts pays for $5,000 in groceries for elderly, compromised shoppers
    1 point
  35. No elephants poached for a whole year in African park: https://www.fauna-flora.org/news/zero-no-elephants-poached-whole-year-african-park
    1 point
  36. Mystery Mom Has Been Leaving Out Free Bagged Lunches ‘Made With Love’ for Anyone Who May Need Them
    1 point
  37. Ever notice how the majority of my good news stories have critters in them? Here is another one: Delivery dog offers curbside wine pickup during the coronavirus lockdown
    1 point
  38. Ferret and his human friend have summited Colorado's 11 highest peaks together All you need to know is the ferret has his own tent!
    1 point
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