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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/20 in all areas

  1. I've been running all over the east coast and midwest the past week and a half doing heavy miles, just how I like it. I shut down just south of Nashville today, did some squats, took a nice long walk, and found a sushi place near the truck stop. My delivery isn't until tomorrow afternoon and they won't take me early. I don't usually drink while on the road, but I ain't going anywhere for about 24 hours, so I'm gonna have a beer. I earned it. Beer & sushi #LivingTheDream
    3 points
  2. PROMO MATERIAL For the unfamiliar with the genre: Explanation Trailer Miniature Trailer and Behind the scenes of the Miniature Trailer Meet the gang: John Cooper, Doc McCoy, Hector Mendoza, Kate O'Hara, Isabelle Moreau Baron Challenges REVIEWS ACG Who-cares-IGN PC Gamer RPS and Why Desp3 is one the best stealth games in years
    2 points
  3. I suggest a Obs Board Project. We gotta get @Gromnir on Jeopardy.
    2 points
  4. Me catching up on the last thread ...aaand just to be topical 'Faded away into a dark nightmare': North Korea says diplomacy with Trump has failed
    2 points
  5. If I were a Fighter/Skald I would want to put out Killers Froze Stiff all the time (since it only costs 2 phrases for a Skald iirc) to a) increase crit chances even more and b) to hard-CC enemies. It seems like the best synergy between invocation and passive. When using Offensive Parry it obviously leads to less enemies attacking (and missing) you but there's still enough of them who will either be resistant or get missed. I can see "Their Champion Braved the Horde Alone" being useful for a Tactician/Chanter with WotEP (would be able to regain Discipline just with auto-cone attacks) and of course in all those cases where you desperately need more PEN. But since Fighters can interrupt with a lot of different abilities I guess I wouldn't use it that much. WotEP already has +1 PEN compared to other great swords. Afaik Soft Winds doesn't interrupt even with Energized. Certainly not the DoT ticks but maybe even the initial attack roll won't do it (not 100% sure though). A nice phrase for using Mule Kick and Clear Out with WotEP is "The Long Night's Drink" by the way. It lowers enemies' fortitude by 14 points - which is the defense that both of those abilities will target. Also Weakening lowers enemies max health pool quite a bit (which often gets omitted when talking about useful afflictions). Afaik it's not a poison or disease effect so it should work on everybody who's not immune to CON afflictions. The -2 Might part should always work I guess(?). Not realated to Champion but to Skald in general: As a Skald you should make sure that you pick one (or a few) non-offensive yet useful invocations every now and then. Skald players tend to only pick and use offensive invocations - which seems to be a smart choice initially - but your max phrase counter is determined by your most costly invocation(!). If you only pick cheap offensive invocations then your max phrase counter will be very low. You don't want that for obvious reasons. Something like "Ancient Instruments of Death" or "Set to their Purpose" can give you a max phrase counter of 6. So if you are full with phrases you could cast 3 Killers Froze Stiff in a row without even gaining one single phrase in between.
    2 points
  6. So...apparently this guy races with the confederate flag. And in keeping with confederate tradition, he never wins.
    2 points
  7. Pillars 1 for narrative Pillars 2 for gameplay
    2 points
  8. Obsidian, I just want acknowledge, How awesome you guys are. I literally have been waiting and searching for a single player game, that has an interesting story and writing since the Witcher. I have to say Obsidian you knocked it OUT of the park with The OUTerworlds. I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say this, Thank you so much. Thank you for putting so much hard work and effort into this and every game you do. I will forever be, playing Obsidian games for the rest of my life. You guys are what we want out of the gaming industry right now, you made a game, put so much in it, no other added transactions, and YOU FINISHED THE DAMN GAME. I can only hope that you guys will start a trend and bring this type of passion back to the industry. You guys are the best gaming company right now in my opinion and its not even close. I hope you guys continue to make great games and always put the heart and passion in all of them. Thank you Obsidian so much. From, a simple gamer P.S - Gonna go play the Outerworlds now I wanted to you ask everyone's opinion on Obsidian and how they compare to rest of the industry? good and/or bad. lets keep it civil too.
    1 point
  9. Eco design of course. Recharchable baterries make lower carbon footprint *shrugs*
    1 point
  10. Here in the US, we even have to warn people that hot coffee is hot.
    1 point
  11. already were. edward g. robinson, an excellent actor who were unfortunate typecast a bit too often, were advocating civil rights reform and championing an end to workplace discrimination based on race way back in the 1940s. more vocal support such as his back in the 40s and we might not be where we are today. he also had an extensive private art collection, but am not sure how relevant such is. guy had gravitas even playing a scene with mcqueen, malden, calloway and ann-margret, 'mongst others. ... am also a big fan o' karl malden, but am honest not aware o' his political activities or skew. could show his famous on the waterfront scene, which would also be relevant in its own way. a few degrees o' separation makes near anything relevant if you got a little imagination and a bit o' trivia-level knowledge. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  12. As it was always on the Internet, forever shall it be.
    1 point
  13. Don't be, I'm proud to say I love that show! =P
    1 point
  14. Thanks for clearing things up Boeroer. You are great with knowledge as always.
    1 point
  15. Should really pull them all, ****ing terrible show. But https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-53020335 Sort of ridiculous to change it, is always good to remember how racist the UK was.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Yes, but the draining is limited to a fixed amount of 2 attack rolls per pulse. So it's not suited to completely counter the self damage. But it helps a bit. Here's a quote from @Kaylon: A better alternative would be the Blood Ward of a Furyshaper. It has no such limits and even works with ticks of DoTs (unlike Old Siec). It's not suitable for a multiclass char but only works with party synergy (e.g. SC Furyshaper + a Paladin/Troubadour with Sacred Immolation + Old Siec). I wrote about the advantages of the Blood Ward here:
    1 point
  18. Hitman: Absolution giveaway on GOG running right now!
    1 point
  19. Then why it would need a charging station?
    1 point
  20. Good work, Next question now : Now how many builds are theoritically possible given ability variation ? Don't forget some subclasses are forbidden specific abilities. And some abilities are common for the 2 classes from a single multiclass. Time to wish good luck then ! Edit : And now what if we add item variability ? (don't forget consumables, that counts, ahahaha some items even open additional consumable slots !)
    1 point
  21. Excluding companion subclasses... 5 Barbarian 5 Chanter 5 Cipher 5 Druid 5 Fighter 5 Monk 6 Paladin 6 Priest 5 Ranger 5 Rogue 7 Wizard Single-Class Variations + Multi-Class Combinations - Inter-Class Combinations (5*8 + 6*2 + 7) + C(5*8 + 6*2 + 7, 2) - ( C(5,2)*8 + C(6,2)*2 + C(7,2) ) 59 + C(59, 2) - C(5,2)*8 - C(6,2)*2 - C(7,2) 59 + 1711 - 10*8 - 15*2 - 21 1 639
    1 point
  22. I'm sure we'll get another Dad of War eventually, it will be that much better a couple of years into the PS5's life, once devs have figured out all the tricks to get maximum eyegasm out of it. Does anyone know if Demon Souls is a remaster or a full blown remake?
    1 point
  23. DVD's might become the only surviving copies of politically incorrect humor
    1 point
  24. They've removed one of the best episodes of Fawlty towers from UKTV and I realized that I don't have to care, I'm watching the DVD's tonight!
    1 point
  25. When the game was released somebody calculated that there are a bit over 1000 classes ( all single classes and all combinations of sub classes). This was before they added an additional sub class for every class later. I was a little confused too when I read the title. This is not a list of chars who did the ultimate achievement. These are all class builds from the original build thread plus class builds that have been posted later. I think it should get pinned instead of the original thread. A different name might have been better, like "Full list of all character builds posted in this forum" or something like this.
    1 point
  26. Anyway: there are 52 builds on that list. Doesn't seem like "so few" to me. "No interest" looks differetly as far as I'm concerned. If you compare it to the potential multiclass combos then sure, it's less than that - but those are 110 without taking subclasses into account if I'm not mistaken. With subclasses the potential multiclass combinations are like... don't know... not willing to compute that (4 subclasses at least, Paladins, Priests and Wizards significantly more). Over 5 million or so?
    1 point
  27. Oooops - **** this was a different thread. Forget what I was saying. Jeez sorry!
    1 point
  28. This may be a silly question, but I really do hate abandoned franchises. Isn't it tiring to get into new worlds again and again instead of seeing existing ones expanded? Thinking of all the potential the world of Eora still holds for classic RPG adventures makes me sad to think we might never see them... I'm simple when it comes to my CRPGs, and while I do appreciate interesting new mechanics, I'd really be quite happy with just more of the same, as long as the writing, quest design, mechanics stay on the really high level of Deadfire. Unfortunately, it seems that the devs think that a failure to expand their market equates to a failure of the game full stop (which is a shame). I'm wondering whether now boosting sales of Deadfire could still do any good for PoEIII? I mean, what if we all bought a copy and gifted it to a friend as a sort of statement that yes, there is a player base which cares strongly about the Isometric RPG format rather then getting a Skyrim or FF:Tactics, as I understand are being considered? It may never be the most successful game out there, but with a dedicated playerbase that ensures sales and some cutting costs (voiceovers, e.g.), I believe PoEIII could easily be profitable. But how to convince the devs of that?
    1 point
  29. If I was not already on some FBI/ATF watch list I'll bet I am now. I have ordered a hell of a lot of black powder, wadding, projectiles, sabot, and regular ammunition lately. But the latter is probably not so worrisome to Big Brother because they are in calibers that do not have automatic weapons.
    1 point
  30. Yes, Edge of Eternity will be coming to GOG as well!!! https://www.gog.com/game/edge_of_eternity edit: also Gamedec yay!!! https://www.gog.com/game/gamedec
    1 point
  31. "What is the difference, again? " Did the first group kill or rob people en masse? The second group certainly did. Yet, the media vilified the first group and got them all sorts of nasty names yet make excuses for the second.
    1 point
  32. We adopted two calico kittens yesterday and they are lil rascals! Already playing and chasing each other around the house and Ive had to institute countermeasures to keep them from gnawing the mouse and power cord cables of my laptop. Also became litter box trained in one day, which is something I really appreciate about cats in general. Just drop them in the litter box and...BOOM...they are trained. I humored myself by making a "cat trap" (empty cardboard box) and theyre both in it right now wrastling with each other. Its freaking adorable.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Another question is whether "most customers expect it", as has been claimed in this thread. I do not think this is true at all, within the cRPG genre. For me, conceptually speaking, the most troublesome aspect of full VO is that it effectively ties the writers' hands too early, and this is not a good thing. I know that things can be retrospectively changed (and more material can be added, like was done in Deadfire), but full VO creates unnecessary complications, which, in my view, are probably not worth the financial cost.
    1 point
  35. I also cannot see how Full VO makes a game more accessible. Maybe for people who can't read, but those will have a hard time using something like a PC anyways. To the contrary I think that Full VO is a hinderance as soon as it comes to players who don't speak/understand English. Hearing Full VO in English while trying to read the stuff in Korean or something might be a jarring experience. It can be nice to hear all those different voices (when done properly), no doubt. But it's superexpensive (even if you use the same voice actors over and over again for different roles like in Deadfire) and adds a lot of stress to the development process. And I'm still not convinced that it adds to a RPG substancially. If somebody could present a survey or something else which shows that the buyer decision process of RPG players is influenced by Full VO then I would reconsider. Until then I'll insist that it's doing more harm than good.
    1 point
  36. Not a lot bought the game anyways. If Full VO would draw a lot of customers then we wouldn't have those sales numbers. I think it's a big stretch to say that Full VO sells a lot more copies. It's just convenient for some but not mandatory for many - would be my take. Not many would refuse to buy a game just because it has not Full VO I believe.
    1 point
  37. On twitter Sawyer said the game reached the break even point. That's not bad news. And the game slowly continues increasing the sales. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/1263677679527620609
    1 point
  38. Doesn't surprise me that there's a significant amount of actual dislike for the DOS games. (I've only played the first but the 2nd is said to be similar in structure). Apart of the narrative stuff: Their entire world design is essentially one tactical combat puzzle (where do I go next, and how do I deal with the foes there?). With areas being strictly level gated in an extremely linear fashion (due to how hugely damage scales with levels/items). Also google "Level Maps original sin" if you want to see what I mean in a Picture. The Pillars game, whilst they have lots of combat, are nothing like that. Sure, you can meet opposition yet too strong, but there's usually a) several places to go next and come back later (not all with a heavy focus on combat) and b) progress isn't always halted by opposition deliberately placed straight into your pathway. Additionally, you can actually beat opposition above your tier every once in a while, whilst on DOS, it's oft a straight party wipe. I've pointed this out probably before, but Larian Marketing found more of an overlap with the audience of tactical game's such as X-Com than with Pillars.
    1 point
  39. I'm not the only one! I have tried to play both Divinities multiple times and something just completely takes me out of those games.
    1 point
  40. By the way: "Sexual Archetype Force" is the name of my new Manowar coverband.
    1 point
  41. I don't know. The gender distribution in PoE2 is far far better than in most "SJW stuff"/ "classic macho action" released nowadays or before. It's like they rolled a dice to detemrine the gender of every character (especially faction leaders) and the women generated by this process are not walking bunches of clichés (including "SJW clichés" if I may express this way, such as "women are better", if this even exists).
    1 point
  42. I don't disagree with the OP that an answer saying to Tekehu that he is not your Type/Genre/Specie could have been better, but I agree with the previous post that the level of rant is a bit exagerated for such a minor problem. I still feel a bit forced that every NPC is bisexual. I have troubles to imagine Eder or Xoti as Bisexuals, even if I can imagine a drunken Serafen to be open minded. However, we might have to consider that being "straight" is not a thing on Eora, and all this is about preferences toward individuals rather than a clear line. A reason for this would be that a large part of the potential sexuality on Eora is non-reproductive cause of the different Kith Species. So people might be a bit more open-minded about same sex preferences because it is just another kind of non-reproductive sexuality. There could have been a Taboo on both, but it's believable that if there is no Taboo on relashionship between species, or even that no one seems to notice them, it could perfectly be the same for being attracted by a specific gender. EDIT : not to mention you can potentially carry the soul of someone from the opposite sex. Aloth doesn't even complain that Iselmyr is a woman. He just complains that she has bad manner.
    1 point
  43. Yes. It is wrong. I mean what were you thinking? It's obviously wrong... so so wrong... There are no transgender characters in Deadfire. Did you confuse "bisexual" and "transgender"? There's an early option to tell him that you are not interested. Pick it and he will stop to hit on you immediately and will never try again. Maybe there was too much curiosity on your part so you missed it? Lets do a test: Let's imagine Tekehu was a pretty girl, let's name her Brunhilde. Brunhilde: "Hey ekt0! Are you dating anyone?" etk0: "Uh yes, I'm dating Peggy from accounting." Brunhilde: "Oh too bad - I wish I had met you earlier, tehehe." *wink-wink" Would you imply that this is sexual harassment? If your answer is "no" then you are applying double standards. If your answer is "yes" then I'm asking myself how you want to achieve any sexual intercourse with another person without the help of Tinder... in addition maybe have a talk to somebody who actually got harassed - to put things in proper perpective. PS: I know: don't feed the troll. But I can't help it: I will take every opportunity to post some gifs of The Rock.
    1 point
  44. What I would like to see in PoE 3: 1. Keep the voice acting to PoE 1's level, it's expensive and means less dialogue & stuff to read. 2. While the sidequests and factions in PoE 2 were good an' all I would like a stronger & longer main plot next time. 3. More books to read, like in PoE1. 4. While I hope they would keep refining the isometric RPG style, if this cannot be done, please make sure the alternative has tactical combat.
    1 point
  45. Agreed. It makes you wonder how Black Isle was seen as "profitable", even making "a lot of money" given that none of the games they had ever developed on their own had the sales success of Baldur's Gate... so it comes down to budgeting/expectations. Obsidian HQ saw what Original Sin 2 had done for Larian and thought they could replicate it by bumping it all up to the max. Whilst that is not completely unreasonable, it's a different scenario than for the first PoE right from the bat. And then the game failed to live up to that. And suddenly it's game over. Bummer.
    1 point
  46. Pillars 1 for narrative and gameplay. Pillars 2 for exploration and open world.
    1 point
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