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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/20 in all areas

  1. Here I go for the last version of my balance mod with "new content". Next package should only be about bugfixes (and glitchfixes) from base game bugs (such as Spirit Tornado not applying Staggered on Spell Hit while unupgraded version did). This will be the first release of the complete mod !!! I don't exclude to make further modifications later but to be honnest, I want to take some time to play a little (But of course, I'm not closed to suggestions, and I will try to address any bug) So now it's time for Druids and Priests and the shining star and final point of a rightful balance mod : addressing Salvation of Time abuses (included in the nerf package of the mod !) I) Druid Druids have weird spell Tier distributions : some are a bit crowded (Tier V especially), then Tier VI, VII, VIII are full of spells which might be good but are often situationnal (due to poison damages, meta-dependance for Avenging Storm, weird inconvenient mechanics for Nature's Bounty, summons unavailable to Lifegiver...) And finally Tier IX only has a Shining star (Great Maelstrom) and a sidekick (Pollen Patch), rest of spell being meh. I've tried to address that, and also buff Wildtrike Frenzy a bit so Single Class can benefit more from Spiritshift. Wall of Thorns : No actual changes, but this ability displayed a base PEN of 7 which was wrong : it is actually base PEN 9, so I corrected the display Nature's Terror : - Casting time changed from 4,5s/3s to 3s/3s. This spell suffers from comparison with Relentless Storm. In order to be a bit more friendly toward its melee focus, I lowered its casting time a bit. Sunlance : - Casting time changed from 4,5s/3s to 0,5s/4,5s. - Added Interrupt on Hit. Even if this spell wasn't terrible, I wanted to give it a bit of Oomphf, given that spells of this Tier aren't very spammable (especially because of poison/disease damages from 2 of them...). Priest gains Pillar of Holy Fire, Wizard gets Minoletta Precise bursting while Sunlance is not even multi-target and Disintigrate laughs. I thought Interrupt + fast casting would give it the special touch it needed. Interrupt has a very good interraction with its crazy Range ! Nature's Bounty : - Now its effects (20 health restored, +2 PER and MIG, +20% Action Speed for 30s) will apply directly instead of summoning potion. - AoE reduced 5m -> 2,5m to compensate that it now affects summons and everything. This spell was just too much of a headache to use. I think that this spell looks good compared to Crown for the Faithful, for example. Entropy : - Added 3 Base Bounce (Base 4 Targets) - Number of procs raised from 3 to 5. - Charges are not consumed by Graze and Crit anymore (yep, this spell was THAT BAD) - Removed Interrupt part (was good when it was single target) This spell is designed to be an AoE Alternative to Rust, albeit less appropriate for Single Target Focus. Tornado : - AoE set to 10m radius. I really wanted something a bit silly because it is a freakin Tier IX spell. It would also allow to avoid any friendly target quite easily. Thematically, it would fit the destructive nature of druids. - Range set to 20m (a bit necessary because of the increased AoE) - Added a true "Interrupt on Graze" effect, which is consistent with the Vertical Launch part. - Casting Time tuned from 6s/2s to 4.5s/3s, to be more easy to use as an alpha move. This spell suffered from comparison with Maelstorm. This version is a screen-wide attack with 3,5s of Hard CC due to Vertical Launch, so it could be situationnally better than Maeltstorm. Also, it is fun ! It can be complicated to position indoor, but, hey, it's a freaking tornado ! Touch of Death : - Set casting time to 0,5s/3s instead of 3s/3s. - Add a +25 Acc modifier for this spell. So if your accuracy is equal or greater than foe's Will, the kill is guaranteed (Club Modal for the win). Not guaranteed against the strongest foes, but still high chances to land. Probably not to be used every encounter, but very useful vs bosses ! Wildstrike Frenzy : - Changed from Procs on Kills to Proc on Kills Designed to have good synergy with Entropy, and less dependence on Kills. J) Priest Priests don't have many ability balance issue IMHO (their subclasses might have been more original, but that's not what I'm trying to address, there are other mods for this). But, overall, their abilities are OK (of course the few changes made by Community Patch did help). Apart for the infamous Salvation of Time (and its combination with BDD and Brilliant), most of the problems come from their weird and disappointing Tier IX. Divine Terror : - Duration 20s -> 30s OK, Priests may not be true Crowd Controller, but this spell was still too weak compared to its counterparts (Secret Horrors, Nature's Terror). In addition, Priest Tier IV was crowded with good spells, so this wan't too weak in comparison. It is still only 1.5m radius, which limits its power. Salvation of Time : Change to a lasting beneficial effects which adds 0.5s to every beneficial effects every 1s. That effectively halves their ellapsing speed of buffs (including SoT itself : it lasts 20s with a base duration of 10s). Basically still add 10s but : - Now benefits from PL and INT - Now applies to effects cast after it (especially useful for Vanishing Strikes...) - Useless to cast several times in a row - The most important : now a single effect cannot have its duration more than doubled. It is still a very good spell, even better than before, but it is now impossible to abuse by combining it with Brilliant, and all other buffs will also have to be re-cast again at some point. Hand of Berath : - 5PL -> -10PL - Now auto-hit. Basically a boss fight ability. No one can escape neither death nor Berath. Since it only debuff abilities, and Resolve of the target still applies, I think it is fine like this. Revenge of Skaen : - Range 5m -> 10m - Added a -20 Accuracy effect in addition to Blind. The idea was to create a "Greater Blind" from the "Greater Skaen Darkness". The -20 Acc does not stack with -10 Acc from Blind but the idea was to create an effect that goes through Perception Resistance Disoriented and -20 Acc is roughly the same as Blind and -20 Acc. Even Perception Immune will suffer from this spell. It is meant to be a good debuff with an enormous AoE. Blessing of Wael : - +5 All defenses -> +10 - Now works vs any kind of attacks (not just melee ones) - Now targets Will - Changed the Blind affliction (which was too redundant with Skaen's Revenge) for a random effect of -10 PER, INT or RES. Once again, I wanted a god power that goes through Affliction Resistance. INT Afflictions could have been nice, but would have been trickier to balance. Foes who strike several time, or several party member because of AoE attacks will quickly suffer from 2 or 3 large penalties to their mental attributes. Also, this feels more Waelish than a mere Blind Affliction... Miscellanous change : Bashing Shields : Since Bashing Shield (apart Tuotilio's Palm) have weird mechanics that may cause the character holding it to do less damages than with classic sword and shield ( refer to https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/114801-bash-mechanic-question/ for more details), I've changed a bit their stats. For Best Defense, I've added +16 Accuray to its roll, and attack is now 11-15 base damages with 11 PEN. +16 Acc ad 11 PEN are because it's supposed to be a legendary item. For Magran's Blessing, I've added +8Accuray to its roll, and attack is now 11-15 base damages with 9PEN because it's supposed to be only exceptionnal. Since you can't upgrade it, I've let the same damage as legendary Best Defense. I've added Fire Keyword to the attack so it can benefit from Scion of Flame and Ring of focused flame. That's a way to compensate the absence of upgradable quality. I've also tweaked Magran's Blessing fire shield to +10 Accuracy and 10 PEN (for both base and upgraded version) since it did not scale with level and was stuck at 7 PEN. They are the only items I've planned to address because they were really weird. I don't think there is really a big need of balancing items in general. BalancePolishingModBuffs.zip BalancePolishingModNerfs.zip BalancePolishingSummonRebalance.zip
    5 points
  2. ^ Obviously, human and equine dongs may have different amounts of elasticity, rigidity, rebound, etc. Plus, we're dealing with cyberpunk here, so we need to consider partially and fully augmented dongs as well. I expect any developer worth their salt to THOROUGHLY research all aspects for maximum immersion.
    4 points
  3. @Elric Galad and @coralzombie, I found an universal fix to Shield Bash Quality Scaling, would you be interested in merging it into your own mods? https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/425 It's done through adding new status effects to each of the Shield Quality enchantments, basically copies of corresponding Weapon Quality enchantments but with HideFromUI set to true so that they they don't clutter ordinary shields. (Ordinary shields are for that matter unaffected due to how AttackFilter Source: "ParentEquippable" works.) I'm really happy about how seamless it turned out!
    3 points
  4. This is the only one with 3 Ds
    3 points
  5. If you can augment it with LEDs does that mean you can create a hologram when you helicopter? These are the attentions to detail that earn you a 10/10
    3 points
  6. Pete Buttigieg is like if the Bank of America pride float became a person.
    2 points
  7. I just commited a completely untested hotfix to our production system that touches two seperate processes, one of them business critical and happening over night, meaning quite frankly right now during night shift. I'm thinking about ordering this:
    2 points
  8. When I picked up Yakuza:0 on deep deep sale, I never expected to fall in love with the series so much.
    2 points
  9. Sim Golf was awesome I'm downloading it now Just finished Shadowrun Hong Kong and got the best ending. Now to finish KOTOR2 and start Kingmaker and Sim Golf.
    2 points
  10. I wonder if it's just a single slider or multiple sliders or select from a few options It hurts my immersion if me and my character aren't dong twins
    2 points
  11. Small addition: some of the "non-subclass-related" offensive spells of Priests target the Will defense (e.g. Divine Mark, Shining Beacon etc.) which is rather unusual. Luckily it's pretty easy to reduce Will on enemies: club + modal (-25 directly), Miasma of Dull-Mindedness (-40 via RES/INT debuff) and Dazzling Lights (-10 directly, doesn't stack with club) for example do send Will down the drain pretty fast so that your Priest can then apply some good hits/crits with his a Shining Beacon. The other offensive ones often target Reflex which is also rel. easy to debuff (also with Miasma for example). So Wizard + Priest go together quite well in a party in general. Will and Reflex are often not as high as Fortitude on enemies. If you have a Furyshaper in the party then you want to pick Withdraw as a Priest: you can withdraw the ward which makes it invulnerable but it will still work its magic. You an even use it to block chokepoints that way etc. You see how some circumstancial spells can become quite important if paired with the right party members and their abilities. Death Godlikes and Streetfighters for example like Barring Death's Door + Salvation of Time.
    2 points
  12. Hey everyone! Grounded won't be up on the Insider Hub until we get closer to launching the flight! Follow us on our socials to make sure you are staying current with our news! Thanks! https://twitter.com/GroundedTheGame https://twitter.com/obsidian https://www.instagram.com/obsidian/ https://www.facebook.com/obsidian
    2 points
  13. I think, you have forgotten about the champions of balls and dong physics in entertainment industry, the makers Red Dead Redemption 2. Well, it would need little bit of adjustments for smaller than horse proportions, but I believe, they already have all of that in their hands...
    2 points
  14. Admit it, you just want to do the helicopter in a video game.
    2 points
  15. Aaand... that's why you block all trackers, always.
    2 points
  16. Eat your heart out, Rockstar.
    2 points
  17. "Materialism explained"
    2 points
  18. Hello, I intend to play a single class priest as my main character and wondered which deity to pick. Preferably hybrid support/"dps". I know priest has high cast times but I still wanna make the best out of the Situation. Priest builds in general never seemed really popular at all and the stuff that I found seems super dated and partially not even working anymore. I intend to play on PotD, for whats it worth. I appreciate all help.
    1 point
  19. There is a difference in wishing for something and being sad that you won't get it on one side and being driven away on the other. How can I be mad at Obsidian if Deadfire sells so poorly so that they have to make RPGs which sell better then? It's not like they didn't try. That comparison is flawed because judging by the sales numbers Deadfire is what nobody wanted while Skyrim and other first-person RPGs like Outer Worlds is what everybody wants at the moment. It's just not what you want. Well... yes. Like PoE was jumping on the bandwagon of Infinity Engine games. If you want to make successful RPGs you must either do the goofy D:OS style with multiplayer and silly writing - or a more actionesque first-person RPG it seems. Or pure action RPGs maybe. Skyrim is just a popular example of a first-person RPG. I could also have said Outer Worlds on Eora or Witcher on Eora - but that sounds a bit misleading for different reasons. It has a Metacritc score of 94 (which is pretty impressive) and sold extremely well (over 30 million copies - one of the most successful RPGs of all times). So clearly the majority of users and critics differ from your opinion. I liked it, too. I didn't play it as often as PoE/Deadfire but it was fun nonetheless.
    1 point
  20. Yeah, the US is baffling at times. I really like Bahnhof. The Swedish Security Service had a meeting with the CEO of Bahnhof about getting direct automatic access to all ISP's and phone companies telephone and emails in secret, he recorded the entire conversation and after saying no to the agreement he gave the recording to the media which ended up in the department head of SSS being called to the justice department for a hearing. Good ****.
    1 point
  21. Same happened with me, when I randomly bought in my local store years and years ago Yakuza 4 on PS 3 from a discount bin After that, It became my favourite game series of all time
    1 point
  22. OK, your mod is probably the cleanest way to do. There should be a way to prevent this side effect. I will try to think about it. But tomorrow...
    1 point
  23. I would like to use it as part of my mod, I think. This would probably require to tweak the stats of the shield again (possibly, err, nerfing base damage) Hum, is there any side effect on Tuotilo's Palm ? I fear it will receive double scaling from your mod and scaling fist bonus...
    1 point
  24. Never read a gaming forum... it's bad news.
    1 point
  25. Therefore, ca. 1980. So... before I was even born. As for Kennedy being to blame, I honestly don't know either. She's the head of the studio so she gets the blame by default. I'd also snipe at J.J. but he's not involved this time. I think Jojo Rabbit is a pretty cool guy. Eh makes moveis and doesnt afraid of anything.
    1 point
  26. I'm just pleased my post was the genesis of this.
    1 point
  27. Why would it drive you away? Simply not buying would be reasonable if you don't like those types of games. I personally would like to see those games. I'm not limited to isometric, party based role playing games. And after all: if they would aquire two million new fans but lose those 200K who bought Deadfire - should they care (as a company that has to earn money)?
    1 point
  28. Eothas is ideal subclass for support and works really well as long as you don't mind being goody goody. Find a nice weapon to contribute to dps and use spells for buffing your mates. I'm playing ranged with light armor/robes and cast times/recovery not an issue.
    1 point
  29. In general this can work well. Only the modal of Quarterstaff doesn't stack with the usual deflection buffs like Mirrored Images. Chromoprismatic Staff comes a bit late, but before that you can use the Spine of Thicket Green which has a nice enchantment for Restoration spells.
    1 point
  30. I did see that tumblr post of his where he basically says he'd only direct Pillars 3 if he certainly knew what went wrong with Deadfire. Just unlikely he'll ever know for sure. Even just a release date at the wrong time could break an otherwise great game's neck. Let's see if Microdoft feels like jumping on the bandwaggon again after BG3 comes out (...or into early access even). Random thought in addition to this. Would releasing an "Eora Skyrim" or tactics game or whatever not alienate more Pillars fans? It would drive me away, I think.
    1 point
  31. This thread pleases Slaanesh
    1 point
  32. I don't doubt that you have those problems. Deadfire IS heavy on the CPU - I just don't experience that magnitude of heating-up (and the game runs pretty nicely for me, too).
    1 point
  33. Yup, they've trademarked some time ago their in-house program, Mo-Cupping .
    1 point
  34. Wael is really good on the defensive side though. No (desperate) need for thick armor or/and shield if you can have some quick Mirrored Images. That can make you cast faster (less armor recovery) and more precisely (no ACC malus from shield).
    1 point
  35. This thread is really going places.
    1 point
  36. i would say for hybrid support/dps as caster you're best off with berath or magran. berath: you get touch of rot and rot skulls. the former gives you something useful at AL1, and rot skulls is just a pretty good effect and gives the priest some damage diversity in both type and defense. you can lean on your other priest spells and berath comes with some useful support spells for free. magran: i really enjoyed it as an offensive build. you get tons of extra damage spells, and even though any SC priest can pick it up, magran's might at AL9 is a really amazing single-target spell and fits in thematically. only problem here is that against fire immunes, fire absorbers, or high-fire-AR you're kinda screwed. you can't even really fall back on spiritual weapon because the lash is fire. these might be good times to become more of a support caster. by the way, magran combines particularly well with Marux Amanth (10% chance for priest spells to echo) since echoing spells is more useful when they are something like fan of flames and not, say, devotions for the faithful. there's plenty of other gear that boosts fire-keyworded spells so you can really lean in to this as an offensive caster pretty hard. (if you don't care about SC or the AL8/9 spells, multiclassing with evoker has the odd effect that the few evocation spells the magran priest gets as a bonus also benefit from the evoker's 15% echo chance (works multiplicatively/independently with the marux amanth, with the very low chance that you can actually get double echos on a cast), though not the bonus PL) also, if you haven't seen it: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/227477-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/faqs/76599/priest
    1 point
  37. I would object if this means they are both half-assed.
    1 point
  38. BG3 will be very interesting. My biggest concern with that game is they make the same mistake as Deadfire -which would be madness, especially given the amount of time which has passed since BG2 was released- but given they avoided it with DOS2 I have to imagine they will avoid it again here.
    1 point
  39. This one kind of creeped me out, but here's another Game Informer video with an early "bestiary" of insects... XBox One's are very affordable now so hopefully Truly Yours doesn't spend too much.
    1 point
  40. Demon's Souls if you have a PS3. Best of the Souls games I reckon. Persona 5.
    1 point
  41. If you want to increase crit chance you should pick Ranger. Driving Flight gives you two attack rolls per shot (both can crit) passively - and no class has as high ACC bonuses as Ranger.
    1 point
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