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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/20 in all areas

  1. If you get Leviathans, Utopia, Synthetic Dawn, Distant Stars (most of these for the extra events and "story" beats) you should be good. Haven't gotten Ancient Relics and Federations isn't out yet so can't comment on those. I don't know if the extra songs are in patches or if you need the DLC for them but SD is worth it just for the music: Then again the whole OST is amazing.
    3 points
  2. It's about time we get after librarians like we do big tobacco and the alcohol industry.
    3 points
  3. Pretty sure History channel in the day would be some guy trying to pawn the Pyramids, or something involved Hitler.
    3 points
  4. Looked at Stellaris. Saw the amount of DLC. Wondered if it is a Paradox game.
    2 points
  5. As someone with both a Bachelor's degree and certified by TDLR as a journeyman electrician and a RAIL, that meme is stupid. Working 40 hours a week I am making half of what Robert does (as do most of my similarly qualified peers) and have never meet a Phillipe because most folks I went to school with did so with a career in mind, usually something in business. The problem isn't meme degrees being useless irl, Gromnir has already pointed out how employers care about a degree more than what's on it for many careers, it's that the jobs people get coming out of college aren't paying enough to pay off their debt and live with rents and other expenses necessary to function in modern society.
    2 points
  6. I have to ask: what is up with the hoarding of toilet paper? Edit: great minds think alike.
    2 points
  7. Warhammer sale on Gog, this means you heathens who still haven't played Mordheim: City of the Damned can now make up for your sins for cheap!
    2 points
  8. the number o' "contracts" most people sign every year w/o first getting a lawyer to explain the boilerplate is gonna be in the dozens, whether you realize or not. heck, purchase an iphone involves a contract... not the service but the phone itself. and did you honest read every line o' the terms and conditions for posting on this board when you first registered? you checked the box, yes? yeah student loans is different in magnitude than your netflix contract, but chances are most folks ask for the loan officer to explain and then take on faith that if the loan were genuine predatory, it wouldn't be legal, right? is literal hundreds o' thousands o' other people signing same document, so how could it be manifest unfair? dumb assumptions? yeah, but such ordinary dumbness literal happens many times every day. you says we are in trouble if people is doing such? well, guess what? what you describe happens all the time, every day and everywhere in the US, and tech has made even easier as you can do your stoopid on-line 90% o' the time by means o' a box check and an electronic signature. oh, and am thinking gd much undervalues point and worth o' a liberal arts degree in something otherwise impractical. get a four-year degree, statistic, means you is more likely to be more financial successful in life with more money, a better house and a higher chance o' getting your own kids educated. right or wrong, many employers want you to have a college degree and they is less concerned with what is printed on the diploma as 'posed to simple fact the applicant obtained the degree. keep in mind Gromnir has beat the drum soundly regarding the underutilization o' trade school options and the excessive fixation on college degrees. nevertheless, is a fact that many employers continue to make a college degree a prerequisite for hire. *descends from soap box* HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  9. What about The Orville RPG then
    2 points
  10. On the 17th of March, at noon, I get the theory books and simulator time allotment, then they expect us to start driving about two weeks to a month later, then a 4 week period of practical training for the certificate that actually allows me to work as a truck driver, and not just drive around for fun. The school expects this to take about 15-25 weeks, and the workplace expects us to be done before June, in about ten weeks. XD
    2 points
  11. A reason why Dragons hold the Princess...
    2 points
  12. Neo is back! (to work)
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. So if their politics are not your politics it's a good thing they get sick and maybe die? Wow, and to think I thought my respect for you had hit rock bottom already. Turns out rock bottom has a basement.
    2 points
  15. Hell yeah. I'm going to add Apocalypse because of my favorite Stellaris track (Synthetic God is a close second though):
    1 point
  16. The Sphynx sounds like a megadungeon, which would be great if they make it great. I hope we get more companion info, right now we got a Paladin, Monk Archer, Spellcasting Rogue, Witch, Shaman, and Oracle which looks pretty caster heavy. It's good that out of the six characters revealed five have clasees that NPCs in Kingmaker didn't have and I'd love to see a Bloodrager or Slayer companion.
    1 point
  17. I ain't even gonna lie, I love me some Ancient Aliens.
    1 point
  18. Yeah the first part was a joke. As I am wont to do, I was just piggybacking off previous pages. The second sentence is mostly true imo.
    1 point
  19. So that's what all the toilet paper is for
    1 point
  20. Yeah, thats what we humans are good at, reading the fine print and making educated decisions, like in contracts. The reality of the situation is that people will believe the FIRST story they see on a matter, and following conversation will be based on that.
    1 point
  21. I've been under the weather, as is my way every wintery season, and am currently making the same soup for the second time this month. Sopa de Fideo 1 bag 7 oz-ish fideo (the little thin short noodles) tomatoes or as I prefer to just buy a 14.5 oz can of stewed tomats, diced 1 bunch cilantro, chopped - just the leafy part small handful garlic, halved 1 onion, sliced chicken broth - however much makes a decent pot size oil, I prefer olive oil - enough to coat the pasta well salt, pepper, spices - I like to use Goya brand adobo with cumin, a dash of Lawry's, and crushed red pepper but you can taste it as you can and adjust to your liking Throw the broth, tomatoes, garlic into a pot and bring it to a light/medium light boil * Fry the noodles in a pan with the oil until they are nice and browned. More brown is preferable to less brown and some should be fairly dark. Toss the onion in the pan while it's still somewhat early in the browning process, they don't need to be fully cooked through but I like the texture of lightly frying them before putting them in the pot Dump that in the broth you have going, stir, and add cilantro Let that cook for a bit and then you're done *I like to punch it up a little bit and add a little extra chicken bullion (Better than Bullion is my go to here) and sliced fresh jalapeno Also made some shrimp recipe that I got from my mom, one of few dishes that she ever taught me to make. If you hate how my usual recipes are somewhat directionless then you're really in for a treat here. shkrimps, whatever you prefer but I go for the cooked, peeled, deveined, tail on but raw and all the same works great if you can find it kalamata olives chopped with some juice garlic crushed or chopped lemon juice parsley dried or fresh crushed red pepper an Italian spice blend white wine butter optional sun dried tomats finely chopped optional chunk of crusty bread Everything but the shrimp and parsley (and bread if you are using it) into the pot and bring to a light boil and reduce heat a little Taste the broth and adjust portions to your liking (sorry but this is how almost all recipes go back home) Once you have that then toss in the shrimp and sprinkle with parlsey and cover. This cooks quick so you probably want to constantly monitor it. I think this kind of thing is somewhat obvious but my wife is the queen of walking away from the stove for way too long. You'll want to give it at least one good stir but may need more depending on how much shrimp you tossed in there and the size of your pot Went the shrimp start curling up then take it off the heat and give it one last stir and toss more parsley on top give it a moment with the lid on and then serve.
    1 point
  22. This entire hoax will be over in two weeks. Just a hunch.
    1 point
  23. We wont get Yang and now I see Sanders is losing by double digits. Hes the last candidate this cycle that was going to fill up my pockets with free stuff and now it looks like Ima have to keep working. Qq.
    1 point
  24. Is there any chance for a balance patch/adjusting? Is it even considered? Such issue could be resolved by mods, but since you didn't provide a mod support, we can't count on it. I just stopped playing after like 6-8h when on supernova I was one-two hitting everything with plasma rifle. Not to mention that I was basically swimming in ammo (1000 each type), which is kind of a joke. It seems that the game was hardly tested in terms of actual gameplay/difficulty.
    1 point
  25. ^ I have it on good authority that if you say "Mordheim" three times, Melkathi will appear at your doorstep.
    1 point
  26. we let our little dogs lick clean our sardine tins. does that count as getting 'em their omega 3 dosage? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. Honest and perhaps stupid question, because I feel like I'm missing some major piece in the corona puzzle: Why is it specifically toilet paper? Am I missing some important strategic value here?
    1 point
  28. RIP to a life well lived The inspiration for Eder too
    1 point
  29. We all know Obsidian is making the next Halo Wars.
    1 point
  30. Nope. That was Paradox.
    1 point
  31. I'd like to weigh in and say that I dropped D:OS2 right after the boat. The writing was unbearable. Oh, and that narrator...
    1 point
  32. Sounds a bit like Deadfire's ship combat to me. EDIT: An optional feature one could sink a lot of money into, and not be any fun in the end.
    1 point
  33. Posting this here since we often discuss education in this thread:
    1 point
  34. The end of what? Your posting career? Come on, it barely started! Why did people like PoE then - which is far more dark and gritty and has a lot more text to read - and doesn't even have a lot of VO?
    1 point
  35. HoMM style tactical combat? That's a stretch goal that I never knew I always wanted.
    1 point
  36. Just imagine the setting possibilities we'd have now. Discovery, Picard, Kelvin... we could space dive onto a mobile plasma drill that can dig a stable tunnel in the molten core of planets, jump through the entirety of existence in an instant, hire or possibly play a Noldor Romulan warrior nun, fight Klingorks on a jihad, destroy planets with red matter and maybe stop a supernova from threatening the entire galaxy. Who else wants a quick time event where you control Spock as he's beating the manure out of Khan?
    1 point
  37. Found these at a truck stop today (overpriced, naturally, as are all things at truck stops): Quite tasty and with zero scientific looking words in the ingredients list. Perfect for the carnivore on the go. I'll try to find them in a supermarket or online and stock up.
    1 point
  38. never understand this fanatic desire for turn base games some of them work but mostly it is just long and tedious
    1 point
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