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  1. Astrid, Pale Elf Rogue (Solo)- Defiance Bay Part 3 and Cliaban Rilag Is there Instagram in Eora? If so, Astrid's feed would be all: #estramore #elmlife #glanfabulous So: How did she get there? Through stealth, mostly. This post will cover The Man Who Waits, Undying Heritage and Through Death's Gate. And it will cover, I don't know one battle? No two, actually. There were two. We slinked by everything else. Let's start with The Man Who Waits. This one is super easy- no risk at all. If you activate Shadowing Beyond immediately, all the baddies will walk away. They go far enough away to end combat and far enough away to let you activate stealth here: in the corner of Uscgrim's cell So that was easy. And there are no difficult moves on the way out. It's clear sailing. This is the closest anyone gets, and that's not near close enough, if you've invested heavily in stealth. Undying Heritage is easy, too. Unlike Undying Gate, there are no challenging moves. There are a couple of patrolling critters that can cause difficulty, but they're easy enough to avoid. Here's Astrid entering the tower. And here she is fighting her one fight of the quest. Shocky-Shocky. Hardest move of the quest was this one. And that one was easy-peasy: Astrid completed Through Death's Gate just like Undying Heritage: with stealth and a single minor fight. There were, however, two tough moves, one of which was dangerous. Astrid prepped by taking Hedge Maze and Iquali bonuses, bringing her stealth score to fourteen. The quest can be completed with a smaller number, but it's good to have extra. The early moves are simple. You walk around some trolls and oozes and then you go straight down the middle. Things don't get tricky till the shroom room. The top half of the room is fine. It's the exit that's a problem. Do you see those sporelings at the bottom of the screenie? They move back and forth really, really quick, east to west. The best practice is to pass them to the east just as they start running west. What happened here, though, is that Astrid pulled a sporeling from the top of the room. That forced her to pass to the west of the sporeling while they were to the east. Not good. Fortunately, Astrid made it. Shadowing Beyond is a great fail-safe, but it's less dependable when disablers are in play. You don't want to be seen in this room at all although, yes, the Hermit Hat helps and Astrid was wearing it. Onto level two. Astrid walked into the central chamber, went through the western door, and picked up the exit key. The only tricky part was the room with the key. There are a lot of spirits there and some are in awkward positions. A use of Shadowing Beyond is required here, in my experience. You go up the middle, through the will o' wisps. Then you pick up the key. Believe it or not, this guy won't notice you if your stealth score is high enough. He will, however, soft detect and follow. And when the wisps soft detect, you're pinned: enemies approaching from both sides. Eventually you get seen. Just use Shadowing Beyond, though and you're good. Note that there is a risk of pulling an animat. And that brings us to the battle. Astrid chose to fight the blights at the upper end of the central chamber- mostly because she wanted some primal wind for DoAM potions. With shades at her side and Fan of Flames scrolls in hand, it was a breeze (pun intended). I'll cover the Dyrford sidequests next, then we're off to Twin Elms. Best, A.
    3 points
  2. who the **** is letting all these cringey alts on here, good lord is there a limit to how many people you can put on the ignore list. because I must be getting close
    3 points
  3. Jesus Eothas was in front of an adulterous woman going to be stonned. "Let anyone among you who is from a class without sh*tty ability be the first to throw a stone at her." Then a Monk threw the first stone.
    2 points
  4. Disco Elysium is the greatest experience I've had roleplaying an alcoholic since that Halloween party where I threw up on everything and almost caught fire.
    2 points
  5. @Waski thx a lot And... need guide how to upload 13+h on youtube
    2 points
  6. So how many did you chop up ?
    2 points
  7. I think we are just cringey people here, not alts.
    2 points
  8. I think it's brilliant myself, and it's grown in estimation over the years. I honestly find it a fantastic extension to Blade Runner, delving deeper into many of the more humanist and existentialist philosophies present in both. And from a pure aesthetic perspective, it's utterly insane. I love the use of time dilations and of "pauses" in Oshii's films - there's a particular transcendent quality in his films as very often the action or the diegetic time seems to come to a standstill in favour of a more abstract reflective plane. In Ghost in the Shell: Innocence and especially Angel's Egg it's taken to an absolute extreme, with entire chunks feeling like they occur in this contemplative, abstract second plane, but with Ghost in the Shell and Patlabor 2 for example, it really interesting how it's often woven into the action or into a scene to create a far more evocative effect (think the way the garbagemen chase scene in GitS opens up into a more dilated and oneiric moment when the puppet's left on his own, and then fighting an invisible enemy).
    2 points
  9. I totally understand. But for example Bleak Walker Paladins and Priests of Skaen are exactly that. Well, Priests of Skaen might not reveal themselves often but Bleak Walkers are very forthcoming in that regard. Anyway I just wanted to point out that there are quite some (sub)classes in PoE and Deadfire that don't have a Goody-McTwoshoes reputation. If you want more that's totally fine. Necromancer as a Wizard subclass could be nice (see Helig of Thein and Concelhaut etc.). It's quite cliche but at least there's lore supporting it is separated from animancy (although it seems both can be intermingled - see Osrya).
    2 points
  10. I'm just too worried, that if I ever slow down, age will catch up with me. I have to keep running! As mentioned somewhere above, got to spend the day at the games. A slightly one sided affair unfortunately, where are the marathon 5 sets when you finally get a chance to watch it??? Djokovic won, outcome wasn't really much in doubt after the first two sets. Still, it was great to try a new experience. Taken with my phone... edit: Those serves... sheesh. display at the far corner says 224 km/h
    2 points
  11. I guess Jared was playing Cities Skylines.
    2 points
  12. Grim Face (Hearth Orlan, Priest of Eothas) & Co - Part 4 Intro Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 The Temple of Eothas is finally consecrated. We crafted some potions of Bulwark Against The Elements and Scrolls of Fan of Flames before entering the Temple. First we dealt with some Will-O'-Wisps. Those mass hit Eder with lightning and Confusion but focusing them one at a time quickly sealed their fate. The rest of level 1 inhabitants weren't much of trouble. Level 2 is more dangerous but food buffs, careful positioning at the choke points and some luring is all we need. Not the most elegant approach but effective. As it turned out in the end, we had to fight the restless souls of my fellow Eothasians... If only Xoti were with us now - she could at least harvest the poor souls of the dead by shepherding them into the light of her lantern. But Xoti is out of reach, somewhere in Deadfire. I hope to meet her someday, to easy the burden on my soul... What Wirtan did is horrible, but The Bright God had much to say on the matter of redemption. He could start with burying the Dead Priest's Bones and pray for forgiveness. Eothas is not dead, no matter what others might think for themselves. The most notable loot from the Temple are Minor Cloak of Protection, Minor Ring of Deflection, Cloak of an Eothasian Priest, Gaun's Share Flail and The Pilgrim's Lasting Vigil. Not much left for us to do in the Gilded Vale aside from two Forest Lurkers in Black Meadow and Raedric himself but after some pondering we decided to postpone this tasks and head straight to meeting with Maerwald. to be continued...
    2 points
  13. Hello players! I asked our narrative team to send me their favorite "dumb" line used in the game, and now we want to see which one of these lines you like the most. There is no right or wrong answer, and this is all in fun as everyone who submitted a line knew what I was planning to do, so go ahead and take a gander at the different options. At the end of the poll, I will reveal who submitted that line to you all! On a side note, if you haven't played a "dumb playthrough" yet, I highly recommend it. I'm halfway through my own playthrough, and it's been entertaining to say the least! Thank you, and the poll will end on Wednesday, 1/29, at 3 PM PST. Continue reading for more context on each of the lines listed in the poll above. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 1: ADA: I am ready and eager to assist. Awaiting your orders, Captain. Inquiries are good, too. Player: What's going to happen if I skip the Hope? ADA: If your calculations are even slightly off, you could crash the entire colony ship into Terra 2. Or the sun. Player: Good thing I'm great at math. I know all the best numbers. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 2: Player: What? A test? No one told me there was gonna be a test, dammit. I hate tests! Hermit: Yes! That's the spirit! A fellow traveler, one close to the truth themselves! Vicar Max: No, he's/she's not. Just… a bit dim. Player: I don't need to stay here and be insulted. I can be insulted anywhere. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 3: Huxley: Hello? Hellooooooo? I hear boots out there! Wait, can rapts wear boots? Player: Law help me, it's a talking door. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 4: Minister Clarke: Slowly and loudly, Aloysius. That's the only way these morons understand anything. I SAID, YOU MAY TELL CHARLES TO GO **** HIMSELF. Player: WHO IS CHARLES AND WHY ARE WE YELLING? ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 5: Player: What's it like being in command around here? Junlei Tennyson: Frustrating. Everything down to the circuitboards is past warranty, so I have the pleasure of making life or death decisions on a shoestring budget. Plus, there's no time to train my successor or document fixes in a way that anyone outside the family would understand. Player: Where's the self-destruct mechanism? Junlei Tennyson: I hope that was a joke, Captain. I really do. ----------------------------------------------------- Choice 6: Parvati: Are you out of your mind? You just- you just killed him. Player: I know, it was great. Parvati: You enjoyed that? Are you some kind of psychopath? I can't- I need to leave. I need to get away from you. Player: Look, I didn't mean to kill the guy. Sometimes I just get confused. Parvati: You can't help yourself, huh? Took a couple knocks to the cranium? I get it. Let's just… let's just move on. I couldn't forgive myself if I let you loose upon the Vale, unsupervised.
    1 point
  14. Because everyone knows that Mistress Chambara is love.
    1 point
  15. Visual Novel RPG. It has turn based combat and you level your characters. Loren the Amazon Princess by Winter Wolves Games. They do these kind of VN RPGs. I played Loren and both Planet Stronghold games of theirs. I mean to get Seasons of the Wolves and Cursed Lands, since those are in the same setting as Loren.
    1 point
  16. i made a little house for the stray kitten in my yard. just a cardboard box with a plastic bag to keep it dry and a piece of an old blanket but she seems quite happy with it. she wont come out for any reason except food
    1 point
  17. on some level, such a revelation would be refreshing. turns out the illuminati is a bunch o' grumpy old ex-hippy peaceniks who want more bank regulation and universal health care? hard to see that kinda illuminati as particularly frightening. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. Bernie Sander confirmed as Illuminati, then. Pretentious. Is an old man. Wants to run the world.
    1 point
  19. there should be a distance indicator on the ship combat interface, center bottom (in meters). you also get a slight visual clue in the art on the right, the closer you are the bigger the art
    1 point
  20. Thanks, Alesia! Actually, we were fighting the Queen with all at level 5 already. If you'll look through the pics you'll notice that Grim Face and Durance hit level 5 just after defeating Xaurips and all others after some Bugs nearby. It usually happen a bit earlier but this time I didn't mess with all the Blights/Spirits in the Courtyard (only single Will-O'-Wisp earlier to get Whispers of Yenwood) intending to deal with them after claiming the Keep but they are all gone when it happened (didn't knew that since in all my previous runs I cleared the Courtyard before entering the Keep). And I always take on Maerwald the last, with all level 1 cleared. Just to feel safe in case I need to move out.
    1 point
  21. Looking good, Serg! I've never, ever, ever taken on the spider queen and such before Maerwald. I guess that let's you get to L5 before the fight, though, huh? (Not that that's necessary, but it's cool.)
    1 point
  22. Grim Face (Hearth Orlan, Priest of Eothas) & Co - Part 5 Intro Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Now we have our own Keep, but to claim it we first had to endure the swarms of more Ghosts, a bit of Xaurips, Spiders alone with their Queen, various Bugs and some unfortunate Looters. Nothing special: Hit level 5: Grim Face (Mechanics>7, level 3 spells), Eder (Lore>7, Vigorous Defense), Aloth (Lore>9, Survival>2, Expose Vulnerabilities, Llengrath's Displaced Image), Durance (Lore>8, Survival>4, level 3 spells), Kana (Lore>8, Sure-Handed Ila Nocked Her Arrows with Speed). We enter Maerwald's room through the secret side door and when the fight began Aloth cast Chill Fog, Kana applied Scroll of Insect Swarm affecting Maerwald and all three Blights while Grim Face and Durance fired buffs/debuffs (Inspiring Radiance/Interdiction/Consecrated Ground/Bless). Kana followed with Scroll of Defense while Aloth tried Necrotic Lance but missed. Maerwald hit with Fireball but we endured with slight damage received. Small Flame and Wind Blights fell and Maerwald, buffed with Spirit Shield, moved into position to cast Fan of Flames but Eder knocked him down with crit activating Jolting Touch while Grim Face hit with Barbs of Condemnation. Kana is ready to call for Phantom and Flame Blight explode. Phantom hit Maerwald for 22 Freeze damage and that's it. We let Maerwald's soul to pass from the world and claimed the Keep. Now the road to the Defiance Bay is open but first "we must gather our party before venturing forth". For now we are going to join Sagani/Itumaak and Grieving Mother (Durance will stay at the Keep even tho for the moment he has the highest single target damage - 83, most hits - 793, 29 crits, 28 enemies defeated out of total 354 and times knocked out - 0). Eventually Pallegina will replace Kana but I'll not rush for her till we finish Kana's quest. I just want a bit more experience with Chanter since I'm going to make Pallegina Palladin/Chanter in Deadfire. So let's do it, shall we? to be continued...
    1 point
  23. In my lifetime America has elected a hillbilly whose position was whatever was popular at the time, a pretend cowboy who started a war under false pretenses, a black guy who was believed to be a Kenyan Muslim Marxist that would force everyone to gay marry an illegal immigrant, and a dementia addled gameshow host who was previously known for firing people and saying really dumb ****. I don't think a crusty old Jew with yuropoor or sovietboo preferences winning an election is too far fetched.
    1 point
  24. I'm actually using Zwift + treadmill now, and it's much nicer than chimney + treadmill or TV + treadmill. However, watching Tour de France on the telly + treadmill is still my favourite setup.
    1 point
  25. Energized procs on every Crit, it is not weapon only.
    1 point
  26. Ahhhhha! Now that makes sense. I'm all for visible Carnage AoE.
    1 point
  27. So we know AMD's Big Navi is coming this year, which, I'm assuming is a particularly giant blue humanoid. We already know that it will do hardware "ray tracing" (I'm assuming it will actually be a hybrid of rasterization and ray tracing like Nvidia's "ray tracing" and not pure ray tracing) which is not a selling point for me, so it's whatever. Given all the rumors, "leaks", and speculation so far, it will probably significantly outperform the 2080 Ti but maybe be slower than the 3080 and almost certainly slower than the 3080 Ti. I'm mainly going to be in the market for a card that can deliver 4K at approximately 100 FPS most of the time, we'll see if Big Navi manages to meet that criteria. If so, I may just build a fully Team Red desktop.
    1 point
  28. I had a delivery in Klingerstown, PA yesterday. Holy crap that place was SUPER deep in the boonies. That was the kind of "town" (town might be stretching it) where a slasher film would take place. You know the type of movie I'm talking about: Group of friends get hopelessly lost and wind up stuck in the middle of nowhere. No cell phone reception, gps doesn't work, and there's one land line in a 50 mile radius and it sometimes doesn't work. The locals seem nice enough at first, but then weird things keep happening. Eventually they all wind up getting hacked to bits, one by one, by a deranged, misshapen, psycho axe murderer.
    1 point
  29. Still playing Minecraft. I've got a rainbow bridge (terracotta) between two islands. A dark forest on the continent, a rainbow corral bridge just for the hell of it, and a map that spans ten zones. Completed and framed, of course. Such a superb waste of time, but I enjoy it. I'm going to make a video and share it with my niece nephew. I'm on Win 10, so I don't know if I can share or invite to the map, but if they come I've got tons of extra iron, gold, and diamonds. hundreds of them, in fact. The only thing before I show them is I'm going to see if I can create an underwater railway system connecting underwater conduits. I've created underwater railroads in the past, but the some things have changed in the newer versions.
    1 point
  30. In the ship menu (where you also can place your crew and cannons) you put food and drink from your stash into the slots on top (where hardtack and water should already be). It gets used automatically from left to right. E.g. when hardtack is empty and right of it sits fruit then they will consume the fruit then. If everything is empty they will get very angry... Shipfights: Basically as soon as you are in cannon range you turn your side to the enemy, then do "halt" --> "fire cannons" --> "jibe" --> "halt" --> "fire cannons". Halt will increase your accuracy (see the percentage values besides the cannons). Being in the optimal range of your cannons as well. Good option for the Sloop are 4 Iron Thunderers because then you can do the cycle I mentioned without pausing. If something happens (symbol under your ship down below) - e.g. severe hull dmg, man over board etc. you must send in or "assign" crew to deal with it. You drag and drop your crew members into the little window in the top left then. Here's a guide that is sufficient I guess:
    1 point
  31. God bless the Democrats. But for them, the Republicans would never win. A bit early for general election predictions and it wouldn't be good form to make predictions about the Democrats as a registered Republican. Not because I don't have predictions, but I wouldn't want to be self-serving about what's happening on the 'other side.' AKA: The Resistance. :dismissive contemptuous smile: BTW: I was stuck in this room with a Trump hater recently. I tried to help him see the light, but he just pretended to sleep. :tongue in cheek grin:
    1 point
  32. a few days ago spent almost 24 hours stuck in a room with a talkative republican with no way to escape. pretended to sleep for a few hours were our only relief. regardless, were a surreal experience and we thought the poor guy's head would explode when we observed how criticizing obama to make trump seem less mendacious and impotent were a waste o' time 'cause: 1) obama flaws did nothing to diminish trump's inability to get anything substantive requiring meaningful executive action done in three years save for a tax cut for rich and relief for small business owners... and we admitted the small business owner thing were actual a noteworthy positive. 2) as Gromnir didn't approve o' most obama policies, foreign and domestic, constant railing 'bot obama were less effective than he appeared to believe. we felt a little sympathy for the fellow as we could tell he had no idea how to respond to somebody who were not polarized in the way he expected. were likely outside his experience. however, am not subscribing to the notion o' a choice 'tween the democrats and republicans is wasted. is a false dichotomy and the kinda lazy binary thinking which only makes another four years o' trump more likely. HA! Good Fun! ps to be fair, we also observed how trump stepping in to direct the atf to prohibit bump stocks were a positive and warranted given the disgusting reluctance o' Congress to do anything 'bout the issue... a view which offended our temporary roomy's purist second amendment notions. go figure.
    1 point
  33. You guys aren't thinking exotic enough. Be brave. Like this: ACTUAL DWARVEN COMPANION.
    1 point
  34. Trump 'Peace Plan' for Israel/ Palestine is about as lol as expected. Give Israel everything she wants and the Palestinians whatever scraps are left. Even that cretinous bootlicker Tony Bliar who was willing to commit literal war crimes on behalf of the US is having trouble finding things to say that aren't explicitly negative about it and most reactions are distinctly positioned in the 'open to interpretation' range. "It could lead to a meaningful settlement" type stuff where sure, it could, it's technically possible, but everyone knows it won't because it's completely and utterly unacceptable to one side, and literally everything can be taken away by Israel whenever she feels like it. And Bibi has consistently shown he would feel like it whenever under electoral pressure or threatened by a corruption charge. But that isn't being said explicitly because Trump is a complete manbaby and toys would come out of the cot if one of his pet projects is given the derision it richly deserves. Not merely dead on arrival but dead on inception. It's like some fanfic map drawn by a 12 year old who has read a load of D&D sourcebooks. Tunnels in the desert! High tech areas! Grow bananas in the middle of the Negev! Or alternatively and more realistically, Bantustans in Apartheid era RSA.
    1 point
  35. And the IG Nobel prize goes to..:
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Looking good, Alesia! Touch of Rot spell is one of Gloomy Face's favorites too. It's devastating even at Deadfire early stages. One note on Astrid's food buffs - you might want to optimise it a little bit by consuming just one Darkest Rauatai Cookies (+2Con, +1Per, +5Max Health) instead of two - Pearlwood Chicken (+2Con, +10Max Endurance) + Savory Pie (+1Mig, +1Per, +10Max Endurance). Something like this: Darkest Rauatai Cookies (+2Con, +1Per, +5Max Health) Rauatai Sweet Pie (+2Dex, +10Max Endurance) Casita Casserole (+2Int, +10Max Endurance) Farmer's Spread (+2Mig, +1Move Speed) You'll gain most attributes buffed and also +5Max Health/+1Move Speed with minimum suppression this way. It will also allow to preserve her slim figure and agility which is crucial for Rogue cutie! Since " She buys lots of crafting bits because she likes to keep a spread of single use items available at all times. " just keep an eye for Rice, Beer, Fish, Eggs, Sugar, Cocoa, Fruit, Vegetable, Meat, Oil, Milk.
    1 point
  38. Astrid, Pale Elf Rogue (Solo)- Entry 3: Defiance Bay- Part 2 By now Astrid had completed all the Defiance Bay side quests she intends to- with the exception of the Final Act. It was time to secure her place at the Duchal Palace. The easiest and best route for her is the Doemenel path. We entered the quest by killing the goons. This was a standard summons/Touch of Rot based kill. The only real drama here was the size of the Finishing Blow. She got a pretty good one. The Wenfeld assassination went well. Wenfeld uses Shinning Beacon so it's a good idea to maintain distance. We started off with a Forgiveness Crippling Strike. We followed with shades. Wenfeld went with Barbs of Condemnation, which triggered our new item, Shod in Faith. All we had to do then was dump our spells on him while he dumped his spells on the shades. Solid Finishing Blow Best, A.
    1 point
  39. Astrid, Pale Elf Rogue (Solo)- Entry 3: Defiance Bay- Part 1 Defiance Bay is great. It's a super easy place to accumulate experience. It's fetch quests and cakewalks galore. First we did all the fetch quests then we did the rest, starting with Helig. We began with beetles and a salvo from Forgiveness. And that was all it took. After that we just had to stab some dead people in the kidneys. (Oh. I almost forgot: we got to Helig by steathing and we reached the Temple of Woedica through stealth, too. But you probably guessed that, right? We got our hood from the practice guy. Scored a rugged wilderness cap from the catacombs altar and something useless from the other.) By now we had enough coppers to buy a very important item: the Rotfinger Gloves. These things are stupid- seriously overpowered when you find them. They let you cast Touch of Rot three times per rest and Touch of Rot three times per rest basically wins all the kith fights in Defiance Bay. Here's an example: Supply and Demand. First, we dropped our beetles. Next, Combusting Wounds via Ring of Searing Flames followed by Touch of Rot, via the Rotfinger Gloves. Not much left to do other than accelerate the thugs' demise with a Jolting Touch. Astrid uses melee mostly for the procs. In my head I'm singing "I Wanna Proc" because I'm team dork for life and the 80's were hilarious. All Hands on Deck was basically the same. If you're wondering what Astrid's been doing with her coin these days, the answer is not much, although somehow she's broke most the time anyways (Sound familiar anybody? I mean in real life...). She buys lots of crafting bits because she likes to keep a spread of single use items available at all times. She prefers Fan of Flames scrolls, Jolting Touch scrolls, potions of Infuse With Vital Essence, potions of Deleterious Alacrity of Motion and potions of Merciless Gaze ( mostly because the animation looks cool). She's been upgrading her items, too. I'll give you a rundown in the next post. It was time for some new armor, so we got the Crucible Knights their stolen-soul, mechanical-monster death squadron. Standard start here: Beatles->Combusting Wounds->Touch of Rot We took some early damage from Barbs of Condemnation. That was quickly healed with Second Wind, acquired via resting bonus. We finished up the fight by shooting this guy in the face. The Parable of Wael was a familiar tale. We started over on the right side so the casters and ranged fighters would see the beetles first, targeting them instead of Astrid. And done. Astrid's physical weapon strikes are almost always Azureith Jolting Touch crits or Forgiveness Finish Blows. The logic being that if it's just a regular strike, she can get more done with a scroll or an item charge. Why poke someone with a needle when you can burn them to a crisp? By now Astrid was at level 6. And that means new friends. I'm talking shades. We put a pip in mechanics to bring us to 4 and selected Deep Pockets as our talent. We then took a snoozy-woozy in the Fletcher's Stay room of the Goose and Fox for the mechanics bonus. Base 4 + Fletcher's Stay + Gloves of Manipulation yields 7, which means we can open that chest over at the Valian Embassy, granting us the Obsidian Lamp. Here's the new inventory. It's shaping up. We need Shod in Faith and the Ring of Wonder, but we're pretty much where we intend to be from here to Twin Elms. The shades made their first showing at Purnisc's place. We had fun here. Forced to trigger the encounter in a disadvantageous position, Astrid opened with Shadowing Beyond. She headed south, and the shades joined the party. With the shades in place, we had no trouble dropping the rot. Nyrid was ended with an 80hp shot from Forgiveness and we moved on. We had to kill a couple of straggler mercenaries before heading upstairs. These were fun and roguey. The first guy took two swings. We opened with a crit our of stealth from Azureith's, triggering Jolting Touch. We followed with a Finishing Blow. Same start for mercenary 2. These Jolting Touch strikes out of stealth almost feel like backstabs. With Jolting Touch spent, we switched to scrolls. All it took was a nudge after that. On the second floor we used stealth- which will work, even with the locked door, sans Shadowing Beyond. Ok. Let's stop there for now. In our next post we'll cover the Doemenel questline. After that, it's time to face Irenicus in Spellhold Thaos in the Sanitarium. Best, A.
    1 point
  40. I'm all about nitpicking, it's my superpower.
    1 point
  41. Grim Face (Hearth Orlan, Priest of Eothas) & Co - Part 3 Intro Part 1 Part 2 Anslog's Compass, Xaurip's Camp. We took a position in a bottle neck north-west of camp and applied food buffs, Eder lured Xaurips and we noticed that Xaurip Priest prepared Divine Terror so Grim Face cast Prayer Against Fear followed with Inspiring Radiance+Interdiction, Aloth cast Chill Fog+Combusting Wounds, Durance applied Consecrated Ground+Aspirant's Mark and Eder set Xaurip Skirmisher prone. Our 'Rangers' focused Xaurip Priest and after some Arcane Assault by Aloth only two Xaurip Champions remained, who fell in due course. Only Eder got some negligible damage and that's it. Ippon! Dank Spore Cave. Again Eder lured Sporelings to the Cave entrance. Those are charging Grim Face so after applying Inspiring Radiance+Interdiction me hide under Withdraw, Durance fired Consecrated Ground+Bless and we focused them one by one. Then Eder tanked Dank Spores wearing Hermit's Hat while others shoot from afar. The rest of foes pose no threat and it's safe from now on for Ranga and Ponamu Bird-Scorned to carry their business. On the way back to Gilded Vale we finished sanitizing Magran's Fork of Ludrana's party (again two Goldpack Palladins charged Grim Face so I had to Withdraw), three Wolf packs and some Boars. For the Crew of five level 4 characters it's quite a trivial work. Aloth learned some new spells from Ludrana's Grimoire (Ghost Blades, Fetid Caress, Necrotic Lance). Back in Gilded Vale we where honest with Aufra about Ranga'a mixture and now, after some rest at the Hound (and the Ale Astrid has left for us), we are ready to sanitize the local Temple of Eothas. to be continued...
    1 point
  42. Fantastic pain cave! A bunch of my riding buddies are on Zwift and seem to love it. The setup alone is pretty pricey, but relieving the monotony of the trainer is priceless. Also playing an MMO where grinding makes you stronger in the real world is fantastic. They've added treadmill support too. It will be interesting if they figure out how to implement the swim.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I really don't know what RPG you could've played lately that has better writing and world-building than POE. And don't say dos, lol, their writing and world-building is a joke. The game itself is elementary and casualized to the point anyone can play it and win.
    1 point
  45. I wrestled with this when I started the challenge. The options were to open a single thread in the PoE II forums or open two threads, one in the PoE forums first and then another in the PoE II forums later. I decided to start here, in the PoE forums, because I wanted our challenge to get off on the right foot, with a friendly, collegial and supportive atmosphere. We BG no reloaders take that for granted, but it is the exception, not the norm, in gaming forums. If we were to start small -with a high proportion of people familiar with the BG no reload challenge norms- I was confident that we'd successfully recreate the atmosphere that we've all come to love. It was less obvious to me that we'd succeed in that if the initial proportion of BG NR vets was lower. I'm happy with that decision. The atmosphere is great here- like the BG challenge- and we've managed to garner enough views to entertain people and attract new entrants. It has worked. We've done well. When we do open the PoE II thread, I'd like a group of us to make the transition to PoE II together. I'd like to have at least 3, preferably more, ready to start at the same time. We should strive to put on a good show, but also to establish a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Community norms are subtle but powerful modulators of behavior. We should strive to leverage that effect while also being mindful of how it could turn to against us. Precedent and numbers matter. Best, A.
    1 point
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