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  1. 2 points
  2. You did not think my megalomaniac building urges had suddenly gone away, right? Still working on my pyramid, 41x41 is a lot of space to fill The centre is a fountain (Mitra statue), and three elevators, each going to a "main" floor, which themselves are divided up in sub-floors as desirable, mostly with stairs. The battlements along the upper walls here are not accessible from the ground floor, need to take an elevator to the first floor (or second, for you strange people that number the ground floor as 1), and then down to the battlements. it's divided in 4 quadrants split by these long halways as above, two of these quadrants are basically still empty, the other two are the dungeons, and the crafting quarters. Dungeon: Cells with view on the wheels of pain... (gotta entertain the prisoners, right? ) Crafting quarters are still fairly barebones Attempt at sense of scale using the one quadrant that hasn't been worked on Top floor has windows, yay! Entrance as seen from the centre of the pyramid
    2 points
  3. Don't bits always come in multiples of 8?
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. I haven't really done any stealthing past enemies.. I just like to stealth into rooms to get a look at where enemies are and what I'll likely be up against. Then I usually set up my party out of the room sneak attack with the rogue and run back to party. … (and a lot of the time block the doorway with the fighters.) Of course this game now has pick pocket but I'll most likely be relying on another party member for that... If at all. I tend to largely forget about pickpocket in just about every game that has it unless I've played it so many times I already know what to pickpocket because of tips given through walkthroughs or forums. Oh also.. Which do you folks prefer playing on.. Real Time or Turn Based? Most likely I'll stick with Real Time for my first playthrough and try out Turn Based later. I also noticed there's a difference in base damage between the two modes which isn't at all stated in the description. Why is that? Edit: I definitely won't be taking Sap. don't have room for it anyway since I switched it out for driving flight.. (unless I lose the piece of paper I just wrote everything down on and totally forget it was discussed by the time I get to that point in the leveling process.)
    1 point
  6. 6/8 pin power connectors come with the PSU. If you're reselling the old PC whoever buys it should get the old PSU's 6/8/24 etc pin connectors as well (plus the use of another brand/ model's PSU connectors with a PSU may literally result in hardware destruction).
    1 point
  7. Yeah, I did some fiddling with it. Turns out the bright edges were screen sharpening. It didn't happen while moving, because the game had motion blur activated, so the sharpening effect obviously didn't look as bad then. I've set it to 0 and now it looks fine. I've also found out that my mainboard / CPU can't do 4k in 60hz on HDMI 2.0 - so the picture was automatically in HDMI 1.2. I've reduced the screen resolution down to 1080p. It works with HDMI 2.0 now and generally looks more fluid. However, there is still a problem with input lag - MGS5 runs pretty well and I hardly notice anything, but in Hollow Knight it's plain obvious. The game feels sluggish and slow, which sucks hard. Not sure if there is anything else I can do to improve this... It's weird, because on my old TV it was running fine and that one already supported 1080p ... so what exactly is causing the input lag now? The (fiber optics) HDMI cable is almost the same length as my old one... probably 2 meters longer, but I doubt 2 meters make or break the experience?!
    1 point
  8. items and abilities didn't get useless. for people who care about good game design, imbalanced/broken gameplay is as bad as non-critical bugs like buggy stacking. i think the bigger question is that they spent a lot of time implementing turn-based which, while interesting, really should've been staffed better, because it definitely increased the bugginess of the game. there are lots of stuff in 5.0 that were working just fine all the way from 1.0->4.0 but then broke as soon as the turn-based beta appeared and never really got fixed. before turn-based mode i would've considered deadfire a generally rock-solid experience, post-turn-based mode less-so.
    1 point
  9. enfeebled is only +50%, not doubling, fyi. still pretty good. whynotboth.gif
    1 point
  10. I really never had those issues. At least not with weapon users. It is normal that casters miss a lot of their spells in the early game on PotD if you are not buffing/debuffing meticulously. Especially if they target Fortitude which is usually the highest defense for beasts (which are quite common on the first island). I don't even use Empower at all in the early game except for refilling class resources. Do you make sure the enemy's flanked before you start to hit him? That's important since it costs nothing but has a big impact. It's -10 deflection (and -1 AR) which is a considerable deflection debuff that early in the game. Together with Disciplined Barrage or Blessing that's the equivalent of +15 ACC. Use a single handed accurate weapon (dagger, spear, rapier or club) for Edér's Knockdowns and he's at an equivalent of +32 ACC. With a non-accurate weapon it's still +27. 3 points of PER which would mean +3 ACC like in your examples don't matter that much. Not even in the early game where it would have the highest impact. There would be no huge difference. Later on - after some levels - there's hardly any difference from 3 points of PER. So that points may be better spend for otehr stuff like INT or DEX or RES or whatever fits the character. And after all that's what companions' stats should do: reflect the character. However - I would like a Companion or Sidekick with high PER right from the start as well but for other reasons: at the moment you need to have high PER yourself in order to find certain traps and secrets and that's a bit annoying. Once I start a playthrough with an unabservant character I kind of regret it because I have to manually search and disable traps on the ground (if I even remember that there are any). It must be even worse for new players who don't know about this.
    1 point
  11. Yes, but to be honest it's faster and more effective to use Forbidden Fist instead of Mortification otS. Only if your RES is stellar of course - but that should be the case anyway when you play a Forbidden Fist. Usually the curse lasts less than 2 secs with lots of RES and some other hostile-effect-duration debuff (from food and/or items). And you get 1 wound for it when it expires. Mortification has longer recovery than that, also damages you and also gives you 1 wound. Also Hylea's Talons will put a small DoT on you all the time. With high RES its very short, too, giving you another wound when it expires. And then Eduring Dance synergizes prettty well with a high defense Monk who has CC capabilites. Because of all that I hardly used Mortification otS after some levels. In the early game it's golden though. But after some levels I think I would retrain.
    1 point
  12. @Elric Galad https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/110192-class-build-last-surprise-black-jacketstreetfighter/?tab=comments#comment-2168437
    1 point
  13. And people still prefer Devoted to Black Jacket tss tss...
    1 point
  14. First it basically is like a Withdraw or Beetle Shell. Only that you'll be out of the game shorter (6 base) and afterwards you will be invisible (10 base). Both durations scale with INT. Smart rogues will be knocked out longer than dumb ones. Or in other words: it's like getting knocked out, then revived and then becoming invisible.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Astrid, Pale Elf Rogue (Solo) - Entry 2 Let's continue, shall we? Astrid is currently at the Goose and Fox- resting and relaxing after a fetch questing binge in Defiance Bay. This post will cover the Temple of Eothas and Caed Nua. Both quests were uneventful- uneventful by design, that is. Astrid fought Maerwald, his blights and no one else. The rest was handled with stealth. To the action (or lack there of...) For a stealth maxed drifter wearing boots of stealth, stealthing through the Temple of Eothas is a breeze. There are, however, a few tricky moves, which I'll cover here. The spider group encountered en route to the bells can be passed to the north. Click carefully, keep moving, and its all good. The shades downstairs are no problem at all. They're slow, their detection radii aren't great, and the hallways they inhabit are large. The ooze room is harder. It's difficult to see an opening at first, but you can pass the top ooze to the north. Then you can go in between the final two. The tricky part appears when, like Missy Elliot, you flip it and reverse it. If you carefully compare the screenshot below to the screenshot above, you'll see that the eastern ooze has moved slightly: it's closer to the western one now. So, on the way back we go over the top. Upstairs, on the return, we went straight through the middle. That worked fine. Completing Buried Secrets brought Astrid to L4. We took Shadowing Beyond, on rank in lore and another in stealth. We forged some Fan of Flame scrolls, some Bulwarks and then headed to Caed Nua. The main hall can be stealthed even without Shadowing Beyond. Just hug the north wall and make your way to the door. In my head I'm singing Walk On By by Dionne Warwick because I'm still a dork but my musical taste is getting better. The fight with Maerwald went smoothly. We gulped our Bulwark and evaded some spells. Nexted, we duped Maerwald into killing his wind blights and injuring his flame blight, later finished in melee. Maerwald was killed with Fan of Flames->Melee finish. Melee alone would have worked but staying ranged facilitates spell evasion, just like in BG. The melee finish was for style points. And that's that: We're off to Defiance Bay! Best, A.
    1 point
  17. I noticed no difference to Helwalker or Nalpasca monks in that regard.
    1 point
  18. You. Where have you been my entire life?
    1 point
  19. Or alternatively, have you tried playing Majesty instead?
    1 point
  20. Thanks for explaining the joke, Sharpie.
    1 point
  21. Thank you so much. Now I can finally play. Haven't played NWN2 in over a decade.
    1 point
  22. I just now noticed this Amazon customer product question + replies. Which for some reason made me chuckle. Love the internet.
    1 point
  23. This headline is just priceless: https://genesiustimes.com/democrats-sue-iran-over-right-to-use-death-to-america-as-2020-campaign-slogan/
    1 point
  24. Now I understand Warhammer 40k more...
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I can't remember if this has been posted here or not. Just in case...
    1 point
  27. I just finished my first play through. Awesome experience, by the way! I wanted to comment on the unresolved plot line of what happened to the Earth. I read online various theories, that generally agreed that the lack of replies from Earth, the missing frigate, and the decreasing frequency of interstellar freighters meant that Earth was destroyed somehow. I’m thinking that these theories seem a bit deus ex machina and not quite in keeping with the focus of the plotting on the corporate misrule of Halcyon, as opposed to some sort of mysterious off screen apocalypse. It seems that applying Occam’s Razor to the problem of Earth may work best: whatever government or colonial authority now rules on Earth simply cut off Halcyon, writing off the colony, seized the missing frigate and wrote off their investment and all the people there. The gradual reduction in shipping reported on the Groundbreaker could simply reflect the diminishing value of trade and quality of goods the colony was producing. After all, what self respecting merchant wants to spend years traveling to a failing colony to sell stuff to broke people who only have toxic fake Saltuna to give in trade? Earth would’ve figured out by the time of the game that the HHC Chairman had deposed and detained or killed its legate and was sending fake news and fraudulent reports back in his name. Returning traders and maybe spies would’ve reported the horrific and failing conditions in Halcyon. They probably even figured out that the colony would soon starve, and they may even have deduced the HHC’s genocidal master plan. The “missing” frigate could’ve arrived safely on Earth, made irrational demands in HHC’s name and just gotten themselves arrested and charged with crimes against humanity, for supporting the HHC regime. The cost of sending an invasion force to attempt to retake a failing colony ruled by a madman, and enough aid to make a difference, would likely be politically prohibitive, especially given the “loss” of hundreds of thousands with the disappearance of the Hope, a couple generations earlier, so writing off the colony might be the most politically expedient thing to do. There was a bit on one of Groundbreaker side missions about communications from Earth being encrypted, before they just ceased several months before the game begins, which appears to support such a political, instead of an apocalyptic, theory. Also, word of an apocalypse on Earth would’ve reached other, better off, colonies that are hinted at, and interstellar shipping and communications from those other colonies would’ve related that news or even rumors to Groundbreaker. The idea that Earth wasn’t destroyed, but just so disgusted and indifferent toward its “lost” colony of Halcyon that it decided to abandon it within bothering to tell them, just ghosting them, would fit best with the world building bleakness of the Halcyon setting, I think. So, yea, I’m guessing that Earth wasn’t destroyed. It just doesn’t care.
    1 point
  28. Takehu is actually my favourite companion. I like his personality, and how he's kind of the main character of his story not just there for for your benefit.
    1 point
  29. My wife is like: "how much longer is this going to take? make it stop!"
    1 point
  30. I actually kinda agree with a lot of your table. The one thing that stood out in particular is soundtrack (combat music). The PoE1 combat music is a running joke in my household because it had such a repetitive and unpleasant theme (coupled with my long playtime) that my wife will just periodically go "dun dun... dun... da-da-da-dun..." to sing out the beats of Combat C. Deadfire on the other hand, is perfectly fine (and personally I really enjoy the mostly-drums battle music).
    1 point
  31. I need to end my own posts this way. Maybe I'll just borrow from The Mandalorian. I have spoken.
    1 point
  32. Last Surprise Difficulty: PotD v. 5.0 Solo: no, it can take down few targets solo really fast and soften other, but then needs to regroup with team and hide behind tank Class: Black Jacket/Streetfighter Race: wood elf (resistance to hobbled) or human (benefit when bloodied) Background: Old Vailia or The Living Lands - Dissident (might and intelligence increase DoT, stealth helps backstabbing) Stats: max might, int, per to maximize DoT and to have some accuracy while distracted, dump con, res, rest points into dex Equipment: Head: Mask of the Grotto Deep (2int, more dmg with backstab) or Heaven's Cacophony (2int, Avenging Storm for hand mortar+clear out) Back: Ajamuut's Stalking Cloak Neck: Charm of Bones Armor: Devil of Caroc Breastplate - mostly for additional resources Waist: Upright Captain's Belt Hands: Gauntlets of Discipline (1 more Clear Out) or Woedica's Strangling Grasp (might for DoTs) Rings: Chameleon's Touch and Ring of the Marksman Boots: Slippers of the Assassin - invisibility on first kill enables to finish another foe almost instantly with bottoms up or run through Pet: Abraham (and nalvi on eder if possible) Weapon set 1: Modwyr and Kitchen Stove - Modwyr ability is great when used from stealth/invisibility, 25%crush and 25%shock lash works great with deathblows. Kitchen Stove gives Thunderous Report - massive damage from stealth and also dazes enemies for long time Weapon set 2: Ball and Chain + Fire in the Hole - flail modal reduces reflex by 25, use with Clear Out. Fire in the Hole lets to use Gouging and Toxic Strike in AoE, also distracts and turns streetfighter passive on. Note that Blunderbuss targets reflex (that is reduced by flail) instead of deflection. Weapon set 3: Saru-Sichr - modal reduces fortitude, another DoT on hit. Use with Clear Out Weapon set 4: Whispers of the Endless Paths/Street Sweeper/Oathbreaker's End/Fire in the Hole with bashing shield in off hand - mostly for damaging group of DoT survivors. Fire in the Hole highly benefit from Heaven's Cacophony and WotEP have Run Through - the best ability to use from invisibility Food - Mohora Wraps Drug - Coral Snuff Usables - Sparkcrackers, Implosion Charge (grouping enemies), Blister bomb, Frost Bomb, Luminous Adra Potion, healing potion Abilities: Arms Bearer Tactical Barrage - int for better AoE and DoTs Two Handed and Two Weapon Style Conquerer Stance - accuracy Charge - mobility and stunning Quick Switch Weapon Mastery Armored Grace Clear Out - applying weapon modal debuffs, pushing back enemies, damaging whole groups at once. With devil breastplate and gauntlets of discipline one can use it 6 times Escape - mobility Backstab - additional dmg of stealth attacks Gouging Strike - AoE blind and DoT with fire in the hole, blind also reduces reflex, and it's easier to land hit with blunderbusses Toxic Strike - strong AoE DoT, Weakens targets Devastating Blow - finishing wounded targets Deep Wounds Deathblows Ring the Bell or Break the Bell - AoE dazing with WotEP or another DoT Deep Pockets It's not the strongest build but very funny to play. Switching all of those weapons and using them so fast feels like THIS . Gather foes with sparkcrackers, throw implosion charge and immediately shoot gouging strike(fire in the hole), then tactical barrage to get acute, shoot toxic strike. If someone gets close to you push him with clear out (flail or morningstar) and turn invisible. Use thunderous report (targets reflex) from invisibility to daze and harm badly foes caught by implosion charge, some should be alredy dead, activating invisibility from boots. Then run though or bottom's up for massive damage and end foe with devastating blow. All of this takes no more than 15 sec. Back off with charge, stunning enemies in path, and regroup with tank, maybe replenish resources with empower and repeat. In optimistic scenario mobs in AoE should be blinded, weakened, dazed (or stunned), proned with reduced reflex and fortitude, and influenced by many DoTs. Beware ranged enemies (let teammates take them down quickly) and strongly diffused groups (engage separate mobs with tank).
    1 point
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