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  1. Maybe Rand is the whistleblower and the real treasure is the friends we made along the way.
    3 points
  2. I have been enjoying the game a lot but i hit a soft lock on one of the main quests. The quest is called "Radio Free Monarch", the step i'm on is "Speak with Nyoka at Stellar Bay". The issue that I'm having is that I talked to her and went through her dialogue and she told me to get her some Caffenoid. So I got all the way through the dialogue and i told her i'd get it for her but the quest step didn't change and even figuring out where the caffenoid was and stealing it didn't progress the quest either. I also only have one option now when i speak with her. "Actually - nevermind. I'll catch you later. (Leave Conversation) Is there any way someone could help me out or possibly fix this issue. I am enjoying this game so much and would hate for people to not like it because of a game breaking bug like this. Thanks in advance. Edit 1: I think i figured out the problem. When you go through Nyokas dialogue, at the end you get two options. One is to agree with her request and get the Caffenoid. The other is to say that you'll consider it. Both options make you leave the conversation immediately after choosing the option. If you choose the second option where you say you'll consider it, the quest doesn't progress obviously because you didn't agree to help her. But when you try to talk with her again there is no dialogue option to say that you've changed you're mind and have decided to help her. So in order to fix this they would just need to add an option that lets you agree to help her after you choose the "I'll consider it" option the first time you talk to her. So if anyone from the dev team sees this please fix this. Thanks in advance, again.
    2 points
  3. Yesterday I made the Boarstloaf with Spectrum Potatoes, the image on the Frozen Dinner Box, and the #2 Choice of Frozen Dinners in the game. It was well received in a Facebook group, so I thought I'd share it here as well. I have the Recipe on Deviant Art, if you want it go there and use the search term 'Boarstloaf', dA also has the higher Resolution Photo.
    2 points
  4. I don't think that's the reason. RPG having full character VO is a black flag for some. Obsidian has reputation for creating RPGs which allow you to craft your character and roleplay, providing plenty of reactivity. To create a main protagonis with VO you have to approach it differently. You have to write a defined character with personality, opinions, traits, history with some wiggle room for player choice. Shepard, Geralt, and I assume dude/dudess from Fallout4 are all pre-made defined characters. That goes against what is usually a strength of Obsidian RPG. Compare difference in how Thorton from Alpha Protocl is portrait, and compare it to KOTOR2, fallout new vegas, pillars1&2 or tyrany. Giving VO to your character simply takes away a big chunk of character creation freedom from players. And that is what many die hard Obsidian fans (like myslef) like. There are reasons why I have no interest in F4, and it not even pretending to be an RPG is one of the big ones. OW was still written in a traditional Obsidian way, allowing you to project what you want on your character. I think OW might be limited enough that it could work with a voiced protagonist. Yes, it would be more expensive, but more importantly from creative standpoint, the character would need to be written and presented differently. Having someone read the written lines wouldnt be enough, as it's to fluid and undefined to be a pre-recorded character.
    2 points
  5. Same here. And, in fact, I only beat BG (just the once) simply to see what it was like to have a character go through the whole saga. I must say it was an unnecessary chore: BG is pretty much rubbish, as a game, if you ask me. It's just aimless walking on mostly empty maps with very little to recommend it.
    2 points
  6. "The End of the Beginning" is the completion/final quest achievement. 18.8% side note: Though the number for level 20 is coincidentally very similar, they are likely very different populations and not a good minimum bound. Back in 1.0, it was eminently possible to beat the game at level 12 or so (I did it at level 14) even on PotD. edit - frankly, before the DLCs came out it was actually kind of a slog to gather enough XP to get to level 20.
    2 points
  7. I've got to assume some people just skip through the dialogue and terminals to read, because nothing about this game seems short to me. There is a ton to do and explore.
    2 points
  8. If you explore and do the side quests companion quests and group standing quests its defo not short. Im on over 40 hours and im still not done.
    2 points
  9. So I started got around to it, kickstarter backed and stuff. How long ago did I finish PoE1, don't even remember. I thought I remembered the playthrough or major plot points, not so. Don't have the old saves either, don't even have the computer. 1st try. So go right it, play ghost thingy until the table. Then presented with "choose how the first game was" and choices like: 1. bad bad bad. 2. engmdmnmythh opiate. 3. light dime thiin. 4. something. And I have no idea what these would entail. The choices are totally useless. Luckily there's a tooltip or something saying I can also make my own choices from the "options menu". ... and there's no way I can see how to back out and go to options menu. Why can't I just click something and start giving the choices? They clearly thought somebody might need that, hence the tip, but no way to back out. Task Manager - End Task. 2nd try. Yay! Let's start giving the input. ... aaand the choices are given with super brief questions, clearly assuming I stopped playing PoE1 about fifteen minutes ago, or replayed it a billion times and it was the most meaningful and important story of my life. Like: In eargherytrhirion: 1. Maggrrtshine lived 2. Maggrrtshine died. 3, Maggrrtshine became thglkl. And... was that the annoying priest that Avellone wrote? Or was he a shaman.. or druid? Or was that someone from the DLC? Give me pictures, give me background, I can't remember these fantasy names after years pause. I remember what happended to Eder and kind of remember what went with Aloth, and that feathery paladin, but hell if I remember the village names or the companions names. I need to find some kind of plot summary or something. So now can I back up, go back to menu? No. Task Manager - End Task. Not the best start, but I'll be back.
    1 point
  10. [Story spoilers] I’m on Tartarus and about to walk into a room with Chairman Rockwell standing in it with cameras around him, but every time I try to walk through the doorway, the game crashes. I assume there’s supposed to be a cut scene? Will try changing my loadout or seeing if I can Aggro the room before entering, but so far it’s crashed 4 times in a row and it’s getting annoying. Update: Firing into the room causes the shroud to fail and a fight to ensue, but at least with no crash, though I would rather not kill Rockwell (at least yet) Update 2: Tried Changing guns and running around to bring down my shroud, then walk through, but the game crashes all the same. Guess my only way to continue is to put ol’ Rocky down...
    1 point
  11. The size of the font in the UI is extremely small and renders the game unplayable on PS4. After 2 hours of squinting and frustration, I had to give up playing and am now hoping for a patch that allows an increase to the text size. Does Obsidian have any plans to address this issue or will it stay this way? The game looks amazing and I'm a huge fan of Obsidian, really hoping I get to enjoy this game soon. Any information you can provide on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
    1 point
  12. You just answered your own question!
    1 point
  13. There are some minor differences (I wish there was a comprehensive collection somewhere of reactivity). In terms of companions, the big changes are whether or not you got them killed or sacrficied them (to the blood pool or otherwise) because that could either completely remove a possible Deadfire companion for the picture, or determine the existence of the Devil of Caroc Breastplate in a store. There are smaller changes based on how you ended things with certain companions (Eder, Aloth, and Pallegina have slightly different starting equipment based on PoE1 decisions). I think Benevolent Soul assumes you got the "happiest" ending with all companions - I think the descriptions might explicitly explain how you handled certain companions (like convincing Durance the truth).
    1 point
  14. I think so. I am on antibiotics and something called Omeprazole for a bit.
    1 point
  15. It does feel like it's the clunkiest and most poorly aged game of the lot, but it's not entirely without its charm either. I quite enjoy Noah Gervais' take on the game, and also think that's one of the very rare few games that also allow you to play just "some dude" who isn't some demigod by the end of the campaign. Some might feel the game seems less epic or more limited as a consequence but there is a very particular feel surrounding those early levels and adventures of the sort that are notably different to that of many other RPGs centering more around Chosen Ones and the likes (and yes, I know the protagonist is ultimately the Bhaalspawn, but it's not really a thing that comes into play until the very end of the game, and mostly sets you apart in the sequel instead).
    1 point
  16. But going through walkthroughs is so much against my ethos of playing these games in the first place. You do have a point, however, which in turn shows that there's something wrong with the way the game was made: much of the wilderness really feels meaningless if you don't know what to do. Also, the story in the game is all over the place, in my view. But boy was BG2 good! Probably still is, as a matter of fact.
    1 point
  17. "Governing by tantrum has resulted in President Trump holding his breath until Kentucky turned Blue..."
    1 point
  18. I'm sorry for the quest issue you have run into. We have our development team looking into it and hope to have a fix for it shortly. In the meantime, to expedite your request, you can send an e-mail to our publisher, Private Division at support@privatedivision.com. This will get your issue into their queue and allow us to prioritize requests to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. We apologize again and thank you for your patience while we work to resolve the issue.
    1 point
  19. oh yeah, i've done that with Mass Effect (jumped in on 3) and Dragon Age (jumped in on Inquisition). For me, the series had name recognition from their early games, so I was intrigued to play, but not intrigued enough to go back to the older games. So completion rate of earlier games was irrelevant, at least directly, and it also speaks to why OBS might have expected Deadfire to do even better than PoE1 (which is kind of a latent assumption based on their early Fig share projections).
    1 point
  20. Aside from people not finishing games, lots of people play later instalments of games first. I've done it multiple times myself with Witcher, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls and DOS. It's often easier to get into older games if you've played a newer one before and are invested in the lore.
    1 point
  21. Right and all the 0/10s are completely legit. Metacritic is hot garbage. It's people who dont like the game giving 0s and people who like it giving it 10s. I mean... The Xbox and PS4 are still around 84... So does that mean that console versions of the game are good and PC version is bad? A 0/10 should be a completely broken game. Not just "it's too short 0/10".
    1 point
  22. This has been discussed elsewhere, but context is needed: very few players actually finish any game. 13% is actually probably pretty decent given how big the crit path in PoE1 is. (@Slotharinga also provides context from PK) This is why Beraths Blessing exists the way it does because OBS didn't want to gate new game+ behind finishing the game, which very few people actually do.
    1 point
  23. Only ~13% of the players even finished PoE. So that probably hurt Deadfire wrt returning players / buyers.
    1 point
  24. Yes I have the same problem. Its unfair since by choosing either the cartridges or the medicine you end-up helping the iconoclasts. The way I saw it : Get cartridges fast to help them and save lives or get medicine from my point of view for a FIRST QUEST and without knowing both Zora and Graham and their story its simply unfair to have the best game ending based on one single decision. When Zora asked me to save her soldiers before the printer I didnt hesitate it was the first choice I had that made sense to get on her good will. Also you dont get to know Zora nor Graham until its a little too late to make a good choice, I got the chance to ask him about the massacrer AFTER getting the gunship targeting module he said : *oh well I dont really want to talk about it* And Zora wont give me the quest *sucker bait* that would give me the answers to what happened thus helping me make a good choice by giving or not the module to Graham. For me Zora should give the sucker bait quest no matter what so you get a chance to really prove her that she can trust you.
    1 point
  25. You mean Fallout2. Completionist Fallout1 run is actually quite short. Oddly enough I replayed BGs not so long ago, and they are far shorter then I remember. I could swear they were 100 hour long games and BG1 was longer then BG2. BG1 took 43 hours, BG2 took 56:30h. Not topdown Bioware RPGs tended to be around 20-30h as well. What consistantly confuses me are people who complain the game is too short, but didn't play all of it. It's not like what's left is collecting 100 feathers. If you liked it, play more of it. Obsidian was very transparent with what the game was and how long it is. It could be longer sure. It would also need to redesign systems to support a longer game time. Hopefully that will be the sequel. Though I would take a deepr 40h long OW, rather then same depth 80h Outer Worlds.
    1 point
  26. Can't you play the game anyway? Maybe pretend your character had an amnesia and roleplay accordingly Just a thought.
    1 point
  27. First, let me say how much i was eagerly anticipating Outer Worlds As one of the estimated 33% of the people who get Simulator Sickness (to varying degrees) from the first person perspective in games and simulations, i was hoping for a 3rd person perspective like previous games, so i am curious if there is a chance that there is a plan to implement this as an addition/update in the future? Second, in order to try and reduce the "motion sickness" effects, is there a way to turn off the head bob? I looked under the setup and did not see anything in the limited setup items you could modify.... but it is very possible that i am just overlooking it. Thanks for any tips or any other help you can give me, i am trying to adjust framerate/motion blurr/head bob in order to be able to play Outer Worlds, which does look great!! ... if i can just play it...
    1 point
  28. Mikey Dowling took a moment to answer some questions in the official Obsidian Discord. Here's a lightly-edited summary for those who aren't chatting with us online:
    1 point
  29. And whatever that gap is, one still has to remember that PC sales are just one piece in the profitability of a multi-platform game. Big money is still coming in via Xbox, PS4 (and Switch, eventually). It likely doesn't take a colossal Epic Game Store incentive to make the game a financial success. If we had the raw numbers to analyze, I would not be too surprised if the effect of all this EGS drama was a quantifiably small piece of the overall sales pie chart.
    1 point
  30. frankly metacritic is a terrible place to judge based on user reviews average as people miss score things like the one below
    1 point
  31. Same here. I've so far clocked 47 hours into the game, up to roughly the same spot as you.
    1 point
  32. I share your theory. You know that "Cat proximity" thing of XKCD? Like, the closer a human gets to a cat the stupider things they say? There has to be this "Baldur's Gate 2 proximity" that works on grogs, where the more the game apes BG2, the bigger the chance of blind day 0 purchase and flowery praises regardless of poor writing, obtuse system that offers bupkis help to newbies, designed-by-axe UI, having more bugs than a garbage truck stop in a tropical forest and being impossible to bloody finish for months after release, and I'm saying this as someone as who liked P:K quite a bit. Personally I blame Tolkien. Dude made his elves-dwarves-Brits-and-tea fantasyland so alive nobody ever dares to stray away from it, neither creators nor consumers.
    1 point
  33. I still blame it on the setting (mostly) - although I personally like it. But a lot of RPGamers are a bit conservative when it comes to settings. No idea if that's really the reason though. To me it also felt like Deadfire's marketing was nearly non-existent.
    1 point
  34. Heh, I got 3D Scanned while wearing my costume at ComicCon... So now I'll be getting the stl files of myself.. So I can 3Dprint off accurate models of me in that outfit...
    1 point
  35. I try to enter a room during the final quest (Labyrinth), it looks like a ?Theater? viewing type room (I would give you a better description but I can't set foot into it). The minute I walk in my Xbox locks up, stutters for about 5 seconds and I get kicked all the way out of the game. All the way. Platform: Xbox One Area: Labyrinth, Tartarus, The Pit (I believe) Room: Viewing Room? Issue: Xbox locks up, stutters for about 5 seconds and then kicks you out of the game completely. Occurrence: Every time. Result: I can't play the game. I can't go forward in the main story. The game is dead.
    1 point
  36. Just finished the game at a slow pace, clocking in at 50 hours. I was definitely happy with the length of the game - no sense in padding an RPG with an exhaustingly unnecessary length. It also demands at least one replay, if not more.
    1 point
  37. Are we playing the same game? The same ultra basic RPG mechanics and details game?......
    1 point
  38. I did everything but one quest and it took me 35 hours, which is a good time for an rpg. In fact, a decade ago 35 hours was around the industry standard for rpg run times.
    1 point
  39. Really difficult for me to believe there is no fix. The "switch" that begins the quest to get the Caffeinoid, which is supposed to be triggered by dialogue with Nyoka, simply isn't firing if you choose certain responses; this should be super easy to locate and fix. I'm not familiar with the Unreal Engine but generally speaking these kinds of scripts are very straightforward. OP gave nice description of where it went wrong. It should even be pretty easy to fix it so that someone who has passed that point can go back and get Nyoka to join. Now, considering Obsidian is apparently facing an array of technical issues of varying urgency, when it gets fixed is another matter. Personally, I'm just moving on without Nyoka. Hopefully that won't break anything else down the line!
    1 point
  40. Thanks for that. Also a minor update; I went ahead and talked to the C3 on Devil's Peak, which does advance the quest. Back with Nyoka, the conversation does change to give you the option to say " I could use a hunter...", but then she mentions needing the Caffeinoid (which I already have), and there is no option to give it to her.
    1 point
  41. Thanks for the suggestion. Users have time-based editing restrictions so it's up to us to do this kind of thing.
    1 point
  42. Same problem here. I read somewhere else that you can still progress the main quest by going straight to the next location without Nyoka, but Nyoka is also a companion and I'd really prefer to not miss her completely. Unfortunately I'd have to lose over 7 hours of progress to go back far enough to do it over. BLAARGH. P.S.: you should edit the title of this thread to be more descriptive of the specific problem. Devs could easily miss this thread or not realize that's it's about a very specific issue that they could (probably) easily fix. I almost re-posted just to make a new title.
    1 point
  43. I got the very same issue and as long as I got some side quests it's not a problem but I'm really hoping I won't have to start it all over again as I'm like 10h+ already ...
    1 point
  44. High charisma gunslinger. Essentially the Han Solo archetype.
    1 point
  45. In Obsidian games and similar RPGs, I usually play as high INT, high CHA smooth talkers who use small guns/sniper rifles. (or daggers/bows) So naturally in the Outer Worlds I'll be playing against type, and my first character will be a low INT, high STR melee character who kills everyone he is annoyed by. I'm gonna see if I can turn him into a dumb brute juggernaut that smashes his way through every problem with a two handed hammer.
    1 point
  46. Is it just me or is the NFL particularly hard to watch this year? Never mind my team being crappy, I had to suffer through like 10 8-8 seasons in a row at one point, but I was always able to find other exciting stuff to watch as soon as it became obvious that muh Boys were doing Jack and **** that season. But this season, I just can't find anything compelling. There have been a few fun games here and there and Lamar Jackson Mania was fun for a hot second, but overall I'm finding this season excruciatingly dull. I can't even get that excited to watch Patrick Mahomes. Maybe it's just me?
    1 point
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