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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/19 in all areas

  1. Hi, I bought the game through the Microsoft store's gamepass. But when I boot it up I get to the 'press any key' screen, pressing a key just makes the text vanish and nothing happens after that. Any help?
    4 points
  2. Damn you Obsidian, this is the last straw!
    4 points
  3. This issue has been passed along to Obsidian.
    3 points
  4. Hey everyone, Thank you for reporting these widescreen issues to us. I put a report together with the information you've provided so far for the Programming team to look into. If you discover anything else about the widescreen issues, please let me know in this thread so I can add that information to the report. Thank you, and sorry for the widescreen issues you are having.
    3 points
  5. I'm opening from Epic Games launcher. I tried launching in -windowed launch option and it does the same thing. Installed new drivers and it didn't do anything. I can load in Unreal Tournament so its not the Epic store itself.
    2 points
  6. I found the issue. It has nothing to do with the door but the pathing system on the compass. I redid the section without killing Reed and the pathing system brought me to a different section where I got the power regulator.
    2 points
  7. I don't have hate for it. Just everything I (still) read says versions on their store are not as flexible in certain ways that would possibly hamper my style. eg, they're treated more as "apps". Also from what I've read, it's much less true than a few years ago but I'm still waiting. I don't like MS software tendencies at all, in general, these days to begin with. I don't even want their office software. *shrug* Edit - I uninstalled/force uninstalled most of the Windows bloat and any app-like services when I installed Win10 but I did leave Store there just in case one day.
    2 points
  8. Frankly I just want to be able to remap controller buttons on PC. M&K get to remap.
    2 points
  9. Hey everyone, Thank you for reporting these stuttering and tearing issues. I submitted a report to the team so they can investigate the issue and try to get a fix in. If you happen to notice any changes, good or bad, please continue to post about it here as I linked this thread to the report as a reference for the devs during their investigation. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience the stutters and tears are causing during your playthrough.
    2 points
  10. Funny and wholesome. You're a great guy @Mikey Dowling
    2 points
  11. True with the boots - but if you auto-pause on "enemy spotted" (I believe) you'll be able to restealth right in front of the enemy. Which is even better in my opinion. I was able to pull this off all the time with my last solo Assassin/Bleak Walker. A DoT like Arterial Strike (very fast ticks) does prevent combat end while it doesn't make you visible. By the way: as an Assassin wouldn't you want to use Gambit after Vanishing Strikes instead of auto-attacks?
    2 points
  12. Bethesda is not involved in The Outer Worlds.
    2 points
  13. I'm currently playing on PC (Windows 10) and I am unable to save my game. I am not on Supernova difficulty (I'm playing on Normal) and the Save Game option is just grayed out. There's also no response when trying to use the Quicksave button. I got up to the part where you get your first companion and was not able to save all the way up to this point. The game also did not auto save in any fashion, so when I had to quit the game and come back later, all of my progress was gone and the Load Game option on the main menu was grayed out as well. I started a new game and I am still unable to save. Edit: This was solved for me and multiple others through multiple methods, please check the replies if you're experiencing this issue.
    1 point
  14. Does anyone else think the text is just really small? I really hope Obsidian add an option or slider to change the text size for both console and PC.
    1 point
  15. No matter what I limit my frame rate to, the game has serious screen tearing. Nvidia's Fast Sync doesn't seem to work with the game. DX12? Is there any .ini edit to enable Triple Buffering? Barring those, my normal solution would be to switch to Windowed Fullscreen and allow Windows DWM to do a triple buffering pass itself. It does work here to eliminate tearing, but The Outer Worlds stutters like crazy in Windowed Fullscreen. Is the only solution to play Fullscreen with Vsync on? It causes a lot of input lag even with nvidia's low latency option set to Ultra. Specs: RTX 2080 i7-9700k Edit: Also, just a suggestion, you should allow higher than 100% with the render scaling option for people who would like to upscale. The game doesn't respond well to DSR or .ini edits from what I've seen. DSR completely breaks the UI and r.ScreenPercentage= does upscale but causes some weirdness. Edit 2: To clarify, adding r.ScreenPercentage=X to engine.ini does upscale the game, but causes serious problems in dialogues with textures vanishing on the right side and bottom of the screen -- some sort of overlay/filter seems to still be rendering at your native resolution. I don't really know what to make of it, and don't want to start a second topic, so I'll just ask here if anyone knows how to upscale this game?
    1 point
  16. After selecting a dialogue option and seeing the dialogue UI contract, the position of the subtitles adjusts itself twice before reaching the intended position (which is a bit distracting). This happens all the time.
    1 point
  17. Got the download code. No link to where to download. I go to Obsidian Outer Worlds site, go to My Account and I see Redeem code. I put code in and nothing happens?
    1 point
  18. As the title says, this is a visual bug that keeps changing all terrain textures a short distance in front of me. Here are 2 videos showing this happening https://streamable.com/yayo9 https://streamable.com/ai4dv Here is also a picture that shows how annoying it can be. It may look like 2 hills with 2 different colors (grey in the back and brown at the front) but it's actually 1 hill that changes color half way through because of this bug. https://imgur.com/a/DHlZ3Oj I've tried changing all menu settings but nothing works. Someone on reddit mentioned it's probably a draw ditance/lod issue but had no idea how to fix it. I was able to tolerate it for the first 10-15 mins of the game 'cause it wasn't too open, but as soon as I tried to explore the larger area, it became intolerable because it does this on all terrain and even the buildings depending on which side I'm coming from. It doesn't happen in the town as bad because the distance in front of me isn't that much. I have a rx580 8gb (with latest drivers installed), i7 3770k and 16gb of ram. I'm not that good with computers but I'm happy to provide whatever other information you need. Thanks for any help you can give me because I was really getting into the story, and the visuals without this bug are amazing, but this bug made it feel like I was playing an early access game.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Nvm. I’m dumb. Didn’t realize the pistol and LMG used the same ammo
    1 point
  21. There's a DHL driver that comes by here about once a day, and not even he knows who's responsible, heh.. The foreign drivers that came here last winter used the trailer as a portapotty, it's kind of gross XD
    1 point
  22. Moving the thread to Technical Support. I'll pass along the info to Obsidian.
    1 point
  23. Today I will play The Outer Worlds as part of the Xbox Game Pass (1€ / 3,99€ per months) as I considered this a good way to see if I like the game. If I do like it, I will buy it. In the Epic Store. And there is a simple reason for this: Games bought in the Windows Game Store are under lock. You cannot even open the game folder. Why is this a problem, apart from things like modding? Most if not any mouse and keyboard drivers / software (like Logitechs GHub or Razers Synapse 3) work with profiles that need to "hook up" to the games exe files. This is impossible if you cannot access the games folder or if the exe itself is inaccessable. Now while there are ways to change the security rights to open and read the games folder to my own user profile - I did that - I found no way to actually change the security attributes of the exe file of the game and whenever I try and add the game to GHub, clicking on the path and the exe, I get a message that I lack the right to open this file and there is no possibility to add the game to the profile list. All my macros and the lighting profile depend on these profiles, so now I don't have them ingame. No button to make a screenshot, no button to record videos. Now I do understand that Windows Game Store games are protected this way to make pirating them impossible and I think it works...at least for those games exclusive to this shop and DRM. But since The Outer Worlds is also out in the Epic Store, how does this make sense? Is it really worth handicapping your paying customers like this? :( Okay, something more constructive now, here is my workaround for this problem: You cannot connect the game to your drivers software, but you can connect the Xbox App! :) First you need to follow these instrcutions to make the folder of the App accessible, because it is under the same lock as the game folder: https://www.intowindows.com/how-to-access-windowsapps-folder-in-windows-10/ Once you can access the folder, you will find the executable of the Xbox App in a sub-folder named something like "Microsoft.GamingApp_[...]" and there is another subfolder called "app". In there is the "Xbox.exe" and the good news is that this executable is not locked the same way the game exe is. You can add this to your profiles. As long as you make sure to highlight the Xbox App window before starting the game, the profile will stay active. It worked for me with the Logitech GHub at least. Good luck and happy gaming! :)
    1 point
  24. You're right of course. That was also the reason why I initially decided to not only complain but also provide a temporary solution. ^^ Thank you. PS: I wasn't so sure about the tags. What else would make sense for people with this issue to find this?
    1 point
  25. That link worked great, thanks Wiseude! Thanks for the added data Polycount!
    1 point
  26. While this isn't something that can necessarily be fixed by a patch, it is a technical issue. It can also possibly be the cause of issues other people are experiencing.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Just a note, right from the off, I am NOT asking for third person gameplay. I'm absolutely fine with first person. First of all, I've only sunk 2.5 hours into the game so far as it released at midnight and I have to work today. However, so far I am loving what I am seeing and if the game keeps to the standard I've seen so far I can see it easily becoming on of my top rated games of all time. One little niggle I have is that it's very tricky to get a decent shot of my character when taking screenshots. Everything is already in place with the panning camera system, the hidden HUD, the different idle animations when equipping different weapons and so on. The only thing that bothers me is the character is so small on the screen. Why not add a photo mode which works in the exact same way in every respect, but just gives free control of the camera, even just within a restricted radius? The character models are really nice and the armours look awesome, but it sucks that I can only see my fella in the darkened inventory screen or when the camera starts panning when idle. Let us get some lovely close up shots of our lovingly crafted characters and your stunning models Obsidian! x Love ya
    1 point
  29. 1. No real ultrawide support (only borderless windowed) 2. Character is not visible in character creation and inventory screen on borderless windowed 3. Can't play letterboxed 1080p on ultrawide screen (stretched) 4. Cutscenes are stretched, doesn't matter if I use a 21:9 or 16:9 resolution 5. Dialogues are letterboxed
    1 point
  30. Perhaps this is a shot in the dark, but maybe there's a chance the info in this thread will help with this issue:
    1 point
  31. Hello Darkcyric, Thank you for letting us know about this issue. I added your information to a bug report we have made for the issue so the devs can use it during their investigation. Would you happen to have a save file where this is occurring that I could give to the team to use while looking into this? If needed, you can find instructions on where the saves are located here. If you notice any changes, please let me know on this thread as I linked it to the report for the devs. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Wishing Obsidian the best on this release. As others have expressed, they've made some of my favorite titles and they deserve every amount of praise that goes their way. Unfortunately I doubt I'll ever be able to afford a machine that can run it well so it will be some time, if ever, before I can experience it.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Created an account to echo this. Brief black screen and then kicks me to desktop. I had this on the Xbox game pass (for PC) and it was doing this, dropped sixty dollars on this thing in hopes that it was Microsoft, but no. Epic store gives me the same problem.
    1 point
  36. Heh, probably a bit of early hyperbole, but the initial world that has been built makes me feel like I've got a new interesting universe to explore, and it compares favorably to Fallout.
    1 point
  37. That worked here is a link to the runtime: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145
    1 point
  38. Windowed Fullscreen also seems to have an uncapped framerate... wait? what? I thought Windows 10 DWM automatically implemented triple buffering and vsync on any windowed/windowed fullscreen application unless you really borked with some stuff. Maybe I'm confused.
    1 point
  39. I'#m playing on fullscreen and so far the game is filled with spots that cause a stutter every time I pass trough them. Specs: 1080ti 9900k SSD 16GB ddr4 ram Rog maximus Hero XI R750MX PSU
    1 point
  40. I’m mostly thinking about big boss fights where I would need to stay in vanishing strikes permanently and auto them down with blade cascade which i can have for very long time with 35 intellect and +beneficial effect duration bonuses also No Pity for the lost adds 10 seconds to blade cascade and vanishing strike , with wits of deaths herald this should be possible maybe. Gambit definetly good option on fights with smaller enemies but those you can reset after each kill anyway I don’t think I can gambit reliably on the bosses tho
    1 point
  41. Oh yeah, I'm really excited for this game. New Vegas is probably my favorite game of all time, so naturally I was obligated to buy TOW lol.
    1 point
  42. Greetings employees of Halcyon, You are invited to join us at The Outer Worlds Launch Party next week! In celebration of your arrival to Halycon, we are throwing a corporate-sanctioned event just for you. You may attend in one of two ways: If you live in the area, you can join us at the live event at the Microsoft Store in South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, CA. There you will be able to meet and greet various members of the development team and hang out with all of us as we celebrate the release of the game. If you do not live near the event, or cannot physically attend, we will be live streaming the celebration from the store so you can join us online! Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky will be attending, and we will also be joined by a very special guest, Xbox's Major Nelson! Plus, we will have 2 customized Xbox One X Consoles featuring the art from our Game Informer cover to give away during the event, one for an online viewer and one given away in the store! π—ͺπ—›π—˜π—‘: Friday, Oct. 25th, 2019, 12PM PDT (UTC -07:00) π—ͺ𝗔𝗧𝗖𝗛 π—’π—‘π—Ÿπ—œπ—‘π—˜: mixer.com/xbox π—π—’π—œπ—‘ 𝗨𝗦 π—Ÿπ—œπ—©π—˜: Microsoft Store inside South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, CA RSVP here: http://tiny.cc/theouterworlds See you all there, and remember, it's not the best choice, it's Spacer's Choice!
    1 point
  43. was in a conversation yesterday with a journalist, an intelligent and educated professional woman in her late thirties. she is an acquaintance and she wanted insights on 4th amendment before she spoke with cops and other lawyers. ... she started talking 'bout "cop mentality" as if it were an objective and universal rule. whether is 'cause people who seek to become cops is inherent flawed, or is the job which changes, "cop mentality" is resulting in an aberrational aggressiveness and detachment to violence. to her, cops tending towards a bit o' the old ultra violent were as unquestionable as sun rising in the east. reasonable person behavior is different from reasonable cop behavior 'cause everybody knows how cops is, right? were a disappointing conversation. we did our best to provide our journalist acquaintance with the info she wanted w/o challenging what we saw as flawed foundational assumptions. nothing we coulda' said woulda' changed what she knew from having seen stories on tv, internet and newspapers. am always cautious 'round cops 'cause we know any one 'o 'em could be be racist or just plain old skool stupid-mean. any cop could be a bad cop, even if most are ordinary folks hoping to earn their paycheck and get home w/o needing to write up an incident report, or god forbid, get shot. our journalist friend no doubt would think our pov is naive to the point o' being dangerous. wth
    1 point
  44. The world’s top economists just made the case for why we still need English majors "There’s no denying that the typical computer science major makes more money shortly after graduation than the typical English major. "Contrary to popular belief, English majors ages 25 to 29 had a lower unemployment rate in 2017 than math and computer science majors. "That early STEM pay premium also fades quickly, according to research by David J. Deming and Kadeem L. Noray from Harvard. After about a decade, STEM majors start exiting their job fields as their skills are no longer the latest and greatest. In contrast, many humanities majors work their way to high-earning management positions. By middle age, average pay looks very similar across many majors. β€œBy age 40, the earnings of people who majored in fields like social science or history have caught up,” wrote David Deming in a recent New York Times op-ed." huh. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
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