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About kozzy

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist

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    Obsidian rpgs, foreign movies, compassion club medical smoke, videogames, tv shows, NFL football and NBA basketball.


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  1. Beat the game on my steamdeck and had a blast, just loved it. Wonderful job Josh Sawyer and everyone else at Obsidian that worked on it. The characters, dialogue, story, audio and the art design are fantastic. I am still thinking about The Abbey and all the characters weeks after finishing it. Glad it is got a good amount of praise!
  2. I would enjoy Fallout New Vegas style DLC or witcher 3 expansions but if we have to wait for Outer Worlds 2 I would be fine with that to. I have a feeling I will be playing this for many moons.
  3. Glad you are enjoying it! I had to stop myself from playing all night last night to, was hard to go to bed thinking about this wonderful game haha. Good luck on the rest of your adventures!
  4. running well here so far, do you have the latest nvidia driver that came out yesterday?
  5. Feel free to share screenshots of adventures you have been having in The Outer Worlds! I will share some screenshots first and I hope others join it, been enjoying the game so far! ***PLEASE PUT ALL SCREENSHOTS WITH SPOILER COMMAND/TAG! (It has the shape of an eye) So people have to click on them to see them! Also let people know if its got dialogue in the screenshot and if its a late game or story related thing. This helps make no spoilers! Thanks!***
  6. Long time fan of Obsidian and even before that with Black Isle I got Fallout 1 the week it came out and just loved it. Loved KOTOR2, New Vegas, Alpha Protocol, NWN2, Mask of The Betrayer, Pillars 1/2, Tyranny and Stick Of Truth. DS3 was probably my least favorite but I still ended up enjoying some aspects of it I have enjoyed all the Obsidian charm and love that they have brought to the industry over the years, thank you for doing what you do! I deal with alot of chronic pain for the last 16 years do to spine issues and I am not able to do many of the things I enjoy but one thing I can count on is wonderful roleplaying games from Obsidian that I always seem to like and are also great for taking my mind off things. Glad to see The Outer Worlds getting good reviews, happy for the team and good luck with the release of all future stuff. This game looks fantastic! Keep up the great work and thank you for building these wonderful games that have such enjoyable characters, dialogue, choices and stories, as someone who has been playing rpgs since the 80's it is highly appreciated to still have some devs doing such great work. I know people come and go and not everyone is still around but the quality and enjoyment for me has always been there when the name "Obsidian" is on a game. It really does seem like alot of care and love goes into the games and it is appreciated and noticed! Many modern games I end up skipping the dialogue after awhile, do to it not being all that enjoyable, not so with Obsidian games! As always with Obsidian games my first playthrough I will make a character that has anything and everything to do with getting more dialogue options Signed, a long time fan
  7. Hell no, I love the ship stuff. I think many people who dislike it just need to learn it properly. At first I wasn't huge on it but now I love it. I love winning a battle when you are the underdog, such a good feeling.
  8. Amazing game so far, much improved over the first POE, which I enjoyed but still had a good amount of issues.
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