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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/19 in all areas

  1. Seems someone got the Fallout 1st domain before Bethesda and made it into this site (it isn't working at the moment though): https://web.archive.org/web/20191024101236/http://falloutfirst.com/
    5 points
  2. Damn you Obsidian, this is the last straw!
    4 points
  3. Ronnie seems bit confused, but he's got the spirit.
    3 points
  4. Now that I've seen first hand that Bethesda lacks ethics and will make us pay extra for them to fix the flaws in their game (lack of adequate storage) I've decided to no longer support the company. I'm not going to pay them extra money to fix the design flaw that prevents us from having enough storage space. And there is also this from Pete Hines, Vice President of PR & Marketing at Bethesda Softworks: “There’s always going to be new content, changes in game balance, whatever it takes, and by the way, it’s all free after launch – all our content, there’s no season pass and no paid DLCs" Bethesda, I've removed Outer Worlds from my wish list. Oh, and by the way, I was planning to purchase Halloween items from the Atom shop but now I'm too pissed about what you've done that I can't bring myself to give you the money for the purchase. You've lost me as a customer.
    2 points
  5. Fallout 76’s Premium Private Servers Are Not Private, Its Scrap Box Is Deleting Scrap At this point anyone who are still throwing their money at FO76 deserves what they get.
    2 points
  6. I've uncovered the majority of the Deadfire map. Most of my characters are level 20 and have access to last tier abilities. I don't know the level cap, but it can't be much higher. I've finished most of the bounty quest lines. My list of quests are dwindling and there doesn't seem to be a lot of newer quests coming. I think I've almost got it down to the main story arc quests, which I've been putting off in order to eek out the last vestiges of the game. I'm even on the last mapping quest from that dude in Neketaka. One thing I love about the dialogue is the option to [say nothing] and [listen]. moreover, I appreciate that it sometimes leads to it's own dialogue reward. Too often, games make it so that saying nothing or not milking every dialogue option screws the character. I know sometimes you need to explore every option, but in real life sometimes you end up learning more by not talking. Plus, if you come across two strangers arguing, who the hell just inserts himself by saying, "What are you arguing about?" Listening is probably rude also, but at least it's not quite so jarring. All that said, I'm a tad bit gregarious in real life and I chat with strangers all the time. Unless of course I get the vibe that they don't like/resent the intrusion, in which case I'll stop. Try to be aware of my surroundings... <.<
    2 points
  7. My anecdotal impression of police, from watching lots of Live PD, is that female officers are much less likely to become angry and unnecessarily escalate the situation.
    2 points
  8. Yesterday Trump said they are building a wall in Colorado. Thanks God! Soon we will all be safe from Coors beer, legalized pot and disreputable characters like @ShadySands & John Elway!
    2 points
  9. was in a conversation yesterday with a journalist, an intelligent and educated professional woman in her late thirties. she is an acquaintance and she wanted insights on 4th amendment before she spoke with cops and other lawyers. ... she started talking 'bout "cop mentality" as if it were an objective and universal rule. whether is 'cause people who seek to become cops is inherent flawed, or is the job which changes, "cop mentality" is resulting in an aberrational aggressiveness and detachment to violence. to her, cops tending towards a bit o' the old ultra violent were as unquestionable as sun rising in the east. reasonable person behavior is different from reasonable cop behavior 'cause everybody knows how cops is, right? were a disappointing conversation. we did our best to provide our journalist acquaintance with the info she wanted w/o challenging what we saw as flawed foundational assumptions. nothing we coulda' said woulda' changed what she knew from having seen stories on tv, internet and newspapers. am always cautious 'round cops 'cause we know any one 'o 'em could be be racist or just plain old skool stupid-mean. any cop could be a bad cop, even if most are ordinary folks hoping to earn their paycheck and get home w/o needing to write up an incident report, or god forbid, get shot. our journalist friend no doubt would think our pov is naive to the point o' being dangerous. wth
    2 points
  10. blood code = character class gift = special ability inherit = master the gift so that it can be used by other blood codes They could just simply call things what they are instead of substituting fancy words and phrases to make things more confusing, but it's a (very) Japanese game and Japan gonna Japan.
    2 points
  11. Greetings colonists! After spending months in hyperspace, we are finally approaching our destination – the Halycon colony. The Board wants to thank you for your mandatory voluntary participation in helping us shape the future of the colony. Please pay attention to this transmission for assistance in understanding when your departure begins. The Outer Worlds will launch on Xbox, PlayStation 4, and PC and depending on which platform you are playing on, the timing may vary. We have compiled a few maps detailing the release. If you will be playing the game on PC via the Epic Game Store, Microsoft Windows Store, or through Xbox Game Pass, the game will be available at the following times: This means the game will be available on PC at the following times: October 24, 2019 - 16:00 PDT October 24, 2019 - 19:00 EDT October 24, 2019, 2019 - 20:00 BRT October 25, 2019, 2019 - 00:00 BST October 25, 2019, 2019 - 01:00 CEST October 25, 2019, 2019 - 01:00 SAST October 25, 2019, 2019 - 02:00 MSK October 25, 2019, 2019 - 07:00 SGT October 25, 2019, 2019 - 08:00 JST October 25, 2019, 2019 - 10:00 AEDT October 25, 2019, 2019 - 12:00 NZST If you will be playing the game on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles, the game will be available through a rolling midnight release for most regions: This means the game will be available on consoles at the following times: October 24, 2019 - 21:00 PDT October 25, 2019 - 00:00 EDT October 25, 2019, 2019 - 00:00 BRT October 25, 2019, 2019 - 00:00 BST October 25, 2019, 2019 - 00:00 CEST October 25, 2019, 2019 - 00:00 SAST October 25, 2019, 2019 - 00:00 MSK October 25, 2019, 2019 - 00:00 SGT October 25, 2019, 2019 - 00:00 JST October 25, 2019, 2019 - 00:00 AEDT October 25, 2019, 2019 - 00:00 NZST Expect a title update on launch day for those who purchase physical copies of both Xbox and PS4 that will include tweaks and optimization fixes. This patch will be an estimated 38 GB download for Xbox players, and an estimated 18 GB for PS4 players. For digital purchases on both Xbox and PS4, the patch will be included in the pre-load of the game. To experience the game in the best way possible, please make sure to install this update before playing. Again, we appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the success of the colony as we know you will faithfully carry out your duties. [DISCLAIMER] The Board is not responsible for death, dismemberment, financial loss, brain damage, unexpected shrinkage, loss of limbs, confusion, delusion, temporary or permanent emotional distress, happiness, wellness, warped time perspectives, inability to carry on average conversations, strong impulses, obsession with science, housing, job mobility, and/or benefits explicability/implicitly and naively stated, and any other general responsibility regarded to anyone except the Board.
    1 point
  12. Hello, Will the outer worlds explicitly support mods to the game? This is especially important for the Microsoft store version which is sold as as a locked down UWP app with access to the game files heavily restricted by Windows unless developers deliberately choose to allow access for game modifications. All previous obsidian RPGs have been greatly enhanced with mods created by the player community. It would be a great shame if a large portion of the player base on PC were locked out of using mods due to the UWP.
    1 point
  13. Long time fan of Obsidian and even before that with Black Isle I got Fallout 1 the week it came out and just loved it. Loved KOTOR2, New Vegas, Alpha Protocol, NWN2, Mask of The Betrayer, Pillars 1/2, Tyranny and Stick Of Truth. DS3 was probably my least favorite but I still ended up enjoying some aspects of it I have enjoyed all the Obsidian charm and love that they have brought to the industry over the years, thank you for doing what you do! I deal with alot of chronic pain for the last 16 years do to spine issues and I am not able to do many of the things I enjoy but one thing I can count on is wonderful roleplaying games from Obsidian that I always seem to like and are also great for taking my mind off things. Glad to see The Outer Worlds getting good reviews, happy for the team and good luck with the release of all future stuff. This game looks fantastic! Keep up the great work and thank you for building these wonderful games that have such enjoyable characters, dialogue, choices and stories, as someone who has been playing rpgs since the 80's it is highly appreciated to still have some devs doing such great work. I know people come and go and not everyone is still around but the quality and enjoyment for me has always been there when the name "Obsidian" is on a game. It really does seem like alot of care and love goes into the games and it is appreciated and noticed! Many modern games I end up skipping the dialogue after awhile, do to it not being all that enjoyable, not so with Obsidian games! As always with Obsidian games my first playthrough I will make a character that has anything and everything to do with getting more dialogue options Signed, a long time fan
    1 point
  14. well still no GoG for outer worlds means no deal for me sadly
    1 point
  15. Oh, they posted in the Beth forums too. I saw it there before I saw it here.
    1 point
  16. Or imagine another organization even more covert than the NSA, CIA, etc. Something he couldn't access. *dun dun dun*
    1 point
  17. just an excuse to hear sagan say, "billion." HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. Funny and wholesome. You're a great guy @Mikey Dowling
    1 point
  19. It is so misguided I assume it’s trolling. I mean one has to notice they did post it on Obsidians forum, not Bethesda’s.
    1 point
  20. we try in vain to get this point across. is particularly difficult explaining to europeans and kanadians. 'ccording to the Constitution, police power in the US is reserved to individual States. why doesn't The Government do anything 'bout cop violence or training or whatever? 'cause the Fed Government literal cannot do anything. is only so much which can be done with interstate commerce clause and funding prerequisites. most states have limited oversight o' cops in part 'cause such would be monumental expensive and difficult to manage in any event. have a hard enough time paying to support existing cops much less afford meaningful oversight and standardization o' training and policy. virtual every county in the US has a sheriff's departments and more than a few municipalities has their own police forces, each with their own rules. three thousand sheriffs. more than twelve thousand municipal police departments. add in state police... +680,000 cops total. that said, the most common factor in reducing police violence is education. not training mind you. had this discussion on this board a few years past and we were surprised by how resistant were some to findings o' the most common denominator for avoiding police excess. the higher is the educational level attained by police, the less likely is excessive force complaints. is correlative? so what? not race. not sex. not even experience comes close to education. make sure your cops has a college degree and excess force complaints decrease dramatic. simple, no? no. large municipalities in particular is constant needing lower their standards to find enough qualified applicants. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  21. That's what they want you to think
    1 point
  22. Bethesda is not involved in The Outer Worlds.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. The buff should be modded to work like Empower...
    1 point
  25. Because Japanese were bad people. It is same why bombing of Dresden is not considered as war crime.
    1 point
  26. just wanted to add that outside of specific challenges, skaen can literally end a fight whenever they want to recharge (shadowing beyond) so I think it might be the safest choice.
    1 point
  27. I think Bethesda is trolling us at this point. Well played, Todd, well played indeed. On a serious note, the only way you can really justify that fee is the private server. These servers are not free to maintain and paying for private servers is not a new idea. That said, you can only have 8 players on a server (assuming there are still 8 players playing this game). Also, someone with a subscription has to be in the game at all times for the private server to function, so if 8 players want to play on a private server and be able to play any time they want, whether the other 7 are on or not, then all 8 would need to buy subscriptions. Also also, it would be one thing to do this for a game that was a smashing success and a media darling, it takes some balls to roll this out for a game that was almost universally panned by critics and gamers alike. Also also also, putting a quality of life feature like unlimited crafting storage that solves an artificially created problem behind a paywall is a super scumbag move. tl;dr Activision/Blizzard: "Did you see how quickly we nuked our reputation?" Bethesda: "Hold my beer..."
    1 point
  28. What troubles me is the lack of transparency on the launch times/pre download info from epic games store. Theres no excuse to not atleast inform the customer on the pretty obvious questions they would have about release times(will it match the timezone you live in?) Or is it on its own timezone. ANNNDD Pre load info why cant I, as a customer of the Epic store get ANY info on this? Because they have no forums. Every single big release they totally botch. Borderlands 3? Lost save files Ghost Recon: Breakpoint? Did not launch at unlock time, according to the Epic store had to do with UBI not unlocking the game. Either way ive had nothing but bad times with the store, I absolutely hate the layout. Half the games they advertise aren't even released.
    1 point
  29. Ya gotta love it when they take an English adjective, slap an 's' on the end and use it as a plural noun.
    1 point
  30. Ugh, too useful. I haven't really played since BC, but I remember having to farm mats for hours (especially Black Lotus) in order to do some competitive high-end raiding.
    1 point
  31. Only speak for yourself.
    1 point
  32. We're not quite that old - being opened to the public in 2004, that means this place coincidentally is about the same age as WoW, which is about to turn 15 ...and that's pretty much most of my adult life.
    1 point
  33. Hello all ex-Black Isle and Obsidian.et forum'ers. Hope you are all well. Returned to add a post, since its been, maybe, 2 years since my last post. Didn't want a script to erase my account here, because of the time delay. Returned to playing Classic WOW. So far, no regrets. On a pvp server, haven't hit 60 yet. I had a WOW story typed here, but after trying to copy post, to prevent its accidental erasal, before a failed post submission, I hit the wrong key on this too-small- keyboard, and it got flushed down the...whatever. Grrr. So, I'll just say, glad this site still has a heartbeat. Thx for keeping my picture icon up, after ..how many years? * counts fingers*…(looses track..gets a pencil)..21 years? Yikes...
    1 point
  34. High charisma gunslinger. Essentially the Han Solo archetype.
    1 point
  35. Hyped I can play this Thursday night! Any chance of a preload on PC gamepass?
    1 point
  36. Almost 0100 right now and I finally made myself stop playing Deadfire after getting somewhat into the Engwithan Waystation. Okay, I've been gushing too much about the game and I want to address some things that I don't think work particularly well. First is the Romance angle. I mean, it doesn't make me angry. I literally laughed out loud when I did something I almost never do and pursued a romance. Choti was the object of my desire, although I tend not to be infatuated with people who don't bathe regularly. Whatever, she's an accumulation of pixels. Anyhow, I won her over and my character shows his mental acumen, cultural sensitivity, and innate charm by suggesting something like "let's go somewhere else to continue our discussion." bwahahaha I was actually hoping for the 'fade to black.' That would have heightened the humor. Alas, it was neither in the stars nor in the design. hehehehe Honest to God, I also had a second thing that I was going to cite, but I can't think of it now. Probably because it's almost 1 and on most nights that means I'm one tired ol' bear not thinking as clearly as I once did. I tell you, just insert some irritating thing or something humorous where the player wasn't supposed to laugh. Okay Okay! I'm half convinced that the romance was meant to be funny to someone! I literally followed virtually none of the development of the game, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was intentionally meant to tweak the players. I'm in the Engwithan Waystation now, only into the first level, but it's interesting. On the way, I got my ass handed to me by some Principi pirate. I *almost* had the pirate bastard, but there were four people with three red skull things and I just couldn't burn down the last two. After ignominious defeat, I decided to forgo a rematch and simply avoid them. Damned game is addictive. I have so much work to do and I'm just not able to shake off late nights like I was wont in my youth. I mean, if I stay up later, I find ways to get into more trouble. Curse you, Obsidian, you've corrupted me with your brilliant arsed game! There, that's my second point. Swine hearted wretches!
    1 point
  37. HAHAHAHA, you must be new here. And by "here", I mean, "the world". When companies get higher profits they don't spread the newfound margins among the consumers (or the employees, for that matter), they just bump up the bonuses to executives.
    1 point
  38. Yes, I remember that. I also remember that Ubisoft provided zero proof that the removed keys were obtained via credit card fraud -- they just put out a statement that said the affected keys had been obtained generically "fraudulently" and that was that. I have no doubt that keys purchased with stolen credit cards are sold on those websites. What I am not so sure is that they are a majority or even a significant fraction, as the constant chargebacks would make operating such a business difficult, at best. Not to mention, the threat of law enforcement intervention at some point if sufficient complaints from consumers or publishers were filed that it's mostly an outlet for stolen goods. The fact that G2A offers insurance is proof of nothing by itself. Amazon does too for stuff bought from their marketplace, but that doesn't make it the internet's biggest fence. I agree, though, that purchasing a key from a reseller site is a bit of a gamble. The same can be said of the likes of eBay.
    1 point
  39. Please remove the time restriction for edits! Please extend the login time! Please reintroduce BBCode mode! Why is nothing done about it? No comment or answer either. I can't edit the char build lists anymore. Others can't edit their sticky posts with tipps & tricks. It can't be too hard to do that stuff can it? What's the point of this thread then? Ks ks ks...
    1 point
  40. Nice namegenerator! It would be fantastic if it had a culture setting as well. It could be possible that the devs actually patch something similar in at some point, as that should be quite simple. so Aedyr, Ixamitl Plains and Old Vailia naming conventions should be covered by the link I provided. For Deadfire Archipelegola, Rauatai, The Living lands and The White that Wends, we need to get creative. Deadfire Archipelegola: The language has Inuit roots, which has some beautiful names and sounds, so we can probably steal from there. female: Panninguaq, Nivi, Pipaluk, Ivalu Male: Malik, Nuka, Pavia, Inunnguaq, Aputsiaq Furthermore the Inuit diminutive -raq and -nnguaq, which both mean "little/sweet" and are used with names from both genders, e.g. Pipalukraq and Nukaraq http://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/Greenlandic_Names Rauatai: Lots of "auauauai" I guess. Based on the Maori language, so let us look there for inspiration: Female names: Hauku, Airini, Ahorangi, Whina, Hahana Male names: Arapeta, Maaka, Matiu, Rua (seems familiar), Marama http://www.huggies.co.nz/parenting/parents-and-children/maori-baby-names (I don't feel these fit so well, you probably need to put in some more au.) The Living lands: It sounds like a very disorganised place and alot of settlers from other places, so I think names from other cultures are all good. I have not been able to establish what the pre-dominant culture is though The White that Wends: The only thing I have been able to establish is that the Pale elves and Boreal elves of the region have seperate and unique languages. And that the language of the pale elves has some roots in Eld Aedyran http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Eld_Aedyran#Eld_Aedyran The closest we get to names for the pale elves would probably be using the aedyran names or old english/Anglo-saxon names. Hope this helps a bit and that Josh or some other dev who knows might shed some more light on these unknowns.
    1 point
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