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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/19 in all areas

  1. f=ma is not your friend in this instance. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  2. I'd say the odds are very good we will see more in the PoE setting, as it is an original IP that they have complete control . It is probably unlikely we see another Tyranny, since Paradox would need to be involved.
    2 points
  3. had a pony (named alpo) and our family had horses and a mule. never had a donkey. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  4. tires. we got rid o' the x5 'cause we were told if we went with the cheap tire option (needed 2) it would cost us $900. straw-meets-camel's-back. heck, the 97 t&c we use for the dogs could be complete replaced for $1500. 'course complaining 'bout car costs when we got the two buicks which do little save take up garage space and maybe get driven a handful o' times each month is hypocritical or stoopid... not mutual exclusive we s'pose. HA! Good Fun! ps surprising but the 71 lesabre had kinda a joke spare, but as we could easily fit two dead bodies in the trunk, we threw a real tire in there in case we ever get a flat. still have room for at least one corpse; corpse count being the appropriate metric for trunk space after all.
    2 points
  5. That already needed to be done. I just hadn't gotten around to it. Recently went on a trip across the southwest, from California to Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada. It was a lot of fun, about 3000 miles, and a few dirt roads. I was going to get the alignment done this month anyway. The nail just gave me a reason to do it now. Today, I'm going to do something I really need to do, start *seriously* studying for various exams and whatnot. Geez, this place is like a bowl of chips. Can't do it a little.
    2 points
  6. Thanks for making it happen Obsidian. I beat Deadfire numerous times already on POTD but turn-based mode actually breathed new life to thegame for me and enjoying it immensely. It actually gave me incentive to get back to the game and I will do both expansions with it (havent done SSS and FS due to some performance issues my saves have been plagued my :() Anyways, looking forward to more games. Absolutely loving all the new additions, items, builds and how stuff that wasn't wanted in RTWP is very good in TB - looking at you ranger companion (they are fantastic in this mode) Anyways, much appreciated!
    1 point
  7. I just learned how to enchant, but I've been doing ItemMods forever. Any example items that other people have made would answer all of your questions but feel free to ask me. Notice that the reason we couldn't solve your problem is because you didn't take an example and compare it line-by-line to yours--which is exhausting but better it's better than exhausting all the other efforts.
    1 point
  8. That black stigmata? It's in Melusina's screenshot as well. I figure it is the plot device to turn you into the game's protagonist.
    1 point
  9. In combat I'm not sure that you need Arcana, if you don't use scrolls, but from role-playing perspective it makes sense. In dialogues companions can help with low-level skill checks, but high-level ones require more "support" points in a skill for one normal point. Most scripted interactions can be resolved by companions, but in some of them only the Watcher can participate. I'd recommend to focus on 1-2 active skills and 1 passive per character.
    1 point
  10. It’s breathtaking watching Boeroer really get rolling on this.
    1 point
  11. I would make a much stronger endorsement than Boeroer does. I'd say it's good enough, and special enough, that every fighter or fighter multiclass should pick it up, unless they are planning on equipping cloth or running around naked. While it's not going to break the game or make you win fights you couldn't before, the bonus is general enough and solid enough that pretty much any playstyle benefits.
    1 point
  12. I never realized Shared Nightmare wasn't limited to Cipher Powers...
    1 point
  13. Dear Obsidian team, hi all, I didn't find it elsewhere so I hope it's alright that I've created a new thread. Sorry in case my English is bad, I'm not a native speaker. I want to report a problem I encountered with the smart camera option but also something regarding the traditional control style: (1) When using the smart camera option the automatic screen scrolling (by which my party remains centered) causes problems as soon as I am moving my party because the scrolling is not as smooth as it is in case when I disable the smart camera option and scroll via mouse courser. The reason for this seems to be the fact that the smart camera option scrolls in accordance with the moving characters and the way the characters move renders the camera motion a bit laggy. Not sure if this is only due to my system specifications (the game works perfectly in any other respect) or something my eyes just don't like but everybody else feels totally comfortable with. Can anybody relate to this problem? (2) So I disabled the smart camera option, using the traditional control style from PoE 1 (which I anyway really like!). However, in PoE 1 it was possible to double click somewhere and thereby center the screen on this very area. For whatever reason this option is only available with the smart camera option. It would be great if you could implement at least the possibility to activate this option also for the traditional control style so that it really fells like in PoE 1. Thanks a lot! Sarah
    1 point
  14. You have to cast Time Parasite on a tight group so it can jump to several enemies. It doesn't stack on one and the same enemy - but if you can for example affect 5 enemies with it (you can cast several times) it stacks on you 5 times, giving you insane speed. I usually use it in tandem with a Wizard who first lures enemies with Dazzling Lights so that they are standing together and then uses Pull of Eora. If you then cast a Time Parasite into their midst you can become so fast it's ridiculous. At that point SC Cipher makes a lot of sense. What also makes a lot of sense (with AoE weapons) is Shared Nightmare. Especially if you gave Reaping Knives to some of your buddies... Mindstalker starts off very strong though due to the combined Sneak + Soul Whip. SC Cipher needs some time to ctach up. But I'm playing a SC SOulblade atm and really enjoy Time Parasite and Shared Nightmare with my Whispers of the Endless Paths (' gigantic cone).
    1 point
  15. Try dominions, you will do all that and read a very long, detailed manual. By the time you are done, the new game in the series will be out.
    1 point
  16. Check this out: https://naijaro.github.io/deadfire-speed-calculator/ There you can choose your items and it will tell you the outcome. DoC Breastplate will not have 0% recovery penalty with Armored Grace alone. As you read what MaxQuest wrote, you can't simply calculate 35% - 25%. That' not how the math works. BUT if you also pick a pet like Abraham or Cutthroat Cosmo (it works the same as Armored Grace and stacks with it) you will be even faster than with 0 recovery. How's that? It's NOT because the armor penatly will be below zero. Pentalty can't be bwlow 0. It is because the "Articulated" enchantment of the Breastplate reduces all recovery time directly. Check your spells' recovery tooltips! It's like an universal recovery bonus like that of the Streetfighter for example (but smaller). It's on an armor, that's the only difference. It is NOT a recovery "penatly bonus" like Armored Grace or Abraham. That way, Pet + Armored Grace lower the penalty of the Breastplate to nearly 0 (not quite) and then the Articulated Enchentment ist strong enough so that you will be faster WITH the Breastplate than without any armor at all. You can play around with the calculator. That's a lot easier than doing the math for the items or testing out everything with the console. Miscreant's Leather has the same potential "trick". Its echantment works in a similar way.
    1 point
  17. Mindstalker is a good combo in general. Plenty of CC at hand (Phantom Foes, Secret Horrors etc.), great focus generation due to very high weapon dps (Sneak Attack + Sopul Whip and so on - always pick Draining Whip, Biting Whip is sh!te without Community Patch). Squishyness can be countered by Psychovampiric Shield and later Borrowed Instincts and so on.
    1 point
  18. Captain America could use Nerian's Ward and wear Hearth Defender's Scale. They look great together and the enchantmens fit the theme. They are not blue and white though. Nomad's Brigandine with a padded cap would be an option if you are looking for that blue/while color scheme instead. Bronlar's Phalanx would also be a good fit - albeit a tad too big maybe. Captain America's fighting style is like fist + bashing shield, true. But I don't know if the Monk theme fits too well. Tuotilo's Palm is also a bit small. Cpt. America is a soldier. So for me he would need to be a SC Fighter. Devoted (medium shield) would make total sense if it would do anything... But Unbroken is also a good fit. Protecting allies, getting back up again and again. Highest Resolve... and Monastic Unarmed Training. It's not bad at all if you stack enough Power Levels (Tactical Barrage + Prestige and Stone of Power already give you an additional fist scaling level). I could also settle for Unbroken/Shieldbearer Crusader. Thor must be part Fury. Berserker/Fury might be best for his storm spells. It would make his storm spells penetrate like crazy (+4 PEN) if he also took Heart of the Storm - which he obviously has to. Of course he would pick Lord Darryn's Voulge as Stormbreaker. That thing does indeed "break" storms in Deadfire (sail into a storm at seee what happens) and it gives you +3 PL to... storms. Huh? How fitting. also Pollaxes are hammers/axes combined like Stormbreaker. They do crush and slash dmg. Do we need to discuss that? Use Deltro's Cage for more shock PLs (although a Brigandine or Scale Armor might look more like Thor's orginal outfit, but whatever). And for Odin's sake: he MUST wear the Helm of the Falcon. Seriously! Eat some Asgardian Lobster in order to keep your wits and you're good to go. Hawkeye: doesn't he need to be an Arcane Archer? I mean exploding arrows and arrwos with strings attached and arrows which hit several enemies with one shot and stuff. Just pretend that animal companion followed him from his farm. Hulk could be a Berserker/Transmuter. That way you can have brains/science stuff (wizard) and smash (berserker) as well as the Ogre form. Has to wear the dancer outfit obviously. Use Llengrath's Safeguard, Blooded and fitting "gets better when health drops" stuff to emulate "getting stronger when angered". Also on kill he will become faster and skip recovery - which makes lots of sense especially for a trasmuted Ogre ('cause his recovery penalty sucks so much). Zandethu's Draconic Fury, paired with Barbaric Smash and Ogre fists and Blood Thirst is nothing to laugh about... Or maybe Black Jacket/Berserker with potion of Form of the Fearsome Brute as Kaylon said. Black Jacket because Hulk always grabs some random stuff and hits enemies with it. Cars, street lanterns, Lokis - you name it. Or use SC Berserker with potion and copy Ring of Reset with an exported char. Then you can have 3 knockouts and revives without injury per encounter. Use Vengeful Defeat. Dazing Shout, Heart of Fury. This could be fun to watch. Ogre's fists with Barbaric Retaliation and Vengeful Defeat might be something... Edit: just realized that a Transmuter can't cast Draconic Fury and all the otjher nice Enchanting spells like Safeguard. Oh well... skip Transmuter then. Those spell restrictions are really stupid. Iron Man could be a Sage with Missiles and stuff and the Long Pain. Bounding Boots, right? Uh - I just realize that I never tried an Essential Phantom with the Long Pain... hold my beer! before I go: we also must think about Dr. Doom with the Cowl of the Piercing Gaze. Really!
    1 point
  19. Yeah, not saying that he did it...but holy cow, the amount of drama with this guy over the past few weeks makes other notable drama queens look like lightweights in comparison.
    1 point
  20. At the moment there's no faith to keep. It's not like the US stopped attacks on the Taleban while the preliminary negotiations were taking place; so there's no reason for the Taleban to stop attacks either. Negotiation can work in Afghanistan- the case of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar is an example of a unrepentant 'terrorist' who stopped via a negotiated settlement. The big issue with the Taleban is that unlike Hekmatyar they are if not actually winning at least doing well enough that they have significant leverage and expectations from negotiations; and they aren't a wholly monolithic entity so there would be a likelihood of extremists not accepting any negotiated settlement. As for keeping faith after an agreement, it certainly wouldn't be a Vietnam 1975 type situation even if they 'broke faith' because the Taleban never held the entirety of Afghanistan even at their strongest; and while they aren't getting weaker they're still well behind how strong they were in 2001. They would run into the same issues they had last time, ie the ex soviet stans would support their minorities and Iran would back the shia. But, End of the Day, if the Taleban could stroll back into power after foreigners leave despite 20 years of nation building then there's no realistic prospect of them not being able to do so in a further 20 years anyway.
    1 point
  21. Depends on your tires, vehicle and drive. on a 4/awd you probably want to swap them all together so that they don't create more issues where they get out of sync. Most consumer tires shouldn't be that expensive for a pair (at least on sedans) I just did 4 on my dads (now mine) 2000 Tundra and that only cost me 800 overall, and when I was at Hertz ordering tires, most of the tires I bought for everything up to a Tahoe generally punched in around 100 bucks a wheel.
    1 point
  22. If I were to guess I'd say you should probably look into changing the other three tires. That's lookin pretty dang worn there.
    1 point
  23. The Mindfragger? Annoying critter that skitters towards your soldiers until it gets close, then it launches its own head at your soldier's face, its body dying in the process. While it is wrapped around the head of the soldier it mind controls them, so you have to shoot it off. Ideally you have the sniper nearby to take it off with a pistol shot and not hit the person. In this case the sniper was attacked, so assault rifle burst had to do
    1 point
  24. not even 1 day. Antonio Brown accused of sexual assault in suit not gonna rush to judge. regardless, ab is a lightning rod for trouble. not funny.
    1 point
  25. I've just starting playing Deadfire again. I took up right where I left off, just onboard ship before the pirates attacked. For some reason, I'm having more fun. It's better than Divinity 2. Sometimes games are like that. I'll play a while and see if it keeps its charm. EDIT: hey, really quick, should I spread skills around or pack arcana or what for a wizard?
    1 point
  26. Still here broham. Working for Ryder though, which is A hell of a commute until I finish training then I get to move to a store that's closer to me.
    1 point
  27. I think we should keep all options on the table because what we've been doing isn't working. That's why I said it should be acceptable to have talks not necessarily that we should talk to them. Still, it's not like we don't already negotiate with terrorists. I also don't think they should come to the US for any talks either. If the president wants a face to face meeting it should be held in some 3rd country. Realistically, if we aren't willing to go all in, which we aren't, then we need to get out. Bad optics or not, how long do we keep throwing our people and our money away? It's insanity. Sorry, I have strong feelings on this issue.
    1 point
  28. Ouh I did not know about this weapon ! I was indeed thinking about war hammers, I don't know why I wrote maces Come on man, try at least
    1 point
  29. Hey, that's a Lato P. You're a Founder. Here's some Fashion for everybody :).
    1 point
  30. Mmmmmmm, yes. I'm not normally one to bask in the misfortune of others but I shall make an unrepentant exception for moustache man. So much so that I hope he gets appointed by the next administration, just so that he can be fired again.
    1 point
  31. Do you mean an Ydwin Cipher build compared to a Serafen Cipher build? Because else they have different (multi)classes and you can't really compare them. Besides the Wild Mind passive they can be build pretty similar as SC Cipher. But Serafen talks a lot more and has his own quest. Ydwin is only equally "entertaining" in the BoW DLC. Note that all kills (also from DoTs like Disintegrate) do trigger Blood Thirst.
    1 point
  32. Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic form GOG
    1 point
  33. That's a bummer for me then. One thing I dislike is that every company and their moms want to have a digital distribution platform. Epic Store, Origin, Ubicrap, Steam, Discord Store, GOG Galaxy etc. Personally, I refuse to have so much needless crap installed on my PC. I only have Steam and GOG. This isn't going to change anytime soon for aforementioned reason.
    1 point
  34. I saw once pallegina-crusader build, where you stack defence when disengaging and run like crazy between enemies. Provoke as many disengagment attacks, as you can - they always misses you and WotEP has upgrade that riposte on every miss. Quite efficient but micromenaging hell. Aloth - wizard/fighter or wizard/rogue with spirit lance. Maximize lance AoE and - as a fighter - spam clear out, as rogue - pump deflection with magic and use riposte. Xoti - monk/priest - one of the most powerfull classes with brilliant/SoT/BDD trick, enduring dance and dichotomus soul. Barbaric retaliation works with hand mortars which is overkill with avenging storm scroll. Like every build with mortars.
    1 point
  35. Most are pretty straightforward. Edér: Fighter/Rogue distraction tank with Cadhu Scalth (+modal), Kapana Taga, Reckless Brigandine, Hold the Line, Helm of the Champion, Entonia Signet, +Protection and +Deflection gear, Persistent Distraction, Armored Grace, Adept Evasion, Riposte, Mob Stance, Refreshing Defense, Deathblows, Unbending (and so on). Basically like an Unbroken/Trickster but without the goodies of both classes. Still works very well. Goal is to have a sticky tank with 5 engagement slots without using Defender Stance. The items help a lot in that regard. Also works with Defender Stance if you want other gear and more defensive capabilities. Anyway you only need enough staying power to bind lots of enemies to you at the start of combat. You distract all of them automatically (very nice passive auto-debuff with no "saving throw"). You will still deliver decent melee dmg but at the same time be nearly impervious to ranged and AoE dmg (shield modal + Adept Evasion). Because of that you can get hit by your teammates' AoE spells (e.g. your Wizard's) and don't care much. Usually your bound enemies do care though and die. Tekēhu: SC Watershaper with Deltro's Cage + Lord Darryn's Voulge as "stat stick". Or same with him as Watershaper/Stormspeaker. Pallegina: Herald tank. High defenses and passive healing. Fat armor, Lethandria's Devotion, Sasha's Singing Scimitar (Shopcking Prelude + Refreshing Finale: use empowered White Worms and later empwered Eld Nary), Blackened Plate Armor with "Life in Death", Exalted Endurance + Ancient Memory and so on. Keep near your allies. Maia Rua: Scout with focus on arquebus. All the stuff that increases arquebus dps: Gunner, Marksman, Driving Flight, Stalker's Link, Marked for the Hunt, Deathblows, Accurate Wounding Shot, Arterial Strike, Blinding Strike, maybe Pierce the Bell against the really high AR foes (it has +5 PEN). And so on. Maybe not Toxic Strike since her INT is pretty low. Use the Red Hand or Dragon's Dowry. Dragon's Dowry is one of the best weapon for backstabbing: sneak up to a target, use Arterial Strike to "backstab" and immediately retreat with either Escape or Evasive Roll (usually Evasive Roll is better since you need more Guile than Bond in an encounter). If you use Escape and enchanted her armor with "Return Fire" and also pick Superior Camouflage it's not uncommon to trigger Return Fire's crit conversion often. If you don't want to backstab then just stick to the Red Hand and fire away. Aloth: SC Wizard - nothing special. Grimoire of Vaporous Wizardry, Rekvu's Fractured Casque. Injure yourself with Necrotic Lance in between fights so you always carry an Acute Rash injury (it's a very minor debuff but you gain immunity to interrupts and +1 spall casts per spell tier). Either go for Chromprismatic Staff as stat stick (Power Level bonuses) or Blightheart (+10% corrosive lash for spells is great) or Griffin's Blade + a small shield for more staying power and a bit increased spell dmg. Or use Magran's Favor + Sun & Moon for your fire spells. SC Wizard "The Terror": use Effigy's Husk + Whitewhitch Mask + Eye of Wael (=+3 PL to illusions) and aim for Illusion spells like Miasma + Curse of Blackend Sight, Repulsive Visage and Enervating Terror, Gaze of the Adragan, Wall of Many Colors, Kalakoth's Freezing Rake. You can use a club + modal to lower Will by 25 on a single target if you wish. Best in this case might be Shattered Vengeance with "Coordinated Escape". Very strong debuffer (lower Will to the ground with Misama and then terrify the heck out of everybody) but also later a strong damage dealer with Freezing Rake. Use Concelhaut's Draining Touch + Essential Phantom for this trick: the Draining TOuch will not go away on a Phantom after a succesful hit, so it can keep hitting the enemy with it, It does very high corrode damge. Especially since it targets will and not deflection. You are a strong strong will debuffer: see the synergy? The Phantom will hit enemies like a truck because it frequently crits with Draining Touch. It will heal itself in the process (draining) and apply weakened to the target. If it drops below 50% health it will also cast Repulsive Visage because of the mask. If it dies it will trigger the Husk's raw AoE attack on death. If you use Shroud of the Phantasm you can do all that times 6 (six Phantoms) - but of course only 1/rest. If you use Arkemy'r Grimoire there's an Illusion spell names "Arkemyr's Brilliant Departure" which makes you invisible and doesn't break if you only cast CC on enemies (no damage though). That means that you can cast for example a Miasma on a crowd without becoming visible. It's like CC god mode a bit. Also Wall spells (Wall of Many Colors but also Wall of Flames) will not end the invisibility because they are hazards (their own game character entity) which will not be connected to you dealing damage. Xoti: SC Priest- Very straightforward - just works. Use her lantern - it's great for that. User her as main support/secondary healer and kind of offtank. SC Monk. As melee Monk use her fists mostly and aim for Whispers of the Wind + Resonant Touch and make her the main damage dealer in order to get something out of her subclass. As mid-ranged SC Monk: use Serafen's two Hand Mortars and go gunmonk. This is very strong with Stunning Surge, Flagellanth's Path and Whispers of the Wind/Resonant Touch. Use Lightning Strikes, Duality of mortal Presence (INT) - no need to pick Turning Wheel since it's melee only. Pick everything that gives you ACC, PEN and INT (AoE size): Enduring Dance, Thunderous Blows, Razor's Edge, Ring of Overseeing, Ring of the Marksman, Aloth's Armor, Heaven's Cacophony and so on. Start fights with Enduring Dance and then fire away with Stunning Surge. Use wounds for Thunderous Blows in between, later for Whispers of the Wind and Resonant Touch as well. Stunning Surge will ost nothing if it crits only once in the AoE and you will even get back Mortification from her class passive if you kill (which happens a lot if she's the main AoE damage dealer). She works great with a single-target-focused Maia Rua: Maia picks off the dangerous single targets, Xoti wrecks the mobs. This woirks very well with a stiyk tank Edér and Aloth using Pull of Eora to cramp as many mobs a possible into a tight space. Also Aloth can use Dazzling Lights to lure enemies from stealth into a tight spot where Edér then egages and Aloth casts Pull of Eora. If you use Pull of Eora much gie Edér an item that makes him immune to push/pull effects (like the Horns of the Aurochs or the Upright Captain' Belt - very good in this case). In all monk cases go for Precognition as amulet and Stalking Cloak for the back. Whispers of the Wind makes you invisible so you will stun every enemiy you hit with it. Serafen (I like him if that isn't obvious): Witch with Willbreaker and White Witch Mask, use Blooded - works very well with the Mask. Use Spirit Frenzy/Tornado to apply Staggered (-10 Fortitude) and Secret Horrors to apply SIckened (another -10 Fortitude). Cast Borrowed Instincts a lot (+20 ACC besides other stuff) and hit enemies with the modal "Body Blows" on (-25 Fortitude) - then using Soul Ignition/Disintegrate and other fortitude based stuff on them. Your accuracy will virtually be +65(!). Use Brute Force to target fortitude instead of deflection if it's lower (often is with the Morning Star + Sprit Frenzy + Secret Horrors). The Morning Star also lowers Will (-3 per hit) which is great for most other cipher powers that don't target fortitude. Also use Psychovampiric Shield to lower enemies Will by -20 and Deflection by 10. Use Whisper of Treason and/or Puppet Master, too. Although you are a melee guy you should use these because they are very strong. Don't hit your charmed enemies - else they flip back. Let them fight for you instead. Skill your Will into the sky (Iron Will +15 & Bull's Will +10) and use the highest shock AR gear you can find (so.. NOT plate armor). When casting, don't be too near to your allies in case you miscast (can wipe your friends). Use Deltro's Cage Helmet to profit from the miscast (if you survive). Witch with Lord Darryn's Voulge, Deltro's Cage - mostly applying Static Charges with Carnage and using Soul Shock on your tank. SC Barb, aiming for Driving Roar with Blood Thirst, Bloodlust, Spirit Frenzy, Acina's Tricorn, Lance of the Midwood Stag (Lord of the Forest). Let a fellow druid cast Woodskin or Form of the Delemgan on you right at the start of battle. Or count on the weapon's enchant,ment to give you Woodskin at some point. In this case it can be good to also wear Nature's Embrace. Gain +2 PL and attack from second row with Spirit Frenzy + Carnage and use the yell/roar to deliver dmg and apply Shaken, Daze and Staggered as AoE CC until you get Driving Roar. At that point just be your party's best ranged damage dealer with incredible dmg output for just 1 Rage per cast. Also pick Improved Critical etc. Against crush-immune or resistant enemies either use your Lance or pick Instrument of Boundless Rage. Use two Necklaces of Fireballs: one in the stach and one on your neck. Before getting Driving Roar cast up tp 8 Fireballs per encounter (trigger Staggered with Spirit Frenzy, Blooded also works and so do Frenzy and Bloodlust/Blood Thirst for casting speed) after encounter stack the empty necklace with the full one in the stash - tada: both have 8 charges again. If you like fire attacks a lot you can also go Magran's Favor (+ Bleeding Cuts) + Sun & Moon + Instruments of Boundless Rage + Necklace of Fireballs + Spirit Tornado + Dragon Leap + Barbaric Shout + Barbaric Retaliation + Blunting Belt + Patinated Plate (Bronze Juggernaut + Constant Reboud) + Death's Maw + Stalwart Defiance + Thick Skinned + Blooded + One Stands Alone + Heart of Fury + Barbaric Smash + Blood Surge + Blood Thirst + Bloodlust (hope that all fits into one char Can't remember the exact portfolio). Maybe also use Three Trolls Stiched or Nemnok's Cloak. Ragged Cloak for more retaliation damage. Jump into the midst of the enemy and let them hit you. With dazing and such high AR they won't do much damage but crit you a lot, triggering Barbaric Retaliation with Bleeding Cuts and self heal from Sun & Moon. If you're too low on hralth use Stalwart Defiance. All the while cast Fireballs from the Necklace or use Instrument of Boundless Rage or simply Barbaric Smash. All your fire based attacks will have +4 Power Level during daytime. Suicide Bomb - SC Barb: use Effigy's Husk, Effort, Shroud of the Phantasm in hard fights, else Mantle of the Seven Bolts, Vengeful Defeat, Heart of Fury, Pather's Leap, Blooded, Accurate Carnage, Blood Storm and so on. Jump into enemies and start hacking away. You want to be very fast but not too fragile. Should you go down: Deal tremendous AoE damage from Effort (Full AoE Attack), Husk (Raw AoE attack), Vengeful Defeat (Full AoE attack) and Mantle (Shock AoE attack) to everything around you. Get revived by a Paladin, Priest, Druid or Chanter and try again. Very good on itself but not if you don't like resting. In tight encounters use the Shroud to summon 6 copies of you which have low health and do the same on death as you: EXPLODE! . Nothing except fat bosses might survive this if your timing/position is good... If you want you can copy the Ring of Reset from the Deck of Many Things. You can do that without the console if you export a custom character with the ring (use a lvl-1-adventurerer with only the ring - to avoid hich recruitment costs). Hire him then in the other game in a tavern and take the Ring. Now you have two. They can form a stack in the stash. If one is emoty stack it with the other one and it will be recharged. This way you can go down 3 times in an encounter (trigger AoW dmg) and get back up right again without taking an injury. It's cheesy - but if you like that build idea but hate resting this might be your thing. It's a lot of fun. By the way: Ring of Reset doesn't work on Phantoms... (see Aloth). Well... some might not be that straightforward now that I read all this again...
    1 point
  36. I'm basically following this build but with Kind Wayfarer because I'm a goody two-shoes. She's still very hard to kill due to the healing you get from White Flames rather than the AR from Gilded Enmity. I've raised my CON and RES to average values because 1) I don't like min-maxing; 2) can't be bothered to get all the various temp bonuses; and 3) I'm playing with the Deadly Deadfire Hardcore mod. Based on my experience of this mod and playing PoE1 with an XP reduction mod, I think that all the dump CON & RES builds are essentially relying on the fact that the games become too easy as you level up, even on PoTD. If using mods that lead to mobs consistently being a higher level than the player, a weak defence is a much bigger problem.
    1 point
  37. I am. I have a house now. Grandfather died though. Still haven't fully processed his, or my grandmothers death last year (My mom's not doing great right now, she's had to deal with four very close deaths in the past 2 years)
    0 points
  38. I only use Netflix thus far. Not about to change as well. I am fine paying for one sub. Also apples to oranges.
    0 points
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