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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/19 in all areas

  1. Just got a PM from @MaxQuest: he's alive and kicking. Just some huge pile of RL stuff that needed attention.
    3 points
  2. Yep. I did some additional requested tweaks and bugfixes to CP, but i can't upload it without @MaxQuest. More than that, i don't know how to create Trinkets (or any items) and add them to vendors. Sure i can learn how to do this, but it will take some time. I suggest to wait and hope that Max is OK.
    3 points
  3. I was going to come in here and make a usual flippant/unimportant bloggity post but yeah, wow. I don't know what to say, except that's a horrific situation and can't imagine having to go through it, and I will join you in hoping he gets that long prison sentence.
    2 points
  4. I’m under no illusion that I am staking out any legal or moral high ground here. The moment I touch a firearm in response to the lawful action of authorities I have crossed the Rubicon. “Here have I abandoned peace and desecrated law”. No going back. But how far must we bend in acquiescence to the State? If any right, any liberty, any material possessions, even our very lives can be demanded of us by the state with the blessing of the legislature and support of the majority of our fellow citizens are we ever safe? Do we own the State or does it own us? At some point we reach for the “higher law” as John Brown called it and say NO. That is really what we are talking about here. I will and do pay my taxes. I “render unto Caesar “ but there is a line up to which I will comply peacefully. This far and no farther. That is something every one should agree on IMO even if those lines are drawn in different places. Imagine some late day Herod demanding families give up their male children to the State with the blessings of the legislature. How far do we submit? Many of the worst acts done in the history of this country were legal and supported by the majority of the people. Would you tell Red Cloud he was wrong? Would you tell John Brown he was wrong. At some point we have to say no. I am 100% in favor of civil disobedience. But for me, civil ends at my front door. Anyway we have beaten that to death. Reply if you like. I am always interested in your opinion. That is my closing argument
    2 points
  5. Hopefully said person is dead or in jail for a good long time...else it might still be you. Still though, that's pretty messed up.
    2 points
  6. FWIW, I've seen Medical and Engineering checks in dialogue in the footage available. It does seem like checks for other skills aren't doled out as prominently as in New Vegas, perhaps, but they're still there.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. OK, just found this funny as hell because I have chickens
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. hmmm. if this is your audition for the part o' baby groot, am believing the role has already been filled. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  11. Absolutely extraordinary band.
    1 point
  12. That fake Democrat would do anything for attention, fancy using military service to boost your profile. Shameless. Then again she's only running because she wants a cabinet or VP position and has no actual chance so why bother voting for her. Did you know she also didn't like gays 20 years ago, or is a big fan of gAssad and wants him to run Israel? Plus she only gets attention due to Russian bots or because she's pretty and she hasn't guaranteed she won't do a 3rd party run and support Hillary Joe when he inevitably wins the nomination because she's so awesome. No no no, I haven't joined Shareblue and am not running through an obvious sponsored list of talking points with no regard to context or the person I'm replying to- only Russians run influence campaigns and the only shills and bots on the internet are people who disagree with me. (Think I hit every note for the typical reply every time Gabbard is mentioned on reddit/ FB/ Twitter- including the self contradictory ones like running as a 3rd party candidate and only running to get a cabinet position- except for the enormous 'spontaneous' and totally not potted list of links illustrating her badthink)
    1 point
  13. When I noticed I could make my own commander even in the campaign, I promptly ran out of inspiration. So I tried to make Dr. Vahlen
    1 point
  14. Always liked Stardusks Mod's, he seems to concentrate on underpowered subclasses and he doesnt go overboard "fixing" them. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/345 is the mod, basically; "15% Action Speed with Melee Weapons, +3 Accuracy with Melee Weapons and 10% chance to convert hits to crits with Melee Weapons. The new range for companion bonuses is 8 m instead of 4 m and Bonded Grief also takes hold at 12 m or more. Additionally as a close combat specialist the Stalker suffers a -10 Accuracy Penalty to ranged weapons." Stalkers seem like the would benifit from high might and int for longer bigger dots, tempted to go Amra Battle axe Aumaua and bear. How would you build around this mod (single class prefered but multi could be interesting too).
    1 point
  15. Yeah! Just got his PM too. "He's ali-i-i-ve" (c)
    1 point
  16. is more pronounced this cycle, but the core issue is the same for democrats every Presidential election, no? is more registered democrats, period. regardless o' electoral college issues, if every democrat and every republican actual voted, post eisenhower we would always have had democrat Presidents. democrat candidates who get young people and apathetic voters to show up to polls wins. obama's "yes we can" got democrats to vote... though admitted outspending mccain by huge amounts also helped. weren't his record on issues or his performance at debates v. mccain, debates which he avoided complete. am knowing we mentioned previous that we were convinced bernie woulda' been a better choice for democrats in 2016. last Presidential election, too many democrats didn't like clinton, and too many more simple didn't care enough to vote. as close as election were, getting a few more democrats in battleground states to vote woulda' been enough, or such were our thinking. we have equivocated 'bout bernie since 2016. bernie does fantastic with democrat-lean independents, but the independents who functional decided the last election by voting johnson or trump is not the same independents who is responding to polls during the primaries. could bernie get enough democrats to vote to make up for the loss o' conservative lean independents? maybe, but am honest not confident. heck, bernie should be popular with those rural and poor who didn't get relief after great recession and has only seen their situation worsen under trump. dunno. regardless, this is actual a common problem for democrats and there doesn't appear to be an obama kinda candidate hidden 'mongst the multitude o' persons current vying for votes. 'course is worth recalling how obama didn't look like a realistic candidate 'til after his surprise showing in iowa. if there appeared to be a candidate who could genuine energize the historical torpid and indolent democrats, then we would go all chips in with her or him. in the alternative, seems perfect reasonable to pick the guy most likely to sway those handful o' up-for-grab votes which decided the last election, an election with terrible turnout and no popular candidates from any party. HA! Good Fun! ps young people are stoopid, but in a good way. only the folks too dumb to know their efforts is pointless is ever gonna bring 'bout meaningful change. am glad young people is more focused on issues than on practical considerations.
    1 point
  17. aha, well i noticed in the last video that motare o kozi isn't uncovered. i didn't friggin realize you could just the engolio de espiers wherever so i've been doing the huana faction quests even though i'm already doing 99% of the principi. so that definitely ate a lot of time to travel. (for some reason i seemed to think that engolio espiers being used only outside dunnage, and then having an extremely slow ghost boat to travel with all the way to the end) well, we'll see if i can find a way to squeeze in the last stuff, otherwise i'm going to have to start over, since i'm well past the point where i could re-path and ignore the huana faction quest. not so sure if i would start over with a tactician/skaen... edit - actually, this realization does save me some time, because now i don't have to waste time to travel back to/stay in nekataka to do the final huana faction quest (blowing up the powderhouse). saves just a day maybe, but every bit helps. edit 2 - gives me an extra day for content and removes one thing off my TODO list to worry about. getting there, we'll see.
    1 point
  18. Yeah, I still play it from time to time. It's still a blast to get around the maps, and the DC lore is great. It shows its age a bit, but not as bad as some of the games out there.
    1 point
  19. Mike Gravel has dropped out of the running for the Democrat nomination. Never heard of him? Probably why he's dropped out. He endorsed Bernie Sanders on his way out. That leaves 23 with just 9 qualified for the next debate in September. Gabbard has the number of unique donors and looks like her poll numbers are going up. She is likely to be the 10th. So my horse is still in the race.
    1 point
  20. You gotta be kidding?! Some day you are going to catch a break and have some good things happen. It HAS to. Well, this was good in that it didn't happen to you. Not what I had in mind though.
    1 point
  21. I'm not really noticing any similarity in art style with Fortnite. While both games employed saturated colors, the color palettes are actually rather different. Same with RAGE 2, the color use of which reminded me of Tyranny most recently. Both games tended to feature brown/earthy tones most of the time but very saturated colors to indicate when you were encountering magic/technology/superpowers. Now, it's totally fine not to enjoy The Outer Worlds' art style, you certainly wouldn't be the first person I see online to find it visually unappealing, and it's not even totally incorrect to argue that there's a trend towards more colorful artstyles these days (it actually predates the incredible success of Fortnite and can be seen in the shift of Bethesda's Fallout from the sickly greens of Fallout 3 to the wider color palette of 4 and 76), but I don't think you made a very compelling argument overall.
    1 point
  22. Everything you share about your personal life is horrifying. Glad it wasn't you.
    1 point
  23. Kratos is now level 100 After checking some of the other requirements for trophies, I have decided to add two more tedious goals to current playthrough, before getting to Final Boss. One of the goals is finally done, but maaan, getting 1million casino chips for a trophy which is based purely on luck... *sighs* I think I spent 2 and half hours hitting the lever, just to get the required chips... Enough time wasted with ridiculous low chances to win, that off-put me much enough from real world casinos for the next 20 years and made me even bigger opponent of “surprise mechanics” The final task which still awaits me, is Figurine book for Genis’ title. Lot of encounters and lot of stealing involved in it. I need 54 pellets, 57 fine pellets and 66 super pellets for figurine smelting, which need to be stolen from various mobs, and 85 rare pellets, which can be thankfully purchased in Altamira for Casino Chips. 2000 a piece. I still have over 800k from that silly trophy, so at least I do not need to farm these from a rare spawn in Derris-Kharlan...
    1 point
  24. Blaming unrelated things for stuff that came after isn't new. Those who were around in the 80's remember D&D being blamed for a number of deaths. In the late '80's Al & Tipper Gore were crusading against heavy metal music. In fact if you remember a band called Cinderella they even wrote a verse in a song about it: Tipper leads the war against the record industry, says she saw the devil on MTV.
    1 point
  25. Multiplayer games are to blame.
    1 point
  26. I actually love the color palette and saturation in TOW. One of several things that drew me to it.
    1 point
  27. Welcome back, Ben
    1 point
  28. at login, the forum asked me to update my info with my birth date... so i put today
    1 point
  29. Though I'd argue the claim of Yes being one of the greatest prog bands ever (they wouldn't make my top 20 personally), they had a really good run in the early 70s and Chris Squire's part in their success was not at all small. An utterly fantastic player, truly the backbone of the band even in its direr epochs, and his tone is certainly up there with the likes of Jannick Top or John Wetton in Red for me. And then there's this wonderful piece from Robert Wyatt's Rock Bottom, courtesy of Hugh Hopper: A current day bassist that has really impressed me when I saw him live was Chris Pravdica from Swans. Usually when it comes to the band a lot of attention is directed towards Michael Gira, understandably so as he's truly the heart of the band, but in a live setting it was impressive to take note of how much of this most recent lineup of Swans and its sheer weight was up to Pravdica's work specifically. He was doing wonders throughout.
    1 point
  30. My guy you think impressionistic neon lighting as an art style was pioneered by Fortnite? Have you seen any major Science Fiction film since color movies became a thing? This type of lighting is a ostensibly a cliche at this point.
    1 point
  31. Quality is the only enchantment you can overwrite. The others are one time choices, so if you pick a proofing or attribute bonus, that’s what you have for the rest of the game on that item. Choose wisely!
    1 point
  32. A while back, I wrote this post: They ended up murdering some of their family instead. I guess that takes care of that. ...At least it wasn't me?
    0 points
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