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  1. Hey! Hippies are back! Oh please please please say brought back Jimi Hendrix and Jefferson Airplane with them!
    2 points
  2. City of Villains. Started an Arachnos Soldier and trying to get her to level 20 so I can go rogue, betray Arachnos and turn hero. The character is called Spider from Mars. She'll start her path towards redemption out of lingering guilt over smashing Ziggy Stardust's sweet hands.
    1 point
  3. Again, it looks like they were performing, not just begging ( I didnt watch either, just based on the picture :p). Playing a guitar on the street is different than sitting with a sign out. Both people might be dealing with similar circumstances, but one is clearly offering something in exchange for your money.
    1 point
  4. Flag burning should not be a criminal act. Unless the flag you burned wasn't yours. Then it is criminal petty theft. IMO if you are publicly burning a US flag you are a grade A a-----e and I have zero interest in whatever you are trying to say. But if that is what makes you happy and it's your own flag you're burning then flame on.
    1 point
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy
    1 point
  6. In Poland homeless people often don't want to go to shelters because of the "no alcohol" rule. Some people just don't want to be helped.
    1 point
  7. I thought people said Alita was good. The acting in it was CW level bad (especially the male lead) and the effects looked like PSX graphics...
    1 point
  8. Homelessness is a pretty big problem here and it's a pretty complex problem as well. Just like here there is probably a lot more going on there than people just not wanting to use shelters, I mean, in our case we simply don't have near enough beds for everyone. Near my office there is a road which is often referred to as skid row because of all the vehicles there that people are living out of and it seems like these people are largely the working homeless, people have have jobs or a fixed income but can't afford a place to live (or possibly a place to live and their vehicles) especially with our rising housing costs. We have our share of people that are homeless because of drugs and mental illness, which tend to go hand in hand, but most people that I've spoken to or been told about (my wife's good friend is a social worker that works with the homeless) have just had some really bad breaks they couldn't recover from.
    1 point
  9. Yes it puts the rest of the protestors in a bad light, but seriously though, you can't expect to not have a few bad actors/apples out of millions of protestors. Re BruceVC on flag vandalizing: It's the Blue Lives matter flag, not the US flag. I don't know what the laws are in South Africa, but flag burning (to use a slightly more extreme example) is protected free speech here. Doesn't mean that there aren't people who want to ban that practice and make it equivalent to treason.
    1 point
  10. Well, obviously. If you intend to stay rich, you don't go around spending your own money.
    1 point
  11. ktchong melting down over it makes me want to watch it more tbh
    1 point
  12. One giant...lie? Why so many people still think the moon landings were faked
    1 point
  13. It's not about individual circumstances BruceVC. It's a travel style. Like hitchhiking. There are people who need to hitchhike because for example car malfunction and there are people who hitchhike across countries for fun and experience. Which is fine as well as other travel styles like work/travel where you catch some job for a few days and then continue travel. But this style where you on purpose beg to finance your travel is not ok.
    1 point
  14. Just don't give them money if you see them and be done about it?
    1 point
  15. Yes! There are some minor overall improvements to combat and UI, but most of all, there are additional story missions! Two I can recall on top of my head were related to companions (Gloria and the decker guy). Good stuff, and they make the most out of systems available in dragon fall. It is well worth the 2nd playthrough I think.
    1 point
  16. overwhelming quantity of fantasy cliche was the point of pathfinder everything have a piece in it so player can start a game in whatever setting they want and it was also the setting's most obvious weakness as for roleplay as a more consistent character it was not very well constructed worst part are the dialogue option block by alignment the game play system are so ancient even compare to poe and wasteland2 it just doesn't work at all the strength of pfk certainly didn't penetrate it's many flaws player have to fight every single one of it to get to the good stuff usually the short story piece together by items scatter around
    1 point
  17. I think I'm around 20 games on my wishlist at the moment, but it's mostly because I'm cheap. I've gotten to the point where I won't buy (most) games unless I can get the whole game (including all DLC, etc.) for under $20 (preferably under $15.) About the only exception that comes to mind at the moment would be XCOM 3, if it ever gets made.
    1 point
  18. I finished Judgment on normal difficulty. It took me 65 hours to complete, though I still have plenty of content to explore in premium adventure mode. Great game with terrific writing, I expected no less from Ryu Ga Gotoka. If I have 1 criticism of the game is that it's too Yakuza, which seems like a really weird criticism given that I love the Yakuza series. If they make a sequel, I hope they depart from the Yakuza series a little more. I hope they set the game some place other than Kamurocho. I understand why they went with Kamurocho for the setting and why the game was so Yakuza-like, it was the safe play, the game would be instantly familiar to all Yakuza fans. Still, I hope they take some risks for the follow up. Have the sequel take place in a new setting and spend more time making the detective aspects of the game a bit more in depth and challenging. I know some people didn't like the detective aspects of the game, like tailing and scene investigation, but I was into those, I just thought they were way too easy. Furthermore, during interrogations choosing wrong dialogue options didn't really come with any consequences. Maybe on the higher difficulty settings detective aspects are more challenging, but I suspect that the difficulty setting mainly just makes combat more difficult.
    1 point
  19. The 8 surviving Apollo astronauts for the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing They are from left to right: Charlie Duke (Apollo 16), Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11), Walter Cunningham (Apollo 7), Al Worden (Apollo 15), Rusty Schweickart (Apollo 9), Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17), Michael Collins (Apollo 11) and Fred Haise (Apollo 13).
    1 point
  20. I love choices. I hate filler. I'm turned off by even sidequests. "Please go kill the bandits for 14 copper and a piece of lint. They've been sitting in a cave 15 minutes ride south not bothering a single person who was worth having a name. But it says bandit over their head so they really just need to be gone." No. But I HATE grinds. "Here's a stick for a weapon and some roughly spun wool that we think passes for armor. To actually avenge the death of your wife, you'll need the DEMON HEART ENCRUSTED DIAMOND SWORD of +2000 agility and a suit of THUNDERBOLT IRON PLATEMAIL with enough defense stat for a starship hull. But to even get that you'll need the PICKAXE OF WOE that has a 20% droprate from the demon lord AB'ZZTHFR and he only spawns once a day. Then you'll need to mine 3 cubic miles of METEORIC IRON and kill roughly 50 demons for two hearts. Don't worry about mining for diamonds, just buy them. To get the gold you have to murder and rob the entire population of the nation 3 times over. Now get started." Quit->Uninstall
    1 point
  21. Think of beguilers like this: Almost by definition, you want to be casting spells more than you want to be attacking-to-generate-focus-to-cast-spells. Because if you'd be better off just attacking, you could do that at any time! The beguiler mechanic works like this: If you are casting a Deception spell, you pay the focus cost normally. But for every target you hit that has an affliction (including grazes, and INCLUDING the affliction you might have just applied with this very spell cast), you get 5+PL points of focus back. If you hit multiple targets with a relatively low-focus-cost spell, you GAIN focus. Even for higher-cost spells, if they hit multiple targets, their focus cost is significantly reduced. The two stars for this: 1) Eyestrike (only costs 10 focus, at max level you gain 2 focus (5+PL 7) only hitting only 1 target, and if you hit 2 or more you rapidly turn a profit). 2) Phantom Foes (costs 20 focus, but affects a MUCH larger area, so it is very easy to rack up a lot of focus if the board is full). Play your cards right, and you should be able to spend most of the fight casting Deception spells without needing to stop and make weapon attacks. This shines in particular in multiclass with casters. Normally that would be a bad choice because spellcasting from the other class doesn't generate you any focus. But if your primary goal is casting Deception spells mostly/exclusively, you don't NEED to generate much if any focus to do that, so you're more or less free to cast either kind of spell without worry. Psion has a very similar friendly-to-caster synergy because they generate focus even while spellcasting, but most people still prefer Beguiler overall for that role. This also can be friendly for tanks, because there are a ton of fast-casting Deception spells which even a tank can safely cast without worry of interrupts, it plays well into the tank's role of board control, and the tank's typical downside of slow action speed and long recovery is mitigated by the generally long-term payoff of long-duration debuffs, which don't need huge throughput to get coverage. On that note, Borrowed Instinct IS a Deception spell, and it is amazeballs-effective for a tank. So what's the downside? The chief downside is that beguilers' focus generation from attacking is poor compared to vanilla ciphers or ascendants. With Draining Whip (the default, and the way you should basically always be thinking about your focus generation), vanilla ciphers get 100% Focus per point of damage, Ascendants get 125% Focus per point of damage, and Beguilers get 75% Focus per point of damage if the target has an affliction, or only 50% if the target does not have an affliction (although if you're in this situation the fight should be well advanced enough that you should at least have Flanked, so it's your own damn fault if the target isn't afflicted). So if you wind up using up your focus, and either don't have enough to cast the Deception spell you want, or if it's late enough in the fight that there's no sufficient cluster of enemies to generate positive returns via your Deception focus mechanic, then you will be regaining focus more slowly than you otherwise would. This is partially mitigated if you're saving up to cast Deception spells, because you will need to still save up the full price, but you'll still be getting some of it back even if you only hit one target.
    1 point
  22. I hate when people use this term incorrectly. Medieval fantasy is a fantasy placed in actual medieval times. King Arthur and knights of the round table is medieval fantasy, because it takes place in actual medieval Europe. Anything placed in any never never land is not medieval fantasy even if the setting and technological advance is similar. I also don't like when people use frases like "it wasn't possible then". What do you mean then? Are you a historian for a fantasy land now?
    1 point
  23. Can't believe they'd still be clipping dogs ears in the utopian future but I've heard PatStew is big on rescues so maybe that has something to do with it.
    1 point
  24. Age of Wonders 3 is free for a limited time on Steam
    1 point
  25. Sucks they had to change the name, but that's better than going through a lengthy lawsuit, I guess. As long as the gameplay is good, they can call it Grapefruit Waterslide Rainbow Extravaganza, for all I care.
    1 point
  26. I think it's time to rename this thread. Who's with me? Are Obsidian forum users publicly undercutting needlessly-speculative The Outer Worlds drama?
    1 point
  27. Oh boy. Pretty sure we don't need more YT nontroversy/he-said-she-said Twitter ballyhoo. Especially when it pertains to other games. It's bad enough that the general gaming news is already chock full of that kind of "content". Echoing them elsewhere only increases their exposition.
    1 point
  28. These: Now, to read through this entire thing: https://lparchive.org/Ryuu-ga-Gotoku-Kenzan/
    1 point
  29. Listen here buckaroo, it starts with liking a few tweets and ends with Sawyer sending half the office into labor camps. What else would you expect from a guy who believes in balance? Don't say I didn't warn you when the far-left communist brigade comes to throw you into Chairman Stallman's GNUlag.
    1 point
  30. Kinda expected a wild Tom Cruise to appear out of nowhere.
    1 point
  31. OK, here are several suggestions for Druids what I've thought. I've felt there are some spells that need to buff, but listing those in this thread seems to make this post complicated and be out of scope so I won't write down about the things. Before starting discussion, I've note that most of my suggestions are for a diversity of playing game, especially when multi-classing with Martial Classes, since Druid has very few self-enhancement spells unlike Priests or Wizards, which makes Druids less attractive for the multi-classing with one of those. 1. I don't exactly remember, but as far as I know the ability of Fury's Spiritshift, which bounces +1 times, is not cumulative with Driving Flight. It seems like a bug. 2. Another Fury's ability, which provides +1 Pen for Elemental Druid Spells, would be better to be applied on all Elemental keywords. 3. Shifter’s ability, healing after Spiritshift ends, should scale with character's Level or PL. 4. Spiritshift form's attack type has to be Unarmed attacks in my opinion. They actually don't "equip" their teeth, claws, or horns... It's their natural forms. 5. Lowering Wildstrike Frenzy's required PL from VIII to VII would be very cool for Druid/Martial multi-classing. I think it's acceptable because 1) the passive ability itself is not so powerful as much as the other PL VII passive abilities such as Blood Thirst, 2) SC Druid is barely able to be martial-oriented because of lack of self-enhancement spells or related passive abilities.
    1 point
  32. Finished Long Shot, wasn't too bad. Certainly was interesting to read the guy's path from Iran to fighting in Kobani, some funny moments as well. The one that sticks with me is whe he overhears the following on the radio ISIS Soldier : We need assistance! ISIS Commander : God is great! ISIS Soldier : Yes, I know God is great, but we need help urgently! Certainly is something absurd enough to believe out of a warzone. Is naturally some overstated praise of the Kurds, as well.
    1 point
  33. Ok, now Priest trinkets. THey will be switchable like grimoires so you are not stuck with one during combat, you can use the trinket slot + Quick Item slots. Here are some ideas that I wrote down. Some of those spells are copies of other classes' spells, but they'd get their own icons and names and sometimes even altered effects. The intention is to make it less "cheap" to "steal" spells from other classes. But we have to widen the spell choice a little bit. Else you could only do 3 or so trinkets since the original spell choices of a Priest are not that numerous. Anyway here is what I came up with. Feel free to comment and post your own ideas: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dyrwoodan Prayerbook Why: Widen spell portfolio. Promote the use of the prayer spells which most Priests don't pick at level-up. Description: This small book contains simple and catchy prayers and litanies. Variants of those are used in most churches throughout the Dyrwood. Although the different churches all have their own interpretations they mostly have the same effect on the common believer. Contained spells: 1. - (maybe Blessing?) 2. Prayer for the Body 3. Prayer for the Spirit 4. Litany for the Body 5. Litany for the Spirit 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Additional effects: • +1 PL with Inspiration spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Sermon of Punishment and Redemption Why: Eothas-themed (because the whole game is about Eothas). Widen spell portfolio. Promote punishment spells for priestly DD builds Description: Saint Rumbalt was among the first of the Eothasian pilgrims to take up the Emperor's offer of resettlement in the distant territory of Readceras. A dedicated priest of the Shining God, Rumbalt was regarded as a leader in his community, known both for his unwavering dedication to his congregation and his stern vigilance against lapses in doctrine. What survives of his sermons reflects this duality, for he emphasized the redemptive power of the faith even as he warned against the dire punishments awaiting those who rejected Eothas' beneficence. Contained spells: 1. Barbs of Condemnation 2. Pillar of Faith 3. Divine Mark 4. Shining Beacon 5. Searing Seal 6. Pillar of Holy Fire 7. Storm of Holy Fire 8. Symbol of Eothas 9. Light of Eothas Effects: • +1 PL to all Punishment spells --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Building on Solid Foundations Why: PoE Nostalgia. This trinket brings back the Priest talents from PoE with which you could buff your Holy Radiance and Interdiction abilities. Implementation can be done differently (e.g. as different trinkets or as passive effects that get unlocked at the fitting PL). Also widens spell portfolio quite a bit (with this implementation). Description: This essay refers to the well known book „Daily Affirmations of Focus and Efficiency“ that is very popular among followers of Abydon. It describes certain excercises and techniques that allow a priest to improve and refine some of their basic abilites. Contained spells/effects: 1. Interdiction 2. Inspiring Radiance (+10 ACC AoE buff) 3. Empowered Interdiction (+10 ACC) 4. Aggrandizing Radiance (+2 to stats) 5. Painful Interdiction (weaken) 6. Brilliant Radiance (burn damage) 7. Intimidating Interdiction (frighten) 8. Reviving Radiance (revive like Revive the Fallen, but AoE) 9. Anathema (disoriented) Effects: • none --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Amber Star Why: themed on the Dawnstars - since they play a role in Deadfire. Widen spell portfolio. Lot of non-priest spells now "priestified". Enables to build a party healer as Priest (not Druid). Description: The six-pointed star is carved from amber. Numerous small pieces of violet crystal are entrapped within it. Contained spells/effects: 1. Restore 2. Light of the Dawnstars (The Moon‘s Light, Restoration) 3. Consecrated Ground 4. Aurora (Moonwell, Restoration, Protection) 5. Rays of the Morning Sun (...And Evil turned away from the Sun, Restoration, Protection) 6. Sunlance (Punishment) 7. Storm of Holy Fire 8. Hand of Weal and Woe 9. Light of the Midday Sun (Light of Pure Zeal, Punishment, Restoration) Effects: • Favor of the Dawnstars: +10% healing done --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Sentry Figurine Why: Widen spell portfolio. Promote the use of the unloved seal spells, make something for "tank priests". Description: This small figurine of an armor clad sentry is made of soapstone. A miniscule engraving on its back says „The guardian of our faith will let no heathen pass“. Contained spells/effects: 1. Halt 2. Repulsing Seal 3. Warding Seal 4. Wall of Flame (Punishment, Fire) 5. Searing Seal 6. Spiritual Ally 7. Shields for the Faithful 8. Sigil of Ardent Faith (Minoletta‘s Piercing Sigil, Punishment, Condemnation) 9. Incarnate Effects: • +1 Engagement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Feathered Monstrance Why: Widen spell portfolio mostly. If you get this trinket you don't need to pick those spells at level up which makes room for more circumstancial spells or for more passives. Hylea-themed because not much else is in this game. Focus on support. Description: This monstrance is made from colorful feathers and displays a central, opalescent tail feather of an unknown bird. Every time you look at it you feel uplifted. Contained spells/effects: 10. Holy Power 11. Holy Meditation 12. Holy Sh!t Dire Blessing 13. Devotions for the Faithful 14. Champion‘s Boon 15. Salvation of Time 16. Shields for the Faithful 17. Crowns for the Faithful 18. Soaring of Hylea (Light of Eoaths, but Swift for 30 secs instead of +50 health, Inspiration) Effects: • +1 to Inspiration Power Level --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finger of Death Appearance: a skeletal finger Why: Because you want to play a Deathguard, duh? Description: A remnant of Lord Raedric VI, the thayn of Gilded Vale and devoted follower of Berath. During your rule in Caed Nua, a peasant brought you this piece of finger bone and insisted that it's the finger of Raedric who turned into a Deathguard after his death and was finally slewn. Contained spells: 1. Death‘s Cold Grasp (PL1, Kalakoth‘s Sunless Grasp, keywords: Freeze, Punishment, Condemnation) 2. - 3. Necrotic Lance (PL 3, keywords: Acid, Punishment) 4. - 5. Death Ring (PL 5, keywords: Acid, Punishment) 6. - 7. Touch of Death (PL 7, keywords: Punishment) 8. - 9. Cloak of Death (PL9, keywords: Punishment, Condemnation) Effects: • Apparent Deathguard: -5 CON, +3 RES • Champion of Berath: gives the wearer the passive ability "Come Sweet Winds of Death" (aura, 2.5 m radius, no phrase counting, no scaling)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Cadegund‘s Powder Horn Why: PoE Nostalgia. Brings back the arquebus as a chosen weapon. The scaling makes sure it's best with Magrinites, but other priests can also use it. Also brings back the special ability every priests got with that weapon talent in PoE. Description: Not much is known about Cadegund, a battlefield Priestess of Magran. Her name is engraved on the side of this battle-worn powder horn which she used to reload her trusted arquebus with. Sometimes you hear a faint crackling sound from inside of it. Contained spells: 1. Inspired Flame (Lesser Burst of Summer Flame, less base dmg: 14-22, keywords: Fire, Punishment) 2. Spiritual Weapon Arquebus (burning lash scales up with Aggressive/Clever and down with Passionate/Diplomatic dispositions; model: Arquebus_Superb) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Additional effects: • Magran‘s Drill: -20% reload speed with firearms (note that this will not stack additively with Maia's armor or Sure Handed Ila. So -20% and -20% --> NOT -40%) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sabhan‘s Rat Skull Why: PoE Nostalgia. Brings daggers as a chosen Skaen weapon. I tried shackles (Ball and Chain ingame model without the Ball) but it is not possible. Skean already got stiletto and club like in PoE, So I had to come up with something else and daggers seems to be a good fit. The scaling makes sure they are best with Skaenites, but other priests can also use them. Also brings back the special ability every priests got with that weapon talent in PoE (in this case Lesser Sneak Attack). Description: This skull of a rat is white and polished and has eyes made from blackstone. You have the impression that it squeaks in your backpack from time to time. Better to put it near you, that poor thing. Contained spells: 1. Insinuation of Rebellion (PL1, Whipers of Treason, Keywords: Condemnation) 2. Spiritual Daggers (dual, corrosive lash scales up with Cruel/Deceptive and down with Aggressive/Benevolent; model: Dagger_CRE_Animat ) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Prey on the Weak (Lesser Sneak Attack: +10% dmg, scales up with Cruel/Deceptive and down with Aggressive/Benevolent - note that this will stack with other additive dmg bonuses, e.g. when multiclassed with Rogue or Fighter and so on). Debateable if a Skaen/Rogue with perfect dispositions would be too good. Maybe remove the scaling? Or maybe it would just be like a Single Class Rogue's Sneak Attack. Also depends on the intensity of scaling of course. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: The Golden Bulla Why: PoE Nostalgia. Brings Morning Star as a chosen weapon for Eothas. The scaling makes sure it's best with Eothasians or Gaunites, but other priests can also use them. Also brings back the special ability every priests got with that weapon talent in PoE (in this case Hope Eternal - but adopted to Deadfire). Description: A gilded and sealed bulla. There are ornamental suns all over its surface and no visible weatherin marks. No matter how hard you try you can‘t open it. Yet when you touch it, you feel encouraged. Contained spells: 1. Soothing Warmth (PL1, like Lesser Lay on item Hands_Healing_Hands but with PL scaling) 2. Spiritual Morning Star (burning lash, scales up with Benevolent/Honest and down with Cruel/Deceptive; model: Morning_Star_Superb) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Hope Eternal: Resistance against Resolve afflictions (passive) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ivory Key Description: A key made from the tusk of an unknown mammal. The head is carved into the form of a human skull. Once you hold it all those distracting emotions get damped down a bit. Why: PoE Nostalgia. Brings Macer as a chosen weapon for Berath. The scaling makes sure it's best with Berathians, but other priests can also use it Also brings back the special ability every priests got with that weapon talent in PoE (in this case the Pallid Hand). Contains spells: 1. The Pallid Hand (PL1, lesser Concelhaut‘s Corrosive Siphon, 5 base dmg instead of 8, keywords Acid, Punishment, Restoration) 2. Spiritual Mace (corrosive lash, scales up with Stoic/Rational and down with Cruel/Passionate, only main hand; model: Mace_Exceptional) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Undying Gatekeeper: melee hits drain 10% of the damage dealt as health ---------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dried Ear of Grain (before you ask, an "ear" is not the thing with which you hear - in this case) Why: Due to the other nostalgia weapons. Couldn't let Xoti down. Description: Despite its fragile apprearance, this ear is surprisingly hard and resilient. It emits a soft warmth when you hold it in your hands. Contains spells: 1. Burning the Stubbles (PL1, lesser Torrent of Flame, foe-only!, 15-25 Burn damage, keywords: Fire, Punishment) 2. Spiritual War Scythe (weapon proficiency Pollaxe, burning lash, scales up with Benevolent/Honest and down with Cruel/Deceptive; model: Lord Darryn‘s Voulge) ◦ OR Spiritual Hayfork (weapon proficiency Pike, same otherwise; model: Lance of the Midwood Stag) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Bounteous Harvest: +1 spell use of spell level 1 per kill ---------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ice Shard Why: Due to the other nostalgia weapons. Couldn't let Vatnir down. Description: An ice shard from the White March which radiates cold. It is said that it was taken from the Russetwood crater. Oddly enough, it doesn‘t melt - even under the hot sun of the Deadfire Archipelago. It‘s really convenient to put it near your food supplies… Contained spells: 1. Glacial Gust (Druid PL1, Winter Wind, keywords: Freeze, Punishment) 2. Spiritual Battle Axe (two handed, freezing lash, scales up with Honest/Rational and down with Benevolent/Diplomatic; model: Beast of Winter "hammer" -which looks like a huge primitive wilder axe, but scaled down to kith size - if possible. Else Amra or Oathbreaker's End model) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Enigmatic Cold: while afflicted, Freeze damage heals for 10% instead of dealing damage ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name: The Executioner‘s Hood Why: Due to the other nostalgia weapons. Couldn't let Woedicans down. Description: This torn and burned hood can‘t be worn anymore. But every time you touch it you feel a surge of righteousness. It helps you to make all those hard but just decisions. Contained spells: 1. Guillotine (PL1 like Blessed Harvest) 2. Spiritual Executioner‘s Sword (Geat Sword, raw lash like Woedica‘s Spiritual Fists, scales same; modal: Great_Sword_CRE_Naga) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Coup de Grace: +20 health on kill ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Glass Eye Why: PoE Nostalgia. Brings Quarterstaff back as a chosen weapon of Wael. The scaling makes sure it's best with Waelites, but other priests can also use it. Also brings back the special ability every priests got with that weapon talent in PoE (in this case Incomprehensible Revelation adapted to Deadfire). Description: This doesn‘t look like the usual glass eye. Actually it looks like a real eye floating in a glass sphere together with some glitter. And you could swear it winks every time you look away. Contained spells: 1. Sparkling Glitter (PL1, Arkemyr‘s Dazzling Lights, keywords: Condemnation) 2. Spiritual Quarterstaff (like Wael‘s Spiritual Rod, model: Quarterstaff_Superb_Fampyr) 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - 8. - 9. - Effects: • Incomprehensible Revelation: gain the Smart inspiration for 10 secs every time you confuse an enemy -------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it for now...
    1 point
  34. I had a lot of fun with sage (helwalker/blood mage) in last solo quasi abandon run. But I will return to him (still part of BoW to do and two megabosses).
    1 point
  35. I've created a working mod that meets the goals I set out to meet. Granted it's nothing fancy, but fills a hole that always annoyed me (and I suspect others). Just wanted to follow up and thank BMac and house2fly for their advice! Deadfire Sugar Trade (nexus page) The mod adds sugar to the Deadfire Merchant ships on the world map. It is available as an item for purchase in the merchant shop, drops as loot when sinking a merchant ship, or when boarding and killing the captain of a merchant ship.
    1 point
  36. My request - make it easier to mod the music. Files converted from wav to wem using the current Wwise version (2018.1.4.6807) still don't work in the game. I understand the issue is with some Wwise licences which don't match between the game and the converted files?
    1 point
  37. Well.... if you really want to see Donald Trump get re-elected this is certainly one way to do it: https://denver.cbslocal.com/2019/07/12/protests-ice-aurora-immigration-raids/
    0 points
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