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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/19 in all areas

  1. Wizard/Melee relies heavily on buffs or summoned weapons and doesn't really profit from Evoker in the way a single class or other caster would. I'd go for single class or blood mage depending on if you want to empower or not, though I'm not familiar with the mod you mentioned and thay obviously changes the mechanics of Wizard. If you really want Evoker, the Fighters disciplined strikes is good for concentration and both upgrades are good, but other than defense there really isn't much else besides Brilliant from tactician. Rogue itself doesn't have great things for Evoker, but Assassin brings a passive that will let you nuke from stealth while Trickster gives decent illusion buffs you can cast with guile, meaning more Evocation spells. However both tend to be more effective with Spirit Lance (best weapon in the game imo)and their abilities, and even if you don't want to use the summoned weapon the martial classes tend to work better with the great wizard buffs and abilities than they do as casting direct damage spells. Of course if you're not playing on PotD you can get away with almost anything and fun matters more than net effectiveness.
    2 points
  2. If being able to approach fights in varied ways is a high priority, those may not be the best subclass choices. Evoker isn't a great pairing for a melee multiclass, as you lose all the lovely summoned weapons in Conjuration, which is really half the point of a Wizard multiclass. (Also the two Phantoms, which are cool.) Devoted has similar issues with the weapon summons. Evoker-Assassin, in particular, is a specialized character-- a top-shelf nuker. Cast an AoE damage spell from stealth (every affected target gets the PEN, ACC, and Crit-damage boost from Assassinate), then disappear again and repeat. You could swap grimoires, buff up, and get into melee afterwards, but it'd be working against the subclasses' design to a certain extent. So I'd suggest a base-class Wizard or Blood Mage. And my preference would be for Spellblade over Battlemage. A Battlemage really leans toward tankiness, while a Spellblade has more of that "just enough survivability" paired with mobility that it seems like you're interested in. And using K's Minor Blights or C's Spirit Lance to apply Crippling/Blinding/Toxic Strike over an AoE really is great fun. Personally, I'd pick a base class or Streetfighter over an Assassin, but I've never been keen on the Rogue's invisibility stuff-- my Rogues all tend to skip those and just take the attack abilities and passives. Consider also a single-classed Trickster. That gets you the melee defense buffs, along with some nice debuffs and a high-level nuke. If you're sold on double-swording it and not interested in weapon summoning, this is probably a better way to go than a multiclass.
    2 points
  3. Other animals including humans, as fireworks can cause panic attacks for many people with mental illness, especially those who suffer from PTSD (from combat or otherwise).
    2 points
  4. can't speak for others, but we got three criticism. 1) let the other guys flex having been a gym guy since high school and involved in national level o' sports competition. am not a small guy. even so, we do not feel the need to wear a wife beater tank to impress people. we don't even own a wife beater tank. do such makes us instant wonder bout why such folks is feeling the need to overcompensate. let russia and france and north korea do their military parades. is cute and sad to watch 'em flex. the US don't need to try and impress. 2) seems to be missing the spirit o' the typical 4th o' july celebration in spite o' all the flags on display, 4th o' july has always been, for us, a family celebration. am not certain we can fully express just how militant anti-american is a few in our family. nevertheless, in spite o' political differences, our family put such aside on the 4th o' july... mostly put aside. is one o' the few days o' the year when the military folks in our family and the wannabee revolutionaries may get together for a pickup game o' basketball or maybe softball and then enjoy food and fireworks late into the eve. is an unspoken détente observed. bring in tanks and other military stuff don't necessarily mesh with the family atmosphere we hope continues. 3) trump being trump am not able to recollect in our lifetime a President appropriating the 4th o' july for political agenda. 1987, reagan did a speech from jefferson memorial on july 3rd, and he were criticized for doing so. perhaps were karma that the day were frightful hot and the assembled politicians, having removed their jackets, were nevertheless sweating something fierce as they endured a sweltering +20 minute speech. am recalling how at the time we thought it were criminal to have the colorguard, standing immediate behind the President, remain motionless and endure the heat in their full uniform for duration o' the event. nevertheless, 'cause trump wants to inject himself into an event which has been apolitical for as long as we may remember, we are now having military hardware added as props. his speech is functional a campaign rally for trump, but 'cause it is part o' the existing 4th o' july celebration, he is gonna bill the american people for the added expense o' altered security and tanks, planes and lord only knows what else. but what could go wrong? 4th is on a thursday and many people taking off friday. add in relative low gas prices and am expecting dc beltway will be a mess. hot, extreme humid humid and wet conditions for dc. major changes to what has been an established event for years necessitating unforseen security and public transportation alterations. plus there is anticipation o' considerable protests occurring simultaneous with trump's celebration o' trump. so again, what could go wrong? the park service people ultimate running the show is professionals and we expect they will able to handle the unusual nonsense added to 2019's 4th celebration. even so, we didn't see the need to 'fix' something which weren't broken. has been an apolitical event celebrating family and patriotism for as long as we recollect. am not seeing how tanks make better. trump wants tanks at a trump rally? let him pay. heck, he still owes dc millions for his part o' the 2017 inauguration event. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  5. Paradox Interactive: "The 70/30 revenue split is outrageous" I wonder what was the split when they ran GamersGate. Paradox talking about greed is rich, in any case.
    2 points
  6. After a lengthy period of gathering players' feedback, theorycrafting and balancing, we have come with a Community Patch Mod - a community based collection of tweaks and improvements. Community Patch consists of the following stand-alone modules: Basic - includes a lot of suggestions from the Deadfire Polishing Poll - a poll made by players for players, in order to pinpoint the possible balance problems and address them. Basic mod - is a conservative patch, it includes only those suggestions that have twice more votes pro than votes against change. (note: in case of suggestion with multiple options - we were aggregating them) Extra - also includes the suggestions from Deadfire Polishing Poll. But only those that didn't make it into Basic package, but still have more votes pro than votes against. Additionally, Extra includes a few fixes for several bug reports that we have found on the official technical forums. Keywords - address the randomness and apparent lack of systematic approach to spell keywords. This mainly affects priest, and to a lesser degree druids, ciphers and wizards. Typos - fixes a wide array of typos found in the English version of the game. Icons - adds a completely unique set of icons for all passive talents and effects. They were handcrafted with being as suggestive, unique and fitting as possible, in mind. For more info, you can check the mod page, or original thread on these forums, here.
    1 point
  7. Nestlé are comically evil. Everything from Child Slavery- but not really because they don't know about it, honest, it's just a supplier issue- to sending out generous sample packs of baby milk formula to new mothers that coincidentally last just long enough that the mother will stop expressing milk herself. This, amazingly, means that the mother has to buy baby formula from then on. They also stack the literature with tame articles extolling the benefits of their formula over natural milk (there actually aren't any, for most people). But wait there's more, but at least it's more typical corporate shenanigans. While I certainly do understand that trivial proximal concerns tend to get attention- not like I'm storming Nestlè's corporate HQ in Auckland or anything rather than taking two minutes to write on the internet either- that sort of thing is why people laugh at gamers when they stack the voting to make EA the worst company in the US because of Origin or the ME3 ending or women in WW1 or whatever instead of the Bank of Americas/ Nestlès and Monsanto (now, technically, Bayer IIRC) of the world.
    1 point
  8. I never click profile but that made me check yours. I like it!
    1 point
  9. Somebody send Trump a ticket for Tank Biathlon '19.
    1 point
  10. The option when it is activated is called a "Cover Photo". If it is/were activated for you, you'll see it right next to the "EDIT PROFILE" button on your user profile (you can click on yourself in the upper right corner to get to your profile).
    1 point
  11. I didn't read it as a gray area; when I read the rules I understood them to be clearly saying it was ok, and that was before I was interested in, or knowledgeable of how, to switch. Ultimate is absurd enough that I'm not going to give myself any further disadvantages. Besides, suppose you pick turn-based as your main original choice. Turn-based has bugs constantly (in addition to the guards jumping in bug, there is also a bug that adds a 15 second pause every few turns in various fights, such as against Concelhaut, which is soul-sucking, making a fight take 2 hours instead of 1), so switching to real time sometimes is mostly for dealing with that. Few, if any, non-bugged fights need real time. Anyway, as I said, Ultimate is silly enough without adding assumptions about stuff that makes it even more impossible. Here is why I think they allow switching: turn-based is known to be slow as heck, far slower than other games that have turn-based. Fights can literally take an hour or more, against normal monsters, not even bosses. Switching to real-time sometimes, to deal with that, is likely intended. Dorudugan took me about 3 hours of real time, or more, in REAL TIME. In turn based, it may have taken many more hours. They also seem to want to have a game that uniquely allows players to use either mode, and the modes are supposed to be balanced, which also means they have to let players switch. Plus, they intentionally allow it. They could easily have made switching unavailable for Ultimate, like they made 1roll20s commands disabled. I actually was worried for a sec, since I've just been playing in simulated Ultimate to test, so I just made an actual Ultimate character and tested to see if you could switch in Ultimate, and you can. Anyway, I think I've made this into a bigger deal than it actually is. With my build and my test game, I'm doing essentially every fight in turn-based anyway. Only Nekataka-guard-bug fights and Dorudugan have been done real time, and Outcast's Refuge where you have a similar bug-ish issue with mobs (several witches) coming from an entirely different room in turn-based, that doesn't happen in real time. And I could probably do both of the latter fights (everything outside of the Nekataka guard bug) in turn-based if necessary. My build may not work for other reasons, but the turn-based/real-time switch isn't really a big deal.
    1 point
  12. I don't know much about Nestle. The thing about hobbies, is that it is something people get attached to, and are very protective about. Funny thing about things like music, movies or games, is that while they are objectively less important then more basic things, I am more emotionally attached to them as I consume them volountary. I recharge my batteries that way, I look forward to playing a good game, watch a movie or go to a good concert. While, for example food, is just a chore. I have to eat to keep going. So I eat stuff. So yeah, if someone poops into my happy time it does upset me. More so, then someone pooping into my chore. I am at the stage of not caring anymore, and finding it more and more difficult to find something to play, and am spending more and more of my free time on other things. If they can't figure out why their public perception is so bad, then maybe a change in management is needed.
    1 point
  13. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-07-02-ea-i-struggle-with-the-perception-that-were-just-a-bunch-of-bad-guys# "25 years at EA and I still struggle with the external perception that we're just a bunch of bad guys," says Matt Bilbey, EVP of strategic growth at EA. "We love making and playing games. Unfortunately, when we make mistakes on games, the world knows about it because it's of a size and scale." Is funny to have people view EA as a truly evil corporation, as opposed to something like Nestle or something that has more serious effects
    1 point
  14. This is a common issue we see in SA and often hotly debated. We always use to make use of fireworks at Guy Fawkes but from about 15 years the general sentiment has changed because of the real harm and distress it causes to animals. Personally no one I know uses fireworks anymore but its still allowed on certain celebrations like Diwali which is a Hindu religious celebration but even then using fireworks is vastly reduced. I dont see any contradiction with changing your view on this as that's one of the reasons we grow as a society...we learn how to be better and adopt new views if they are constructive and positive. You should call the police and report the usage of illegal fireworks because its the law and the right thing to do Here is a good article that explains why fireworks are so harmful to dogs and other animals https://citizen.co.za/news/south-africa/1777150/fireworks-the-unnecessary-implications-of-celebrations/
    1 point
  15. People have been shooting off fireworks everyday for over a week. I don't know how much more my dogs can take. Considering calling the cops as fireworks are illegal here but since I also shot off illegal fireworks when I was a kid I'm hesitant. Though back then I only did it on July 4th because I had more consideration than to start shooting them off in June.
    1 point
  16. Nope - it is doable and within the rules for Ultimate to do so. You hit the tilde key (below ESC) and then type: settacticalmode followed by either a 0 or 1, then press [ENTER] 1 is turn based; 0 is real time. As a quality-of-life thing, of course in turn-based you turn the combat speed all the way up... but then don't forget to turn it all the way back down for real time. If you do have a char that is good for turn-based, note that you HAVE to switch if you do any city battles in Nekataka such as Cotta or the Imp or Katrenn, or else the guards jump in. In normal real-time, the guards don't spawn and attack, so that is a bug but that is what Obsidian is best at (having games with tons of bugs) heh.
    1 point
  17. I'm pretty sure too he can recommission some old Sherman M4's from somewhere. They can be sent to the Mexican border afterwards to help the locals against the invasion.
    1 point
  18. The build relies mostly on killing with summons, and on an important fact: in turn-based, Vela STAYS STILL even without being terrified, IF she stays not terrified. So, for a typical fight, take the Tortuk fight on the Dunnage docks. I send my boar (boar is huge because it regenerates after getting knocked out nearly every combat) to attack one of the powder monkey adds, while my MC is sneaking far away over to the left around a sort-of-corner by the steps of the deck (not pier). I learned the hard way to suicide my boar rather than to try to save him. Trying to save him draws enemies near myself and/or Vela, and they coded Vela in an extreme sort of way, where she runs into combat way too insanely, and enemies do target her sometimes. So, my boar will use its movement to run to the right, even farther away from me. The enemies will head after the boar. For this fight, I might be lvl 11 with upgraded Wurms and also normal Ogres. I move forward on my turn (half movement dots b/c in stealth), and summon wurms as far from myself and as close to enemies as I can. The actual summoning spell finished on turn 2. As opposed to Ogres, Wurms tend to get initiative right after being summoned. This is important because it means they can move closer to the enemy right away before the enemy moves closer to them, which prevents creep of the fight getting closer to Vela. Now, the enemy is basically locked. If they have the firepower to kill my summons before I can make more, then I stay in stealth and I am fine. Nearly always, they cannot kill my summons, so I leave stealth and help fight a bit with a 2h ranged weapon (or not, if I don't want to have decay of the weapon for no reason). However, I use my judgement and don't leave stealth until the fight is under control enough so that I won't get enemies messing with me. It would be very bad to be out of stealth and get interrupted while you are summoning, and be left with no chants and no summons. However, there are a million belt-items that can summon 1/rest for emergencies I always keep a fresh one handy. It is rare I need to use one. 20 int with items is a magic number, btw, for duration in rounds, especially once you get lvl 19 with ancient weapons. 15 int is enough for resummoning Ogres and Wurms. You only need to use the original skeletons in the first cave, since you can get to lvl 4 before the digsite fights. The only active ranger abilities I use, and very rarely obviously (since they are per-rest until and unless you get brilliant of course I do a no-rest run for all the bonuses and for Eothas time), are marked prey (non upgraded) and evasive roll (which is awesome sometimes mid-combat when Vela is safe). Passives are things like resilient companion, 2h weapons, Marksmanship, shield, concentration, and then you have have so many extra talents that you take stuff like extra weapon slot, fast running, and 1-3 of the +10 saves ones, since why not. Definitely take survival of the fittest, lucky, toughness, and such. None are breakers, but they add up and few talents are critical. Once you get ancient weapons, you still want to have upgraded wurms, and that is all you need. I don't use other invocations, but somebody might find some narrow use for a damage one. Chants, you mostly want ancient memory and at lvl 20 the one that makes skeletons (which don't unsummon your ancient weapons, by the way). 15% fire damage on weapons is useful a little bit, and dragon wailed is almost irrelevant but you may use it a bit. Dordugan is a somewhat special case, as you have to beat him yourself, with the chant-skeletons. Because of how this all works, it has to be in real time, so Vela has to get terrified. You start with Vela in the bottom right, and use your boar to start combat and lead Dorud close to her to get her terrified, then shoot him and lead him to the other side of the map. It is then easy to keep him far enough that his massive range abilities still don't ever hit her. Otherwise, he'd be fully impossible, but once you do that, you fight him a lot like Kaylon did in his video on youtube. Because of Abydon's challenge, you'd want 3 good ranged weapons and would need to kill him before they break. For this one fight, you'd want the invocation that gives you str and +2 pen (among some other stuff - forgetting the name of it) since that means you can pen with other ranged weapons (not just the Essence Bow) along with the marksmanship ring. And of course the cloak that heals you from fire. So, your own abilites don't matter much. I wouldn't ditch anything too strongly, although maybe dex can go down pretty far. You need enough int to get to 20, and maybe to 25 eventually would be good. Perception for traps and hitting. And enough con to not die to stuff that hits you sometimes like the undead dragon. I had 10 might for this build, but I'd try to go higher for Dorudugan if I could. Resolve can probably be ditched, but overall it helps to not be overly squishy sometimes (such as against the water dragon and the risen undead dragon). There are a lot of fights in the game, and not all can be handled from stealth. When getting Revku's burden cloak, for example, you get ambushed by fire bats and a naga and stuff, and you need to help in the fight so that Vela isn't killed. Turn based combat pulls more enemies, from farther away, than real time usually does. For example, in the hanging sepulcher, I started combat in that room with the risen guys, and the darguls and shade actually joined the fight, but for some reason the wraith stayed out of it. Still, this build is so powerful in situations like that, that I beat all of them, or rather, my Ogres and Wurms did (however, I believe I was lvl 16 when I did that, which is fairly high level). Wurms are great when you want to take down low-hp enemies who are in back, like Risen Archers and that Priest and such. Ogres have a ton of hps and once you have sweeping attack, that is really good for lvls 16-19, which can involve a fairly large amount of non-boss but not easy fighting, including some bounties. I beat that goldpact group bounty (Beina, I believe) who also has that ironclad, for example, as well as the 4 guys with the treasure map pieces, as part of leveling up. In the cave with the bog witches in outcast's refuge, I did real time and that way didn't pull the witches in the farther room, but in turn based they all jumped in. So, as I said in my first post, I keep aware of the benefits and drawbacks of turn-based and of real-time and switch as appropriate. For a pet, I use the animancy cat mostly, and for some fights like the Beast of Winter, the troll that makes you immune to engagement is great.
    1 point
  19. It's better than last years plan of having a full military parade but better still doesn't make it a good plan. According to your link the tanks will be stationary and not involved in the parade itself and at a cost of nearly 900k it seems indulgent for what, I agree with Gromnir here, is likely to just be a Trump rally/re-election campaign speech. Add to this who knows how many soldiers will be losing their 96 (4 day weekend) over this and it doesn't seem worth it. As I believe GD said about the last parade, if you want to honor the troops then give them a day off but I think we can all safely assume that our President really only does (or tries to do) things like this to honor himself.
    1 point
  20. There is a trible of boreal dwarves, but we don't visit Naasitaq. Both Sagani and Grieving Mother had rather contained personal stories in PoE1, moreover all but Watcher perceived Grieving Mother as a random peasant woman. On some level it would be nice to gave something related to Sagani, as she was one of my favourite companions in PoE1, but at the same time it fits for them to not be further involved in those Deadfire shaping events.
    1 point
  21. Keeping with the tradition of ****ting in AMD's cereal just as they are about to release new GPUs, Nvidia announced new RTX 2060, 2070, and 2080 SUPER (ALL CAPS) GPUs These performance figures come from Team Green themselves, so, as always, a generous quantity of grains of salt is recommended. It's cool that they are putting out supposedly significantly faster refreshes of their cards, but that NAMING...
    1 point
  22. There is pretty direct mention of Hiravias in one of the books in Forgotten Sanctum DLC. As everything in this DLC the accuracy of the information is questionable:
    1 point
  23. Jumanji 2 is one of the better restarts/reboots/sequels in modern times. It doesn't feel the need to insult the past also it is most interested in entertaining the audience not politically preaching. Plus, all the actors do an excellent job even when the material gets over the top silly selling it well. I look forward to Jumanji 3. Now, nu Charlie Angels preview is disspaointing. I'm one of the minority of people who actually likes Kristin Stewart as an actress but nu CA looks to be epic fail. People bash the last movie(s0 absed on them but whateves. They were HELLA fun.
    1 point
  24. That's the one. They held a 'we are not going out of business after all' reception three days ago.
    1 point
  25. The first wave of family members will coming over on Friday. My god father and his new wife will be staying for two days. I've been cleaning up around the house trying to make everything spotless.
    1 point
  26. Hey guys, can someone help me do the watercolor of this portrait:
    1 point
  27. I used the source image; I think yours was sharpened.
    1 point
  28. Would someone be able to edit and water color these two portraits? Thank you!!!
    1 point
  29. would any of the art guru make a watercolor version of this guy?
    1 point
  30. hello everyone, i made these portraits with an online app, but i need the watercolor portrait set, could someone please help me in converting them, it would be very much appreciated
    1 point
  31. The forum edit function is still too sensitive. Really, I've been asking about this for 5 years now!
    1 point
  32. Now I just wish, that Morgoth would be still around... Video is NSFW - when you are so ****, than the developers rather ask people to pirate their games, than to buy from you...
    0 points
  33. Is that someone else's profile you're browsing or your own? I may or may not be interested in following myself, but the option just isn't there.
    0 points
  34. Ok, now you’re just showing off!
    0 points
  35. Must be a perk for you bigwigs. I don't have it either.
    0 points
  36. And Epic is paying for it? Those guys really have too much money.
    0 points
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