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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/19 in all areas

  1. We are doing that with the upcoming "Community Patch" (it's basically a mod) which not only fixes some leftover bugs (as long as fixable by modding), polishes some abilities (includes mild buffs and also nerfs, based on a community poll), adds unique icons for all passive abilities but also will introduce some trinkets for priests and druids (which you'll be able to get rel. early in the game). And while will be based on grimoire mechanics, they don't give the exact same bonuses (+2 spells per PL - since both classes already gain a bonus spell per PL) but can grant a broader variety of bonuses such as +Power Level for certain keywords, some bonus spells (fitting the theme of the trinket - e.g. prayerbook) and so on. More about that in the "Deadfire Polishing" threads (discussion thread and poll). Those things will be spread out to seperate mods though (basic polishing, extended polishing, passive icons, trinkets...) so that you can decide what you want to use and what not.
    2 points
  2. I finally hit lev 50 and crafted Stygian soldier armor: Normally, I'd use the helmet hider station from a mod I'm using to make the helmet invisible, but the helmet on this gear is just too badass to not show off. I'm not yet sure if I'm going to mess with the color scheme. This will be my desert and jungle gear going forward, while my Hykarian raider armor will remain my cold weather gear.
    2 points
  3. i actually summoned them all up to see: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/227477-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/faqs/76599/priest (sorry was gonna copy-paste but it's in a table format, scroll down and look at the Incarnate column) it's odd that magran gets a special minor avatar - i haven't noticed if any of hte other priests get something special. well, they got one: the sword. though as a quarterstaff-wielding waelite from poe1, count me as a little disappointed that only one of each spiritual weapon was preserved in deadfire. i think spiritual arquebus, quarterstaff, morningstars would all have been fun to have (mace not so much).
    1 point
  4. They had said in that video linked earlier that they wanted to start with Camarilla clans, so that people new to WoD would get a feeling of what is what, and be able to appreciate the other clans when they do make it into a Bloodlines game. And I think they made a point about Lasombra being recognizable as a Ventrue counterpart. So it was foreshadowed that they wouldn't make the cut, but are likely for a DLC.
    1 point
  5. Ok, thanks, i will try to do something.
    1 point
  6. Another ability that recycles an existing icon is "Bodyguard" from Furrante's Breastplate, which uses the icon from Rogue's Coordinated Positioning.
    1 point
  7. Looks like my kind of horror movie.
    1 point
  8. That looks sickening! I looks very similar to a khepresh the crown of war.
    1 point
  9. Having made many friends through therapy and support groups, sometimes life can get a little weird. For example, this text conversation: Her: Hey, I'm in town this week if you want to hang out! Me: Cool, where are you staying? Her: The psych ward, I'm on suicide watch.
    1 point
  10. Since you already own both games I won't tell you to skip the first title (though, I'm tempted to), but if the first game starts putting you off, just stop playing it and play the FAR SUPERIOR sequel. Watch_Dogs isn't terrible, but it's not good either. Watch_Dogs 2 is legitimately good, it's the game the first one should have been.
    1 point
  11. You disregard context. I'm quite familiar with the Greek pantheon (and anyone who isn't could read Mythos by Stephen Fry, for example, as it's a really interesting presentation of the theme). The crucial context is the history of the gods. They wanted to end an era of devastating conflicts, and they perfected the science of soul-making. Both of these require determination and focus to such an extent that their behavior in the game is not consistent with it.
    1 point
  12. Generally yes. Even in v5.0 cipher are casting x1.5-x3 times slower than in PoE1, and thus have less time for actually building focus via weapon attacks. Here's a small comparison: link With MinRollToGraze set to 25, up from 15 in PoE1, ciphers have a higher chance to miss; and thus are a bit less reliable from cc point of view. Additionally there is a smaller duration bonus onCrit. A range of cipher powers were nerfed in effect. Amplified Wave no longer prones for 8s but 1s. Whisper of Treason breaks on 'allied' damage taken. Pain Link deals 25% of damage taken only to attacker, and not to all nearby enemies. Defensive Mindweb breaks on damage taken. Tactical Meld no longer grants +20 accuracy. Ectopsychic Echo base damage decreased from 20-30 to 7-13 (although it benefits from PL now). Detonate base damage decreased from 50-75 to 32-51 (although it benefits from PL now). Disintegration stacked with itself (which was huge). and so on. There are now affliction resistances in the game, which will downgrade cipher's cc-effects. Additionally affliction immunities seem to be much more common. Enemies now have access to inspirations, which can be used to partially counter cipher's cc-effects. Even if you landed your afflictions, the defense maluses are weaker than in PoE1. -40 deflection, -40 reflex, -100 dexterity, was crazy good in PoE1. in PoE1 it wasn't hard to get to zero recovery with both weapon and power attacks, which was a very big boost. In Deadfire you would need Blade Cascade for that. There is less need for cc now, as healing is unlimited, and coupled with high AR provides enough survivability. Also there is BDD + Salvation of Time. On the other hand, ciphers now: don't get their damage partially eaten by DR; provided that they have enough PEN. have higher damage-to-focus coefficient. In PoE1 it was 0.35 (0.46 with Draining Whip). In Deadfire it is 0.5 (1.0 with Draining Whip). have access to interesting/strong subclasses. Ascendant and Beguiler being especially noteworthy. Or they can multi-class, for some combos that results in a quite higher focus gain. as was already mentioned, new Time Siphon, Death of 1000 Cuts, +9 PEN buff, and Shared Nightmare, are really good.
    1 point
  13. It's bananas hard to try to just update my list like I always do so this, my last update, will be just the new lukewarmness. Steam Uplay Assassin's Creed Origins I think I also still have all the one-offs I posted between the this and the last update RIP Humble sub
    1 point
  14. Why oh why do game developers decide to make your character feel less effective the more you level up because of buffed up enemies? Playing through The Division 2 and I'm at Level 25 now, but I feel less powerful than I was at around Level 10 because now it seems all missions include a bunch of "tank" enemies who throw fire bombs or shoot grenade launchers, which easily trump anything I have in my arsenal. At least when I was lower level, it would be rare for a tank to appear and usually only 1 "purple" enemy. As you level up, enemy TACTICS should be the difficult part you have to deal with when you're facing the "bosses", but not just because they decided the boss has twenty layers of shields/armor and a weapon that saps you of health with one hit.
    1 point
  15. You might think so, but historically that's not the case with quite a lot of pantheons of gods. Most gods are just as petty and prone to infighting, temper tantrums, jealousy, etc. as human beings, and in the case of PoE this is even more logical. Considering how the gods came to be and what the whole point of them is, there's *no* reason for them to be wiser, more dignified, or calmer than Kith.
    1 point
  16. Nice try with your alt, ktchong.
    1 point
  17. This is the only good in this disaster: watching people getting mad and cursing D&D.
    1 point
  18. Favorite: Load times do not explode in length as you progress further in the game. Seriously. Would significantly amp up my enjoyment of PoE1 if they ever fixed that (is unity bug i think). Top three runner-ups: 1. Being able to move melee-range characters around without triggering disengagement attacks, so long as they stay within melee range. just such a great quality of life improvement, makes tactical positioning both less absolute, and makes melee combat more fluid. 2. affliction/inspiration system. it's hard to fully express how much of a mess afflictions/buffs were in poe1 and this went a long way into rationalizing all of that, in addition to giving non-priests a way to interact with afflictions. 3. keywording, when done right. Most personally disliked: Power-level and ability-level scaling. There's merit to it, but man is it super murky, with unintended and inconsistent consequences. Top three runner-ups: 1. keywording, when done poorly. 2. inversions, when implemented incorrectly. *cough* disposition scaling *cough*. sure you could trivialize grazes in poe1, but at least most players could do the basic math off the top of their head (though poe1 also had a lot of hidden complexity here). 3. bullet sponginess of megabosses and DLC bosses. hard technical fights I like, but please don't force me to repeat the technical aspects over and over and over for tens of minutes for a typical (non-cheesy) party setup (dorudugan is worst offender). I had enough of that when I ran 40-man raids for World of Warcraft.
    1 point
  19. This is a pretty good read from Ted Gup. The Washington Post had it yesterday. I read one of his books a while back. In short he wants to move to Great Britain because he does not recognize the US anymore. He seems to think the election of Trump represents a fundamental shift in the attitudes of the US. I would not encourage or discourage him or anyone else from any course of action. But it is an error to look at the outcome of any election as an indication of a change in American attitudes. As we have gone on at some length here about voters only had two realistic choices to be President in 2016. Both were deeply flawed and both unacceptable to a very, very large number of people. And even if that were not the case you cannot separate the election of one candidate from the candidacy of the losing side. This person had as much to do with Trump winning as anyone did: Trump is President today because more people found her unacceptable than they did him. She has been in political office for 16 years and in politics for thirty. You know what you are getting with her. It wasn't something good to most folks. Trump was a known name but he'd never held office. You didn't know he was going to be an impulsive dolt who has no idea what he is doing and couldn't find the truth if it were painted on the wall in front of him .But you KNEW Clinton was dishonest, mean-spirited, and most damning of all, obsessed with political power. You can't fault them for choosing door number two. Or door number one because they DIDN'T want the unknown but definitively crass and loud alternative. No matter who won in 2016 the 45th President was going to be a bad one. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ive-got-my-trump-card-will-i-use-it-to-leave-the-us/2019/05/27/eb347a1c-7d7c-11e9-8ede-f4abf521ef17_story.html?utm_term=.9124d00f9ff8
    1 point
  20. am thinking much o' the xoti hate is baggage folks bring to the character rather than anything wrong with the character. is not poor written. xoti is one o' the characters who has potential for real change. the opportunity for growth is admitted binary, but is nevertheless drastic and meaningful. xoti also makes for an intriguing contrast to durance. equal zealot, but unlike the betrayed priest o' magran, the disciple o' gaun from deadfire is... sunny, at least initial. is no hidden agenda or attempts to manipulate. is no secrets. whatever hypocrisy in xoti is inherent in the teachings o' her faith, 'cause she lives honest and genuine and cheerful in spite o' following a god of reaping. oh, and she is prophetic accurate. when eothas comes back, his behavior is different. sure, is same old eothas, but he is a metaphorical God of Reaping even if he ain't one in fact. where he goes, he leaves a trail o' soulless husks behind and his ultimate plan has the kith o' eora facing a season o' harvest wherein the wheat will be separated from the chaff. the thing is, a whole lotta folks who play crpgs who do not like organized religion and who has been brought up in a world where faith is a dirty word. religious people is at best naive and obtuse, and at worst dangerous fanatics, yes? and yeah, the injection o' a healthy dose o' oklahoma makes xoti seem a bit ridiculous nevertheless, in spite o' being genuine and pleasant, xoti is the companion who folks most likely instant dislike. 'cause she is religious? is a shame. those pro-life, midwestern bible thumpers xzar seems to dislike, is 'mongst the most generous people you will ever meet. while they may be against abortion and won't listen to arguments to the contrary, those yokels would also be the folks most likely to take a pregnant teen mother into their home, no questions asked, and give her a place to sleep and food to eat, 'cause such is the christian thing to do. yeah, there is hypocrites pretending to be christian and those folks deserve scorn, but many (most?) is the cliché salt o' the earth which the current generation is in increasing short supply. most o' the would-be existentialists don't seem to realize when nietzsche observed, "god is dead," it were a lament. xoti were written to challenge. am thinking it is telling that a companion who has legit and rare gameplay value and is nice engenders such dislike. HA! Good Fun! ps full disclosure, xoti grated on Gromnir nerves for same reasons she likely annoys others. zealotry. saccharine-sweet. hillbilly. nevertheless, am able to see the value in the character and am recognizing our annoyance is more a flaw in our character and not in hers.
    1 point
  21. The Gunpowder Bathhouse would never rip honest chanters and ciphers off like this.
    1 point
  22. "QQ" What? War is traumatizing? Who knew? (summons gromnir)
    1 point
  23. This is probably the funniest summary of a season of a tv show I've come across. Warning: Language. They do get quite heated halfway through. But it's totally worth it seeing them innocent and hopeful at the start and then they go full nerd rage when each episode drops.
    1 point
  24. That’s simply not true. You buy, you own. That is the way how DRM Free works...
    1 point
  25. While I appreciate the time it took to put together this huge list, I kind of disagree with its overall mission, since frankly for a lot of these I don't see the underlying systematic "logic" behind a lot of the suggestions and so it seems more like a curated list of personal wants than any general systematic "fix." Which I mean, ok, fine for a fan-made mod, but way too disruptive as official changes to the game without a good underlying logic, except in cases of what I would personally consider objectively-considered balancing failures. Specific sections: Afflictions - strongly strongly strongly strongly strongly disagree with making the with making the hard CCs stronger. The fact that PoE1 hard-CCs were also extremely good defense buffs was broken design imo, and harkens back to how obscenely good hard-CC (hold person and the like) was in AD&D/D&D/BG/BG2/IWD/IWD2. Hard CC is good enough on its own, the extra stuff is just to help differentiate them a bit. I also strongly (but not as strongly) disagree with making increasing attribute bonuses/maluses with higher tier inspirations - first in the general sense the increasing side buff/debuff is what differentiates the tiers and the increasing scaling is unnecessary extra cognitive load - second in the specific suggested tweaks because the increased scaling is so marginal that I don't understand why it's even worth doing for the extra cognitive load. Also I disagree (not strongly) with prone tweaks, first of all because they misunderstand how prone works and interacts with interrupt and second because prone is still fundamentally an interrupt mechanism, not a CC mechanism and I would strongly disagree conflating the two systematically. That being said, I agree that Immobilize is weak and frankly both Hobbled and Immobilized are weak due to how conditional they are, but miss-to-graze is way too good and scales way too well (way better than graze-to-hit or hit-to-crit). I think Hobbled and Immobilized might be better fit with a general/additional action speed penalty on top of their stride/immobility so that more characters actively feel the hurt (on top of the action speed loss from the dexterity loss). Spell Shaping - disagree with changing the -5/+1 balance. It's so trivially easy to to adjust the spell size and use conditionally that you have to make the upside narrow. Even as it is now, on smaller encounters or boss fights spell shaping means all your shapable spells have an unconditional +1 PL. Frankly I'm a little uncomfortable that you even get the +1 balance - for foe-and-friend effects you already get a huge benefit in being able to squeeze the aoe smaller, the fact that you also get +1 PL (in exchange for avoiding hurting your own party members) is no trade-off at all. Other General Stuff 3/4/5 - these effects don't need to be buffed. They are not traded off in with other passives, so it's more about "do you want to do more damage" rather than "which talent do you take to do more damage". 6 - by contrast, this is traded off (in that you either equip a flail or equip something else) and 10% arcing blows is objectively extremely weak compared to anything else that a weapon gets. I have to imagine this was some balancing oversight from back when grazes didn't exist or something. I would fully support a buff to 30% (which is more necessary than in PoE1 given that graze range is smaller in RTwP). 10 - I would frankly want all consumables to benefit from might/int/perception again. They already occupy a weird zone in relation to the inspirations because they odn't get the +5 might/intellect/perception benefit, but they would get the +2 PEN/crit-on-interrupt/+1 PL/graze-to-hit/hit-to-crit benefits. And it's an undue cognitive load to remember that might/int/perception do what they say they do except when it comes to consumables. I think Obsidian overcorrected with consumables. 11 - no no no no no no no on bonus spells. casters already have way more actions available to them than martial classes, and this exacerbates the caster action advantage. it also has poor interactions with self-empower and rounding. it also has surprising balancing effects (many spells are balanced in effect by virtue of effectively being limited in number of cast/encounter in most cases to 2, with an occasional +1 from empower). Racials - Moon godlike scaling was way too good in PoE1, I don't want a return to those days. I also don't like the idea of adding more exceptions to PL scaling by adding yet another place where things scale by a separate dimension. I would rather we fix PL scaling. same thing with suggestion for increased PEN per PL scaling for fire godlike. I'm going to skip over to priest because that's where I have the most expertise: 1. why?? 2/3/4 - why???? this to me seems like trying to bring back a broken artifact of PoE1, which was a +15 accuracy bonus to hazard effects. There's no systematic reason why these should have a +15 accuracy bonus. Any weakness should be addressed by fixing the fact that hazard effects in Deadfire lack all sorts of interactions with keywords and stats (though even despite this both warding seal and searing seal are very usable spells). 5 - -25 deflection is extremely powerful if you can land it. 4.5s seems decently in line. 6 - why? multiple tier 1 inspirations in one go across basically your entire party is very powerful. inspirations aren't just there for the buffs, but as a dispel, and also as an affliction shield. priest of eothas - i don't actually dislike this change, but i think it goes against the philosophy of this class which was essentially to be more like the "vanilla" priest experience (like the druid animist). Anyway, don't take this as me being overly critical or severe - this obviously took a lot of time and thought to put together and I don't want to discount that. If I could summarize my concern, it's that the game design should be well-considered and systematic. You'll note my bafflement in the priest section comes from un-systematic "exceptions" being made to the class, for reasons that I don't feel justify breaking the general game design. In fact, I think the main thing that should be done to fix the core game is to fix the areas where the basic system isn't systematic enough (missing keyword interactions, hazards not working right, places where PL scaling is not applied, where stats are not applied) or the basic system itself is unbalanced (PL scaling un-duly favoring certain types of abilities).
    1 point
  26. Hi, in case you wanted to write a PM to our community manager @Aarik D: give your keyboard some rest, today was his last day at Obsidian Entertainment. Which is sad. I mean for us. I'll miss his jollity... See you buddy, may your plans all come toghether - even better than those of Hannibal Smith (if that's even possible)! All the best and I drück you the Daumens!
    0 points
  27. I have failed you and brought great shame upon the forum...
    0 points
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