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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/19 in all areas

  1. All, what are your thoughts on adding an indication of each deity's favored and disfavored dispositions in their description for each Priest subclass? I would add them underneath the deity's description, before the list of bonus spells: EDIT: Does anybody know what the favored/disfavored dispositions are for Woedica and Rymrgand?
    3 points
  2. Josh said today bugs are Obsidians responsibility and won't disqualify you. The whole "spirit of the challenge" seems to be mostly insurance against people trying to exploit every loophole possible.
    2 points
  3. I'm going to try Grim Dawn. There is a free trial of it on steam today and I want to see if its up my ally.
    2 points
  4. Best DPS in rank: 1st. Battle Axe + Scordeo's edge: blade Casade + Salvation of time + Bleeding cut + Swift flurry + Heartbeart drumming. 2nd. Frostseeker: Resonant touch + enduring dance + lightning flurry. 3rd. other normal dps builds
    2 points
  5. Turns out there was an alternate ending that was never filmed. It didn't change things is a big way, but did flesh out Danereys magical ride from hero to dragon Hitler a little more. Jorah Mormont survives the battle of Winterfell and becomes one of the heroes of the North. During the after party he's hanging out with the rest and not with Dany which, as you all saw, pisses her off. Some girls like to be the center of attention. After he also advises her to wait and not attack (how about not splitting your force when you're already outnumbered???) That makes her even madder after she ignores everyone's advice and Rhaegal gets killed. He joins the Tyrion - Varys discussion but refuses to go along, tell her about it. Then has to talk her out of killing all of them and Jon too. She tells him what she is going to do to Kings Landing. Afterwards he has a conversation with Jon after Tyrion does and agrees with what he's going to do. The rest plays out the same. He is sent to the Nights Watch with Jon. Also they have a conversation with Tormund at the wall that the Nights Watch will protect the wildlings north of the wall too. Or some such. When Jon goes north with them he tells Mormont he's not coming back. Now, while that does help out Dany's story a little it sounds out of character for Mormont. But there was a lot of that going around. Probably better they didn't go that way.
    2 points
  6. Yes. It works with Returning, Relentless and Avenging Storm as Well as Greater Maelstrom (and others). If you also put on Deltro's Cage you'll get +5 PL for all those spells. Which is +25% base damage (and more PEN and duration and ACC).
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. What are you referring to? The fact that the establishment tried to knock him out of the running? If you mean the whole Strzok thing, two FBI employees being dumb =/= the whole government. The way the FBI handled the Clinton Investigation was definetly a mess though and theres certainly oversight reasons to look into the handling of the Trump side of the investigation, but declassifying to the point of hurting national security seems like going beyond just oversight.
    1 point
  9. Furi This is the semi-secret ending, which was achieved accidentally by many. I've lost to her twice and it is going to eat me up inside for several hours.
    1 point
  10. Just in case anyone ever wondered whether BruceVC is a cryptofascist or not. There's nothing crypto, really.
    1 point
  11. Went to vote, watched the news, feel like barfing. Sweet Jesus, deliver me. So where's that Illuminati plan to reduce mankind to half a billion people? Get on with it.
    1 point
  12. Mindcircle - Man builds realistic tree in living room for his cat
    1 point
  13. Lightning Strikes I presume? It's either Lightning Strikes or Swift Flurry. SoT-cheese with Brilliant aside: There are other options that do a lot more dps - especially on mobs (not necessarily on single targets) but they trivialize the game so much that it's no fun. E.g. Berserker/Beckoner with Ancient Brittle Bones and Chilling Grave from Grave Calling. Usually instadeath when you proc 18 parallel Chillfogs at once that all profit from the weapon quality enchantments (meaning +dmg and +PEN etc.). Monk with Whispers of the Wind and a scroll of Avenging Storm, combined with Hand Mortar (Blinding Smoke) and Fire in the Hole (additional jump), Stalking Cloak, Resonant Touch... also usually instadeath if enough enemies stand side by side. Single Class Streetfighter with Vanishing Strikes, Stalking Cloak, Gambit and dual Mortars + Blinding Smoke/jump and scroll of Avenging Storm + Backstab + Powder Burns: same. Usually the encounter is over then and you don't need Brilliant not SoT. Unfortunately Megabosses force you to pick a class with replenishable resources. I honestly think that's unfortunate design. I also think that Brilliant is way too strong. So instead of removing the possibility to get it to almost zero it would have been better to just nerf Brilliant itself. Acute gives +5 INT and +1 PL. Why Brilliant not simply gives you +3 PL or something is beyond me. Why this game breaking resource generation? And why aren't there more abilities for rogues, fighters etc. that let them regain resources more reliably? Those 25% on kill and whatever is just... bäh.
    1 point
  14. Professional "armchair" psychologists, always seem to forget about the social nature of games that keeps people coming back. In a world that increasingly puts pressure on especially youth to take them out of the world at large and stash them away in the home for "safety." No wonder kids develop a life in their games. It's also a form of stimulation to keep their mind active in an otherwise fairly monotonous and rote world. I feel games are one of those easy topics to invoke nanny politics about, as opposed to dealing with more serious societal issues. I think a lot of issues with gaming stem from a sunk cost fallacy, where it's hard to invest in other social connections that might not pan out when you have your current ones so established. This doesn't even have to be just for multiplayer games, but communities that talk about single-player experiences and so on. I say this as someone who was a pretty hardcore gamer that basically dropped the hobby a few years into college as life came at me fast. I probably had all the signs of a gaming problem, and now I have none. (Internet addiction be a whole other thing though, but that's everyone and their nan now.)
    1 point
  15. I thought this was a pretty good read about people "recovering" and leaving hate groups and what made them decide to do it. The short answer is this: Be nice to everyone you meet. Be generous and friendly even when you don't have to be. Even when you don't want to be. Viktor Frankel once wrote that there are only two races, the decent and the indecent. Be the former always. You never know who it might have an impact on. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/story/2019-05-11/cure-for-hate-former-skinheads
    1 point
  16. Tonight we went to a local restaurant where your table has a circular hole in the middle and they place a bbq. The food comes raw and you sit there and grill it. Two were some cut of beef, I think one was beef tongue (which was really good) and one was a cut of meat called "mino", which it turns out is beef stomach.
    1 point
  17. Damn. My wife will hit me...
    1 point
  18. Volo !!! How can you say that about Daenerys Targaryen? She was the rightful queen of the 7 kingdoms, Jon didnt want the job and we must respect his wishes, and was betrayed by her true love. She definitely had the right idea, you unite the 7 kingdoms and end all slavery and dictatorships ....most of the families would have supported her and for those that dont you unleash your army and dragon on them. Trust me after Kings Landing how many cities would have disagreed with her policies ? I did feel sorry for the loss of some of the civilian lives during the Kings Landing battle but that was on Cersei for not surrendering the city ...she had a chance and refused to acquiesce. You cannot blame Daenerys Targaryen for that Also Dany was really hot, that must count for something
    1 point
  19. Kawhi & Co getting it done. They have earned the privilege of getting murked by the Dubs.
    1 point
  20. I looked into how the ability is programmed. When you pick up Resonant Touch skill, you get a passive ability that will apply status effect to the target when you attack. This status effect can stack with the same status effect from other monks, so there are no independent stacks. When you trigger the Resoant Touch attack ability, it gives immunity to resonant touch status effect to everyone in range, causing the status effect to be cleared. When the status effect is cleared, it triggers the damage status effect associated with it. It looks like it is not programmed with multiple monks in party in mind ...
    1 point
  21. Same. I also honestly don't think Dany's turn was bad as it was either - there were enough signs as early on as the first season showing problems to the "hero" narrative behind her, which especially grew worse with her arrival to Westeros. I do think a few more episodes would have helped flesh the thing out a little more naturally but the issue wasn't with the arc or plot points themselves.
    1 point
  22. Doesn't sound better to me. In fact, it adds even more problems... now suddenly Jorah does a 180 and thinks she is mad? There were never any signs before that he saw her as such. Imagine this storyline crammed into two episodes... it just won't work.
    1 point
  23. Headed back over to the Santa Monica Pier to do a side quest added in the plus patch. I never explored this part of the pier. It's got a nice view with the rain.
    1 point
  24. As little an indication as it is, this makes me more optimistic about PoE3. And I'll have to reload my clever/shady character to have some fun mocking the gods again.
    1 point
  25. You're much nicer to your... new recruits than I am, you put your Wheel of Pain inside. In my jungle base I built a roof above my taskmaster, I even put a chair there so she could take a load off, but the actual wheel itself I left uncovered, no relief from the elements for the recruits. I'll eventually do something similar in my current under construction base. I treat my thralls really well (provided they follow orders). I feed them well, I make sure they have a safe and comfortable place to live, and I provide plenty of booze and orgies. The new recruits, however, I make sure they suffer until they are broken and swear undying loyalty to me. Meanwhile, work on the tower continues.
    1 point
  26. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2204442-high-tech-wood-could-keep-homes-cool-by-reflecting-the-suns-rays/
    1 point
  27. Oi, i'd like to thank whoever gave Divinity: Original Sin 2 a glowing review on here and convinced me to buy it when it first came out. I played it for 15 minutes and have never put it on again. I want my 35 quid back dammit. I'll find you whoever you are...!
    1 point
  28. Thank you for the suggestion, we will begin work on it immediately. Query: If we went with Starjammer instead, would you still buy it?
    1 point
  29. The science of why human breasts are so big Stay righteous my dudettes!
    1 point
  30. LOLLL that's Gold!!!
    1 point
  31. Yeah, I used to know a guy who could not quit. He'd invite everyone for dinner and the only one not showing up at the restaurant would be himself because he'd be playing 48 hours straight and have both forgotten he had invited people to dinner and not noticed that two days had past. He later went from games to drugs, when everyone else in gaming grew up. Because the friend who games a lot seems fine when you are 20, but when you are past 30 and that person doesn't finish their university degree, and doesn't get a job because they keep gaming, that same person doesn't fit in anymore. And then the personality susceptible to addictive influences is in danger of drifting towards something harder. Saw him a few weeks ago on the street, hanging out with other junkies
    0 points
  32. Went to a friends place for a get together. We were firing an air rifle and I managed to get to close to the scope, giving myself a wonderful gash above my eyebrow. First time I've ever felt blood dripping down my nose.
    0 points
  33. One is about finding stars and the other one about jamming...?
    0 points
  34. https://www.polygon.com/2019/5/25/18639893/gaming-disorder-addiction-world-health-organization-who-icd-11
    0 points
  35. "Jon was the direct heir to the Iron Throne and could have claimed it and ruled the 7 kingdoms," No, he wasn't. The Targs were rightly overthrown. Their reign was over because they made the kingdom through power and strength and were overthrown with power and strength. 'Rightful' heir is such weaksauce in this case. That said, GW acted illogical here. No way no how does he simply 'arrest' Jon. he would attack him no questions asked. Dany, btw, got what she deserved. She was a crybaby. And, a lair. She claims she deserves the throne because of her family name but wouldn't step aside to someone who had 'more' right to the throne according to her own logic. But, I get it. She was evil and selfish a scumbag.
    0 points
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