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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/19 in all areas

  1. These ones: link The current idea is to make two versions: Conservative and Extended. Rawly speaking, the first one will include suggestions with 66+% votes pro; and the second: those with 50+% votes pro. Additionally we'll try to organize each change as a separate file. So if a player doesn't like that new backstab, he'll be able to delete cl.rogue.backstab.gamedatabundle, or something like that. P.S. Also am really interested in the upcoming patch by Obsidian, in order to not implement redundant points, and also see what fixes have been made.
    4 points
  2. Those changes, approved via poll. I work on this too, but i started with few hardest ones. Because most of "suggestions" are easy to mod simply adding/changing values (even no test needed, if original effects works fine). Currently done and tested: Stag Carnage - Identical to Barbarian Carnage but 20% base damage as AoE. Identical scaling: +2% damage each PL, starting PL 1. (Barbarian Carnage have 33% as AoE and +3,3% each PL). Barbarian Carnage Fix (discovered this oversight by accidentally). Backstab - 15 Raw Damage with +1.5 each PL, starting PL 2. Focus generation for Ciphers also 15 + 1.5 each PL. Detonate spell fix. Confounding Blind - in process. We need to understand what to do with penalty values to avoid cheap -40 Deflection penalty at PL 3. Keywords refining - in process. + some other small fixes. Icons - adjusted gradient color to perfectly match original one. Other stuff i can make quickly. Just want to see that "ton of bugfixes" from Obsidian. P.S. Tried to fix chants scaling, but it's seems hardcoded into one of scaling "ruleset" (FallbackScaling to be specific). So currently fix is unavailable.
    3 points
  3. Busy week. Irl stuff, plus Easter tomorrow I have ~20 class suggestions done by now. But these were the simplest. Hopefully will have some time on Monday to see what else I can do.
    3 points
  4. After finishing PoE2 I see that Deadfire is a great RPG game (I read steam reviews and they are very positive too). In comparison with Tiranny or Pathfinder, PoE2 has less steam reviews, so this means it has less popularity than the other two games. Obsidian was excited to release and show PoE2, and even one dev said they have a complete worldmap of Eora for new games, but, after the lower reception Deadfire has had, I wonder if there will be a PoE3 or perhaps another isometric game in Eora's setting. We are close to 1 year anniversary of the release and this forum is completely abandoned by Obsidian devs. That makes me think in a pessimistic way. What do you think? Will we enjoy another Eora's gem in the future or Obsidian will move to other different projects? Any info from any Obsidian dev would be much appreciated.
    2 points
  5. Currently is only 8 abilities uses ApplyOverTime formula: Disintegration_SE_RawDamage Taste_of_the_Hunt_SE_RawDOT Unbending_SE_Health / Unbending_Shield_SE_Health / Unbending_Trunk_SE_Health Cleansing_Flame_SE_BurnDamage Wounding_Shot_SE_RawDamage / Accurate_Wounding_Shot_SE_RawDoT / Hobbling_Shot_SE_RawDoT Deep_Wounds_SE_RawDOT Combusting_Wounds_SE_BurnDOT Blightheart_Heartbeat_SE_Health We can simply change them to use ApplyOnTick. Eg. Deep Wounds 20% for 6 sec. >>> 10% every 3 sec. for 6 sec. Nice and simple. And without bugs. + they can be affected by Int bonus, finally.
    2 points
  6. A bit of psychological horror: Sure it reads comedy but it isn't. It's hauting...ly accurate. And a bit older, so not sure if posted before.
    2 points
  7. Yeap. It lists 20% dealt over 6s in tooltip; but actually ticks for 10% (at 0s), 10% (at 3s) and 10% (at 6%). This is the first problem related to DoTs of ApplyOverTime type. And I've found why it happens in StatusEffectInstance.cs: protected void ApplyTick() { this.NotifyEvent(StatusEffectEventType.OnInterval, null); if (this.StackedParent == null || this.GameData.StackedChildrenApplyEffects) { if (this.GameData.ApplicationType == StatusEffectApplyType.ApplyOnTick) { this.ApplyEffect(1f); } else if (this.GameData.ApplicationType == StatusEffectApplyType.ApplyOverTime) { if (this.TotalDuration > 0f) { float ratio = this.EffectiveIntervalRate / this.GameData.Duration; this.ApplyEffect(ratio); } else { Debug.LogError("Status effect '" + this.GameData.DebugName + "' with ApplicationType 'ApplyOverTime' must have a duration."); } } } this.IntervalTicks++; } The ratio is calculated incorrectly. Using your example it takes duration of 6s and interval of 3s, so it is: ratio = 3 / 6 = 0.5 And this ratio is later used to calculate perTick damage as [ratio * totalDamage]. And that's why each tick deals 10%. Instead the formula had to be: float ratio = this.EffectiveIntervalRate / (this.GameData.Duration + this.EffectiveIntervalRate) ^ This way it would take into account the 0s tick. And it confirms thelee's speculation. P.S. But be aware that this fix will decrease the effective damage of some ApplyOverTime DoTs (specifically Wounding Shot and Deep Wounds) by up to x1.5. And the second problem of ApplyOverTime, is why it even exists? Because at the moment this is just a buggy version of ApplyOnTick with incorrect ratio formula and incorrect tooltip (the total damage value doesn't take into account duration, even through in practice INT DOES increase it). @SChin, could you please clarify how ApplyOverTime is intended to work? My speculation would be that it was thought to have a duration that is not affected by INT, PL, graze/crit or any other modifiers. Otherwise what's the difference compared to ApplyOnTick?
    2 points
  8. Original thread here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/109121-how-is-raw-dot-damage-calculated-now-in-v41 So I observed that in description both Deep Wounds and Wounding Shot says it deals 20% weapon damage for x seconds, but in fact it only does 10% damage per tick. In contrast, Bleeding Cut and Maiming of gsword Effort works as intended. Based on the code: >Deep Wounds { "StatusEffectType": "Damage", "UseStatusEffectValueAs": "None", "BaseValue": 0, // it's parent has "BaseValue": 0.2, "DurationType": "UseDurationTime", "Duration": 6, "MaxStackQuantity": 0, "ApplicationBehavior": "StackIfAlreadyApplied", "ApplicationType": "ApplyOverTime" } >Bleeding Cuts { "StatusEffectType": "Damage", "UseStatusEffectValueAs": "None", "BaseValue": 0, // it's parent has "BaseValue": 0.1, "DurationType": "UseDurationTime", "Duration": 60, "MaxStackQuantity": 0, "ApplicationBehavior": "StackIfAlreadyApplied", "ApplicationType": "ApplyOnTick" } The only difference here is ApplicationType, which Deep Wounds uses ApplyOverTime while Bleeding Cuts is using ApplyOnTick. If it is 20% damage over 6 second, it is still not correct as we get 10% of weapon damage on hit, and 10% on 3rd second and 10% on 6th second so it is 30% weapon damage in total instead of 20%, still not correct... @SChin hope to get any confirmation from the devs.
    1 point
  9. Dammit, the captioning is terrible on that and flips from either acting like some kind of heavy accent (which Slavoj probably does have, but I don't think Jordan would have as it's doing that for both men) to transcribing normally. Anyways, the main problem with a penultimate communist utopia is that it runs smack into human psychology (particularily when dealing with groups larger than your typical hunter-gatherer tribe of over 10,000 years ago) and you'd have to fundamentally change human psychology in order to make it work. That's not to say that some socialist ideas like Social Security can work.
    1 point
  10. And let's start out the day with a quote from the late and definitely great George Carlin: Planning on voting for a D or R? Repeat after me: Baaaaa
    1 point
  11. Sooooo.... Trump is going to go to the Supreme Court to stop the House of Representatives from trying to impeach him? Which they have already said they are not trying to do (right now)? You know, it's like he has no experience at all in how the US Government is set up. Oh wait... he does have no experience. Part of me wishes he would go to the SCOTUS to stop one of the branches of government from executing one of it's enumerated powers. Their reply to such a petition might be very comedic.
    1 point
  12. You also get a .5 Pen per Ability Level -1 of the spell. Fireball should have +1 Pen just from Ability level (Ability Level 3-1=2*.5 pen=1 pen) From Thelee's PL Compilation Thread: Here's an example of the baked in bonuses to Pen you get before you ever add bonus PL (this doesn't include prestige, buffs, etc.). Ability Level AL Pen Bonus MC PL Pen Bonus at 20 SC PL Pen Bonus at 20 MC Total Base Pen Bonus SC total Base Pen Bonus 1 0 1.5 2 1.5 2 2 0.5 1.25 1.75 1.75 2.25 3 1 1 1.5 2 2.5 4 1.5 0.75 1.25 2.25 2.75 5 2 0.5 1 2.5 3 6 2.5 0.25 0.75 2.75 3.25 7 3 0 0.5 3 3.5 8 3.5 0.25 3.75 9 4 0 4 So for a MC Wizard at level 20, that 7 pen Fireball is actually 9 pen before adding any bonus PL or other pen Buffs. Scion takes it to 10. Add 4 PL for 11. Add food or Tenacious for 13. The AL bonus is why higher level spells are better than the low level ones, even with PL scaling. Meteor Shower actually has a base pen of 11 (as well as +16 bonus Accuracy from Ability Level).
    1 point
  13. I really hope there will be PoE3 in not so distant future. And I'd also love to play some other RPGs from Obsidian IN ADDITION to PoE3 (and hopefully not space or fallout related - just not my thing when it comes to rpgs, even through I'm eager to try Outer Space Worlds). NWN3 would be also great! But the future seems to be quite unclear. As there have been a quite sensible lack of communication from Obsidian devs.
    1 point
  14. ^ I was checking Disintegration yesterday. At 10MIG/10INT it was ticking for x raw damage. I have consoled the INT to 30, and casted it again. It was ticking for the same x amount. But there were almost twice as much ticks. After that I have also checked Combusting Wounds. And yes, increasing INT, was increasing amount of ticks, while the tick damage was the same. So yes: at the moment total damage of DoTs of ApplyOverTime does indeed benefit from longer duration. Also, I have made a few searches on this topic right now, and here's a bit of history: - on release: ApplyOverTime had higher dps on grazes and on lower INT. This was first mentioned: here (on August 17 2018) - later it was reported: here (on September 10 2018) - it was quickly "fixed", and rolled out in the patch v2.1.0 (on September 12 2018). It was mentioned as: "Having higher intellect no longer penalizes effects that apply over time." Now the thing is... it could be a wrong fix. Why?: - because "total damage" displayed in tooltip for such ApplyOverTime was not synchronized with this change. - because what becomes the point of ApplyOverTime, if we have ApplyOnTick? It would make more sense to just switch those 8 ApplyOverTime effects listed by Phenomenum to ApplyOnTick. This would result in correct tooltips, and better consistency. - and because the [total damage dealt] part of initial bug report could be solved by fixing the ratio. Look: As I said previously, the problem with ratio is that it doesn't take into account 0-tick. So, how much damage would Disintegration above deal, if there was no this 0-tick? graze: 175 + 65 = 240 crit: 70 + 70 + 70 + 31 = 241 hit: 87 + 87 + 65 = 239 And that makes sense, no? I mean I was speculating above that ApplyOverTime is probably for DoTs whose total damage is not affected by change in duration (i.e. INT, PL, graze/crit). Although, this still leaves the problem of higher dps, on graze/lower INT. And this could only be solved by having a completely fixed duration. TL.DR. What gives? Fix ApplyOverTime ratio and make it's duration fixed (i.e. not affectable by INT/PL/Graze/Crit/Anything)? Or get rid of ApplyOverTime completely and migrate to ApplyOnTick?
    1 point
  15. Can these fixes be installed separately? Because in the poll there are some polls of 90% - yes to fix and some are like 60% - yes to fix & 40% - don't care/want. So each might have their own preference. For example that backstab change, some players might like the original plus some extra enhance, while others might prefer the new raw damage change.
    1 point
  16. Optimal... depends. There are many ways to build a ranged cipher. Going Ranger/Cipher will give you more ACC and Driving Flight (and I didn't even test if Arcane Archer's Imbue spells generate focus), Black Jacket/Cipher can mean a big focus spike through switching, a Helwalker will give you additional dmg and duration and PEN, a Beguiler means you don't need to use a weapon that much anyway and so on. Streetfighter with Blunderbuss means very high dps but it also has rel. low ACC and low range. And it's not very sturdy. If you can overcome or accept those disadvantages it is a very powerful combo for an Ascendant. Because as I said the recovery bonus also applies to casting and you want to cast as many spells as possible while ascended. For Ascended I think Streetfighter/Blunderbuss or Helwalker are some of the potentially most powerful combos (if you are not going single class which is also very good due to great abilities at higher PL8+ levels).
    1 point
  17. good news for shady is there is another rian johnson movie on the way Knives Out am always a bit suspicious o' overt overstuffed casts, but maybe this gets shady to 2-2 on johnson... which sounds a bit gross and a little lewd 'pon momentary reflection. apologies. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I've now beaten most of the base game content, all of SSS, Belranga and Dorudugan (my first kill ever). I've been consistently happy with the performance of this character. The party is a bit less durable than I'm used to, but it's worth it. The only real disappointment is that the extra attack range doesn't mean anything against some bosses, because they can reach me anyway. I set my eyes on this staff because I wanted to be safe from the annoyance of mobs simply targeting the lowest deflection character in range. At least the modal saw some use.
    1 point
  20. Penetration is a massive issue for these spells on POTD. Fireball, for example, has a penetration of 7. That's awful. That means in most cases, you're going to under-penetrate, which massively reduces your damage. Yeah, Fireball does decent damage, but in practical terms, it'll do almost nothing, because it'll underpenetrate. And that's IF you can even hit targets reliably with it. Example:
    1 point
  21. Why was Mars wary of Jupiter? Because Jupiter Saturn Uranus
    1 point
  22. Can Meteor Shower be spell shaped? I noticed that Storm of Holy Fire cannot be and they are very similar spells. I guess it's a balance thing since Storm would benefit too much from a smaller radius? Do the MS projectiles actually target enemies? I'm pretty sure SoHF projectiles just come down as they see fit.
    1 point
  23. Yeap, there are two AoEs. One being the large one of 5m - the area were meteors can fall. And the second: just 1.5m - the AoE of each separate meteor. So what happens, if there are n units inside of the large AoE: - every 3s, n meteors fall down. Each meteor targets one unit. - each meteor hits everyone in it's small 1.5m AoE. So, if units stand far apart from each other: there are n hits. If they all stand 1.5m or closer to each other: there are n^2 hits. And this is when the spell gets sooo good. Although note: meteor DoT part doesn't stack. Those red numbers have a bit randomized 'trajectory'. And if there are many of them, sometimes they might align and look like there is a higher number. I.e. it might not be 55, but 5 + 5. As for Combusting Wounds... I've took a look now, and here we go: Combusting Wounds (spell): has a 1.5m AoE and 20s base duration (which is unlisted...) Combusting Wounds (dot): has 7 penetration (which is unlisted...), 6s base duration and is a stackable DoT of ApplyOverTime type. At the moment total damage of DoTs of ApplyOverTime type actually DOES benefit from INT... just like DoTs of ApplyOnTick do; (even if their tooltips don't reflect the damage increase). Which is unexpected... because why then do we need ApplyOverTime in the first place? if we have ApplyOnTick who do same thing, but don't cause confusion to the players AND devs. But... whatever. Also, ApplyOverTime have an additional tooltip problem of not taking into account the first tick. For example Combusting Wounds might display that it deals 6 damage over 6s. Guess what? It will tick for: 3 dmg (on 0s), 3dmg (on 3s) and 3dmg (on 6s). Why does this happen? Because "ratio" - a variable used to calculate what damage an ApplyOverTime effect should do per tick. And I've found it in source code: See that?: float ratio = this.EffectiveIntervalRate / this.GameData.Duration; For the above example of 6 damage over 6s, it would be: ratio = 3/6 = 0.5 And tickDamage = 6 dmg * 0.5 = 3 That's why it was ticking for 3 dmg instead of 2; and dealing 9 total dmg instead of the listed 6. Since in both PoE1 and Deadfire there is the 0-tick, the formula had to be: float ratio = this.EffectiveIntervalRate / (this.GameData.Duration + this.EffectiveIntervalRate); Now look at that tooltip: How much total damage do you think it will deal? Six?) Nope) it will be 15 (5 ticks for 3 damage). Now imagine that you cast two Walls of Flame and follow up with Combusting Wounds. That's 60 damage instances in 30s. And 60 x 15 = 900 damage from CW, assuming there is enough penetration.
    1 point
  24. He chose Streetfighter because a bunderbuss + modal will distract you with each shot. Distracted contains flanked. That means you always suffer the penalty of distracted but get the Streetfighter's "Heating Up" bonus which lets you reload with a 50% recovery bonus and deal a lot more Sneak Attack dmg. If you also become bloodied: even more dmg, but it's not necessary to be a top notch damage dealer. The recovery bonus also applies to your spell casting. Since ciphers have some spells with short casting time but long recovery the synergy is a very nice one.
    1 point
  25. Yeah, yes. Elemental Bolts is usually the better enchantment since lashes are a multiplicative dmg modifier while Missiles are just additive dmg. Also those missiles won't scale with Power Level afaik since they originate from a weapon and not you. They might scale with weapon quality though. Usually I also value random dmg bonuses (proc chances) lower than lashes since they are unreliable. Example: even if the average dmg is the same on paper, the proc chance means that the dmg roll has to be high in order to balance out the randomness. High dmg rolls have a tendency to overkill. That means you have damage on paper but a lot is actually wasted. Stuff like Combusting Wounds, Confounding Bling and The Shield Cracks might nugde you towards missiles, but in general I think Elemental Bolts is the much better enchantment.
    1 point
  26. Am replaying Dragon Age: Origins as a female city elf rogue. Forgot how freaking *brutal* the female city elf origin is.
    1 point
  27. I noticed that Gfted1's rank is "Forum Moderator" and he's part of the "Moderators" group. He also has a huge "MODERATOR" tag right under all of that. My considerable deductive powers suggest that he may be a moderator, but I would need more evidence to make a definitive statement.
    1 point
  28. Latest 40K model: Still needs to be based, and there's some edge high-lighting and shading to be done (hence the mask being washed out) but overall I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out thus far.
    1 point
  29. On the continuing adventures of learning my 3d Printer settings... I ended up managing to produce this after an 11 hour print:
    1 point
  30. Oh I suppose this makes more sense over here, so: Use this with Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey extension via adding a new script: // ==UserScript== // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js // @name Remove unnecessary information // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description // @author You // @match http*://forums.obsidian.net/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; let func = function() { $('li.backer-badge').hide() $('li.ipsSpacer_bottom').hide() $('li.ipsResponsive_hidePhone').hide() $('article.ipsComment').css('background', 'black') } func() setInterval(func, 1000) })(); Gets you this: (Removes badges and stuff you can also find on individual user pages + increases post background's contrast to help individual posts stand out more and I feel it's easier on the eyes) This: // ==UserScript== // @name Remove ignored users // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description // @author You // @match http*://forums.obsidian.net/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; let func = function() { $('.ipsComment_ignored').hide() } func() setInterval(func, 1000) })(); Hides ignored users thingy.
    1 point
  31. The super fast logout seriously needs a fix. Especially on mobile with slow speed it is a very annoying pain, because you have to go through more pages than normally necessary. Makes me stop browsing the forum.
    1 point
  32. Really liking this update! Thanks for all the hard work. (As an aside idea... It would be nice to ge emotes that relate to the Obsidian games and franchises, I think most in the forum would really enjoy their inclusion. I do appreciate the expanded array of classic emojis to use though.)
    1 point
  33. Neat and nice work. My eyes will have to adjust though, it will be harder to parse the content in the mean time. I'm sure I'll get used to it.
    1 point
  34. Just before Ukaizo? jeje The game is amazing. I spent 250 hours in my only one campaign (in Tiranny only 52 hours) and I hope PoE2 won't be the last IE style game.
    1 point
  35. Gloomy Face just finished his another completionist upscaled PoTD and my first Trial of Iron PoE/WM1/WM2 run. Each and every quest/task/bounty were resolved one way or another. The only exceptions are personal quests of Durance, Grieving Mother and Zahua. Once we hit level 9 there were very little obstacles which could hinder our steady stride. Most fights were won on per-encounter abilities/mastered spells: Gloomy Face (Tanglefoot, Autumn's Decay, Form of the Delemgan, Returning Storm), Xoti (Armor of Faith, Devotions for the Faithful, Dire Blessing, Holy Power), Aloth (Slicken, Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, Infuse With Vital Essence, Ninagauth's Shadowflame). After finishing remaining Act 2 tasks but just before moving to the hearings we've cleared the Endless Paths down to the Adra Dragon, finished remaining available bounties and completed upscaled WM1/WM2, were we befriended both Beregan's Flames-That-Whisper clan and Iron Flail (who in turn helped us in the Battle of Yenwood Field), killed Alpine Dragon (unintentionally - I had all the required stats to resolve this quest peacefully but seems just choose the wrong reply and had to improvise on the move), killed Concelhaut but striked a deal with Llengrath. The Crew hit level cap right upon entering Mowrghek Ien and the rest of the run it was mostly a RP choices to build a pre-history for the Deadfire (we poisoned Simoc and adopted Vela among other things). Adra Dragon was killed right before jumping down into the Breith Eaman and the only scary moments we experienced during Sserkal bounty when the whole Crew was disabled and took heavy raw damage and only thanks to Xoti, who once recovered applied Suppress Affliction, we emerged victorious. Thaos himself, even upscaled, doesn't accomplished much before falling dead and I erased his memories. All God's quests were completed (Sky Dragon was left alive) but I was torn between Berath's and Hylea's favors only. In the end I choose Hylea since Berath gained their part of souls anyway. Some screenshots for the remainder of the run. Forge Guardians: Radiant Spore: Concelhaut: Llengrath: Battle of Yenwood Field (if I remember correctly, we hardly lost even one single unit there): Alpine Dragon (as I've said, it was unintentional, but at least we fully upgraded Ryona's Breastplate for the first time): Kraken (I choose to strike the crystal myself and escaped thanks to Iverra's Diving Helmet. Since I haven't finished the hearings and some other quests at the moment I wasn't able to convince the Eyeless to reforge Abydon, but a tempered version, where his memories are restored but given context beyond what he remembered at his death.): Undead Raedric (Berath needs new Champion): Sserkal bounty (Scary moment... One thing that helped us to survive is that their vicious Psychic Blast is not party friendly so they hurt quite a bit between themselves): Adra Dragon (Xoti is a Beast Holy Warrior and Bane for Evil Ones. She claimed yet another boss' soul. Love her!): Pre-Thaos Crew stats/inventories. Gloomy Face and Xoti suffered 0 Knockouts, Eder, Aloth and Sagani - 2 each, Pallegina - a whopping 6, though one was erroneously gained when the Death Ring trap was triggered in the hit of combat and she suffered 2 knockouts at once. Gloomy Face: Eder: Aloth: Xoti: Sagani: Pallegina: And finally Thaos: Now Gloomy Face has graduated into the PoE2:Deadfire, where I made him Druid(Animist)/Ranger(Arcane Archer) with the same attributes and Wolf Companion Nymeria in a name and memory of Sagani, one of my most favorite characters, who doesn't feel satisfied back in the village and went missing in a blizzard in one of her hunts only because of me being unable to find right words of support when she needed them most... Eder has his faith in Eothas renewed, and he joined a secret Eothasian organization known as the Night Market. Pallegina had gone against the ducs bels' orders by inventing a new trade arrangement with the anamenfath to accommodate the recovering Dyrwoodan market. She was banished from the Republics and entered the ranks of the Kind Wayfarers. Aloth, armed with the knowledge and courage he had gained on his journeys with Gloomy Face, set out on the long and lonely task of dismantling the Leaden Key. I'm going to run the same Crew in Deadfire on PoTD, completionist, upscaled (all), but not Trial of Iron this time since this will be mostly a blind run and game mechanics are quite different from the first PoE. I'm also going to continue the exploration of Deadfire Archipelago if I'll fail on the first try, but until then to be continued...
    1 point
  36. Can anyone help me make a water color version for these potraits ? I need it for playing a vailian ocean folk. Thanks In advance
    1 point
  37. Congrats! Great accomplishment! I’m curious what class choices you will make in Deadfire with your chanter. It pairs so well with just about every other class for multi-classing, and has several sub-class options that are all cool when built around.
    1 point
  38. Rubbish. Go and see your tread. The description is correct like a fharmacy recipe. But confusing, i agree. UPDATE. Tested Deep Wounds. Metodology: Frienfly target, Health 247 vs. Weapon 100-100 dmg. Attacker have 10 pt. in all Attributes Hit should apply 100 + 20 Raw Damage for 6 sec. Target's Health should be 127 after attack. Test 1: Hit (100 dmg) + 20 pt. (20%) Deep Wounds damage >>> Health = 116. 247 - 116 = 131 total damage. Test 2: Graze (50 dmg) + 10 pt. (20%) Deep Wounds damage >>> Health = 182. 247 - 182 = 65 total damage. So DW deals ~ 30% of Damage as Raw. Value in statuseffects.gamedatabundle is 0.2. So it's clearly a bug.
    1 point
  39. Well, I'm finally done . Act 3, all bounties, WM2, Concelhaut and Llengrath all done. Just Thaos to finish off. Bit frustrating I've been stuck at level 16 all this time. Reckon I'd be around level 25 by now if the progression were not capped. Nearly 500k damage done, and 32k damage taken I have all the top equipment, over 500k gold, and enough crafting ingredients to last me a lifetime. I've only just finished buffing and summoned Concelhaut; Thaos mk1 is already badly injured. I'm pretty much untouchable with all these buffs running Bye bye Thaos. I chose to restore the souls. So that's a full completionist solo no-reload successfully finished, including both WMs and all bounties and quests. It was only on Hard rather than PotD but I'm still pleased to have completed it and to have a character to take through to PoE2. I'm not quite done with PoE yet, I still have two things I want to do. The first is to do the same again on PotD and upscaled . The second is to do a full roleplay run with a party, acting as naturally as possible and creating a fulfilling story. Trouble is both of these runs would take a long time to complete, even longer than this one (which has taken me over a month in real elapsed time). So I may move on to PoE2 and then come back to PoE1 at a later date.
    1 point
  40. The games are not designed to be played this way and it will always look janky. Lead with your writing and quests (ie what you're supposed to be good at ). This isn't rocket science.
    1 point
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