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  1. Hi guys, it's a bit of a weird one but is there a mod out there, which lets you change the multiclass UI (where your skills and abilities are grouped into your resource icons) to a single class UI, where they are expanded on the ability bar? I don't like the hot keys function, since it feels like you're duplicating UI elements (I know OCD much) . I have some programming experience, but wouldn't even know where to start. Just posting this on the slight chance someone has looked at this already.
  2. So the status effect window (top left, with all the food/buffs/debuffs etc) wasnt a problem until I hit the undercity....then boom! Multiple status effect like slow/poison etc were stacked on and now it covers the ability bars full left side rendering my abilities newly impossible to see/choose correctly in combat!!! Even with font turned way down it reaches there, please, someone help us console pirates X
  3. I just started playing PoE2 and am learning the interface. I wish there were more UI customization options.* Two things I find unnecessary and distracting: the "Fast Mode Active" text and the big, red "No" symbol cursor. I know you can hide UI entirely, but that removes the parts that are helpful also. At least for hiding the "Fast Mode" text I did find this little mod, but it's not a great solution because there's still a big, flashing "F" on screen. I can already tell Fast mode is on because of how fast I'm moving as well as the speed and color on the clock -- the text is overkill. Maybe there's a way to further mod this mod? - *OPTIONS: I understand that some people do want these things.
  4. one example screenshot: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2220119159
  5. I started playing Grounded today, and I have been enjoying it with a few friends so far. While playing, I ran into a confusing dilemma: When in a Storage Container interface, hovering over an item stack, there is an option to press (LB) to "Take All", which I thought meant: "take the whole stack", but it took the whole container, filling my inventory, causing a huge delay having to manually put everything back. SUGGESTED SOLUTION: Put a quick transfer button (like in Minecraft) for quick swapping items between Inventory and Storage Containers. Also, clarify that "Take All" means "take everything out of the container", maybe change it to "Empty Container to Inventory" or something of the sorts, with a confirm dialog perhaps. The option to turn on confirmation dialogs for certain actions (like major item moves) would be a great addition!
  6. List of Bugs identified (following recent patch) Dew Collector - Spawns water once but then never again. Insect Spawning inside Solid Objects - The longer I play, the more bugs I notice are 'stuck' inside objects, such as rocks, or tree branches, it's starting to become an issue.. A bug respawn upon sleeping would be good to resolve this? Insects Teleporting through Walls (Note: I have not noticed this since the Larvae spawning on base fix, but I suspect it is still an issue just now less frequent) Spiders and the Lab - Frequent for spiders to get stuck in the entrance to the lab, or just sit and wait outside the lab, making it impossible for newer players to get out. Think this should be made a safe zone somehow. Plant Fibre is Obtrusive - When I've been cutting grass, and there's a lot of plant fibre rolls on the floor, my character struggles to walk because they block your path and you find yourself fighting against them all. Plank Huck sometimes hurts the thrower - Not sure why this happens, but when you huck you sometimes take a lot of damage from it. (Base Building) Walls are... Unpredictable - I can spend almost an hour setting down blueprints, to then find where I wanted to put a wall is impossible, ruining my entire plan. Sometimes the walls can be 50% under the ground, which is good, other times, they can't be 1% under the ground - this is particularly noticeable on rocks. (Base Building) Wall Height - Sometimes my walls will look fine, then I'll come back to my base, and the wall behind my stair case has the jagged top, meaning it comes through the floor, blocking the path to get up. UI Improvement Suggestions (Xbox Controller) 'Back' (change view) button does WAY too much - It takes way too long to scroll through all the menus just to get to my inventory, to then have to move through my items, and then enter the RT menu to do something with an item. Allow option for left and right on d-pad to scroll through select items, rather than just being able to assign each button to 1 item. Add a quick button for 'drop', for example Press X, inside the inventory screen, especially useful for multiplayer when sharing items quickly with friends. Add a "hold button", for example Hold X, for destroy item inside the inventory screen (then a pop up asking to how many to destroy in the stack, or all). Make it so that we need to Hold 'Back' button (change view button) to access the crafting screens, and just Tap 'Back' button (change view button) to open the inventory which is by far the most used. Save Menu Layout - Separate screen for auto saves, and ability to name manual saves. Equipped Gear - Please please please, make it so that equipped gear does not stay in inventory, and introduce the normal RPG gear screen! Balance Improvements Multiplayer Balancing - On 4 player multiplayer, water is extremely difficult to manage - spawn rates should be balanced depending on number of players. Dehydration and Starvation isn't punishing enough - As a survival game, and these being the only 2 resources that need managing, I'd expect the game to punish you more for not maintaining them properly. A good example is Fallout 4 Survival mode, whereby, the more dehydrated or hungry you get, the more punishing the effects become. (I understand this would be bad to introduce as of now due to balancing issues and water spawning issues, but something for the future?) Sleeping (Hunger and Thirst Bars) - Hunger and Thirst when sleeping makes no sense, they always go to a fixed value and can even increase over night? The fall should be dependant on number of hours and starting levels of the hunger and thirst metres before bed. As of now, I find myself letting my characters bar just drop to zero because eating or drinking before bed is completely pointless. Sleeping Need - This should be introduced imo. As well as more sleeping furniture which reap better results, i.e. well rested. Additional Content Suggestions A Weather System Rain Water easier to find on grass Water collector fills up if unsheltered Different insects appear (e.g. worms as they do irl) Potential movement penalty inside puddles? A clover leaf 'floating boat' to compensate for the increase height of water in areas of the garden? (and to avoid water insects from below). Raindrops can hurt if gets very heavy - clover umbrella for protection? Sun Water need falls quicker Water more scarce (Evaporation) Different insects appear (or more frequently, i.e. bees, wasps, mosquitoes) Damp areas of the map start to dry out somewhat Map Expansions More dungeons to explore (like the hedge branch system and also underground), with puzzles and unique rewards at the centre (Not just raw science, it's a great idea and all, but it's not that exciting after a while). Hidden entrances around the map with mysteries/clues inside (and more unique enemies). Quests Not just 'collect this' or 'kill that', but something meaningful... e.g. we need to build this device, collect these parts so we can construct this or further out research etc. similar tasks but with more purpose and have it lead somewhere. BURGL Rewards Selection is currently limited, feel like this could be fleshed out a lot more. As of now, Raw Science feels extremely pointless and I have very little motivation to try and find more. Backpack Upgrades - A rare upgrade, potentially obtained via BURGL after a series of quests? (following research mentioned in my 'quests' section?) - Adding additional inventory slots. Level Up! Some form of levelling system, even if just for combat... Rewards for higher levels such as for Archery, increased bow draw speed, or arrow recovery chance. And for Melee, less weapon degrading, critical hit chance, stun change, evasion chance or damage reduction chance. etc. Would make it more worthwhile taking on more bugs in combat rather than purely for gathering purposes. (Base Building) Wall Height Options - Options to remove the jagged top from walls would be nice, it causes big problems as they tops come through floors a lot of the time when the bottom floor of a structure doesn't have the same skeleton as the floor above. The same can also be said for doors - the top of which peeks through the floor above. (Base Building) Use Furniture - The ability to use chairs etc. in the future would be nice. (Base Building) Colour Options - The ability to use items from around the garden to dye walls etc. or add painted décor to them. New Insects (I know, obviously! - But here's my ideas) Ant Queen (ant nest boss) Flying Ants *Shudders* Wasps Worms Water Skeeters Diving Beetles
  7. What I mean by the UI wheel navigation is the selection of something in the UI wheels (hotwheel), as shown in the image below. -Change or add a 'release' option. By this I mean for example when using the emote wheel, using the controller, you hold the left button then select an option with the analog stick and then release the left button. Then the UI is closed and the action is carried out. This is faster than the current system of having to press the left button, select with the analog and then press another button. The current system feels somehwhat tedius to use and does not completely feel like a 'hotwheel'. Great game btw, lots of fun!
  8. Based on the demo playthrough... For such a beautiful looking game, there would be one request... Allow us to turn off parts of HUD and prompt-UI 1) Once I’m use to the resources in the world’s environment, I don’t need a giant hand and button prompt telling me how to pick something up. Really immersion breaking seeing all the popup UI elements anytime I camera pan over things. Solution: Allow settings to turn off environment UI prompts 2) The SCAB is supposed to be ‘90s sifi watch, yet the HUD in the lower left corner looks like a Crayon art project. I get the art style overall, and like it...but something about my ‘cool’ watch loses it’s appeal looking at that HUD of the SCAB. Maybe more techie looking and add the time into the SCAB HUD, not have it be another radial wheel menu toggle. 3) On controller The Hotbar, action bar...the HUD at the bottom...serves no purpose like a actual action bar. You can’t swap weapons without using the Radial menu popup, you can’t ‘hot’ swap to action bar slot 3 for example...so what’s the purpose of the hotbar? Did I miss a setting that allows you to swap to items in the hotbar? Solution: Allow me to map left/right Dpad to move across Hotbar 4) I guess, to maximize immersion, just let me turn off all HUD elements. Hotbar is pointless and other than SCAB(which i addressed above), I don’t really need the HUD. Again...beautiful game, great concept, just for me...HUD needs work.
  9. Coming across multiple issues with the ps4 version. Combat UI is horrible to the point of nearly making the game unplayable with overlapping windows for the action bar and combat text. Movement becomes broken when switching to a custom formation and I can no longer move through narrower areas if my character is moved to the back. Load times are insane! Nearly a minute and a half to load an area that's one room and a single npc making quests or tasks where you need to move in and out of multiple areas repeatedly a chore. I could understand the time if you're loading a larger map for the first time but not consistently. I'm really enjoying the game but some of these issues are sucking the fun right out of it and I'm just curious as to whether or not we'll see fixes for these soon? Thanks in advance for any information. Edit: Also now experiencing multiple crashes at random points, lagging and freezing during combat, PC's being dragged around an entire map to attack enemies and the Take all command not working after ship combat.
  10. Hi. The mod and inventory screen sometimes don't show bright squares even if mods are installed and why is there no filter to sort by damage/armor when equipping companions? It's hard to find the strongest/best weapons fast.
  11. Hi. Is there no way to adjust screen or ui size to fit? I have cut off edges on my TV and need to change display mode just for Outer Worlds which makes fonts even smaller and very hard to read. PS. Can you increase font / tooltip size please?
  12. It happens since patch 1.1. Before the patch, the numbered choices only appeared when playing with mouse/kb and hid when you activate a controller. Please fix this.
  13. Good Afternoon, I pre-ordered Outer Worlds for my PS4 and so far I absolutely love the game. The only glaring issue is that I am a person who needs subtitles, and enjoys reading every little thing in my inventory, especially with a game thats very lore/mechanics heavy. I have not been able to play the game beyond the first few hours due to how absolutely TINY the font/text size displays on my 52" television. I am not even sitting that far away and its an absolute nightmare to read for any long amount of time, or catch subtitles as they go by. I really don't want to have to hover in front of my TV and ruin my eyes to play, but I hope there can be some sort of fix to this...as I am strugging really hard to play it and will have to figure out some alternative before I can enjoy it again. Thank you so much for your time! Kind Regards
  14. Please make the text in the UI bigger. The menu and items description are still impossible to read cleary on PS4. This is so sad that you guys are completely silent on this issue. It's obviously a problem yet you guys don't seem to care.
  15. The size of the font in the UI is extremely small and renders the game unplayable on PS4. After 2 hours of squinting and frustration, I had to give up playing and am now hoping for a patch that allows an increase to the text size. Does Obsidian have any plans to address this issue or will it stay this way? The game looks amazing and I'm a huge fan of Obsidian, really hoping I get to enjoy this game soon. Any information you can provide on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  16. The game needs an option to have the cross-hair in the centre. And by need I mean please. I feel like I'm looking at everything with my nose raised up like some sort of snob who thinks he's better than everyone.
  17. Description: Venom debuff: [-x% Action Speed (y duration)] from Memory Hoarder enemy persists after combat ends. Effect has a duration, but does not tick away. In the main UI, Venom debuff shows on all affected characters, and character sheet/summary shows "Venom" debuff under Current Effects. All characters in range, including player, premade, and custom characters are affected. Resting has no effect on debuff. Debuff has a duration, and duration is unique to character, but does not decrease. Not clear if effect is actually active, or if it's just a visual/UI bug. No console commands seem to affect debuff. Steps to Reproduce: Engage "Memory Hoarder" enemy in Forgotten Sanctum" map/zone with melee characters. All characters in melee range will receive debuff during fight with Memory Hoarder. Kill Memory Hoarder while debuff is still active, and debuff appears to persist. Save Game not available at the moment - a) Savefile too large to attach, and b) I attempted to fix this with Console commands, which overwrote Save prior to issue. Issue is very repeatable though. This is the 3rd time I've had melee characters suffer from this. output_log.txt
  18. Some interface elements which should be hidden are visible when playing on a widescreen monitor (in this case Samsung 49" CHG90 Gaming Monitor 3840x1080) see attached image edit: appears the ui elements get hidden correctly after combat ends. Thanks for adding a TB mode, having that option is awesome ^^ Just started TB mode, looking forward to seeing the game play out in a new perspective Cheers!
  19. HAve a weird UI bug since DLC release. The modal options don't updates. I have 3 weapons set with different proficients. Dual pistols in set 1 show my pistol modal, I switch to a hatchet + dagger (proficient), it show the pistol modal + dagger modal, switch to 1 blunderbuss in main hand (proficient), show only the pistol modal. Look like modals from proficient in first set overlap the ones in other sets depending of main hand/off hand.
  20. Hello, I finished the game once , 60 hours in and everything works perfectly. I just restarted a game with the bonuses just to have fun and decided to dig deeper into the Custom AI builder editor. From my experience it is really buggy, here are few things I've encounter: - The text of behind menu appear through pop up menu. I don't have a screenshot but if it happen again I will post one here. - When trying to select a condition, anything, like "Companions: Health", in this menu, only the middle option is clickable. It is hard to explain but the pop up selection menu has a list of conditions, I need to scroll the item I want to click on in the middle of this list to be able to click on it. Also, this is really hard because the button of the scroll bar are buggy as well and not easy to click on. I read some other post and saw something about the steam overlay, I am going to try to do it again with it disable tonight and keep you in touch. Thanks.
  21. I've recently run into a fairly annoying UI bug that essentially makes the UI more difficult to interact with by left clicking. For example, during dialogue I will click "continue" and nothing will happen on the first click. Sometimes this will repeat for two or even three clicks, but it is also very inconsistent, going away and coming back seemingly at random or perhaps only when I haven't made any inputs for a certain period of time (for example, if I stop to read/listen to a particularly long bit of dialogue or to consider a response choice for several seconds). Dialogue isn't the only thing being affected; closing windows by left clicking the "X" at the top of a UI window (any of them) sometimes fails, with the X appearing and remaining depressed even when moving the mouse cursor away. Again, eventually the UI responds correctly. Additionally, but much less frequently, sometimes when clicking to move a character or group of selected characters the input is sometimes entirely ignored, despite the cursor displaying the animation indicating the input was received (the crosshairs come together but no green copy of it appears on the ground where I clicked). I suppose this could be a hardware issue (something with my mouse, perhaps) but I didn't experience these issues until today; specifically, until after I interacted with the second pillar of luminous adra located in Hasongo. To be certain of this, I loaded a save from before interacting with the pillar and, sure enough, the UI responds as fluidly and cleanly as I had experienced up until this point. I have interacted with the pillar multiple times, to see if the bug would come back. Each time I notice that the bug does reappear, at first happening only once or twice every five minutes but then becoming more prominent as I continue to play the game beyond that point, until it happens once every 30 seconds or so of gameplay (with some gaps in between). Another issue I've run into is that, when changing party composition while sailing on the world map, the game will frequently crash to desktop. This only seems to happen after spending a significant amount of time playing the game (>2 hours).
  22. The save button became unresponsive and grayed out in the world map, in a area where it was functional few minutes before. The auto-save was still working. This happened after few ship transitions, party swap, alt-tabbing. I couldn't reproduce the issue. Restarting the game restored the save button. I don't have a savegame, only the output_log. output_log - save locked.txt
  23. The tutorial panel that floats in and out from the screen is always visible in 3440x1440 resolution. You can see it on the top right side of the screen https://imgur.com/NIQEwFl
  24. I humbly request for better support to improve UI for picking custom portraits during character creation. In current situation I imported 36 brand new custom portraits with specific names (order). And there are between vanilla portraits. And thats looking like mess. I hope for something like tab during character creation - under vanilla portraits - sth like "custom portraits" when we only want to pick from custom ones. Maybe another folder for custom portraits will be good too. (it could be like in attached filed)
  25. Game interface got blocked when I got message to recharge an item from discard. I cannot click anything. Only item card in discard is highlighted but I can't click nor drag it to recharge. All I can do is to click on the card to enlarge the view of it, but it's still not showing any options to click. I cannot even click settings button to forfeit and start the adventure again. It's basically stuck... When I restart the game and load my save it's still in the same situation... What can I do to not loose my save? Pls help.
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