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About Zhey

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  1. Thanks again for responding. Helps clarify things a lot. And always interesting to see what other people enjoy. Off to the races to try it out
  2. Hi Boeroer, Thanks for taking the time. I've been seeing your replies on lots of the topics I've been searching. Is brute your favourite class combination then? Which warrior active skill would you take the healing, or increased defenses? And what would be the start spread? How often are you finding the brute force triggering? Isn't fortitude somewhat higher than deflection to begin with?
  3. One of the things that's wrong with me is, I find it difficult to enjoy playing a build if I know there is a strictly better one out there that does the same thing. I'm unable to decide between a brute or crusader for a frontline DPS MC. The brute seems to have more damage through the barbarian's attack speed increases, hit-to-crit and passive damage increases. Crusader has lashes and high accuracy though, so I'm not sure how significant the difference is? The crusader offers better survivability through improved defenses, not suffering a deflection mallus and more armor. So, do you think the higher potential damage of the brute (some of which is conditional on large packs of mobs) outweighs the increased survivability of a crusader?
  4. Is refreshing defense or unbending better for survivability? Also do you think this build is better as a tradeoff of damage and survivability than fighter/paladin? That gets you less speed and hit-to-crit, but more accuracy and defenses.
  5. Hi guys, it's a bit of a weird one but is there a mod out there, which lets you change the multiclass UI (where your skills and abilities are grouped into your resource icons) to a single class UI, where they are expanded on the ability bar? I don't like the hot keys function, since it feels like you're duplicating UI elements (I know OCD much) . I have some programming experience, but wouldn't even know where to start. Just posting this on the slight chance someone has looked at this already.
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