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  1. With the addition of the comfort system giving us more of a reason to decoration and design than ever before, I feel that there some things we are currently lacking and some structures that may need a bit of tweaking to make things perfect. Apologies in advance if any of these are already in the works, have already been suggested, or have already been rejected, as I'm not up to date on this kind of information. Additions: 1. Carpets/rugs They'd fit in perfectly with the new comfort system (maybe a 6th rank could be added? It could, very slowly, passively restore equipment durability or something.). We have plenty of existing materials they could be made out of. They could either replace/reskin floors entirely or simply be placed on top of them (although they would need to allow other structures to be placed over them if the latter is done). 2. Quarter Wall/Foundation/Floor Pieces I can't tell you how many times I've run into situations in which I've needed a quarter wall/foundation/floor piece to fill a tiny gap when designing a base. These would be so nice to have. 3. Ash Pillars Why don't these exist? We have pillars for everything else remotely solid. 4. Wall & hanging braziers The standing mant braziers look amazing and were a good start, but even the small ones take up a lot of room and I feel this idea could be expanded on. 5. More Railing/Fence Types Just sprig and acorn is very limiting to aesthetics. Why not have at least a pine cone variant? 6. Ash & Pine Cone Stairs Like with pillars and fencing, it just seems strange that these don't already exist. 7. More Path Variations Pebblet looks great, but why can't we also have clay, acorn, pine cone, mushroom brick, or ash paths? 8. Curved Corner Stairs We have straight corner stairs so why not these? 9. More Spiral Stair Variants We have more than just Acorn for normal and half stairs, spiral stairs need some love too. 10. Ash Foundations Seems like an obvious addition to me since ash is supposed to be our mini version of concrete, right? 11. Zipline anchor Variants I feel like it's a waste to only ever build these out of the same materials when we have so many different possible styles available. 12. Small Garden Patch Why must I grow smaller plants in such a massive patch? Especially when said patch still only gives me a small return on these smaller plants? 13. More Arch Variants At least Ash wall arches would be nice. Just having these available for mushroom walls is a waste. Tweaks: 1. Diagonal Triangle Wall Placement It would be nice if we could place triangle wall segments diagonally like we already can with other wall types. 2.. Triangle Ash Wall Curve Why is the normal one curved on one side when the inverted variant is straight? The curve just creates gaps and it isn't like ash walls all have a curvy style to them, I don't see the point. 3. Pillar Placement Having more snap points for Pillars would be much appreciated. For example, being able to snap them at points halfway along flooring or maybe on the edge of floor segments would be nice. 4. Curved Wall Gaps Curved walls have gaps that need fixing. This is most obvious on the left side of ash curved walls and ash curved half walls. 5. Garden Patch Snapping The snapping for these is full of problems. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Often times you can't snap a lot of them next to each other for no apparent reason. They often refuse to snap correctly next to walls, despite there being plenty of room. This is more for convenience because you can, of course, manually place them in such locations. 6. More Chest Snap Points It would be very convenient if chests and other storage structures could snap to more locations other than just the center and edges of a floor segment. Having to eyeball everything takes a really long time if you want it looking nice. 7. Middle Mouse Rotation Alignment Generally, most structures other than floors, walls, roofing, etc tend to not rotate with the correct alignment when using the mouse wheel. Trying to line everything up to look neat is something I do in every building game. So the mouse wheel rotating things to an off angle can be infuriating when I'm, for example, trying to place a row of chests sideways along a wall and keep them lined up perfectly with that wall. This is all I can think of for now. If I come up with any more ideas I'll add them. If you made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read my suggestions.
  2. First of all i like the game so far but a thing that really iterates me is the fact that ants can go through your chest through walls even if its 2x there body away they can still go through the chest, and tbh I wish i unlocked floors earlier on in the game about the same time as roofs maybe, because you are really stuck with what u can do before you get it.
  3. Hey guys, Really liking the game so far. Love the atmosphere and sense of scale. Very well executed. Seeing how awesome this game could be when it's done (probably will be the coolest atmosphere of any game since Bioshock 1 for me personally) almost made me sad to play it before it's complete but honestly the multiplayer aspect is just what we needed for the pandemic so thank you. I'm sure you're working hard on fixes and I appreciate that. Not sure of the best method to submit feedback so I'm posting here. I want to echo what others have said about the in-game feedback interface seeming a bit useless. I guess it makes feedback more accessible/likely but usually I'm making a sad emoji complaint about the game being buggy because my girlfriend's game has crashed seemingly for no reason and it feels a bit ridiculous. Not sure how useful that info would be, I would prefer a text box to provide the option of including some detail. Here is my feedback roughly arranged in order of how much they have affected our enjoyment of the game and by category. They are mostly bug reports with the building stuff bleeding into feature requests so I just included it all here. We're both running Windows 10 and playing through Xbox Game Pass. Host has nvidia graphics, client AMD. Bugs: [Multiplayer client issue] Hotlist is often unassigned when resuming a game. Tools need to be reassigned pretty much every time. Very annoying. [Multiplayer client issue] Client crashed when host jumped into soda can (first time discovering it) [Multiplayer client issue] Client crashed when host recycled a weed storage platform. [Multiplayer general issue] Spiders often appear in a different location/state for the client compared to what the host is seeing. [General issue] The Wolf Spider is extremely scary, well done. But I had an issue where I was running from it and actually managed to hide inside the mysterious machine which felt awesome. Imagine my shock when the spider just walked right through the walls and killed me. This was probably my lowest point playing the game and made me "end my session prematurely". I've also hid in the can, then watched the spider's arms no-clipping through the side of the can trying to feel me, and I know that if I get too close it can bite me even though I should be safe inside. [Multiplayer general issue] Host can't select difficulty in lobby. Client gets a "working" drop-down menu but selecting different difficulty doesn't do anything. [Multiplayer general issue] Ants grabbing stuff through walls or spawning in the base (including soldier ants). Also bugs sticking partially through walls or being able to attack and be attacked through walls breaks immersion. [General issues/feature requests regarding building] I am close to loving the building in this game but I think it would be better if the game was a bit more relaxed about building stuff which clips into hills or rocks. I am often left with ugly gaps between uneven surfaces and my buildings. I spend a lot of time trying to get a wall or whatever to click into what feels like the obvious position but that is the one position it doesn't want to go into. Also blueprints flailing around/flickering between two positions with only a glimmer of the correct option is very frustrating. I also wish you could build storage platforms etc a bit more flat out in the open. A lot of my stuff is at an angle because the ground is uneven. Yes you could build low platforms with tiny staircases but the resource cost of doing so is high compared to just building outdoor items on the ground. Please allow us to stack more items on storage platforms. Making us carry everything is cool but please be reasonable. [Multiplayer general issue] Repair tool doesn't seem to work. I tried whacking my walls with it but nothing happens. [General issue] It seems like certain graphic settings don't get saved. Even though I have set motion blur to 0%, every time I resume our game (continuing a save) motion blur is back on. In the menu it shows my setting of 0% but I have to turn it on and off again to get the setting to work. The same thing appears to be happening with my gf's gamma setting. Edit: [Forum UX issue] It's really not obvious that you need to select an item prefix to post. When I got rejected for that reason it just said "Your post will need to be approved by a moderator" and I was pretty sure it had submitted. It took me a few tries of adding tags, trying to change the title and eventually adding the prefix before my post went through. I wonder how much feedback is going unposted due to this issue. Thank you for your time and for this really cool game. ne
  4. I think that it would be cool to be able to change the difficulty of the save file, even from creative mode to adventure. Sometimes I think this is needed.
  5. Can we plz get some more boats for poe2 on xbox1 please i love this game so much and a die hard fan off obsidian entertainment
  6. Hi everyone, i hope you're doing ok during this difficult time, please stay safe and follow the WHO instructions. With that said i wanna talk about something that will really improve the game imo and i hope it'll be addressed in the near future. I think the features of the supernova difficulty should be free to choose. Hunger, thirst and sleep should be available no matter the difficulty you chose to play. Supernova combat is more difficult only because it makes enemies more bullet sponge and i really dislike that, not just in this game but in any t/fps really. For me Supernova should be different, it should be a more "realistic" mode where the player and the ai both deal way more damage. This is just an idea, i'm fully aware that could cause problems with companions dying too easily. Still I think and hope that this will be changed in the future, i was looking forward to play on supernova after my first playthrough but i ended up reverting to normal mode wishing to have those features available.
  7. Can we possibly get an Field of view slider on PS4, The FOV feels off.
  8. The game needs an option to have the cross-hair in the centre. And by need I mean please. I feel like I'm looking at everything with my nose raised up like some sort of snob who thinks he's better than everyone.
  9. Hi all, I've looked everywhere I could think of and couldn't find any PotD solo turn based build so I've decided to ask for one here. I've already finished the game on PotD solo RTwP with a Devoted/Streetfighter and it was a lot of fun. However, this build obviously won't work on TB. I'm really interested in FINALLY trying the new turn based system but I only play solo PotD so here's that. A few points for this potential build: 1. I'm using Berath's Blessings so builds that are very weak at the beginning are still fine (I hope). 2. This build should be able to win against every boss (including expansions), including optionals such as the annoying Fampyr's Crypt. 3. I would very like for the build to be able to win against one of the Mega Bosses (I don't care which one), but I don't really expect to find one which does. :(( 4. Tested builds are preferred. Thanks in advance for anyone who tries to help.
  10. Hello and thank you to those who are reading this. So I thought it would be nice if the form of the fearsome brute could benefit from the monk spells and abilities, and if it's not possible just buff the ogre modal a bit (more pen, more armor) because it is really weak as of now and I don't know how to do it myself. Thank you
  11. I have this character concept of a cipher who have a perception filter similar to grieving mother but a little more complex, that gives him the appearance that would matter to observer so she can learn more about people, changing his race and sex to the eye of who sees her. Could someone please make this possible? maybe changing these traits so they can be added by console like with classes
  12. Could someone add an ability for barbarians that turns Carnage off and gives bonus damage? For everyone: What do you think would be a balanced/good bonus damage? If not other balanced effect.
  13. As the title says, I'd like to change my character portraits hair colour to better reflect my character in the game. I've tried changing it in gimp by following tutorials to minor success but it just doesn't look quite right. If somebody could do me a solid and change my portrait's hair colour from lightish green to darkish red like in the screenshots provided that would be awesome. It's really getting under my skin not having a portrait that matches my character. ;_; Surely you understand. P.S If it's not too much to ask could the eye colour also be changed from green to gold? It would mean a lot to me.
  14. Please address concerns about beneficial/negative effects display not fitting on screen when mousing over character in combat. Can we have something like in Tyranny and the locking tooltip of info?
  15. I would greatly appreciate a mod that adds 1 low level wizard invisibility spell. I'm thinking PL 2. And a higher level one with extended duration maybe at PL 4. I always found wizard's lack of such spells very odd. Plus I don't think it will be too OP. Considering we already have ciphers starting with a charm spell.
  16. Hopefully I'm not the only one that likes switching party members up but hates that their levels can vary so much. It'd be great if all companions would stay locked at my PCs level but I'd say that is more involved. Right now I'm working around it with the addexperiencetolevel console command but it'd be nice not to "cheat" and to still get achievements.
  17. Since PotD enemies get +2 PEN and +2 AC on top of reworked encounters, I was hoping we could get the same (but at a reduced effect) for Veteran. While the reworked encounters in Veteran are quite a bit better than what they used to be, it feels as if the modals on weapons, pen- or AC-increasing abilities and other pen-AC related mechanics are a bit useless in Veteran. I would recommend either a game-wide +1Pen & +1 AC buff for enemies in Veteran, or otherwise a selection of +1/+2 AC or +1/+2 PEN for some enemies. I think a good niche for Veteran in the game is as the difficulty level where most mechanics in the game needs to be exploited (including Pen/AC system, but also consumables, empower, etc.) but without absolute min/maxing, meta-gaming, cheesing or unforgiving character building required - all of these latter aspects I feel fit in nicely with the (eventual) difficulty level of PotD. While Veteran has definitely increased in difficulty in the beta relative to release (specifically in the early game - hoping the devs will continue the trend for the later game), and it is definitely necessary to employ better tactics, consumables, resting bonuses and whatnot, the AC/PEN system feels mostly forgettable except for specific high-AC enemies.
  18. Hello everyone! I am pretty bad at theorycrafting, I completed Poe1 with Boeroers amazingly fun Schemers Needler character, but I have some problems getting the concept to work in Poe2. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks or maybe even a complete build lying around somewhere to make a Priest of Skaen decent in Deadfire? RP > Powergaming for this one. But I am not above multiclassing! Thanks in advance!
  19. Hello, since i got my new PC, i can not start PoE. I get following Message: "Couldn't switch to requested monitor resolution Switching to resolution 1920x1080 failed, trying lower one Switching to resolution 1920x1080 failed, trying lower one All resolution switches have failed Screen: could not switch resolution (1920x1080 fs=1 hz=0)" I've tried to reinstall the game, set a lower resolution on windows 10, where i get the same errors, and tried the compatibility mode settings. My PC: AMD Ryzen 5 1600x GTX 750ti Windows 10 64bit 2 Monitors On my old PC, older CPU but the same GPU and Monitors, i had no problems. Lots of greetings.
  20. Greedings, i was thinking of some kind of active party (combat, 5 members) and non-active party (conversations, reactivity, banter, no size limit) system. Maybe attaching companion's content (dialogues, banters, etc) to invisible objects? if that makes sense I make just one complete play through, so the companions i dont bring are just lost forever, and i noticed recently that there are a fair amount of people who see this (i saw some similar suggestions somewhere) or other consequences of the party limitation as a problem, so i decided to try and suggest this. Some thoughs on this: -People who don't replay multiple times or are just interested on interactions and banter can experience the companions they want, all of them (companions, sidekicks, imaginarly developed hirelings). -People don't have to change party members giving one companion to get another, maybe the content missed of one companion if you want 6 is not a big deal (and note that the medium player will just not change party members) but there are 11 NPCs (in the base game) and hirelings. -Would help people give a chance to companiona that they dont like or just are not in their favorites at the start. -People can bring companions that they want to bring because of the story, but wouldn't for combat related reasons. -People can choose the active party members(companion, sidekick, hireling) they really want for combat. -Invisible companions can reduce inmersion, but i think its worth for the adventages, and if you dont think about it, it won't be a problem. -At first though may look like it reduce replayability, but most people play the game just ones, among the people who replay the game multiple times little will make multiple complete playthroughs, and among those, they will not make the same choices, leading to different reactivity from companions, so unless the only variant on different playtrhoughs on the actual system is the party composition (and the main reason to do this would be the companions), the implementation of non-active party members results just in more content and freedom on the way people want to play. -In any case, people can decide who are the members of the non-active party. I wanted to give me a voice on what is a huge problem for me and what better than the official forums. I know this wont be a very accepted idea on these forums, but i made a poll anyway. Live long and prosper, and my apologies for my bad english.
  21. I humbly request for better support to improve UI for picking custom portraits during character creation. In current situation I imported 36 brand new custom portraits with specific names (order). And there are between vanilla portraits. And thats looking like mess. I hope for something like tab during character creation - under vanilla portraits - sth like "custom portraits" when we only want to pick from custom ones. Maybe another folder for custom portraits will be good too. (it could be like in attached filed)
  22. if you really know how to create useable custom in game player character portraits to use in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire please kindly pm me on here asap please.
  23. PoE1 is out on PS4, which implies it has controller support. Could you guys add controller support to PoE2 (also PoE1 for PC would be nice)? As for those who will reply with ``It can't be done" or ``it can be done but would suck" I'd like to point out that controller support was implemented for Divinity: Original Sin and Torment: Tides of Numenera beautifully.
  24. Before anyone says tells me that flint lock pistols require two hands to reload, I am aware and my suggestion takes that into consideration. So, DW pistols. First off, this is a pirate setting right? We need this for thematic reasons if nothing else. Mainly though, I want to be able to fire one pistol, then a second pistol, then switch weapon sets. The issue with duel wielding pistols is that you have to do it with both hands, but I'm suggesting that the ``proper" way to DW pistols is to not reload them at all. If they do get reloaded, you just need to set one aside, reload it, then set the other aside, and reload that one. Now you have two loaded guns again. So fire, recover, fire, recover, reload, reload-- much like Twin Sting, but with two reload phases, which come at a penalty. Just as DW normal weapons comes with a recovery speed bonus, I suggest that DW pistols comes with a reload penalty. So, 33% boost to recovery speed and a 33% penalty to reload time. Overall, this will make DW pistols slower, but again, for the way I would use them that's fine.
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