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Found 2 results

  1. As the title says, I'd like to change my character portraits hair colour to better reflect my character in the game. I've tried changing it in gimp by following tutorials to minor success but it just doesn't look quite right. If somebody could do me a solid and change my portrait's hair colour from lightish green to darkish red like in the screenshots provided that would be awesome. It's really getting under my skin not having a portrait that matches my character. ;_; Surely you understand. P.S If it's not too much to ask could the eye colour also be changed from green to gold? It would mean a lot to me.
  2. Dear Obsidian, I was a huge fan of Bioware, but they raped my favorite series, the Dragon Age series. Dragon Age origins was brilliant, but DA2 & DAI were a complete debacle and I just want to pretend that these two games never existed (Isabela & Leandra were great though). Is there anyway you can make a game that is the spiritual successor to Dragon Age Origins? The real Dragon Age II? You could check with a lawyer to see how much you can get away with, just call it something else, but maybe use the same character names? The only reason I'm making this odd request is because Paradox/Obsidian have lately been taking advantage of where EA/Bioware have been failing. Paradox released a proper version of Simcity aka Cities Skylines. Obsidian released an excellent RPG, Pillars of Eternity which the gaming community has been wanting for the longest time. The gaming community clearly sees how Paradox/Obsidian cleverly identify where EA/Bioware fails and then corrects their mess with a better version of what they attempted. Your tactics at making EA/Bioware look bad by staying true to the game with heart & soul has earned you even more respect and recognition in the community. You've also earned my kickstarter support for your next game. Keep it in mind, The real Dragon Age II developed by Obsidian. if anyone can do it, it's you guys! *cheers*
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