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  1. I suspect the devs are aware of this to some degree but looks like there are still some persistent issues there. There have been multiple instances where doing/saying just one single thing a companion character reacts positively or negatively to will gain +1 or -1 influence in their eyes and also immediately trigger a sometimes wildly out-of-the-blue conversation. For example, Tekehu and Maia can still proposition you literally within minutes from recruiting them -- and I mean, I could even believe it's somewhat in character, but it still feels kinda jarring. Once I also let Xoti harvest some souls in the middle of some dank, dangerous swamp and she started basically Talking About Our Relationship while a bunch of forest lurkers attacked us even though as far as I'm aware, I had never encouraged her romantically in any way. It was sort of hilarious, actually. Xoti's dialogues seem to be kinda bugged in general, I feel like her quest can proceed (or at least her quest dialogues can trigger) much faster than it probably should in relation to the main quest. Especially considering it's tied to it. For example, she seems to magically know what Eothas is up to before you've even had a second chat with him, let alone a third. I mean, sure, she's a priestess of Gaun, but... You get the picture. (And then there's the "wants to talk" icon that leads to nowhere.) Aloth seems to be a bit better now, but he only ever seems to like Dutiful things and dislike basically everything else. I might be wrong, but I don't think even he should be quite that Stereotypically British. But I know it's a pretty huge overhaul to do to add more dispositions to him to balance things out. Does anyone have other hiccups like these to add? eta: D'oh, meant to post this in the main forum, not the beta forum.
  2. So, I was hoping that I'd be able to make this thread after finishing the actual game, but the issues with my computer are worse than expected (i.e. there's always a worse scenario than the worst case scenario) and so I doubt I'll get to finish it in some time. Likewise I've only been able to skim the boards of late so if this is all already being discussed elsewhere and people feel it comes across as spam or the likes, feel free to merge it with that other thread. For the most part I hope I can add something worthwhile to the discussion regarding the two titular topics and present some possibilities that could potentially help improve the same. So, I'll go ahead and reiterate that I have not finished the game so I would appreciate spoiler tags being used when appropriate and so on, and also that my assessments below are based on what I have experienced so far of the game, which I would still say is over 100 hours or the same. With that out of the way, I'll start off with the more contentious subject based on what opinions I've read, which is the companion relationship/reputation system. Right off the bat I would say that in general I dislike relationship systems based on a reputation scale the likes we've seen in previous games like Neverwinter Nights 2 and Dragon Age: Origins, and to me this is no exception to the rule. I feel that the more transparent these systems are, the more they invite the player to play to their companions' ego and "game" their way to a max relationship, and the more unnatural and mechanical the relationships feel; Deadfire seems to exasperate this further by adding a very clear set of traits that each companion likes and dislikes, and making them respond with stock reactions to every instance where either the player or another companion acts in a way that they like (leading to many strange reactions the likes we've seen many times in other threads already). In turn I also know that if I am to respond to a certain interaction in a specific manner, the rest of the party will inevitably "like" or "dislike" that response because that's what they're very broadly and obviously programmed to do - which is odd because even if someone is "light-hearted" for example, that same person won't necessarily find every joke amusing or every situation ideal for the same. Personally I would have liked a more invisible system myself which kept track in the background of what each liked and disliked and where we'd see only the results of these opinions more so than the ticking of every instance where we say something or do something that increases a character's disposition towards us; but what's done is done and for what it's worth I think the idea of keeping track of companion-companion relationships is an interesting one which I'm glad is to some extent or other being worked on, as it would seem a good way in which to make the party feel a little more dynamic and reactive and all that jazz. But still, even if the system can't be torn down and reworked from the ground, there's a few things I reckon could improve it going further in Deadfire's development. For example, one thing I would love to see looked at is the effect that certain actions we take have on characters regardless of whether they match with their "traits" or not. For example, I am of the opinion that there's things that very likely have a deeper effect on a relationship than whether or not you are one way or abscribe to a certain philosophy. I feel that in cases like these for each character, having a reputation change unaffiliated to companion likes/dislikes would do a lot of good towards making the relationship system feel a lot more natural and less "gamey" or jumpy than it does currently. I feel the like/dislike system is fine but it should really be relegated to very minor shifts, with maybe some big swings at very determined situations when things do get very personal, in either a positive or negative sense (e.g. Serafen helping Xoti out with her nightmares, or Aloth not being able to stand Tekehu's vanity anymore). Likewise it wouldn't be an entirely bad idea to have certain "critical" situations affect a companion's disposition to the *whole* party and not just the Watcher (to use Pallegina's example above, she'd probably be appreciative towards all who helped out with her personal quest and not just the Watcher). Also something that I've noted is that at the beginning of the game, when we were first shown the relationship system via the tutorial, the tutorial section mentioned that companions could lead to forging deeper and more unique bonds and these same would be detailed through the "relationship" box right next to the reputation compass and so on… But has anyone actually seen this box get updated with new content between companions? Or even between companions and the Watcher themselves? I reckoned it was a bit early in my playthrough at first, but as the game moved on, and having reached the point I have most recently, it seems very odd that I should see no update to the same, not even to indicate the ongoing relationship between Maia and my Watcher for example. This would be worth looking into, I think, whether it is working as intended or not. Moving onto the crew now… I for one will say I really liked the crew system, a heck of a lot more than the hirelings back in the first Pillars for certain. I liked the many vignettes involving them, I liked being able to collect them all across the Deadfire almost as if I were filling out my own little Eoradex, I liked how you could get an idea to their individual personalities through many of their introductory interactions and quests and so on. I also reckon that their personalities also determine the role they'd take in the vignettes out at sea, so I liked how Eld Engrim often played the pious character, Emeini the more combative type, and so on. However, I do feel that I would like to see a few situations more appropriately tailored to either the events of the game or to individual crewmembers, which I'll expand upon next. Likewise, and this is a minor addition but and important one I feel: when we look into our journal for information on the mechanics to crewmembers, be it the way they level up on their positions or what advantage does each position and experience in the same bring, these are either not present or very scarcely explained, with all that's said about them is that they're a "motley assortment of neerdowells" and so on. I don't think it's ever mentioned that crewmembers can earn four overall stars across all ranks before they max out either, and I only learned it once I looked at the wiki or a subreddit discussion about it. A more detailed clarification within the game itself that we could access at any time would be appreciated, I think. These are some aspects which I feel could improve both systems over how they presently are, which I also feel would be feasible to do for a future patch or something. What do you guys think? Anything else you would like to add, or would disagree with, or any changes you would propose yourselves?
  3. Why in 2018 have Obsidian decided to help perpetuate the myth of race by including racial differences during the character creation. Race has been proven to be a social construct time and again but games like this continue to reinforce the myth. Why are they not using their game to promote racial equality. I would also like them to correct the game by including a larger diversity of genders during character creation instead of being forced to choose from the oppressive heteronormative binary male/female. Luckily there is a precedent of Obisdian correcting their finished games when they removed the offensive and transphobic Firedorn Lightbringer epitaph from Pillars of Eternity 1. I'm sure that Obsidian will do the right thing and I thank them in advance.
  4. That's all I really wanted to say, but let me elaborate. He is such a brilliant companion to have around with his funny quips and responses to quips form other companions. Then there are all the priceless puns and innuendos in the stories of his conquests, and lovely naughtiness all around. Last but not least, to make all of that serve a greater purpose and hide a much deeper layer to the character was a beautiful move from the writers. The "grand finale" in the Wild Mare was actually very touching and made me fall in love with the character even more. One thing I either missed out on or that was not present is a follow up to his goddess mom's threat that she wanted someone better for her son. I honestly expected some sort of an epic confrontation at some point, but... part of me is glad it did not happen. That could not have ended well. I wish he and the watcher had a chance for a happy together forever, though, just as they had promised each other in the tavern to always wake up together, but... here's hoping for something of the sort in the future, yes? Because I need more Tekehu in my life, seriously. :D Anyway, thank you for Tekehu, he was like a breath of fresh air for this old and often bitter gamer.
  5. My companions keep dying the first time they get knocked out of combat, they don't have any other injury so they shouldn't be dying. I recall this happening since I visited magran's fortress (I don't remember the exact name, it's the volcano).
  6. How come my companions don't have the same XP, preferably the same XP as me, regardless of wether they're in the party or not? I was "encouraged" to bring along Tekehu for a romp through The Gullet, and he changed places with Aloth. After going through that area and a few more side-quests, I wanted to switch back to Aloth - only to find him a couple of thousands of XP lower than my existing party and missing a level to boot. Why? I'm hard pressed to see any benefit to this, though I see a lot of con's. Con's - It discourages trying out companions you're not instantly loving - It discourages switching out party members to try out new tactics - It discourages switching out party members to get a feel for how different NPC's get along - Being "encouraged" to bring certain characters for certain parts of the game feels like the game is intentionally shoving stones into my shoe to irk me. - It's just plain annoying - I really hate it Pro's? - Making me want to play with a locked in party from start to finish probaby increases the chance I'll play it twice. Wohoo I guess? I simply fail to see any reason why it's like this... at all. It would be much much better if the entire party simply had the same XP and were at the same level at all times.
  7. The companions with "Attacker" classes in my party use skills themselves without having any behaviour set. Both slots are set to "No Behaviour Set" for all companions. A.I. is turned on and auto-attack is set to "Defensive" for some, and "Defend Self" for others. It doesn't seem to be a problem with spellcasters like Aloth or Xoti. (At least I haven't seen them use any spells unasked) Maia just throws out all her Ranger and Rogue attacks and is out of resources really quickly, despite no behaviour being set.
  8. At the start I told him "I will do this myself" - did he take it so harshly he left Deadfire completely? PS: Also an option for them to join the party but wait on the ship would be convenient!
  9. Hi Obsidian, I know that you can always quick save before recruitment of companions so if you're not satisfied with your choice of class for them you could always go back and choose a different class. but it would be great to have a class abilities preview button in the class choice window especially for the companions with unique sub classes. thank you for reading this.
  10. Greetz everyone, I read a German review saying that some of the new companions in Deadfire are rather shallow, with the notable exception of Xoti. But Tekehu was called "annoying", for example. I cannot play the game myself at the moment due to strict time constraints. But I would like to know this. In your opinion, are some of the new companions in Deadfire shallow and if so which ones? I hope you can diminish my worries! If you want to go into detail about a companion for explaining your opinion: Mild spoilers are okay. Please put heavier spoilers into spoiler tags though. Thanks, Fluffle. PS: Generally I'm interested in all new companions about this topic. But I'm especially interested in Tekehu. Also everything is relative of course. So comparisons to Baldur's Gate 2 or Dragon Age and Mass Effect games (minus Andromeda) would be appreciated.
  11. So, I just hired a level 4 Hireling and here is the issue: 1. Creation process worked just like a level 1 character, allowing me all the choices it should. 2. Character generated at level 3, even though i'd only been able to pick things for the first level. 3. Character had enough XP to hit level 4, like it should, but it only gave me the leveling choices for achieving level 4. So my level 4 character never hit level 2 or 3, and at level 4 as a Wizard is still only able to cast level 1 spells. I also only got the 2 skill points for Alchemy/whatever.
  12. Does anyone know which companions are romance options? Anyone watching the streams? I don't want to get spoilers for the game, except in this case, because it might influence my class choices. If Xoti is a romance option, for example, I'd rather not play as a priest. Edit: According to this thread on reddit, all companions are romanceable, except Eder and Pallegina: https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/8i736m/pillars_of_eternity_ii_a_complete_list_of_which/ It is also a good idea to check the companions favorable dispositions: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98401-companion-disposition-preferences/
  13. Greedings, i was thinking of some kind of active party (combat, 5 members) and non-active party (conversations, reactivity, banter, no size limit) system. Maybe attaching companion's content (dialogues, banters, etc) to invisible objects? if that makes sense I make just one complete play through, so the companions i dont bring are just lost forever, and i noticed recently that there are a fair amount of people who see this (i saw some similar suggestions somewhere) or other consequences of the party limitation as a problem, so i decided to try and suggest this. Some thoughs on this: -People who don't replay multiple times or are just interested on interactions and banter can experience the companions they want, all of them (companions, sidekicks, imaginarly developed hirelings). -People don't have to change party members giving one companion to get another, maybe the content missed of one companion if you want 6 is not a big deal (and note that the medium player will just not change party members) but there are 11 NPCs (in the base game) and hirelings. -Would help people give a chance to companiona that they dont like or just are not in their favorites at the start. -People can bring companions that they want to bring because of the story, but wouldn't for combat related reasons. -People can choose the active party members(companion, sidekick, hireling) they really want for combat. -Invisible companions can reduce inmersion, but i think its worth for the adventages, and if you dont think about it, it won't be a problem. -At first though may look like it reduce replayability, but most people play the game just ones, among the people who replay the game multiple times little will make multiple complete playthroughs, and among those, they will not make the same choices, leading to different reactivity from companions, so unless the only variant on different playtrhoughs on the actual system is the party composition (and the main reason to do this would be the companions), the implementation of non-active party members results just in more content and freedom on the way people want to play. -In any case, people can decide who are the members of the non-active party. I wanted to give me a voice on what is a huge problem for me and what better than the official forums. I know this wont be a very accepted idea on these forums, but i made a poll anyway. Live long and prosper, and my apologies for my bad english.
  14. To anyone who played the Beta, what builds do you suggest for the companions? Is any of the combinations too bad or really good? The options were revealed recently, check the specific thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/96217-companionsidekick-class-options-revealed/ And I'll put it here too for easy reference: Also, what do you think of Fury/Ghost heart? One of my characters was a Wolf Druid, but I will change her into a Druid/Ranger and pretend that Eothas caused her spirit to split, causing her to loose the ability to turn into a wolf and gaining a spiritual animal companion.
  15. As the release date approaches, I am more and more tempted to play the fun pre-game of planning my party builds. However, for story reasons during the first run I would like to stick with Companions and Sidekicks, and as far as I know we still don't know much about the multiclassing options we will have for them. Did I miss any news on this besides what Josh vaguely hinted in the dev stream? What are your speculations and hopes on the subject?
  16. Hello! Please help me understand Durance the Priest. I've completed PoE+WM1+WM2 twice, both in Russian and in English, and I understand all my companions, their inner conflicts and usually I am eager to help them to feel better. But I really failed to understand Durance, his inner conflict and his ark in general. The writing for Durance is very strange, being smart enough (I hope so) I completely sink in his speeches and lose all sense of reality And I rage, lose my interest and spend the rest of the game like "Just do your support stuff and shut up, and we'll be fine, okay?" So, can you please explain what the hell is wrong with him, why is he so angry and frustrated, what is his conflict, and in general - how do you "feel" this character? What I managed to understand: 1) He has a serious inner conflict shown by his sleepless nights, looking into one point, attempts to avoid the topic in dialogues and overall angry and aggressive behaviour. 2) He has huge troubles with his deity Magran, and even if Magran blesses aggressive and passionate behaviour his attitude towards her seems way too much even by her standards (words he uses to call her and his judgements of her are very rude and seem uncommon among other Magran followers so I guess it is not a style of worshiping her). 3) He played a big role in the creation of the Bomb, and Magran responded to his prayers and gave him enough of her energy to channel into the bomb. So at this point she was with him, answered his prayers and all was well. 4) After the detonation something happened in Durance's mind - he somehow re-evaluated both Magran and the Bomb, now feeling bad about this deed. 5) He turned away from the deity and curses her, but she seems unwilling to abandon him - when talked to at Magran's Fork he manages to lit the statue up, and this can be performed only by priests with great faith and Magran's favour as we learn from the female priest in the city, he is not losing his powers, his staff burns indicating Magran presence in him, and he says "I saw you in flames", which imho means "in a spiritual link with my deity". 6) And after learning all that I completely sink in his dialogue lines and can not form a picture. I thought - maybe Russian localisation lacks something and for my 2nd run I went in original. Once again I understand every companion and feel empathy for their troubles. But Durance is again annoying and crazy. How do you understand his story and conflict and what is your opinion on him? Why did he suddenly change his attitude towards Magran so radicaly? What needs to be done to calm him down and balance "the angry one"? Why is Magran tolerating his behaviour and keeps aiding his powers? I always get this feeling that I talk to a madman and try to understand what lacks any sense. Thanks in advance
  17. Ok, in an effort to use the story companions on a P.o.t.D. {Pillars of the Damned} run, and edit their base stats the following has already been fully explored. NexusMods: Replacing the companion_blank.unity3d files in the objectsbundle folder, works up until you expect the companions to actually walk and such. They become virtual versions of mini-kharakter-statues that some gamers use while playing tabletop games. That is their animations completely fail. Reddit: This process works up until the step of hitting "Import" with the companion_blank.unity3d file loaded in U.A.B.E. At that point I get: [Error]: The assets file index is out of range Does anyone have a solution to this? Completing the game {on P.o.t.D.} with the actual companions instead of hired help would be nice, but is by no means game breaking. Just companion quest breaking... for instance, when Eder will want to be in the party when you find the old watcher. Or Durance... Whether Obsidian intentionally broke this, or not, is a wonder of mine. Presumably if they did; Then they would have at least given us a way to edit companion stats when respekking. Grateful for you sharing your Gravity. May you ask the Goddess to eternally alight your self-determined path. Sincerely,
  18. The reason I'm asking is because I followed the advice in this steam guide to get the companions early, only one problem, I ended up triggering a map encounter which is three levels higher than my party's actual level. The particular encounter is avoidable, so, it's not a gamekiller (I do have to be careful however) So, basically I'm asking, is it worth it to try and grab them quickly (at least the first four anyway) or if it doesn't matter? Like if the problem that the person who posted the guide (which is over two years old, don't know why I didn't notice that the first time) doesn't exist anymore.
  19. @moderator: Not sure if this should go in the builds section or here, so, if needed, you can move it. Hey, I'm newish to this type of game (at least the DnD style of character building), but certainly not new to RPGs in general. I also play Tyranny, but the build system is less complex there. I understand the various stats, so, it's not an issue of understanding them, but knowing how to build them well, and also difficulty deciding how best to build them or something. So, my question is, what builds are recommended for the story companions (as opposed to the hireable build-from-scratch companions)? I'm trying to figure out how best to build (or at least re-spec) them as I've read that they aren't built very optimally, though Aloths stats are pretty good and would be fine with pretty much anything. I'm currently playing on easy and I have the White March 1 and 2 DLC, running v3.05. My current character is a rogue. Also, I've looked at the build compilation thread in the build section and found some that might work. I've also looked at this steam guide, however, I was told that that one is overrated, and I've noticed that it's out of date. Oh, and another thing, I've seen in that guide that the guns suck now, but I see a few gun based builds in the build compilation thread. My thoughts on what I'd like to use, or fits best or something or would work best. Hearth Orlan Rogue (my character): 'don juan rogue'. This is similar to the Caleb build in the steam guide that I linked. Aloth: witted wizard (Fits his high int stats) Durance: 'fire priest', well, he IS a priest of the fire goddess. Though I kind of want a dedicated healer/buffer rather than a damage dealer (potshots are okay though). Eder: Can't decide on one. Hiravias: Don't know what build to use. Sagani: storm and plague caller maybe, not sure. Kana: chillfog? I think he's more of a support/buff role? Not sure. Grieving Mother: Controller type? Not sure how her class should be used or what build. Pallegina: Don't know what build. OR, should I stop worrying too much and just wing it? editwhiletyping: Dang preview post keeps eating the links.
  20. So in one of the Dev Updates, #13 I believe, we were told that there would be deeper companion relationships in Deadfire than in PIllars 1, and that we could forge friendships, rivalries, and even love! My question is, by love, do you think they mean actual romance like kissy-kissy, or just a very close friendship. On that note, of the companions (and possibly side kicks?) we know about, who would you like to be romancable? Pallegina would be my first pick because shes a really great character.
  21. Here is a crazy idea I wanted to share: I remember in one of the twitch-streams Josh mentioning that the annotaion system from Tyranny is being moved to PoE2: Deadfire. It will provide not only lore but also translation of foreign languages. Now I assume it is nothing big, just couple words, or phrases here and there. BUT WHAT IF: There are many factions from different regions. They speak different languages. WHAT IF you could only understand languages you know as a character - for example in PoE1 I played as an Orlan from Old Vailia. That would mean my character understands Vailian. The game would provide translation of Valian phrases but not Aedyrian or language of native Deadfire tribes. On the other hand, I might have Aloth in a party and he might act as a translatior for the Aedyrian. It might give your character and party a better sense of belonging and origin. Now, WHAT IF the foreign conversations weren't just small phrases. WHAT IF when walking up to a couple of Vailians talking you would be able to overhear a bit of their conversation. It would be a gibberish if you don't know the language, but you would learn something more, if you do. Some flavour text, get insight into their motivations, extra details about quest etc. Now if that would be implemented into quest design it could get interesting - Opening new ways, hints about possible ways to resolve situations, extra loot stashes. What is more, as a character you might get drawn to the faction which speaks your native language, as your interactions with them would be more... complete so to speak. I think it would be a nice and fluid way of connecting character with his background and the world around him/her. Naturally, the idea isn't simple at all, as it would require dedicated writing and quest design. But hey, just throwing it out there.
  22. To minimize eversprawling speculation threads, I decided to make this one. I put links from information from Josh Sawyer about new mechanics and other interesting stuff. I do believe we'll get more detailed updates for what's new in Pillars 2 by the devs themselves soon enough, but untill then we can use these and talk around them. Fell free to link any other info I might (probably) missed! - STREAMING: new Q&A session with Josh Sawyer at Oct. 8th https://twitter.com/WorldofEternity/status/828797084643897344 - Interviews: http://www.mmorpg.com/pillars-of-eternity/interviews/pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-returning-companions-and-continuing-saves-1000011515 (thanks Barbedbeat!) https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/01/31/inside-pillars-eternity-ii-deadfire-game-director-josh-sawyer/ - About when we'll meet the companions: http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/156538181671/so-with-3-of-the-6probably-7-soon-companions http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/156540200006/hi-josh-as-we-already-know-at-the-beginning-of - About grimoires and trinkets: http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/156538820176/any-chance-in-poe2-grimores-could-be-made-a-little from L4wlight in the Josh sawyer something awful poe2 thread http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91241-josh-sawyer-something-awful-poe2-posts/?p=1880328 - About multiclassing: http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/156540101641/i-know-that-you-tried-to-avoid-trap-builds-in-poe from L4wlight in the multiclassing thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91182-one-word-multiclassing/?p=1878734 - About cloaks and necks: http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/156567713041/critical-question-will-there-be-separate-cloak - About skills: http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/156585382271/in-the-first-pillars-the-character-progression-was - A little more about Xoti (stretch goal companion): http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/156604263206/did-you-know-about-lantern-shields-and-will-there - Josh Sawyer Q&A: The entire video in text (from kirottu's thread! http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91394-twitch-qa-in-old-skool-text-form/)https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/5rju7y/link_deadfire_qa_session_with_josh_sawyer_1h05m/ - About reputation system: http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/156893676606/in-deadfire-will-we-see-changes-to-the-reputation - About proficincies and skills: http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/156893948066/weapon-proficiencies-are-in-but-are-the-weapon - About importing saves (from Fig comments section, contribution by IndiraLightfoot): Can someone tell me which savegame should I keep "safe" until Pillars 2 is out? The "gamecomplete" one? Feargus: just asked Adam, and he said it is the one called "End game save". - About racial bonuses & godlike types (From Fig comments section, contribution by IndiraLightfoot): 1. Are racial bonuses going to be changed? ​2. Will there be different types of Godlikes? (Wael, Skaen, etc) Feargus: Racial bonuses are not going to be changed, and (2) For right now, there are not going to be different types of Godlikes. - About party size (From Fig comments section, contribution by IndiraLightfoot): Faergus: I can say the party being five people is something we will stick with. - About system requirements (From Fig comments section, contribution by PrimeJunta): System requirements unchanged from Pillars 1 (sorry for not providing a link or a copy-paste crom the original post but it's lost in the 2k+ comments in Fig and I though it was important).
  23. Hello there, I've been a ghost here for quite some time and now decided I need to post since I need some help with setting up my party properly. I'm playing a wizard according to this build: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84911-class-build-wizard-%E2%80%93-vecna%E2%80%99s-legacy-the-casual%E2%80%99s-guide-to-soloing-normal-difficulty-major-spoilers-301-approved/ Which is a lot of fun so far. I have also found 2 companion videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVtz0MZ8SdQ&t=1146s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n952lELi1s Which aren't too bad though I was wondering whether anybody could improve upon them. If the concensus is that the builds are good (I'm playing on normal with a full party) then I would ask you if you could give me some advise on how to outfit/equip each of those companions or what to look for in terms of equipement (pistol, arquebus, rapier etc.) since the video doesn't really provide a lot of info on that and I would like to set my party up as well as I can. I know there have been a couple of those threads but most are old as dirt. Before an argument ensues: yes I want to play with the story companions, no I don't have any preferences other then that the group set ups work well together (you can advise me on those as well if you like). I'm grateful for any feedback you guys can give me. My experience with the Unity Engine is fairly limited tbh so I really need some sound advise.
  24. Hi guys, thanks for checking out my topic. I'm a new player and I just picked up PoE last week. I've gotten to the first town and messed around a bit but I'm having a bit of restartitis since there's a lot in this game to consider. I'm a very "Plan my play through" type of person so I want to know what build, items, party members, etc that I'll be going for. I play like this because the worst feeling for me in a game is regretting that I didn't make a different choice. Here's an example: I start playing a fire based Paladin only to find out that Paladin's main abilities are blue fire, which doesn't mesh with the aesthetic I want (true story). So I'd like to take some advice from you veteran's if you're willing to give it, so that I can actually get into this game in earnest. The first challenge is the party members. I'm very partial to story companions in games like this, so I do not want custom companions. This is a challenge because I prefer my groups to be diverse (race, gender, class) and to make sense in terms of gameplay (Even mix or range/melee, tank, healer, etc). The companions I am interested in are Eder, Aloth, Hiravias, Sagani, Pallegina, Durance, and maybe Grieving Mother. I really like Eder's personality, and I enjoy those with unique aspects (Pallegina, Hiravias, Sagani). Aloth, GM, and Durance are all being considered more because I've been told that they are important to the story than for any other reason, although I do think it necessary to have wizard and healer type characters in my party. Note that if I leave out Durance or Aloth it will most likely be due to me replacing them as I'll get to in a moment. So I ask you guys, what do you think a reasonable party is for me? Are Aloth/Durance/GM important enough to keep around? Or can I leave them in my stronghold and occasionally talk to them to get the same value? The next challenge is my class, which I've been having a ton of trouble with. Paladins are my bread and butter, I play them in every game where they are an option, and the next closest option if they aren't. This is my first experience with a game that messed up paladins so badly for me that I'm being forced to go elsewhere. Blue fire when every other bit of fire is orange? All of their best gear is bright green? No spells? It seems like their only role is to be a tank support, but if they are up front tanking then the only person receiving support is the fighter, and if they are in back supporting the ranged then their tankiness is somewhat wasted. Paladins in this game just feel like a drunken thematic rainbow that has no solid direction. /rant With that in mind, you know that I want to play the closest thing to feeling like a paladin from other games as I can get. I've narrowed it down to Barbarian, Wizard or Priest. Note that I like spells, and I especially like Firebrand, so that will be a staple of my character. The ideas are as follows: Barbarian: Off-tank using Flames of Fair Rhian and Dragon's Maw, switching to Firebrand to deliver the pain when needed. Interested in the ring of combusting wounds and other spellbound items/armors since Barbarians lack spells entirely. I really like the orange ability effects of the barbarian and their AoE nature. However, as a paladin "main" I find I have a great distaste for being known as a barbarian, and I find it hard to shake that feeling. I see their icon of crude weapons crossing a blood red skull and I throw up in my mouth just a little. Wizard: Self-buffer melee build with nice spells and Firebrand, probably a scepter or something before I get in melee. I'm very mixed on Wizard because most of their spells I have no interest in using, but the ones I like give me vast amounts of pleasure. Citzals Martial Power in particular looks amazing. However, their reliance on "blue" buffs like DAoM, arcane shield, etc turn me off greatly. The more I look at this the more I think Aloth could pull off a blue ice themed build with the spirit lance much better (though his starter spells are rubbish). Priest: Not entirely sure, but something like Abydon's hammer for spells into Firebrand when I need to conserve spells or when I run out. Priest seems like the logical alternative to Paladin, but I have similar or perhaps even greater issues with them as the wizard. I don't like having a bunch of spells that I have no interest in casting. I suppose the benefit of priest is that most of their spells fit a single theme (unlike wizards with frost/fire/arcane/corrosive/etc) but still. I'm not really sure how good priests are at buffing themselves vs supporting the party, but I think it would be nice to play one so long as I'm not just a buff bot for everyone else. So what do you guys think? As a barbarian all the party members I'm interested can be used, and as a wizard/priest obviously Aloth/Durance are no good. What class do you think will sate my paladin lust best? Which party members do you think will work best both for that character and story wise? Thanks very much for any help. If you have questions for me I will do my best to answer. Edit: I'm playing on Hard by the way, I tried POTD but it was a little too much. Also, Mobile was unkind to me when I typed this, there might be auto correct errors.
  25. Description: When the party enters the Abbey of the Fallen Moon and Maneha is in the party, the dialogue bubble appears on her portrait. The Player can talk to her. As soon as the party starts moving, the same conversation starts automatically again. Steps to reproduce: 1. Have Maneha in the party. 2. Enter the Abbey of the Fallen Moon area. 3. Notice the speech bubble on Maneha's portrait. 4. Talk to Maneha and go through the conversation. 5. Move the party anywhere in the same area. 6. Maneha initiates the same conversation with the player. Expected behavior: Maneha shouldn't initiate the conversation if the player has already had this conversation with her.
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