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Im 76 hours into Deadfire and loving it I decided to change my approach to completing the game, when I got near the end with the journey to Ukaizo and who should I align with around factions for the journey I was only level 15-16. So I decided to complete all the DLC and get my party to level 20 before heading for Ukaizo Great idea and it allowed me some epic end boss battles that demonstrate for me the best part of the game, the strategic nature of tough battles And for most of the DLC I couldn't defeat the end boss but then I came back later on level 20 and I have been successful on every end boss so far I loved all the DLC with my favorite probably being the Crucible arena fights and I really enjoyed the Beast of Winter. Neriscyrlas was my hardest fight and particularly because of Llengrath's Safeguard but once I had access to Arcane Cleanser the battle became much more manageable But my favorite spell is Concelhaut's Crushing Doom, nothing better that seeing enemies getting smashed by the hammer I also have Concelhaut and Nemnok as pets, Nemnoks comments are some of the funniest I have ever heard in any game Now I still need to complete the final battle with Porokoa who I haven't been able to defeat but now Im level 20 I should be victorious and I need some new crocodile skin shoes and a handbag And then I will complete the main quest and the journey to Ukaizo But overall, fantastic and enthralling party based RPG. Obsidian created a gem with this one4 points
One of those people I won't shed any tears for, regardless of how many gullible people thinks he had anything positive to contribute... Some even fell for his shtick so much he got awarded some prize, which was later rescinded when they found out more about the man https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/24/amnesty-strips-navalny-of-prisoner-of-conscience-status?traffic_source=KeepReading "Muslim ‘****roaches’ In a 2007 pro-gun rights video, Navalny presents himself as a “certified nationalist” who wants to exterminate “flies and ****roaches” – while bearded Muslim men appear in cutaways. He whips out a gun and shoots an actor wearing a keffiyeh who tried to “attack” him. The 42-second video was released by the Russian National Liberation Movement, a nationalist group Navalny had just co-founded with Zakhar Prilepin, a renowned novelist who later fought for pro-Russian separatists in southeastern Ukraine and joined a pro-Kremlin socialist party earlier this year. Shortly before releasing the video, Navalny was kicked out of Yabloko, Russia’s oldest liberal democratic party, for his “nationalist views” and participation in the Russian March, an annual rally of thousands of far-right nationalists, monarchists and white supremacists." https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/25/navalny-has-the-kremlin-foe-moved-on-from-his-nationalist-past ...and this is the guy many people wanted to replace Putin??? Putin is soft by comparison (although granted, Navalny would probably have started ethnic cleansing programs to remove all non-Slavic blood from Russian territory before looking abroad) Edit: Since his first strategy for seizing power failed, he tried the populist approach instead, trying to appeal to Western backing in his attempts to oust Putin3 points
Some disco songs were ok, but those pants back then were terrible. ...sorry, I'll show myself out.2 points
2 points
Yeah I think I played one of the recent NBA 2K games, and had a similar experience. It's a shame because I really enjoyed a few from the previous decade. At least I still have MLB The Show. We really need a decent hockey game on the PC. I've started playing Saint's Row, the new one. They really flubbed the marketing on this game. I was a big fan of SR2-4, but this one didn't appeal to me in the trailers. Imagine my surprise to find it is a very good game. I do miss my British accent option though.2 points
Consider using Eager Blade that you can buy early and starts as Superb. You could transition to Engoliero later.1 point
2h30' video I really miss the old youtub days of max 10'1 point
If I’m remembering correctly, you can get the sword quite early (assuming you beat Hanging Sepulchers), but it’s only a quest item. It becomes an actual sword you can use only after defeating Rivan in the third act. So you have to get through Ashen Maw and kill Aeldys or Furrante before you can get it.1 point
For the names and the likes I might even agree, but considering that the guy keeps saying nucular like he's Homer Simpson or George W. Bush I have to disagree. I take my prior statement back, an AI text to speech engine would have been better.1 point
so, let us get this straight. navalny dies in a russian prison, and next thing you know, the predictable board personalities is discussing the evhuls o' western media, snowden, and the assassination o' kennedy? *chuckle* deflection, false equivalency, whataboutism and conspiracy theories? for reals? you folks are a hoot. we didn't particular like navalny, 'cause other than being against putin, he had few positions we could stomach-- his ideology were embracing nationalism and racism beyond even the russian norm. understatement to say we didn't embrace navalny as some kinda hero. 'course, to say we didn't like him much is different than wanting him to die in a russian prison. tell us navalny improbable fell out o' a prison window to his death would not shock us... or probable anybody else, but y'know, whatabout... regardless, navalny's death as the impetus for seth rich kinda conspiracies and reflexive whatabouting so matches our expectations. wilie e. coyote at least mixes up his efforts... tries something different each time. HA! Good Fun!1 point
He really likes The Batman. I didn't even know what The Batman was until he mentioned it like a hundred times and I had to go see that it was apparently a 2022 reboot. I'm sure I knew that at some point, but it must have left my brain sometime within the last two years.1 point
I encountered this bug in my own game (without Balance Polishing Mod installed) and might've found a way to fix it without editing the base progression tables. In the attached file, I appended a blank ability when Rapid Recovery is picked for the Black Jacket subclass, specifying Constant Recovery to be removed. Feel free to use @Elric Galad! EDIT: Ah, Constant Recovery came back after I leveled up again. My fix doesn't solve that unfortunately, so it's back to the drawing board. Just for transparency, the bug is caused by Black Jacket's Constant Recovery having an incorrect check for the base fighter's Rapid Recovery instead of the subclass modified version inside the progression table.1 point
He really likes Batman and pronounces cemented funnily.1 point
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1 point
Lost Castle free on Epic: Lost Castle | Download and Buy Today - Epic Games Store1 point
So: I think I gave up on Resident Evil2 Remake. Perhaps will be in the mood to try it again in the future, but I am done with it for now. In short: it is too good. Game nurtures anxiety rather well, and I do enjoy inventory/resource management, and how tempted it is to avoid enemies only to regret it later on. Just as one starts feeling comfortable the game drops something new to put you off balance. I didn’t appreciate gory cutscenes - but mostly I am just not in a mood for stressful experience. Schedule have been rather hectic for me lately, so RE2 just isn’t something I need right now. Might come back to it later. Reached the point where the guy in trench coat starts to chase you around the station. so things I gravitated towards: Immortal Fynix Rising - it’s very good! It has some Ubi staples, except it’s fun, and has actual mechanics, and tries to be funny, and there some neat challenges and dungeon. It’s just fun time all around. Story (with Adam Jensen actor doing questionable Greek accent as the narrator Prometheus) is silly, often cringy sometimes funny. I like it, even if jokes don’t always land. Writing isn’t exactly stellar but it is still fairly novel for a Ubi title. Street Fighter6. I have been trying to get into fighting games for a while now, and so far it is the most successful attempt. Single player campaign, while not amazing, is easily the best one I have seen in a fighting titles. Does a decent job easing into game’s systems and introducing characters and their kits. I am nearly done with single player content and am diving more into PvP features. Now the real test will be how engaged I will with online play - am I hooked enough to keep learning, or will I give up after getting my face smashed over and over again?1 point
Again few hours of Dark Souls. Second Hydra has been defeated, this time on first try (to my surprise ), and later Sanctuary Guardian as well. Besides that, I have finished my Magic Balder Side Sword for another trophy and finished up few more of the Boss Weapons. Still missing few of them to get all of them. The NG+ so far is much easier than NG. We’ll see if that changes, when I fight again with Artorias and Manus1 point
Yeah, I very fond of first 4 TR games. I did play through through all 6 original TR (the last two horrible ones for the first time) and while I enjoyed it, I don’t feel the need to return to them. Once I found nothing that would satisfy my TR needs, but oddly enough Dark Souls filled that void - with its exploration, oversized environments, intimidating bigger than you enemies. And I would rather replay Dark Souls than go back to TRs at this point.1 point
Sigh. This is terrible friend. And a reason, why I have completely stopped to play any sports game long time ago, despite enjoying some of them in the past. Anyway. Got some time to play around with DSR yesterday again, and was able to get 3 more bosses and a Chaos Weapon Trophy of the list. Demon Firesage was easy peasy, I just have "decided" to give him some chance, by invoking my typical clumsiness into the play, and got owned few times, losing 80k souls at him Centipede was easy as well, but again, my clumsiness came into the play, and after getting him to 25%, I have rolled inside the lava for a nice party of BBQ The last boss was again Bed of Chaos... And I really hope this one was the last fight against this boss ever! My ass was kicked around the whole arena by its attacks, that I really got frustrated with it. There is no way to learn anything from this encounter over the time to git gud. It just smack you randomly with random skills and if you do not cheese him, depending on the dice rolls, it will either kill you in 5 seconds or you kill it. There is practically no middle-ground in between these two states. Or at least, I have never experienced it. Now I have to reconsider, if I should go to Catacombs or to DLC, to save Sif before fighting him again, for a bonus cutscene .1 point
Tomb Raider... that brings back memories Fallout may have been the game that made me cave in a buy a PC (I bought the full game after trying the demo and it wouldn't run on my PC emulator). But Tomb Raider was the game that made me buy my first dedicated 3D graphics card/accelerator https://www.pixelrefresh.com/3dfx-orchid-righteous-voodoo-1-where-3d-acceleration-truly-began/ Bye bye oversized chunky pixels (and Lara's giant chest triangles) and hello smooth flowing graphics. I still remember the rather loud click when the relay on the card enabled and disabled it I spent an obscene amount of hours playing that game, exploring every nook and cranny, searching for the limits of the map and every secret I could find (the internet back then was not the internet of today)1 point
It was a good novel, I finished it, got to see the credits twice - was a bit funny. Was expecting more based on some screeching about it being woke and anti capitalist. A cyberpunk adventure where corporations are scumbags. The shock. The horror. Really liked the setting on an abandoned space station and the world building was enjoyable. Now not sure what to play, maybe will go on to finish Wing Commander 2 fully, need to do the expansions. I have the talkie version of WC2 off GOG and good Lord....1 point
*snort* at "AAAA" game. I mean, if they were going to go there, why not just call it "S". In other games, Tombraider 1-3 remake is almost here. Watching some footage I am undecided whether I like it. They seem to have respected it a lot and it does look better in some ways (there are small QoL improvements as well) but I like the brighter/less muddy lighting/colors/shadows of the original. EDIT: other videos show better lighting in some places, other places almost too dark etc). I wonder if you can turn the shadows low or off to mitigate that. EDITEDIT: you can flip between original/remake on the fly I think it has a photomode too. The biggest ? for me tho is whether I'd actually replay them. Skip to 3:45 for gameplay. The (not in-game) story cutscenes don't look any better, just upscaled/smoothed a bit or something. This YouTuber plays thru whole game plays highlights from all three I think, so you can look at different areas.1 point
Playing some Troubleshooter. Hadn't tried the second DLC, but it should be content complete now (you never know with these devs, they keep churning out updates). Haven't gotten the hang of Misty. As a stealth character I am not sure what role she is filling in the team. But it also added more side missions, upped the level cap slightly, and added new opponents apparently, so there is enough to do to justify playing again.1 point
First Great Demon defeated in NG+ of Dark Souls. Seath. He seemed to me a little bit more aggressive than in first round. So needed three attempts this time. IIRC. And Ceaseless Discharge as well. Nothing special, just after pull he got stuck in some kind of single ability spam, and I was not able to hit him at all. Soo two attempts on him. and during last week while having a break from DS, I had 6 GT4 races on Monza in ACC. In three I got destroyed, in two I got disconnected, and the last one was dominated by Mercedes cars, which got broken in the latest patch on this track, so I was happy that i got into Top 15 in that race with Aston Martin (with only two other non-Mercedes cars achieving the same)1 point
It's the amount of content they cut out of the game to sell back to you at a later date.1 point
Basically, by being quadruple A, Skull and Bones won't fit in any remote control. Kinda pointless game then.1 point
It's got something to do with battery sizes.1 point
An OC model RX 6900 XT is certainly capable of overwhelming an 850W power supply with transient power spikes, depending on the quality, age of the power supply and remaining system power draw. No, it will not. All modern cards have a voltage/frequency curve anyway and reduce voltage automatically while idle or under light loads. It can lead to crashing if you undervolt too much, but I would suppose that an automated undervolt function guesses safe limits based on metrics from the card, but it is best to make sure the card is stable by running something like 3DMark's Port Royale test for a while. Especially if you want to manually fine tune at some later date. Obligatory shade-throwing:1 point
I'm currently looking at this quest for the purpose of bug fixing, and based on the variables assonated at some point this quest had an alternate route. b_HS_Received_Gift_From_Druids b_HS_Delivered_Gift_To_Okaya b_HS_Opened_Gift Unfortunately these variables seems to be the only references left in the game. So what kind of item this "gift" might have been is really only speculation. Maybe a show of peace like a potted plant? Though personally I'm just picturing a Sporeling in a box that jumps out and kills Okaya when you leave her office Oh wow, I had no idea it was possible to healing the Grove on Motare o Kozi. That's really cool! Will give this issue a look for the next Collected Fixes update. Should be pretty straight forwards to fix!1 point
No new hardware this year (like nothing good even came out) but got the 5000T case which keeps everything cooler1 point
Oh, also, if you haven't seen this before, it's one of the bestest. A very "talented" cat - at least for hand cues.1 point
Is great sword the only option or would estoc also be okay? I personally like defensive builds with Whispers of the Endless Paths (and Offensive Parry), especially Steel Garrote/Bloodmage but also Soulblade/Trickster and such - but the estoc Engoliero do Espirs is maybe best suited to "smite wave of foes". Engoliero with a Paladin/Forbidden Fist plus Sacred Immolation is pretty dope imo. Berserker/Troubadour, too. Reason is that the enchantment "Blade Feast" gets triggered by any kill, not only weapon kills. And the Ghost Blades that come out do not only profit from all sorts of weapon damage bonuses etc. but also heal your character with the damage they cause - countering the self damage of Sacred Immolation or Berserker Frenzy. Maybe Whispers of the Edless Paths with a Devoted/Helwalker using Clear Out. Devoted provides Clear Out with high PEN and the Helwalker awesome MIG and INT (for bigger AoEs). The AoE cone of Clear Out "stacks" with the AoE cone of the weapon, giving you a ton of attack rolls if you manage to target several enemies at once: every attack roll of the Clear Out cone triggers a cone attack from the weapon. That's also smiting waves of foes I'd say. Well... Soulblade/Trickster with Whispers of the Endless Paths is maybe also fitting the description. The Soul Annihilation attack gets dispersed over the whole cone and Riüoste + Offensive Parry do stack. Also pretty tanky and versatile because... Cipher. Some call it boring, but a Crusader (Fighter/Paladin) can deal a good and steady amount of single weapon damage with something like Voidwheel or Effort - and at the same time be sturdy as hell.0 points
https://videogames.si.com/news/disco-elysium-dev-zaum-layoffs Im not a big fan of Disco and its one of the 4-5 games I have never completed but retrenchments and companies possibly going under is never good news Apparently its linked to mismanagement?0 points
It's a glorified mobile game and even has event passes now. You know, pay 10 or 20 bucks for better and best rewards from in game events. At least there's no unskippable ads this time around.. at least none that I've seen.0 points