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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/22 in all areas

  1. Hi everybody, I released a new version 2.4.1 yesterday Deadfire Balance Polishing Mod at Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Some minor changes mostly, included some previously buffed abilities that has been tuned down. To give a global picture about Enfeebled Affliction with this version : - Forbidden Fist : no changes from vanilla. Still the best way to inflict Enfeebled for a Multiclas. - Perishing Strike : Closer from the original than in Version 2.4. But now, Weakened is replaced by Enfeebled either when Weakened ellapses OR WHEN HEALTH DROPS BELOW 50% (immediately for target already below 50%). So contrary to before your target will get Enfeebled at some point before dying Still not ideal way to play around Hostile Effects extension, but at least systematically useful. - Writ of Mending : added in 2.4.1 a hard -100% healing received so it affects target even if resistant to CON Affliction, in a similar fashion as other Woedica Writs. I thought it was justified as a Tier 9. Probably the easiest way to apply Enfeebled in an AoE, but accessible only to Single Class from a specific Subclass. - Heart Seeker : BPM set its Enfeebled to Infinite Duration for a while as a way to promote SC Ranger as justify its 4 Bonds cost. Note that this is an Auto-Hit attack and has no synergy with AoE Weapons. - Corrosive Skin : BPM upgraded Weakened to Enfeebled for a while, based on people suggestion. Still locked behind the (anyway very powerful) Tier IX Wizard Slot. Contrary to the 2 previous ones, only applies to 1 target, so does not feel overwhelmingly powerful as a way to apply Enfeebled (but is good as a spell as a whole) Fractured Volition does not apply Enfeebled anymore in 2.4.1, but Duration is very long (30s) and recovery very low (3s). This is a similar change as Tenuous Grasp 2s recovery. I think it would be especially adapted to play as a "Mindstalker Death Mark". This way, Enfeebled remain a rare and powerful effect (but you can still pick Fractured Volition from older version, I don't think it would break the game anyway).
    6 points
  2. The U.S. has a lot of cyclical features to its elections that have been studied and talked about ad nauseum. One of them is that the president's party always loses the midterms, and right now, these results are being looked at as a bit of a defeat of Republicans because of how weak they are for them. No, it's not the resounding triumph over the fascist/conspiracy/hate-spreading elements that most of us would like, but it's certainly not all bad either. More generally, the U.S. is fully in the throes of social, politic, cultural, and economic divides that are currently cleaving our nation in two...or maybe more like three or four. There's not going to be an instant fix for all of it, and in fact, I'd say it's a lot more likely to get worse before it gets better because none of the actual problems can or will be fixed by a collection of mostly ineffectual, time-biding, focusing-on-the-wrong-things politicians, which is just going to drive further and further extreme division as everything continues to get worse. But...time does have a way of working these things out. For example, global warming may well cause Florida to collapse straight down into the seabed within the next generation or two, and what an uplifting effect that would have on the U.S. and the world in general, .
    6 points
  3. a shocking % of americans don't understand how the US fed system works, so is hardly a surprise when euros and kanadians get confused. 'course for four years, many o' us who know how the fed system is designed to work would lament that trump and/or barr couldn't do _________. they did anyway. past Presidents, with the exception o' a few infamous examples, voluntarily adhered to customs o' behavior and avoided illegal and unConstitutional actions. the previous administration showed us obvious flaws in the system, and those flaws remain as the gop has been largely resistant to closing loopholes. that being said, Congress is designed to need overcome procedural gridlock to achieve meaningful results. the founders were afeared o' tyrants only a smidge more than they were o' athenian democracy. ... nevertheless, predictions o' paradigm shifts 'cause o' republicans retaking the House is curious given that for the last two years democrats had a majority in the House and an effective majority in Senate as well as a President o' the same party. considering all the legislation democrats has not been able to successful make law these past two years, predictions o' a republican authored fed abortion ban is... curious. democrats has for decades been unable to advance national abortion protections in spite o' frequent majorities in Congress as well as a friendly chief executive. a belief this midterm election somehow heralds a major political upheaval is bordering on the obtuse. however, assuming gop retakes the house, there will be an unending flood o' investigations into all kinda stoopid which will make for at least a couple years o' gruesome tv and radio as various media outlets cover such "news" with their unique spin. fox will portray far different than msnbc. can't imagine how americans is becoming increasing polarized, eh? HA! Good Fun! ps am almost certain republicans take nothing o' value from their failure to achieve a red wave. in spite o' historic inflation and traditional mid-term realignment, gop is looking to make minimal and underwhelming gains. in a normal cycle, the gop would reflect o' success and failures o' the midterms to reassess their platform which admitted is non existent save as a list o' grievances. instead am anticipating a reflexive double-down.
    4 points
  4. Going to celebrate with some more coffee!
    4 points
  5. With all this maintenance yesterday, I thought for a moment that Elon Musk had bought the Obsidian's Forums and I had to pay $8 to access it again. Or perhaps that anime avatars were considered parody.
    3 points
  6. Not as much as "withdrawing" as "getting swept out like trash they are", but otherwise correct.
    3 points
  7. Hello from Germany everyone, playing this in 2022 on a PS5, so kinda late But wanted to share my thoughts, also as a big THANK YOU to the people who previously posted in this thread. Your suggestions were incredibily helpful (especially the ones from brogenk and thelee). Before I start: I'm and old fart end of 40 and I have played RPGs since Super Nintendo/Famicom. Dorudugan was by far the longest battle I ever fought in 30 years of playing Video Games. And I play on Normal difficulty, not Path of the Damned (NO idea how people are able to kill Duragan on this difficulty setting, really!!). Anyway, with my approach on normal difficulty it took me 2.5h to kill him. Yes, TWO and a HALF hours. Note: I didn't want to kill Dorudugan with adding up Resonances as described previously in this thread. This feels like too much cheating to me. Playing this tactic would keep Duragan at (almost) full health until you reach 800-1000 resonances (or whatever it takes), then one touch and he drops dead. The reason why I don't like this: In this scenario Duragan would never trigger the Magnetic Overdrive (that pulls all your party members towards him and adds another layer of difficulty to the fight). This ability only triggers when he's falling below 50% health only, which would never happen if you just add up resonances. Just feels weird to me to fight a mega boss, keep him at full health all the time and then suddenly BOOM and he's dead. So, I wanted to "really" kill him and take down his HP one by one. Here's what worked for me: Stay safe in the distance: Generally speaking, this was the first fight I encountered in the game where it was absolutely pointless to have any character of my party attack the boss in melee combat. Dorudugan would CRUSH them with a few strikes, no matter what gear, potions, effects etc. I got all my characters at level 20, most equipment crafted to legendary, wearing a lot of unique items (i completed almost the whole game) but still none of this won't help a bit. Summoning is key: Instead, this is about summoning whatever it takes, send it to Dorudugan to keep the boss surrounded and engaged and stay away in a safe distance. Thats really what it is all about I would say. My party: Rogue, 2 Monks, 2 Troubadours. Since I neither used monks nor chanters in my party until this point I decided (had to) start from scratch, go to the next tavern and purchase 4 adventurers (which are available only with max. Level 19 then). Btw full credit to brogenk's adivce on this thread here - much appreciated! Two of them I turned into Troubadours (GREAT tip by thelee on this thread!), two into Monks. And yes this took a lot of time too. Level them up to 19 with proper skills needed for this fight, then put on the right gear (which I needed to remove from my other party members) etc. So easily a few hours just preparing for this fight! 2 Troubadours: These are essential. They have brisk reciting skill and can summon quickly if you choose the right skill path. The only skill that really mattered to me: The Level 9 dragon summoning. Two of these dragons put next to each other are your lifesaver here: They have enough HP to stand Dorudugans attacks for a while. The last for like 30 seconds and I kept on summoning them every 20 seconds atleast, so they're always fresh and powerful. Once Magnetic Overdrive is being triggered, it doesn't really matter anymore. 2 of my characters were immune of being pulled (a Troubadour and my Rogue). The other 3 were pulled in, but I positioned them so the dragons would always stand between them and the boss. When being pulled they would simply bounce off my two dragons, stand up, run away again. So Dorudugan wouldnt inflict ANY damage to them, but only hit the two dragons. I gave one of them Eccea's Arcane Blaster so between summoning the Level 9 dragon this character would shoot at Dorudugan and do some additional damage. 2 Monks: As described on this thread, The Dichotomous Soul skill is key. In the first half of the fight I did put my monks in the upper left and upper right corner of the map. And both of them on HIDE, without attacking Dorudugan directly. Instead I would keep them hidden throughout the fight and summon Dichotomous Souls and send these to Dorudugan. So overall 2*2=4 Souls plus 2 dragons to keep the boss busy, ALL of the time. This is the worst part though: It's just SO boring to do this for two and a half hours, boy! But it helped. Once the health of Dorudugan drops below 50% it's time to reposition the monks though, since when being pulled towards the boss they become visible to him. Items with immunity to push and pull: For the second half of this fight two items are crucial to make your life easier once Dorudugan starts using Magnetic Overdrive. Afaik there are two items only in the game which grant immunity of being pulled (or pushed): Horns of the Aurochs (helm) and the Upright Captains belt. My main character is a rogue, weapon equipped "Veilpiercer bow" (upgraded to mystic quality, I killed Sigilmaster Auranic before). He's wearing the "cap of the laughing stock" helm to make Dorudugan easier to hit. He's also wearing the Horns of the Aurochs so Dorudugan can't pull him and general gear that makes this character move quickly on the battle field. The only purpose of this character throughout the fight: stay out of reach, shoot the boss, run away of any grenades when Dorudugan drops these and do this over and over and over again. Once you fail to stay out of the range of a grenade, the damage inflicted is heavy and even made my character drop dead. But there's this special ring of resurrection which only has 3 charges and will ressurect your character at full power. It can be purchased (or looted) from Captain Thaenic's ship with his deck of many things. I didnt pay attention once and auto-resurrected my Rogue using this ring. This way very helpful because my Rogue would be alone, standing in the North of the map, attacking Dorudugan with his bow. Resurrecting the Rogue with a scroll or charm through another character of the party would have messed up my settings with the other 4 party members staying at the very bottom of the map throughout the second half of the fight. Summary: Long story short, the way I managed to kill Dorudugan after an endless epic battle is having my Rogue shooting arrows at him from the north, while 2 monks summon four Dichotomous souls and two Troubadours summon two dragons in total. The only risk were the grenades, which made it necessary to rearrange the positions on the map. In my fight I had Duragan pretty much at the bottom of the map though, and he barely dropped grenades at the bottom 4 characters but majority of them around him and to the north where my Rogue was standing. This was crucial, I have no idea how you would survive the fight when Dorudugan would really spread his grenades smartly and cover the whole southern area too. Sorry for lengthy talking here but I felt it was time to say THANKS to everyone who contributed to this thread and also user solipsa who posted a great guide for the PC version on Gamefaqs back in 2019. Someone wrote that he didnt feel any joy when he finally beat Dorudugan. I have mixed feelings: Yes this is a HORRIBLE and boring fight, I really can't remember any fight in any game coming close to the length of this battle. I had some difficulties beating Lengrath and the two dragons in Pillars of Eternity 1, but this is a different level. Anyway once I beat Dorudugan and see him drop dead made me feel proud Cheers from Munich, Chris PS: The Playing PoE2 (PS4 version) on PS5 at 1.8 speed multiple times crashed the game, especially when Dorudugan threw all of these grenades. Just too much going on I guess. Thus I played at 1.0 speed hoping the game would not crash (which added another layer of madness to this fight). Certainly will remember this battle for the rest of my life haha
    3 points
  8. I can believe that. My current job involves visiting lots of residences, a few months back I was replacing some breakers and the homeowner kept talking to me about how cheap houses were here and that he bought two for less than what he sold his house in California for. Like yeah bro, I can totally relate to selling a house for over a mil and using the cash to buy two with change to spare. Do these people have no real idea of what people actually make?
    2 points
  9. this is weird man. I jumped on topwar.ru and they are crying there like its end of the war and they lost.
    2 points
  10. Currently playing a number of things on different days: Disco Elysium Pillars of Eternity 2 Skyrim (Seriously though, fighting dragons in this game after Elden Ring...? Yeesh) Civilization VI with friends Phantom Fury technically, but that's very much for work more than play
    2 points
  11. General combat in FFXV consists of three methods: ---rather mindlessly spam attacks and warp strikes, occasionally toss in a Technique, and stock as many heals/elixirs (elixirs are better but expensive if buying) as you can and just spam those constantly since they are "win buttons" ---learn/use the special directional and weapon type moves (I don't know how well those work with KB/mouse vs. controller), kite/move slowly to mostly block/parry vs. constantly directly attack, and utilize the bro's linkstrikes, use Techniques a lot for "invincibility frames" and hardly ever use healing (but this is a slow/patient method) ---get the nodes in the tree that let you switch which bro (assuming you have that available, it was added later, should be there on any PC version) and switch to/get good with Prompto and use his artillery. Boss fights and certain strong enemies block/parry does not work well and story bosses often have QTE's anyway. Daggers cannot proc the team linkstrikes, thus if you want those, do not use a dagger on Noct. The magic grenades can be very powerful for mobs like the soldiers. The soldiers are eventually fodder, but yeah they're very annoying to many in the beginning/middle. Their spawn point triggers/circles are always the same tho, so if you figure them out you can avoid them entirely outside of some side quests. Story - most of that is in the back 1/3 of the game. The story itself isn't terribly long really, like most such games. EditEdit: the fishing was definitely one of the highlights on first-run for me. Sometimes I spent an entire session doing nothing but fishing. >.>
    2 points
  12. Hi there, 1st basic information: 1. Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam). PC 1: Windows 11 Grounded PC Windows Store Version > hosting the game PC 2: Windows 10 Grounded PC Windows Store Version > joining the game 2. Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you tell us how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if known) Mulitplayer, 2 Players, LAN 1 Gbit/s at the same table 3. Description of issue. Me as I am hosting the game experience no issues. But my daughter loses connection very often with the error that the connection has been lost and she should check her internet connection (which of course is a joke because everything with our internet connection is just right). Then it happens all the time that she can't pick up things or place building parts at all. Sometimes she stands in front of me but on her PC she is 10 feet away. The issue where she isn't able to pick up or place anything happens mostly right a minute after we restarted the game and it stay without any change. 4. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable. All these issues happen randomly but often and the pick-up-bug stays at it is. After release the game is in a much worser shape than before 2 years. Because multiplayer is the main part of the game one can call this release an absolute desaster. Please fix this asap. Thank you very much.
    1 point
  13. Don't think a day will come when infantry don't dig in. Both sides have been doing trenches in this war so far, at least those are zig-zagged (all these OSINT-junkies always deride them for doing straight lines, when the idea it's hastily done is unacceptable).
    1 point
  14. From the described behaviour I still would not rule out a language issue - both affected accounts most likely ran Swedish versions of Windows and Android with potentially Swedish browser translations, even if switching the keyboard layout did not work. A "browser window inside a browser window" changed the behaviour of the line breaks, and submitting without hitting the submit button through CTRL + enter seems to have avoided the issue altogether (although that perhaps simply was coincidence and it is hardly testable now that it appears to be fixed). Maybe 'Submit' runs some sort of pre-check or does otherwise something that simply removed everything past the line break from the input field or the string respectively, like interpreting a line break as the end of the string (I don't see how that should be the case with any modern programming language, but I have seen stranger things happening). It would also fit the impossible to reproduce and randomly occuring dreaded post eating where submitting a post does absolutely nothing when there's some bug that cuts or otherwise drops input based on something that is a combination of post length, thread activity and whatever else (certain post elements in a thread seem to make it worse), as some threads are more affected than others. It could also be a validation issue that, but that seems unlikely - at least with the mangled post (now this isn't entirely applicable because Inivsion IP is based on PHP IIRC, but for backends written in C# data models can have automated validations that are then returned to the view with error messages if they fall through, but they still need to be shown - the behaviour would be similar to the eaten posts if the input fields would also be cleared). The posts missing entirely might fall through some server side validation without giving out errors. Does the forum software come with some form of input sanitization routines or validation that might cause this? Seems strange, because the missing posts usually go through if simply copy/pasted again, but it is impossible to rule out some form of issue that simply does not get copy/pasted in some manner.
    1 point
  15. ^ I mostly used the car auto-drive mode when I wanted to leave the room to do something else for a few minutes, like grab a snack or feed a cat or.... Edit: there's a few pieces of music I liked in the car but since I'm not a player of the old FF games most didn't do anything for me. This is making me want to try replaying the game from scratch again (not a completionist run). I haven't touched it for months and months outside of an occasional 1 minute memory check for something.
    1 point
  16. The open world is rather empty. I mean, ok, I don't want enemies every 5 feet, and I did like galloping around on chocobos just for funsies (more fun than the car), but it is ... spacious, haha, especially in daylight. I think it's because a lot of the empty is filled with areas intended to be reserved for side-quest spots. No side quest, no enemies there. Late game or post-game I would often re-take max number of higher level sidequests at once and/or purposely trigger the dropships for more action. World items (beyond the periodically respawning ingredients and potions etc) largely work as: ---in specific dungeons (easily missed if you miss a turn/corner), from/during sidequests, or certain big-bads. Most original best items are in dungeons or from sidequests, many not available until late or post-game, or very late story game. There's one added cross-content quest/arena available whenever, that has a few current best items but it requires a lot of grinding to get them. --some better gear items do appear in the open world but not until after certain story points, and/or post-game. So for example a spot will be empty/no treasure dot until then. --there are quite a few items that don't seem all that useful but actually are...but they may require a certain mode of playstyle/strategy, or are best for specific situations vs. wear all the time. The thing about the game is it's one of those where everything is largely really easy/casual to push through (they didn't even add a "Hard" difficulty...), but there are options for more strategic methods (or, well, less 1-button mashing or more "fun") and/or massive DPS gearing and the like. But since it's not necessary, except for maybe a few/several optional bosses, most never bother. Oh, sidenote - dunno if you know this already but if a Hunt-giver runs out of quests, I think it was after you reach certain Hunter ranks, more would pop up at some of them. Most side-quests are the Hunts - there are a few independent quest givers but not a lot.
    1 point
  17. Kind of funny that the one part of the initial Russian invasion that went incontrovertibly well for them was Kherson when strategically they'd have been far better off if it hadn't and those resources had gone into going northwards on the east bank. Having said that, Kherson has been imminently going to fall with all the Russian troops cut off since early April, and it hasn't 7 months later. It was then imminently going to fall in August as the Russian forces starved, and hasn't three months later. The capacity for Ukraine to actually deliver on forcing the Russians out is pretty much entirely on paper. The fatality rate of DPR officials has been high right from the outset. And it definitely isn't the Ukrainians doing a lot of the killing. IIRC just about every person in a senior leadership or militia leadership position in 2014 is dead at this point except Girkin/ Strelkov- which is the main reason I'm convinced he's controlled rather than genuine opposition.
    1 point
  18. For no reason whatsoever, here's a possum eating a strawberry:
    1 point
  19. So are you telling me the issue just stopped happening? I feel like that happened to someone else prior as well. While confusing, I suppose that does provide a bit more data for the issue. I'm going to keep taking a look at this while I can so it doesn't happen to other people in the future. Thanks for all the help with this posting issue everyone
    1 point
  20. I'm reading reports that russians mined everything to hell, so progress is going to be slow because of this reason too. Fingers crossed those scumbags do not destroy the dam as part of their scorched earth doctrine. ...really not waiting for more war crime testimonies, but there is going to be. Oh, and Gauleiter of Kherson's deputy of sorts, particularly scummy Stremousov, died in a "car accident". There are quite a few theories floating that it was inside job, what methinks is more appropriate "Eat karma, bitch!" than if Ukrainians murked him.
    1 point
  21. People overreact. On Reddit you'll see people stating stuff like "This conflict is going to be studied by military historians for generations.". Then again, people still saying this is an elaborate trap.
    1 point
  22. Man, I know so many conservatives that have moved to Texas and Idaho in the last few years. The pandemic really expedited the whole "white" flight. It's comical because on the way out they love taking shots at California, but the reality is they were able to sell their houses for a million bucks and pocket a ton of equity because California gave them that opportunity. They are the definition of privilege.
    1 point
  23. Yeah, both parties suck, but one clearly sucks more than the other. Personally I think you people should finally allow more than 2 parties.
    1 point
  24. Despite the conservative narrative, things have been going fairly well for the state of California, so I was happy to vote for most of the same leadership that led the state through the pandemic and has helped us have a budget surplus. I typically try and balance it out a bit with some decent Republican, 3rd party, and Independent candidates, but those didn't exist on the ballot this year. I mean, there is literally no Republican leadership in this state right now. The red party seems to be dominated by election deniers and anti-vaxxers, so that made it pretty easy to choose candidates. I was more active about the local elections this year. The school board in my area got a bit crazy with an extremist candidate almost running unopposed, but it looks like he is going to be dealt a resounding loss. Gavin Newsom is an interesting Governor. I like is Anti-Desantis tact of late. He was strong during the pandemic and strong on reproductive rights. I want more resources for mental health care and homelessness, so those are the big failings. But as I said, there wasn't any competition, so it was an easy choice.
    1 point
  25. I already tried that, though I didn't document it. So anyway, it's not this either. Oh, but... the problem appears to be gone. Yay! Maybe that ctrl+enter trick was involved...
    1 point
  26. shifter gets all forms, so you don't have to really pick. but Boar form is particularly special in vanilla (i think one of the community mods fixes it) because the boar form damage-over-time-on-attack lasts an *extremely* long time, and stacks, so you can get it to stupid high damage numbers. only the shifter boar form does this, the other druid boar forms, while good, don't last nearly as long to let you stack so much of it. i would actually not prioritize PER as much because ranger gets so many good ways to increase accuracy. i would instead focus on dexterity and/or resolve. the way i think of the stalker's deflection bonus: it makes it pretty painless to dump resolve a bit, but can also make a full-defensive play extremely powerful. so you can invest more in offense stats, but if you want to be really tanky i'd go with a race that gets +1 resolve (human or orlan) and basically go all-in on resolve. combined with beast claw in late game (and either spiritshift form or hatchet/dagger early game) and some +resolve and +deflection gear you can be very very tanky. b.c. ranger gets stuff like marked prey or stalker's link for lots of bonus accuracy, it doesn't hurt your offense nearly as badly to go so strongly into resolve. (but like i said, you can also just use it as the opportunity to move some points from resolve to an offense stat without hurting your defense)
    1 point
  27. I'd like to see Eora's version of China, it could be a spiritual Jade Empire in cRPG format. I'm not a numbers guy but that seems pretty easy, I'd give might to my fighters and action speed to my priest and ciphers. But the point of Pillars system is that most classes can benefit from either anyway. I definitely agree with that, less is more, doesn't matter what we learn about them, they should still be hidden behind the curtain and left to our imagination. I do feel like Deadfire could have worked better as just an open world game. As soon as I got the ship I was more interested in sailing to different islands to explore rather than go straight to Neketaka. However Eothas Challenge does put a very lore friendly sense of urgency to the campaign and I enjoyed that challenge run, from a narrative and difficulty aspect. Yeah I don't think they did, and it looked so much more modern as well, it almost felt by the change in scenery alone they were trying to get away from the nostalgia. As everyone says for better and worse, it felt more like a pirate game than fantasy.
    1 point
  28. Putting the best troops in the third line is a tried and true approach, but luckily the Russians did not seem to learn the 2500 year old lesson that a more flexible command strategy often stops things from going to the proverbial triarii. Res ad triarios rediit and all that.
    1 point
  29. observation: not everybody is a completionist. the games is designed so that more casual players may reach a level capable o' dealing with endgame content and that needed to be the case pre dlc. content is not optional side-quest material if is needed to complete the game. the game, for economic reasons, need be beatable by folks not wanting to invest +80 hours into the experience, yes? problem should be obvious. am getting how level cap is a frequent complaint and a valid concern for players, but most solutions cheese off players more than the current situation. example solution: make all xp quest based and do not provide xp for optional content. sure, you still receive all the 1007 rewards from doing optional content, but if only the critical path provides xp, then completionists and critical path players is gonna finish with same levels and same xp totals. now imagine the howls o' outrage, eh? (edit) am recalling the pillars of eternity developers thought they had broken the code. pillars utilized quest-based xp, which gave obsinaties an advantage over wotr developers in managing level grants. josh announced, pre release, that the pillars developers had created new tools which allowed 'em to track and customize xp grants so they could achieve a perfect calculus-- level cap would only be reached by completionists a bit before endgame, and critical path players would not be punished by treating optional as optional. sounded mighty certain. and how could he not be certain? surely at least one tester had completed a run wherein they did all available material, yes? ... we never did get an explanation or apology from the obsidian developers regarding their xp fails in pillars. criticism is easy and is the right o' every purchaser. unfortunate, solutions is hard. HA! Good Fun! ps is possible to add in a difficulty slider option which limits xp rewards-- make the/a solution optional. however, keep in mind the unfair players is already exploiting schemes to reach levels 2 through 20 asap.
    1 point
  30. seeing as how you already finished ember's quest... HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  31. Did you try using the “Recover backpack” feature?
    1 point
  32. 'Archimedes Waveswing': 20 years of research leads to successful trials of this wave energy converter (interestingengineering.com)
    1 point
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