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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/22 in all areas

  1. Anglo-Saxons have published yesterday confirmation of their involvement in weekends Sevastopol incident at Crimea...
    5 points
  2. Because they're closed captions, rather than pure subtitles. They're meant to help the hard of hearing understand what is going on beyond subtitling dialogue.
    4 points
  3. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection giveaway on GOG.
    3 points
  4. Just got home from 3 days Stewarding at MCM London Comic-Con. Turfed out luggage. Grabbed a cup of tea. Now I think I crash. Did repair about 200 costumes for folks across the weekend working the Cosplay Hospital.
    3 points
  5. Brazilian election: about 60% of the votes counted so far. Lula is about to overtake Bolsonaro. The left always has more votes in the end, probably because of rural areas in the northeast that take longer to submit the votes. I really don't see how Bolsonaro could win.
    3 points
  6. Russians retreating from the Kherson region. This only "makes sense" if you watch it all the way to the end, which is worth watching IMO. (I hope this doesn't violate any forum policies; in my understanding it doesn't. But if it does, I'll stand corrected and mea culpa and apologies.) EDIT, later: This does not look good. But it is not a surprise, either. These guys are cannon fodder and they know it. They are going to widow many of their wives.
    3 points
  7. This is an interesting and fascinating read about life in the Russian Army for newly mobilized civs: https://www.thedailybeast.com/russia-now-has-a-second-frontline-set-up-just-to-kill-its-deserters-intel
    2 points
  8. MEANWHILE IN AUSTRALIA Probs no one else has been following the Australian netball squad story; the Diamonds were sponsored by Han**** (I think that's what they're called) which is owned by Gina Rinehart, Australia's richest woman and one of the worst living Australians. Their business is, generally speaking, destroying the earth. Anyway, the founder, for whom the company is named, once suggested aboriginal Australians should be sterilised, amongst other things, so one of the Diamonds, who would've been the first aboriginal player on the team in 22 years, was hesitant to wear his name on her uniform. There was some back and forth, with the other Diamonds backing her, but also kinda needing the money because women's sport doesn't tend to make much money. Eventually Han**** withdrew their 15 million sponsorship while saying something passive aggressive about virtue signalling or whatever. Anyway, Victoria tourism is now sponsoring them, which is much less awful as they only have to sell the lie that Victoria is a good place to visit, rather than wear the name of a dude who expressed genocidal views about aboriginal Australians, and support a company that seeks to destroy the earth and lie about it. EDIT: oh dammit the overzealous censor strikes again.
    2 points
  9. Came from talking about having terrible handwriting with someone, took a picture of mine from a long while back. Even found an ancient math exam from '93. A rather simple problem: suppose someone buys a car for the amount of X, 20% is paid up front, the remainer in 40 monthly installments. Assuming there is no interest rate, calculate the monthly rate and how much, in percent, one mothly rate is of the total buying price. Calculated the monthly rate just fine, then copied a terribly written 0 as an 8, then my first attempt at getting the percentage that a monthly rate is of the total buying price looks wrong, figured my approach to calculating the number was wrong (checking the result of the first calculations showed it was correct - except for the copied value, which I did not notice, several times), so I came up with a different one by multiplying 0.80 by 0.025 (4/5 divided by 40 -> 4/5 * 1/40 -> 1/(10 * 5) -> 0.02). It's 2%. 80% of the 2.5% that a monthly rate is of what's left after the up-front payment. Teacher left a note: Brilliant train of thought, but you'd have an easier time and get better grades if you worked on your handwriting. Well, it was always something. Either something was unintelligible or I skipped half the steps because I didn't want to write so much. Math teachers really like to make sure you present them with a step by step record of how one arrived at a result, just in case one might copy 10 + 10 from their neighbor, I guess. Good old times. Edit: For the fossils among us. Heh. STOP RUN.
    2 points
  10. I'm in chapter 9 in Plague 2: Plague Harder. I'm not sure how many chapters there are, but this feels halfway-ish. The game is quite good and there is a surprising variety of things to do. While the majority of the game is stealth focused with light puzzle elements, as you figure out how to navigate through rats and soldiers with your constantly growing array of abilities, there are Tomb Raider-esque run for your life sections, combat sections, a turret section, and there's even a decently complicated optional puzzle that gets you something cool. One of the things I really like is how the game periodically has cool off sections where you aren't being threatened and you get to bond with Hugo. It's not just constant tension and oppressive dread, you get moments to relax and let yourself and Hugo enjoy yourselves for a bit. This very much works in the game's favor. The pacing of both the gameplay and the story is handled excellently, which is helped by the linear nature of the game.
    2 points
  11. I don't like CC being used as general subtitles either, since I also find stuff like "door creaking", "leaves rustling" and "kettle whistling" visually distracting, since my auto-response is to glance at any text on-screen so it's hard to ignore it. I get the saving costs aspect tho. On the flip side, I also don't like "fan subtitles" where they "asterisk*-describe too many cultural explanations to the tune of long paragraphs that covers half the screen/requires pausing to even read it all anyway. Brief tidbits of extra info is cool/interesting at times, but some get carried away is all.
    1 point
  12. You can install windows without a key and just have the watermark on all the time. You will still have most of the functionality you need. I personally used the methods suggested above. You can install Windows on those too.
    1 point
  13. Buy a cheap OEM key. Companies get all sorts of keys they don't use and therefore have leftovers to sell, which is legal in the EU. As long as you're making sure you're not getting keys from any Chinese volume licensing program or from a company that sells the same key multiple times they're fine and work. However, I am not sure how the legal situation is in the Land Of The Free And Home Of The Brave (tm), where companies are given much more leeway in squeezing their customers in the name of freedom (or whatever ). There's also the Microsoft Workplace Discount Program, should your employer participate (I don't see a reason why Cali would not, but who knows), so maybe ask about it, and as Zoraptor said, there might be chance you can get a free key, just pretend it's you using the key, not your son. Has the advantage of costing nothing. My condolences.
    1 point
  14. I've noticed that there largely isn't consistency in how the tracks are named between web streaming and even DVD/BD sources. For my own files, I ended up calling everything with descriptive text "SDH" rather than trying to discern the precise differences between SDH and CC because...uh, well, it's genuinely pretty difficult to discern at times with the different ways that they're handled. I can only hope that the term "closed captioning" goes the way of the dinosaur entirely in favor of "SDH" over the next decade or two and retroactively makes my choice here completely correct, . I find reading descriptive text to be pretty disruptive to the reading experience, so I'm not a big fan. I am me, though.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, SDHs are subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing, i.e. they're not in the same language as the video, unlike closed captions, although that difference in naming conventions is not even upheld by some streaming services or other companies. One gets English SDH subtitles with House of the Dragon, for instance - as if the few sentences of Valyrian in the show make it have a different video language. I think that is because of legislation that requires programming to always ship with an English CC option. From there it is a fairly easy move to dropping regular subtitles for the sake of convenience and cutting workload (and cost). Personally I don't care too much as long as the captions are not in the way of the dialogue. There's worse, like forced overlays on text in a foreign language on screen, bonus points when they flash to let one see what is written in the original language below or otherwise create artifacts or aliasing during camera pans.
    1 point
  16. fortunately it is extremely easy to produce sparkcrackers, especially because you make 3 at a time. whenever i'm in town i always make sure to buy rahi pods from an herbal merchant, and to a lesser extent make sure i have gunpowder and solution. i always err on the side of having more, especially with DLC you can be in long dungeons without easy access to stores. deadeye drugs can be very useful early on, you attack fast and proc interrupts a lot, and the +5 accuracy can help with accuracy issues early on. it also lasts a while (though you'll need a lot to avoid withdrawal after every other fight due to low alchemy) so it'll definitely get you through a long fight.
    1 point
  17. The same place as the vending machine subclass, in our dreams. That's just the Swarm path. You naughty
    1 point
  18. Finally started this up. It's been fun so far. I've had some accuracy issues early at times. I guess better gear/levels/devotions will solve that later on. I ended up not going with BPM nerfs and just regular CP/BPM because I didn't want to stress too hard about managing Streetfighter bonuses given it's my first time actually trying the kit despite having a good chunk of hours in this game. Is there an easy way to manage Sparkcrackers materials as the game progresses? It seems like you use a lot of them with this build potentially but I don't know how easy they are to mass produce/get more materials for them. It is neat that I am surviving just fine even in a Robe. I will die if I get surrounded and I suspect I'll need more levels and abilities (and BDD) before I rely too much on diving in, but I do have very little trouble surviving against smaller groups of enemies right now, so as long as I don't run out of spells. And escape is nifty for repositioning as well as the deflection bonus and because my recovery is so insane I can usually back out of dangerous situations as needed (or use smoke grenade if I cannot). It's definitely fun to play.
    1 point
  19. It also has an ability called "Harem Magnet" lmao.
    1 point
  20. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderwrathoftherighteous/mods/398 I figure @InsaneCommander and @Gorth ought to get a laugh out of this. Too bad there isn't a slime option.
    1 point
  21. For a computer: 00000010 + 00000010 = 00000100 When the end result is right but the way to the result not what was intended: 2 * 2 = 4... When integers are too simple (2 + 0i) + (2 + 0i) = (4 + 0i) Add more...
    1 point
  22. ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights. It is a metroidvania game. It looks and sounds beautiful, runs well, supports 5+ button mice. Despite the Souls-like store tag, I could not see any Souls-specific influence - the protagonist loses nothing upon death, awakening at the last not-bonfire rested at; attacks don't cost stamina (there is no stamina in general) though non-main attacks have limited uses between rests; character progression is linear - higher level equals higher stats and there are collectibles giving insignificant improvements (e.g. +5 HP). The story follows an amnesiac priestess called Lily and her retinue of purified spirits on a journey to regain her memory and save the kingdom from the Blight. Each spirit gives an ability or attack type, which can be upgraded. I have found 2 more main (infinite uses) attack types, but no upgrades for the original sword/knight yet. The bosses are diverse and challenging and the battles become harder as they progress. I have noticed 2-3 stages for the main story boss battles. The protagonist's appearance has changed slightly during the game - story-wise, purification corrupts the person conducting the ritual.
    1 point
  23. I made a court poet for Azata myffic, but, well, it's kind of boring to play (granted, I'm a level 6 just outta Chapter 1, but still) and I'm not sure what else can I do with it after I get Dirge O'Doom at 10. Also to my surprise, the starknife - ninja star looking thing - is not a ranged weapon. It's ****ing melee. How can you even use that thing without constantly poking your own armpit? Shifter druid so far is, eh...anything he can do, his own animal can do better. Lets see what Chapter 3 and Aeon brings to table. I'm also definitely not making a summoner, because with their AI any boost is a complete waste of resources on those braindead idiots. Another disappointment of the year is brown fur transmuter. Yeah sure, he can make big ass dragons (that is, if the game registers the "Transmute others" click because quite regularly it does not and I end up dragoning my Lich's own bony ass instead), thing is, WOTR is almost all interiors or cramped narrow passages so navigating around is a pain in the (big huge scaly) behind, and so is targeting. Besides, I kinda hoped that Staunton will become a cool zombie undead dragon but he didn't. Also made an enchanter Lich. He's serviceable, though I have a strong suspicion that killing things by way of the Lich would be faster than toying with enchantments. Oh, and those bloodline thingies that are supposed to make enchanty spells work on criiters and undeads? They do nothing and this is my surprised face:
    1 point
  24. Trump, Bolsonaro Modi, Orban... the four horsemen of the apocalypse bringing about the death of civilization
    1 point
  25. It would be nice to see some sort of Scarecrow/Totem item that can be constructed and placed. That would either ward away certain creatures, or make them docile/non-hostile in it's perimeter. I am currently constructing a base and bees are constantly aggroing and attacking from outside the base itself, often causing massive damage to many walls/floors/and other items. All while being outside the base. They have become a constant annoyance, and I would very much like a way to make them docile, if not outright keep them away from the base. As they are always flying directly into a wall, a floor(from underneath), or the roof(from above). Aggroing, and attacking at random as I move through the base. I would be perfectly fine if such a thing was difficult to craft, or was specific to each individual creature(though having one for each may be problematic)
    1 point
  26. am always kinda reflecting on just how much o' the sfx magic o' a trip to the moon remained cutting edge well into late 20th century. star trek guys didn't do all that much innovate compared georges méliès, which ain't all that surprising when you consider the following: is a 1966 calculator and ~$9000 in 2022 money. such were the state-of-the-art at the time. but yeah, am not watching the short film 'cause it is such a grand interpretation o' the jules verne tale which itself were admitted kinda bizarre. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. is why we can't watch all the right moves (1983.) is as if the writers stole our life story, and then made it much whiter... and set it in western pennsylvania instead o' south chicago. we would serious consider suing the writers/producers for theft o' our life story, but for the fact the movie were released a couple years before we graduated. also, our coach were less friendly and we sure as hell didn't have a hug-it-out moment at the end o' our career. regardless, am kinda glad the movie weren't great 'cause we get all nostalgic and misty-eyed when we watch it. ... am embarrassed to admit am only kinda joking. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  28. To clarify, feedback is great! And most of your posts are fine. It's stuff like this I'm talking about: Throwing in jabs at the developers like that makes them much more likely to just ignore your entire post. If you leave off that sentence, the rest of your feedback is good.
    1 point
  29. since i am an early accsess owner and player of this awesome game i am wondering why there are no slingshots envolved !? wouldnt that be an awesome idea with all the different rocks in the game and overall a perfect fit in style and charm? has anyone ever considered slingshots in grounded anybody knows ? lets get this viral if you like slingshots ^^ cheers!
    1 point
  30. Lula is not radical. You should see some of the other guys we have here. There is a far left party that is so far that it is almost right wind. They are anti-capitalism and they complained when Trump was banned from twitter. I'm sure they would love him. Here is how he behaved in a Human Rights meeting when he was a congressman:
    1 point
  31. Assuming our news coverage is correct, by now Lula's leading by more votes than Bolsanaro could realistically still get. Good on you Brazilians, did you bring unmarked white vans with extra ballots and manipulated some voting machines too? Should have stopped the steal earlier. Jokes aside, I hope nobody's going to try and pull a Trump, but with Bolsanaro that is far from a given.
    1 point
  32. It seems all but confirmed that the mutation is all we need. Happy to help anyone if they’ll help me. Probably tomorrow at this point. But add me on Xbox/pc. Pretty sure it’s cross play right? ‘The ROBOPENGUIN’ is my gamer tag
    1 point
  33. They made The 7th Guest, the game with the legendary soup can puzzle. It took some serious moon logic to create the riddles for The 7th Guest. I guess as much as making the deduction that someone has a point just because he spent a lot of money on it, so I figured you made adventure games in the past.
    1 point
  34. A Trip to the Moon (1902). On second thought, let's not go to the Moon, it is a silly place. Actually, as far as 1902 silent shorts go, it was bizarrely entertaining. Also, possibly the greatest film of all time if you're high as a kite while watching it...which I was not, but still.
    1 point
  35. Following the topic about Swift Flurry divine weapons, I found another magic trick. With this set of weapon, it is possible to proc a deadly crit chain at distance and with spells : Main hand : Mohora Tanga (Red Flag Flying) off hand : Azure Blade (Wrong place, Wrong Time) About the trick, Wrong Place, Wrong Time interrupt on hit (25% chance) with everything since their is at less 3 allies within 2m and if the target is further than 2m of their allies. It is also a melee attack and it is vs Fortitude (and benefit from the +10acc from the enchantment, restricted to Azure Blade attacks). There is also 25% chance to cause another Wrong Place attack on Wrong Place hit. When this effect crit, there is 33% chance to proc Swift Flurry (and 25% chance to proc HbD) and then a Mohora Tanga attack on the target(s), no matter their distance. Then, Mohora can also crit and proc in cascade Red Flag Flying (melee), that can proc a Mohora Tanga attack with Swift Flurry/HbD. The blue line is the distance between Birta (in red on the screenshot) and my Chanter-Monk. Birta has been hit by a chant, that have proc Wrong Place, Wrong Time >> Swift Flurry/HbD (main hand attack, Mohora) >> Red Flag Flying deadly chain>> more over than 930 damage. That can be really efficient with some pulsing spells (venombloom : 3rolls per pulse ; 2venombloom : 6 rolls per 3s) and with many enemies dispersed. This is a Effort-Like trick involving Swift Flurry instead of Avenging Storm (Hemorrhaging dont trigger Swift Flurry since even if it is a Melee attack from a weapon, that can crit (but the afflictions can, they are only status effects and not an attack by themselves). * Without Red Flag chain and other Mohora exploits, Azure Blade is a good weapon for MC Monk-caster, adding to the spells a possible main hand attack , so, many possibilities that make the monk part of pure caster build a more interesting presence. Of course, Wrong Place, like Red Flag Flying, proc Avenging Storm, and effects from gloves (melee weapon hit or crit effects), or also Enervating Blow, Spell Disruption, etc. From spells, if the Wrong Place Attack crit, that can refound a phrase for Skald (this is why I tested the synergy with a chanter-monk).
    1 point
  36. You're transforming this subforum into a Fromagerie
    1 point
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