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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/22 in all areas

  1. is quite possible the vandals do not know the difference 'tween petroleum and plant-based fats. am ok with that. young, dumb and... am knowing we sound dismissive o' the protesters, and we are, but the kinda stoopid the vandals suffer is not a bad thing. am assuming they didn't do any real harm and their outrage may serve to motivate enough similar young and dumb people to change the world. probable not, but change needs to start somewhere. is an unfortunate truth but meaningful alterations to the dominant paradigm comes about when young and/or stoopid people ignore sober and smarty boomers. is tough to admit, but it is the people being unreasonable who make the world a better place. real change requires mind-numbing unreasonable which is why people such as Gromnir is poor suited to bring 'bout real differences. 'course being unreasonable usual leads to wasted effort and harm, but we need young and dumb if we wanna save the _____________. ... wanna punish the kids? make 'em clean the museum with non biodegradable paper towels and environmental harmful cleaning agents. HA! Good Fun!
    4 points
  2. Completed the second DLC for Wasteland 3. Between collecting 3 McGuffins, infinite waves of enemies in every location, and quest markers, it was not impressive. I suppose, it is ironic that the worst aspects of the game, the DLC, had DRM, while the base game did not. The base game was complete, consistent, and trusted that the player is reasonably intelligent or prone to loot every container and corpse and talk to every NPC.
    3 points
  3. At first view, this arbalest is not really great : 3 projectiles with decreased damage/pen/accuracy (inaccurate) that can apply Distracted/Disoriented on the enemy or steadfast for allies but for 4s only. In reality, these 3 effects have their duration "stackable", each projectile can add 4s to the effect. They are auto-hit (100% chance to be applied on crit). For exemple, with 10Int, against an enemy with 10Res, with 6s to attack+reload, and every time a crit, so 12s of Disoriented for each attack, the enemy have 30s of the affliction in 4 attacks. That can be useful vs a streetfighter ally, to Distract him for an huge duration before a fight, and of course vs enemies. It is like Death of the 1000 cuts, a new cast of the spell dont adjust the duration of the DoT but add a new duration.
    2 points
  4. https://www.ign.com/articles/bayonetta-voice-actor-hellena-taylor-says-she-didnt-reprise-the-role-in-bayonetta-3-as-she-was-only-offered-4000 Above quote from the IGN article, taken from a video of hers, apparently. Cannot afford to run a car right now, is afraid that she might end up on the street, but does not take a 4000$ contract and whatever she may or may not make from promotions, i.e. the later complained about possibility that Jennifer Hale could strut around pretending to be Bayonetta. Sounds legit. Even if she would spend a month in the voice booth and have no time to voice something else (now, my experience is limited, but something tells me this is not the case). Time for some google-fu. https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/bulletins/averageweeklyearningsingreatbritain/july2022 Sadly that's average income, not median, which would be a better figure to compare. She really is a right champion of the little people, is she not? Yeah, something tells me the 'new girl' doing the Bayonetta voice acting does not need to sign Bayonetta merch and most certainly does not need to pretend to be Bayonetta. Now for the conclusion, at a first glance, 4000$ for a somewhat iconic voice role for a 450m$ franchise does sound insulting. On the other hand, we're talking about the English dub of a Japanese game, and one where the second entry was considered a financial failure which was actually cancelled and only released because Nintendo picked it up for its ill-fated Wii U. It did have a stronger Switch re-release, but that came bundled with the original Bayonetta. Between writing directly to Hideki Kamiya, which he probably appreciated very much, Japanese (corporate) culture being what it is, the jabs at Jennifer Hale and the woe is me call to boycott the game, I shall be honest: this does not a good case make. Especially for a woman who has a handful of voice acting and acting credits to her name, and let us face it, at the end of the day, she is Bayonetta, not Commander Shepard. Well, but it worked, she has got the Twatteria raging for fair wages for her. Because, you know, that poor nurse at the food bank probably needs to put two in months worth of back breaking, physically and mentally exhausting work to earn that kind of money, while Ms. Taylor's work is sitting in a recording booth, wearing her pajamas and sipping on some coffee (paraphrased quote by Mark Hamill on why he does more voice acting than regular acting). Or not, because Jennifer Hale seemed to have no problems with whatever Plantium offered her. Which likely is more than what Ms. Taylor would have earned, but how much we will probably never know. I will agree that the offer is low and she probably has a point insofar as that her voice is probably worth more for Bayonetta 3, however, time and sales will tell. On the other hand, she went to an audition, got an offer, and was unhappy with it. The rest? The rest smells like hurt ego.
    2 points
  5. At the condition you crit with the Weyc's Wand attacks triggered by every Red Flag crit : seals are like Venombloom, Nature's Terror or Chillfog, you can make the ground as a deadly trap with 200 Seals if you can manage that (or if the game can )
    2 points
  6. Yeah, if your Elrond could just move to Stranger Things and reasonably replace Steve Harrison, there's something very wrong.
    2 points
  7. I have been informed that the following picture is apparently Elrond from The Rings of Power (yes, this is actually real): I am now starting to understand what @majestic means when he says the elves don't look quite elven, because these guys look hilarious. However, as I sadly have not watched the actual show, I have the fortunate distinction of being able to pass on discussion of the series in any meaningful capacity.
    2 points
  8. Average lifespan of newly mobilized Russians approximately 10 days… https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/10/14/from-mobilization-to-death-in-10-days-russias-draftees-killed-in-ukraine-a79095 edit: aaand Russia started a crackdown on military bloggers, which were “spreading fake news” about Russian army. All of them, criticizing Russian MoD, and reporting on the real situation on battlefield. That’s surely a coincidence
    2 points
  9. I completed BG2 EE ToB today and it was truly an exciting and brilliant gaming experience. I have now played BG1&2 together and I started with BG1 the end of July, I confirmed now on Steam and I have spent 380 hours on these D&D epic games and it was worth every second These games together score a 80/100 on the globally followed and respected " BruceVC game rating system" and I can imagine what everyone is thinking " thats a high score for BruceVC game rating system " but its a legitimate and scientifically proven score and as I mentioned in a previous post its based on several metrics that include I love all games that use the D&D, or similar, rulesets and FR is my favorite setting The high level battles are varied and exciting, it reminds me of D:OS2 The overall ToB narrative is excellent where you face different Bhaalspawn and where you have to consider your own dark destiny. Side quests are worthwhile and interesting The party interaction and Romance arcs are very entertaining The battles with Draconis, Abazigal and finally Melissan were the hardest and most exciting battles in the series. I was able to defeat Melissan, 4th attempt, by using the following tactics I used spells like breach,warding whip, ruby ray, pierce shield and dispel magic I used summons that included planetars, golems and mordenkainen's sword to distract her summons I used my HLA to attack with my tanks I found lower resistance spells useful and then I bombarded Melissan with Energy Blades I also decided to reject the Bhaal taint and its powers, I was confident my character could ignore its evil but I wanted to be mortal and not face the endless divine temptation and enemies that come with it Great games and highly recommended for all who love party based RPG
    2 points
  10. Nothing a couple of Pillars of Life and Creeping Doom does not fix, now that it is easier than ever to have characters capable of casting it by that point, just let Ember pick it through Loremaster, or give Daeran Second Mystery: Nature, which is his go-to pick for Mythic 1 anyway. Having enough levels at that point should not be that big of an issue any more after the new DLC areas. Getting better summons on Ember is the road less travelled, but it works well enough if you do not need her as a ray railgun blaster. Give her all the summoning bonus feats and mythic abilities. Loremaster can add Creeping Doom and Elemental Swarm, but you'd have to fit Skill Focus into her feat list early enough. Ember does not get a whole lot of feats to play with, and you lose at least one hex too, more if you go for three levels of Loremaster. See, everything in this game is made easier by playing an Angel Oracle MC. Edit: To make things even more ridiculous, Seekers get bonus feats at almost no cost (not like you really need those revelations).
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. What if once you've completed the lower yard labs, you pull a lever that blows up the path to the upper yard but the blast also inadvertently shakes the hive out of the tree and unleashes angry hornets on the yard.
    2 points
  13. Mosquito Rapier is by far my favorite weapon but against harder bosses it is a pain to constantly have to tap the trigger over and over on console. Should be able to hold the trigger button down for repeated attacks until stamina is depleted or trigger released. Would not affect gameplay difficulty, would simply allow for less stress for disabled players.
    1 point
  14. I know it's not that important but your spiders seem to be missing their pedipalps. Male pedipalps (well the bulbous ends) are used to transfer sperm to the female epigyne in order to fertilise her eggs. Your spiders, by rights, wouldn't be able to mate! So your spiderlings are miracles of virgin fertilisation. Female and male pedipalps are also used for taste and smell. Just a thought for more accuracy in the spiders. I don't think you've added spinnerets either.
    1 point
  15. Finished act 3. Galfrey’s reaction wasn’t that bad. The Hand defending me, however, pissed her off. In the end she fired me, sent me to the Abyss and had the gall to tell me: “Wish me luck as well.” Minagho is gone for good. Will she be reborn as Abyss maggots? Noticed some strange things going on, but I doubt they have any serious consequences: Woljif disappeared again, but I imagine they simply forgot to include him in the scene. Why did Ilkes (one of the Free Crusaders) cast Protection from Good? Gresilla said she wanted to go to the surface, but couldn’t and talked about a follower of Iomedae. Is that Hulrun? Wish I could see them together. Oh, and the little time I played on Unfair bugged the game. I received three “Core” achievements, for defeating the demon in Drezen, a boss in Ivory Sanctum and the water elemental in the prologue. Maybe the game assumed I had been playing on Unfair since the beginning and gave me those achievements? Since I’m on a new map, I’ll update to EE. No problem now with old dialogues being triggered again, since everything is new. I'm currently Court Poet 13/Thug 1/Oracle 1. I'll remember your tips and @majestic's when I replay the game on higher difficulties. I only tried Unfair out of curiosity, I'm back on normal now.
    1 point
  16. Bayonetta is more of a show not tell character I guess.
    1 point
  17. so what? before their stunt was anybody unaware o' their issue? overreliance on fossil fuels? serious? they brought attention to a 'cause 'bout which almost everybody is already knowing w/o doing anything to shift opinions. pointless. narcissistic. dumb. garnering attention for a cause near everybody is already aware does not look to be useful. "henry, did you see this story with the kids and that sunflower painting?" "nope" "well, i know it sounds crazy, but it looks like producing and using fossil fuels is not only unsustainable but there are all sorts of health and environmental problems linked to fossil fuel use." "huh." ... a conversation held nowhere by nobody 'cause whatever is your position on fossil fuels, chances are you already got one. serious though, what is wrong with people these days wherein getting attention is an end in and of itself as 'posed to a means to bring 'bout change? however, the soup can kids didn't hurt nobody and the damage they caused were negligible. perhaps the next collection o' wannabee world changers learns and improves on the scheme. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. First off, those Bethesda offices are pretty swanky. Secondly, was that voice actress in the first two games? $4k does sound like a slap in the face. Even if it is a day's worth of work, she has contributed to a successful franchise. This isn't a hobby for her.
    1 point
  19. Yeah, I don't know how that compares, what a typical voice acting salary is. Is this a week's worth of work? Is this a month's worth of work? Regardless, I'm playing the game.
    1 point
  20. $4000 USD for how many hours of work?
    1 point
  21. Today I've realized why I dislike Upper Yard (part of it that was introduced in 1.0 update). The answer is simple - Fire Worker Ants. They are aggressive to you under any circumstances and this is what destroys Upper Yard eco-system in the game completely. With this addition, Upper Yard became overwhelming and it feels like giant end-game dungeon to fight and overcome, but not to live, survive and explore. So for me it's like: do your things there fast (for story progression) and never come back. I hope it will be changed someday and Fire Workers will be neutral same as Red Workers and Black Workers. Besides, to build your base somewhere in the Upper Yard is to look out for resourses which are early in the game. My suggestions are: 1. Bring some Bombardier Beetle and Stinkbugs in the Upper Yard. One or two spawn places are enough for each 2. Vanish the difference between loot from Ants. There should be same Ant Part and Ant Soldier part (needed for building, smoothie, etc.) and some exclusive loot for every type of ant - for example, Red Ant Butt, Black Ant Butt and Fire Ant Butt - needed for weapons and armor. As a conclusion, I want to thank the devs for Grounded, for me it's surely a GOTY, almost 150 hours by now and I doubt I stop it in the near future. Cheers!
    1 point
  22. I've beat Sissak now, I think I just needed to spam different disabling spells to limit the incoming damage more. I think switching to Kapana Taga helped massively, since most enemies are weaker to Crush, the chance of Daze and extra engage and Flanking Immune (to keep DEF up). I forget about the -5s thing applying each cast, definitely helps for those long times even when i've got ~25 RES plus RoA -50% and ate wraps / rested in Tikawara / Drank Potion Of Cleansing Purge (+3 CON helps). The final battle with Oracle of Wael with all the beams was difficult to since didn't seem like CoA affected how the time of the beams, I couldn't see them in the info panels to tell. I think i'm missing something about that fight to, destroying Arcane Channels didn't seem to do anything, I thought they might stun like The Animancer's Folly Endurance Trial in Seeker, Slayer, Survivor. No Time For The Lost (Foe AOE Distracted, -10s hostile effects, +10 beneficial effects, Steadfast) for long time really helped. Plus Awe of the Death Herald (target frightened, might+per inspiration for long time). Edit: Was doing a big update with the final build in detail... pushed Ctrl+R accidently and lost it
    1 point
  23. "the reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."-- george bernard shaw HA! Good Fun! ps am drawing a hard line in regards to violent change. is no doubt situations when violence is required but from our pov is never ok to indulge violence as a form o' protest. use violence in defense o' others who need protection from violent actors? in rare circumstances am ok with such, but presumption is to resist violence to bring 'bout change. and
    1 point
  24. @Gromnir I might remember it wrong, but I'm sure you once had something to that effect in your signature (something along the lines of it takes unreasonable people to change the world). Edit: Maybe I remember it wrong and I'm attributing the wrong signature to the wrong person, in which case apologies to both people
    1 point
  25. I wanted to take some combat screen shots from Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Sadly, the newly patched in photo mode doesn't work in combat. For being an isometric, party based rpg, the small scale of figures etc. the graphics are actually pretty nice. No doubt that Ember (the elven witch in my party) is wielding a fire themed staff and Sosiel the cleric riding a boar is wielding a weapon with some side effects besides physical damage Only way later did I remember that I can switch between turn based and real time combat at any time. Maybe the photo mode works in real time Maybe Hell isn't such a bad place to go... I mean, it does seem to have its perks Edit: Using the new photo mode, you can move the camera around, hide the game UI, zoom in a lot closer and if feeling like it, add effects like frames, making it look like vintage photos or a painted canvas etc. I still need to play around with those
    1 point
  26. The Chain-crit-flurry with ranged weapon in main hand is really cool for "regular" combats, and more over with a Ranger-Monk (because of Driving Flight) : Here, with the Eye of Wael : Illusive Spell can proc a lot on the first and the second target, and bounce also. Shrouded strike do the same. That make the monk a great defuffer. Vs kiths, the Whales of a Wand is also funny, Beasts Imagined have a good chance to proc and also bounce, making the enemies like an army of pigs ! The Xefa's Empirical Explication is nice at CC with the bouncing Prone and Knock Back effects, since one chain-crit from Mahora can trigger a lot of attack with a lot of projectiles. I tried to chain-crit with in main hand Aldris Blade to get a lot of health back in chain crit but it is not easy to also always crit with the sabre. In other hand, a battle axe with the modal or Seeker's Fang (on a Cipher-Monk, only the Spider's Patience DoT tick on each new apply) should be devastating..
    1 point
  27. less true after a recent patch. spontaneous prepared non angel spells do not get the level advantage a prepared caster angel does, which is mostly beside the point as you will be casting near exclusively the angel spells. even so, is a significant change particular at the mid levels. edit: @InsaneCommander playful darkness now has greater heroism on unfair, which means you need dispel it if you wanna succeed with fear effects. as an azata you should potential be able to get three rolls per check with favorable magic and fortune hex so have your court poet cast greater dispel magic with a quicken meta magic rod... and then reload if that don't work. however, assuming you are level 15, you need at least 13 levels o' court poet to have access to greater dispel magic. am not sure what your current build entails. got at least one level for thug? *shrug* HA! Good Fun! ps am pretty sure playful always had greater heroism, the change is how intimidation works in wotr. more than a few players learned how the well-nigh irresistible vavakia vanguard's intimidation-based fear effect resulted in a couple o' the more shocking encounters in the game. paladins were immune, but virtual everybody else, regardless o' spell protections, had to beat the intimidation dc, which is so not the same as a will save. regardless, am thinking the greater heroism protection against fear effects resulting from intimidation has finally been fixed.
    1 point
  28. I look like a complete deviant bug eyed slug every time a camera is pointed my way.
    1 point
  29. have problems with quoting, sry
    1 point
  30. I did not make them, just lifted from one of these threads, but since nobody volunteered I can share:
    1 point
  31. You should get 100% of your rope back when recycling a zipline. It just makes sense, plus trying to get the right spots has led to me recycling to move them a few times. While we are at it most of the structures should refund WAY more of the spent resources. Maybe add a mutation or set that makes that more efficient? Something has to change because right now these things are frustrating and un-fun.
    1 point
  32. So I finally got around to retrieving my old saved games for various titles from my old PC which was retired almost two years ago now. A few relevant titles there which I might explore in the coming weeks, such as Dishonored 2, The Outer Worlds and Tyranny. But all said, the Pathfinder talk made me launch Pillars of Eternity. Well, I was in some sort of building. I don't know what I was doing there, so I exited the building. As soon as I did so I was accosted by someone who apparently did not like what I did inside the building, and attacked me. The combat AI was on so I just let my party beat up on the three enemies until they died, even if one of my own got knocked out in the process. I don't remember who that guy is anyway, or indeed who most of my party members are. I then quit the game, because I was too tired to figure out what was going on. I figured I'd come back when I'm more of sound mind. But whatever happens, at least we're out of that mudhole, Gilded Vale.
    1 point
  33. Why do we need any kind of council to tell us what we already know about Putins War and the way Russia has been conducting itself within Ukraine? But terrorism has a specific definition and that definition shouldn't be misused, confused or ignored because we trying to be politically correct or for other reasons. Like when people confuse Islamic extremist attacks which is terrorism with any mass shooting which is not automatically terrorism The definition of terrorism is typically when violence is used to achieve a political objective but it needs to have a political objective or we can start using the word terrorism with any kind of violence? https://www.britannica.com/topic/terrorism For me this is a war and Russia is guilty of numerous and continuous war crimes, I think the West and international law should focus on that?
    1 point
  34. I liked the dialogue part, but hated that I couldn't leave the capital and play the game while the stats were being upgraded. They fixed this with WotR decrees. When I replay Kingmaker the least I'll do will be reducing the time for upgrades by half with mods. This should be enough to play the game freely without worrying about timers.
    1 point
  35. The Kingdom management is trash and I strongly recommend you mod it down to nothing and save yourself the headache. It's like the fort building and decree (but with d20 checks) parts of crusade management, no battles. On top of that leveling up your stats or annexing a region takes two weeks of your time and if you start something like that before certain major events it kills your game. The only noteworthy part of it is some of the advisor dialogues, like when Regnogar gets your soldiers on fantasy meth.
    1 point
  36. If you like BG, chances are you will like these games too. I enjoyed Kingmaker a lot, even though it can be really annoying at times. If you are interested in both games, I suggest playing Kingmaker first because WotR has many improvements and I imagine it will be a little disappointing going back to the first one. WotR has an ability to dispel your own spells, for example, that was sorely needed in Kingmaker. I remember looking at the exit or the direction I had to go in a cave with Web and Grease on the floor and trying to decide what was the best option: waiting, slowly moving the party one step at a time, setting up camp or never using those spells again.
    1 point
  37. This just started with the full release. Apparently, the word "arm" is considered profanity, no matter where it appears. So a box labeled "Medium Armor" appears as "Medium @%!or" or something similar. I'm 41 - I don't need forced buggy profanity filters and I see no way to turn it off in settings.
    1 point
  38. Knight, you are totally out of line. From a constructive conversation, the last message made this an aggressive and finger pointing thread which usually leads to nothing. I will stop answering here. With this tone and approach, the only answer I have is, play it on the easy mode.
    1 point
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