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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/21 in all areas

  1. I was talking with my 7th grade students about this the other day and asked how many of them understand cryptocurrencies and NFT's. A few raised their hands and I asked them if they could teach me, because I could use the money. They all put their hands back down. Either they don't really understand or they are holding out on me.
    5 points
  2. Hi! As you may know Nannasin's Cobra Strike is a very potent summoned ranged weapon for Wizards, but is has a very short range (1.8 meters - like a Pike or Quarterstaff). With this little trick you can use it up to a range of 8 meters: put a pistol, wand or scepter into your main hand summon Cobra Strike summon Concelhaut's Draining Touch -> the right hand's Cobra will get replaced with the Draining Touch hit something with Draining Touch -> the Draining Touch will disappear and the Cobra will not return but instead your weapon of choice will use Full Attacks from up to 8 meters away (Rogue's strikes, Monk's Stunning Surge, Fighter's Penetrating Strike, Paladin's Flames of Devotion...) -> the attack will be executed with both weapons and the short range of Cobra Strike will get ingnored as long as you use Full Attacks That's it. Maybe nice to know. Certainly nothing gamebreaking though.
    5 points
  3. Komi can't Communicate 4 or 5 I think. Probably one of the best ones, the cat ears get deployed quite a bit. Dog girl and the stalker are more bearable. JoJo Stardust Crusaders 19 and 20 Mannish Boy's Death 13. One of the creepiest stands to date. Lali-ho!
    2 points
  4. This episode of Komi can’t communicate is fantastic. I have no idea what’s going on because I’m paying attention to all the text on screen and frequently pause to look up words. @Sarexwas right when he said all the text improves the show a lot but I doubt that is what he meant. :P 古見さん’s panicky face keeps being the best thing about the actual show… Although this episode made her insane friends look slightly less deranged.
    2 points
  5. Programmers criticizing one another's languages is a war between glass houses where the only weapons allowed are trebuchets.
    2 points
  6. Better. The AI seems to have improved. I was doing a siege breaker mission, assisting Peripheral Realms militia hold out against a Steiner assault and the only damage to a friendly building by my lance was when I strafed into a wall. Sandbox is a lot more interesting than the story campaign. For one, there are multiple starting locations that affect the makeup of your starting lance. You can now find random loot in missions which you tag for salvage. It's nice because you may find some random thing you'd otherwise not consider. (I'll need to figure out how to put this large chem laser to good use). So my opinion is that Heroes of the Inner Sphere DLC is pretty much a must.
    2 points
  7. am not a fan o' hate crime enhancements, but we were an admitted near lone voice in the wilderness on this one even back in the 90s when the current scheme went into effect. 49 states sent briefs in support o' wisconsin when the case o' wisconsin v. mitchell 508 U.S. 476 (1993) were before the Court. J. Rhenquist, a guy who woulda' had trump declaring Alito a RINO if he were still around to act as a kinda conservative yardstick to be measured 'gainst, delivered a unanimous opinion. to say hate crimes enhancements had overwhelming public and scholarly support would be understatement. if you kill somebody, am thinking we put you in prison or execute you for the murder and not 'cause o' your expressed viewpoint on gender, race or whatnot. am not indulging a slippery slope kinda argument, but is one o' those unnecessary grey areas. particularly nowadays when we got so much division regarding foundational notions o' bigotry and racism, enhancements based on the expressed viewpoint o' the criminalized has the potential for abuse, and such enhancements should be largely unnecessary save that strict sentencing guidelines has taken from judges some o' their flexibility in punishing particular vile nogoodniks... and fact judges like the one in the rittenhouse case exist. didn't check, but am suspecting the rittenhouse judge were elected as 'posed to appointed. would explain a few things. and look, am getting it. try and pretend as if ordinary criminal trespass and property vandalism carries the same threat as does burning a cross on the front lawn o' a black family is delusional. however, the Court mere a year previous to wisconsin v. mitchell, struck down a law which made hate related actions in st. paul minnesota illegal. the Rhenquist opinion is arguable sound but nevertheless indulging in a bit o' the svengali approach to logic and reason if a short time previous you did rail 'gainst the viewpoint discrimination o' a law which punishes bad thinkers, but is ok to add enhancements for punishments 'cause o' same bad thoughts held by a defendant. in rav, the Court took the opportunity to speak in big terms 'bout fairness and the sanctity o' the First Amendment-- were impressive soap box material and very quotable. wisconsin v. mitchell is not quotable. J. Rhenquist in mitchell does everything possible to make us recognize that enhancements is not 'bout First Amendment even if the state is punishing a person to a greater extent specific 'cause o' their expressed viewpoint, but he used arcane precedent and procedural arguments as 'posed to talk o' fairness and right. regardless, gonna note conservatives were very much supportive o' hate crime enhancements in the 90s, jic some folks wanna rail 'bout the injustice o' such. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  8. Not really news but darnit, I sorta want this game, because city builder/management, with .. beavers! Cute little beavers! But it's only been in EA for a few months. Must...be...more patient and at least give it a few more months first.
    2 points
  9. OK, I will go with upgrading Weakened to Enfeebled for Corrosive Skin. This is a pretty straightforward and balanced solution, and I do like simple solution. Also, while we're speaking about bad Wizard spell, I will set Kakaloth Sunless Grasp to 0.5s/4s casting instead of 3s/4s. CP already added a -10 Reflex debuff, so I think it would be a decent opener with a short casting time.
    2 points
  10. I wonder if they will cast 2010 or 2021 Miranda's ass?
    2 points
  11. That might be the most California thing you've ever typed on this board.
    2 points
  12. Hello What are some rare, overlooked, or obscure items you really like? I am thinking about items you get for killing important NPCS! I recently discovered how much I love Gipon Prudesco, the unique armor you get will reaching -3 Reputation with the Principi. In my current playthrough, I decided to 'kill everyone' just to see what unique items are out there. I was surprised to see how many good items are out there, but I do regret burning so many bridges in terms of quest rewards for other items. https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Gipon_Prudensco I really love this armor because it allows +10 deflection and +20 reflex as its innate ability, which also stacks with active abilities, If am not mistaken! I think that certain item abilities actually stack with abilities which you activate. What this means is my Swashbuckler can get around 150 deflection, which is very nice for Riposte! 2. I killed Queens Oneida( sp) at her palace., and she has a really good helm - +10 accuracy on being critically hit, but only for 10 seconds?. I think the Helm of the White Void would be better, but maybe some people out there have ideas. https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Serpent_Crown 3. KIlling all of the RDC, the Hazanui has boots thats +5 ranged deflection, which is alright, but not really groundbreaking. https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Fenan's_Finery So, what are some other items you really like?
    1 point
  13. agree with point 1. didn't even know 'bout point 2, 3, 4, or 8... shows how little we followed the trial. #5 complaint were... odd. picking outta a tumbler were peculiar but didn't strike us unfair. looked bad for a public trial as it were indeed unusual and were gonna draw criticism for the theatrics, so why do it? not a huge concern though. gonna suggest #6 is not properly analyzed in the video as typical the judge woulda' allowed a bit o' time to fix the handicap o' the evidence given the ad hoc nature o' his ruling. sure, if this were a known defect before trial 'cause the judge or some clear rule o' evidence prohibited such video, then burden would be on the prosecution to present proper evidence at trial. ain't what happened. judge declares previously admissible evidence functional inadmissible 'cause o' some technical foible? unless time to fix error were prohibitive, then prosecution shoulda' had an opportunity to cure the previous unknown defect. #7 was a problem for us. big problem actually. was not just "sloppy." were particular egregious as the judge seemed complete aware the defense witness were military as he specific referenced the guy before he asked for applause. video narrator undersells this one by a fair bit. were genuine jaw dropping kinda "sloppy." 'course missing is the other big issue we had: the aforementioned ruling on the weapon in rittenhouses' possession. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  14. I second this. It's my favorite armor choice for a psyblade. And add there the Nalvi pet equipped on Eder, for an additional party wide armor recovery time reduction... So you are really faster in armor, than would be without it. ---------- Regarding other items: it's really hard to say which are overlooked, but can say which I like a lot:
    1 point
  15. One of the most underrated items is maybe The Magnificent Escape Cape imo - at least when you are a Wizard or Priest. Its Escape does +50 deflection like the original Escape. But unlick the original it stacks with everything except Escape itself. And as a Wizard/Priest you can prolong it with Wall of Draining/Salvation of Time. It's quite fun to use it with a Streetfighter/Wizard to get to 50% health and then "Escape" + buff up like crazy and stay there at blooded status but in rel. safety. Also nice for humans (Fightng Spirit) and Barbs (Blooded). Maybe also Death Godlikes - but I didn't try that. Same is true for Mask of the Weyc (stacks with everything else but Arcane Veil itself) - but that's a late-late game item so I don't consider it often. I really like the Upright Captain's Belt because immunity to push & pull effects is so great to have for your tank if you make heavy use of Pull of Eora or other similar effects.
    1 point
  16. Uhm, excuse me. C is perfect. Any flaws with it are the programmer's
    1 point
  17. Up to interpretation, someone's overlooked or rarely used item may be a staple of another's. But off the top of my head, some underrated items: Contender's armor (med armor): can get upwards of -30% recovery time unconditionally, while the medium armor +35% penalty is negated down to +6% with abraham pet + fighter armored grace. Basically an even stronger version of abraham + miscreant's leather for lowering recovery time (for Eder, or fighter classes) Bounding boots: Leap can be cast from a huge distance,. Can also leap to steal from otherwise unstealable chests. Death's Maw (helm): Damage reduction that stacks with other sources of DR, available immediately at game start Pallegina's armor variations (med armor), especially Desgraza Breastplate (partywide effect): another source of stacking damage reduction that improves as health decreases (similar to undying burden and nerian's ward), intuitive and hassle-free mechanism for improved survivability at low hp
    1 point
  18. Honestly, this doesn't concern me at all. Don't think it will have any adverse impact on DA4. Guys who've been around for 23 years should move on.
    1 point
  19. Are you attempting to circumvent Sausage for the Sausage God? Wow, reported for ruining expectations.
    1 point
  20. Not sure Python programmers should be making jokes with their indentation based scope blocks.
    1 point
  21. For Decades, Southern States Considered Thanksgiving an Act of Northern Aggression have never been a big fan o' pumpkin pie, but am thinking o' making it an essential part o' our thanksgiving meal prep henceforth. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  22. This is not such a big deal, people are allowed to leave companies and they can find other talent. But the most important consideration is " yes, their will be a DA4" ....so I dont see any real crisis ?
    1 point
  23. Pretty much that, sometimes we add potatoes, i.e. pre-boil, cut into small pieces, fry a bit earlier, then add the blood sausage, or use the pan fried potatoes as side. Usually we also serve some sauerkraut with it. If you're not feeling like expending the effort, you can just nuke it in the microwave. That won't add onions, of course, but if you use a microwaveable container it won't make a mess of the oven and it comes out pretty good. The other option is slowly heating it up in water, but that depends on the packaging, and is only worth it when you have some sausage "stock" to not mess up the taste: Just sacrifice one sausage to the gods of sausages by cutting it up and boiling it in water for a while, then use that water to slowly heat the remaining ones. That turns them back into being really creamy and soft. If you have a whole sausage, if all you have is pre-cut pieces then that's not really an option. You can keep the water in the freezer if you feel like it, that cuts down on the sausage sacrifices.
    1 point
  24. the two Rings are identical (also in terms of game objects) - so it's basically one Ring with two instances. It has one enchantment named "Commitment1" that simply gives +1 RES to the wearer at all times, no conditions. Then it has a second enchantment called Commitment2 as well that can give the wearer(s) +1 RES on top. BUT it only works if you first cast Lover's Bond (1/rest) on ANYBODY in the party. It doesn't have to be the other ring bearer. If you cast Lover's Bond on any party member then the two ring bearers can profit from the additional +1 RES, making it +2 RES for them overall. The Receiver of Lover's Bond doesn't get the Commitment2 bonus. non-controllable summons can't receive Lover's Bond - controllable summons can though. If they wear the ring they can get the +1 RES from Commitment2 though - they just have to stand near the caster of Lover's Bond. the ring bearer who cast Lover's Bond has to stand near the party member onto he cast it - in order to get the bonus I mean. The second ring bearer (who didn't cast anything) has to stand near the first ring bearer to get the bonus (NOT the party member who received Lover's Bond). It also works if you only have one ring: cast Lover's Bond onto any party member and stand near them and you get it. If one ring bearer casts Lover's Bond onto the other ring bearer then it's all more straightforward of course. This makes it not usable for solo if you don't have controllable summons or an animal companion - since you can't cast Lover's Embrace on non-controllable units to unlock the bonus. If you have controllable summons or an animal companion it can work. Since you can find two of those rings you can stack them in the stash to reload the 1/rest use. That way you could get +2 RES for every fight and the INT immunity of course - which is great imo. Solo without AC and/or controllable summons: nop way as far as I can tell.
    1 point
  25. It has two abilities - one passive and one active. The passive one gives +1Res to both "lovers" when close enough to each other (I suppose it works also for a trio). The active one gives intellect immunity to the "lovers" until the end of combat - the summons can't benefit too much, but if you can keep it yourself it's a nice option to have. The wiki doesn't say if it's /rest, but if it's the case then it has limited use, indeed.
    1 point
  26. Good imo. Even after CP I'd never use this spell because it's just awfully ineffective. I mean it competes with stuff like Chillfog, Slicken, Parasitic Staff etc... To make it even a tad better and also to match the description/vibe even more I personally would bring the recovery down to 3 secs to match that recovery of fists (aka the casters hands ;)). Too bad this wasn't implemented as a summoned fist... It's a Conjuration spell after all and it would have been cool to be able to deliver a few more frosty blows with those effects it has. But that would mean two summoned weapons in one tier... So not making it an actual summoned fist but having the action time/recovery of one is cool with me. Now that I think of it more and looking at stuff like Chillfog etc. I wonder if it would be unbalanced to add a very short freezing affliction (paralyze+) vs. fortitude. Like 2 secs or so. It wouldn't mean much on the early levels but with PL scaling it could stay useful even for the late(r) game when the base duration scaled a bit and in combination with INT...? And also gainst DEX-resistant foes...? In comparison to: Fetid Caress - which comes at PL 2, has a 10 sec paralyze and 15 sec AoE sicken (takes 4.5 secs to cast though and has no dmg component).
    1 point
  27. You're forgiven. McDonald's here is ok, it's not as bad as the worst chains but it's mediocre enough that you can find better stuff without much effort. You also can't throw a rock without hitting one here. I think Ebert was right. If StrikerS is the best cheesecake shonen can be, rate it as a 10/10.
    1 point
  28. Yeah, well, our McDonald's stuff isn't as vile as yours, actually. It's quite okay, as far as fast food goes, and unlike other burger chains it's really ubiquitous, so forgive me for using it as an example. Well, yes, indeed. In that case I would have to rate StrikerS really highly, but where would that leave me? See, I'm in a bind like a professional critic who wants to rate the stupid action film he just enjoyed a 8/10 but simply can't because there's a certain expectation that comes with being a professional critic, right? Unless you're like Roger Ebert was and already well above such lowly concerns. How can something be 8/10 if I can't make an essay out of it (long ass description posts don't count, do they)? There's a certain expectation to be met here, after all. No, but seriously, purely based on how much I enjoyed watching StrikerS, and that it made me go an extra mile each day just to be able to watch at least one episode a day in terms of time commitment (what with work being what it is), I'd have to rate it at least 8/10. Funny how different perceptions can be, because I would argue that Violet Evergarden asks and does no such thing. Episode one Violet is Violet as she is, in terms of mood, behavior and any other number of elements. Yes, she begins her journey in a hospital trying to write a report and failing due to her circumstances, and there might be any number of people who immediately feel sad for her (I did not), but she never is sad about it herself. She isn't even likeable, or relatable (unless one's a bit like me, but I hope nobody else is ). It's not until the very end of episode seven that the anime actually asks the viewer to care about what happens to her, and the narrative perspective switches to her for a while. I can see your reasoning there, to be honest, it just wasn't my experience at all - and there we're circling back to me being me again because yes, I have watched a couple of reaction videos on YouTube, and they overwhelmingly do just that - think they're supposed to feel sad for Violet and then do that. Most of it feels fake though, but what do I know. That said I didn't particularily like the first two episodes, and would have preferred if the anime started the way the the light novel does, with Violet writing the letters for the princess (episode five), however I guess having even more flashbacks to explain what came before would have been a narrative issue. The flashbacks keep repeating as if I wasn't capable of retaining what happened in them without repetion, in an anime that's 13 episodes long. *shrug* I'm picking this out in particular to keep the post a bit more concise, but I did indeed mean the conceptual tragedy of everything in Miyu, and that includes her right off the bat (get it, right off the bat, because she's a vampire... would be funnier if she wasn't a Japanese vampire). For me, due to... well, everything, I guess, conceptual tragedy and the resulting melancholic mood is so pervasive in Miyu that it just suffuses everything to a point of drowning it out, even when there are more lighthearted moments. Don't get me wrong, that is a huge part of Miyu's appeal for me (I loved Outer Limits, after all), but it's also where my wish comes from that the show just picked up on it and spent more time doing something with Miyu instead of having an almost as neurotic victim of the week setup as Sailor Moon did. That might sound a bit silly now, but that was a pretty helpful explanation. Not a spoiler: Like I said, not at the expense of getting to the second Sakura movie, or K-On!, or even Princess Tutu, and certainly not just for my personal curiosity. If you're ever really bored though... Also need to point out that you decided to try Steins;Gate over my objections, I wash my hands of that! So am I, I'm already sacrificing sleep to write this post. I'm pretty tired and it's 2 am. On a "brighter" note, with us being back in lockdown, I'll just do the good old working from home thing again. I don't have a long commute, but it makes it easier regardless. I thought so too, but with Hiragana being a syllabary it's actually pretty easy. I had two reasons for starting, actually. First is that I've been watching an entertaining series of YouTube videos on Japanese grammar (I like grammar, as an avid reader of this thread might have noticed , so yes, that is entertainment for me), and pretty much everything has some manner of syllable changes so it's really helpful to understand how Japanese syllables work, and secondly simply to see how long it would take. I set the app to schedule 30 minutes a day (doesn't go higher), and that gives me a weekly goal of attaining 420 stars (so one "star" per 2 minutes that the lessons are supposed to take). I'm currently at 470 stars out of 420 for the week that started Saturday evening, and not all of that time was spent on learning Hiragana. The answer apparently is less than four hours, unless the tracking is wrong. It's not like it's already second nature, but reading words works pretty well by now. So, yeah, why bother? Because I can. People climb on mountains because they're there too, after all. *shrug* (forum ate my post, ctrl+c to the rescue)
    1 point
  29. fixed. am thinking rodgers should do everything in his power to never say "covid." ever. aside: having had a significant turf toe injury, am able to say it were more painful than broken toes we have had, which were all hairline kinda things. is a number o' pro football players who had to retire 'cause o' their turf toe never healing quite right and causing functional insurmountable pain which limited their performance. not just pansy wrs neither. 'course am expecting many breaks woulda been more painful than the turf toe injury we suffered. have had any number o' sprains worse than breaks and the sprains took longer to heal as well. is nothing special 'bout being broken which makes inherent more painful than turf toe. as such is perhaps more evidence you should not take medical advice from rogan or rodgers. but again, rodgers should develop enough common sense to avoid the covid issue even if he thinks he is being funny. HA! Good Fun! ps broke our hand in multiple places playing basketball for chrissakes. got karate chopped. took us a day and a half before we went to the doctor at which point they expressed some surprise at our seeming indifference. *chuckle* gonna admit we got a bit light-headed when we saw the x-ray. am glad we were sitting down at the time 'cause the shock o' the x-ray (which looked dramatic) had the world kinda tilt on its side for a moment.
    1 point
  30. That is the nastiest thing I have ever seen.
    1 point
  31. Maybe Amari Cooper has been hanging out with your boy Rodgers.
    1 point
  32. ^ That is disgusting. I've never understood ambroisa salad's ... I like mandarin oranges (fresh or bottled/canned) and I like fresh pineapple (canned pineapple is gross) and grapes individually, but I don't like them covered in marshmallows, coconut or whatever else people tend to put in those.
    1 point
  33. The reason it isn't on the Deadfire OST is that it was actually added after release- at launch the boss fights had regular combat music.
    1 point
  34. I hadn't realized there was anyone left at all at BioWare from the Baldur's Gate days
    1 point
  35. After DA2, DA:I, ME3, ME: Andromeda, and Anthem, the phrase "up to BioWare's standards" doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
    1 point
  36. You dog sounds hungry, are you feeding her regularly? Do you feed her everyday ....please tell me you havent got her on one of those liberal sushi dog diets.....our canine friends cant live on sushi, please believe me
    1 point
  37. Never buy Early Access games.
    1 point
  38. Clickbait title, but an interesting watch.
    1 point
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