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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/21 in all areas

  1. Ion Fury expansion coming this summer.
    5 points
  2. Just ask them how they think Biden and the Democrats managed to steal the 2020 election? If they go ape-sh*t crazy in either direction, you quietly lock up the gun cabinet.
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. I recommend Operencia and if you like steampunk both Vaporum games. Just the Ranger class in Operencia from what IIRC is very challenging.
    3 points
  5. Saw some YT video that reminded me I saw this movie in the theater back when - had a teenage bf who loved such movies. Anyway, I remember thinking it was entertaining even then, and nostalgia has me wanting me to say it was one of those "most 80's 80's" type of movies. So much cheese and Bruce Lee homages. The slow mo arm waving - one of those Bruce Lee homages - at around 3:25 is gold (warning, end fight spoiler, if anyone cares). Sho Nuff! Also, that song was awesome.
    2 points
  6. here's how they do it here. you apply for a license, you take a test issued by the police to prove you know the safety procedures and operation (here, most know that stuff because there is obligatory army service) and a strict psychological evaluation to prove you are not crazy. the license needs to be renewed every 3 years with a repeat of the psychological evaluation. mostly the hunters apply for such license though because gun ownership is not in our culture. this is what you would need in USA. just a psychological evaluation every few years to make sure the gun owner is mentally well and you could reduce the chance to have random mass shootings. your right to have guns should not be put in front of other people's right to live so it would be good to keep that right reserved for those who won't misuse it.
    2 points
  7. One more F117a confirmed to have been hit, another one to go. Plus the B-2A.
    2 points
  8. Funny, they'd say the same thing about you. Had forgotten all about Sinfest, still going
    2 points
  9. Yeah, totally with you on everything you said there. Also, that additional context for Rei helps her case. Episode 33:
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Spent 5 MM in FM on Brno, got lucky and Serbia joined the EU so the restriction on non-EU players is not a hassle for me, I have 2 talented Serb midfielders but kept having to switch to their discount German equivalents. Went hunting for youth players, unfortunately my scouts are still crap (genius me didn't improve in that area...) but should be able to cheese my way to top the league again.
    2 points
  12. I guess it's no surprise that episode 32 is complete filler without even the barest manga connection, and yes, it definitely feels like it's very self-aware of just how stupid this entire season and the Pegasus plot is. I also got the feeling from Mamoru's reaction in the final Trio episodes when Fish-Eye asks him why he's bothering with Usagi. Yeah Mamoru, why do you bother with SuperS Usagi? Going over the power up episodes, the only one that felt complete and properly done - disregarding the repetitive nature of the plot points used - was Ami's. She meets a reflection of her past self in her father's lake painting, and gains power through acceptance. Plus, while it was less fun than usual, it was a nicely made serious episode, and Ami doing nerd stuff is appropriate enough (plus she'd be the only one able to afford copious amounts of time on the internet in '94, not to mention that notebook, rich bastards ). Rei's power up is so hidden in clues that it's almost a blink and you'll miss it thing when she's first being a hyprocrite, talking about how being a shrine maiden is about helping others with their dreams (all the while being a miko herself, with no indication that her dream is about helping others with their dreams), and if that's not Nakoto's dream then she should not at all bother being a miko. She gets her power up by giving Nakoto her dreams back, or rather, by making her believe in her dreams again. Like a proper miko. Minako and Makoto on the other hand... are missing a scene. It should not be Artemis that simply gives them their transformation pens back. The setup was already there, they were stuck in the plant and Minako could just apologize to Makoto in the face of their, well, death, and stuff. That would be simple and effective, Minako learns to apologize and maybe take the problems of others more seriously. Giving Mako-chan her power up there would still feel a bit rushed, but it's not entirely unworkable, maybe Minako could teach her something about accepting certain things (like she accepted Alan not loving her, i.e. Makoto being more at peace with herself, even though that was also resolved in S... but hey, maybe episode 20 wasn't as easily shrugged off as it was implied). As it stands, the execution is... not only not on point, but plain bad. Made worse by how easily this could have been a really great episode for both of them, the two don't interact with each other that often. What a wasted opportunity.
    2 points
  13. You forgot the most important one of all, people should be tested before being allowed access to social media! EDIT: Ninja'd!
    2 points
  14. And on that note...no, MUST RESIST BACKSEAT WATCHING! I'm going to go watch a SuperS episode, excuse me.
    2 points
  15. Zach Snyder's Justice League Wow what a difference. Much much better than the original, though it did take me two settings to get through it.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Reminds me of a joke I might have already posted, but anyway. A mathematician, a physicist and an engineer are told that at the end of a hallway there is a large sack of money for them to collect, but they're only ever allowed to cross half the distance left towards the sack, then they have to stop, and begin again. The mathematician rightly realizes that he'll never get to the sack and doesn't try, the physicist conducts an experiment, finds out that he will never reach his goal and also quits. Meanwhile the engineer just walks up to the sack, takes it, comes back and says: "Sometimes, close enough is good enough!"
    2 points
  18. "BaseCrossbow_SEHitToCritChance" status-effect have no restrictions in attack filter so Bonus Hit to Crit applies on any source (spells, poisons, bombs) when crossbow is equipped. In my opinion, it looks like oversight and must be restricted to crossbows only, because with other weapons, which have any special effects (e.g. Sabre Bonus damage) these effects applies only for those weapons attacks. So crossbow bonus for all sources are inconsistent with rules for other weapons. Just need to add CrossbowKeyword in attack filter - simple. P.S. I'm workin' hard last weeks so i can't spent much time for modding right now, but i makin' notes of every adjustment we need to do.
    2 points
  19. After installing the most recent update i am experiencing constant game crashes every 10-15 minutes, i am playing on ps5 and have not had this problem until now
    1 point
  20. I just explained that rest bonuses to the same stat, Might, stacked with an inspiration in the case of Shark Soup but not Mohora Wraps. I'm pretty sure none of us understand this.
    1 point
  21. Sailor Stars - first arc: Much better than Super S.
    1 point
  22. I have now modded 7 Days where max chr. level is 5 (normally 300) but I get a lot of skill points each level. This is an experiment in game stage workings. I still don't really understand game stage, except that days survived + character level + many deaths vs. no deaths somehow dictates when and how often/many the harder crazy zombies start spawning all the time. I found a readable "skill book" that gave me more damage ... against humans. There are no humans in the game. I know there are going to be bandits later but what is the point of putting that in the game now? Maybe if you want to PvP (most people don't/it's not highly supported). Whatever. They updated to version 19.4 but I didn't feel like updating for tiny changes/fixes. I'll just wait for A20 instead and continue farting around with 19.3.
    1 point
  23. Hm I guess it depends on level of party. Solo it never takes me longer than 2 minutes to kill her I assume with party that would be quite a bit faster. But I also never do DLC and megabosses before level 16....
    1 point
  24. Next time you make mistake, you can be at least happy that you probably didn't make this bad mistake. EDIT: Although those millions of hours delays in shipments which this has caused and will still cause, do so much economical damage that I am not sure if this should be in Funny sfuff thread
    1 point
  25. I have been playing with my buddies alot on a save that I have been running. I always host the game and it works great when we are all on at the same time, but sometimes my buddies want to play when I'm not available. They want to play on my save because a lot of hard work has gone in to it. Would it be possible to add 24/7 squad access to the save/server. Maybe something like that Minecraft does with "realms"? I would pay for it.
    1 point
  26. Once in a while I try to go back and play Wizardry 6 again. I can't do it, those early levels are just so brutal. I have long been curious to try one of the Japanese Wizardry games. Fun fact: Wizardry was one of the biggest if not THE biggest inspirations for early jRPGs.
    1 point
  27. Only direct shock damage will increase. That includes: Lashes like Wildstrike Shock or a shocking lash on any weapon (melee or ranged doesn't matter). For example a 25% lash will increase by 20% which means 25% * 1.2 = 30% lash. spells like Relentless Storm, Nature's Terror, Jolting Touch etc. They simply do +20% dmg (base dmg + base dmg * 0.2). weapons that have shock as primary damage type. I only weapon like that is Stormcaller iirc. It doesn't matter what the second damage type is, the weapon will always do +20% damage even it it does pierce damage: base dmg + base dmg * 0.2. DoTs wouldn't increase (in cas of Scion of Flame: Dragon THrashed will not profit). I know no shocking DoT though.
    1 point
  28. Hi Love Outer Worlds and was enjoying the new DLC. Now after latest update I’m in the same position in Xbox One as other people are mentioning. Constant crashes, can’t even save without a crash. Now can’t play the game at all because of this. It’s seems unfair to pay for something that doesn’t work. Hope this gets addressed with a new patch
    1 point
  29. https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/news/37768/whats-new-in-night-city-patch-1-2-development-insight
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I've talked with several current and past Obsidian employees, all of which started out in QA which is crunch central, and they all confirmed that Obs doesn't do crunch.
    1 point
  32. Neither my computer nor my video game were bought directly from ads. My book and record collection also numbers in the thousands, and essentially none of them(*) were brought directly from ads. Buying my home also had nothing to do with ads. And so on. See? You don't know what you're talking about. Don't make ridiculous claims. You have your world, and it can be whatever it is, I'm not claiming anything about it. But please don't make untrue claims about other people's worlds. You just don't know them. (*) Essentially = there may be a few whose purchase had something to do with ads, although I can't think of any, and they are certainly less than one per cent.
    1 point
  33. You are perfectly entitled to regard yourself primarily as a consumer. But please don't assume that anyone else sees the world that way. Your claim that everything people have came from an ad is also quite obviously untrue.
    1 point
  34. Josh said the he (and others on Deadfire) were pretty bummed and burned out after Deadfire sold poorly. He also said that he didn't want to do another pillars game in the forseeable future (because PoE + Deadfire was a lot of that) - but instead tackle something smaller as director. Besides that he's the studio's design director and provides feedback on all projects so I guess half of his day is filled with meetings and such anyway. Also Avowed is and was Feagus' "baby". I guess Josh isn't so much into directing contemporaty first person RPGs - although he seemed to have enjoyed Skyrim quite a bit. However - Josh is still working on the TTRPG of PoE. Every now and then he shows some of the stuff he wrote on Twitter (last entry: Paladins of the Steel Garrote). I like what he does with it! So he's not completely off the pillars hook maybe.
    1 point
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