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5 points
"I am part of a generation which reads George Orwell for his boundless optimism and his hopeful vision of the future."4 points
3 points
On another note, I've finished up everything with the Potion of Enlightenment! It'll spawn in the following shops, one potion per inventory refill: Vendor Location Bauble The Deck of Many Things Dimesa The Treasure Trove Fetid Spray The Forgotten Sanctum Fassina / Shop Imp The Dark Cupboard Neale The Crucible The last touch is the translations for the item description, @Boeroer@Elric Galad@lewis_cb I'll publish the mod as created by the 'Obsidian Forums Community', with more specific credits in the description. Sounds good to everyone?3 points
The very first drone strike, like ever? There was also the infamous case from February 2002 where some poor Afghan farmer got droned literally because they were tall. And that's off the top of my head. Considering how much effort the US goes to to obfuscate the negative nature of its drone program- everyone killed by them is a terrorist, unless it can be proven otherwise so no civilians are killed etc- it's surprising there's even those examples, and they're only known because of the turf war to sometimes literal war by proxy, between the CIA and the military.3 points
Coincidentally I was thinking about maybe doing an interactive fiction game soon to practice JavaScript. There's a niche market for that sort of thing and I think it's possily growing. For one thing there have been four interactive fiction/ visual novels released by White Wolf recently that have been really good and I think did reasonably well saleswise (Three of them are Vampire: The Masquerade games and one is Werewolf: The Apocalyse). Also there is a woman named Emily Short who used to do a lot of old-school interactive fiction and her work was really creative. She did a story called 'Glass' which I can't describe without ruining it but was a really clever story and had a fair bit of tension in it, It's well worth playing if you want some inspiration. http://iplayif.com/?story=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ifarchive.org%2Fif-archive%2Fgames%2Fzcode%2FGlass.zblorb This is sort of off-topic but there's also been a trend in the last of couple of years about watching people, actors ect playing tabletop roleplaying games and that's really taking off like wildfire. On Twitch there's a channel called Geek and Sundry and they do loads of these but there's also Dimension 20 and White Wolf themselves produced a series called Vampire: The Masquerade - LA by Night that's really popular. I feel like there could be some overlap between people who watch those shows and play IF games (Hence the Vampire games I mentioned before) and if you wrote something compelling enough I'm sure there'd be an audience for it. I think if you're looking for things to research before you write your story then it may be worth checking a couple of these channels out. Good luck with your project, I hope you have fun with it3 points
If we're talking about modding, I just did a SC Shifter run with the Deadfire Balance Polishing mod and I think @Elric Galad it makes them an awesome choice. Making Frenzy proc on Crit and buffing entropy gave enough goodies (along with high level spells) to make it very competitive with some of the best multiclasses. I still think Helwalker/Shifter is stronger but SC is no slouch with that mod.3 points
3 points
She did a relevant Masters, but undergrad was media studies or similar, and Tropes vs Women was established in partnership with an emag, not a university or similar. She's definitely a media personality rather than an academic. I'd agree completely with Hurlshot, except for her not cashing in on the harassment. That she 100% did, how to maximise publicity and run a media campaign is one of the things she would have learnt in her communications courses.2 points
I would love to see an effect that is in line with the attribute it's attached to: Intellect. So something that only really smart characters could have/do. I thought Anti-Confusion was such a thing. Maybe there's something else that sounds "brilliant" and is cool from a mechanical point of view. I mean restorig resources is pretty cool and fits - It's just so hard to balance between casters and non-casters imo.2 points
Yes, against normal foes Gambit is great. Vanishing Strikes calls for a different playstyle, but it's also very cool. It's also true that you will only use passives and no other offensive ability then. But I find that's a problem with all classes that have a finite resource pool: Since the offensive abilites compete for the scarce ability AND resource points a player is somewhat encouraged to focus on one main attack ability. Even with MC Rogues I often only use Crippling Strike/Arterial Strike. Only if I do a DoT build I will use Arterial + Gouging Strike, Toxic Strike and Ring the Bell (because the different DoTs stack). But that's a very special case.2 points
Because the Pentagon is part of the US government, so it's not like the NSC are some random dudes off the street.2 points
And I bet you also thought that the military being subordinate to civilian authority was like, democracy 101. Heh, sucker. also, ITT: financial types wax clausewitzian on "the nature of war" lmao2 points
I want to write my own cyoa/adventure/vn. I just don't know why people would find it fun. Also what to learn to use... TWINE Sugar cube? Renpy?2 points
I didn't think "restrictions on drone strikes and commando raids" would be controversial, but here we are.2 points
Correct me it I'm wrong, but in the US, isn't the president also commander in chief of the armed forces? Why shouldn't it be his call? Edit: Ah yes, I just remembered. He is democratically elected and democracy sucks according to you when it isn't doing what you want it to and is best either disposed of or suspended until they do the "right thing" again.2 points
For the second time in less than a week I find myself giving the Biden Admin the slow clap: Pentagon Confirms Biden’s New Restrictions on Drone Strikes, Commando Raids2 points
Yeah, it's a bit ironical that she's remembered for her good looks and acting, when her contributions to the war effort completely overshadows that in what she contributed to the world. Says a few (not so nice) things about the world we live in. But then, I was always of the opinion, that you should not be judged by who you're born as, but by your actions. People shouldn't be disadvantaged, nor privileged because of some kind of birthright (or the opposite). Judge each on their own actions or lack of (the latter bit being important too). Now, enough of all those weird special minority group days... when is the privileged white male day???2 points
I hear if you use the wrong pronoun around an Antifa they turn into grammar Nazis.2 points
2 points
https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/tv-radio-web/harry-and-meghan-the-union-of-two-great-houses-the-windsors-and-the-celebrities-is-complete-1.4504502?mode=amp2 points
But do you have a lap pool? No zombie apocalypse is going to deprive me of my comforts, darnit!2 points
2 points
Hello, I have been searching for quite some time but have not been able to find how to accomplish this. I have an eye condition which makes reading white text on dark backgrounds painful. I am looking for a way to globally change the default text color, or to change the texture/color of the dialogue window. One option seems to be to override the text color of every dialogue line individually which is easy with a mass search/replace, however that seems like it may come with unintended side effects. I have found that there is an override mechanic for some UI elements/textures in Override/MyMod/GUI, but I have been unable to find a comprehensive list of what overrides exist. Is the dialogue window one of the supported textures? Any help or guidance you may be able to provide is greatly appreciated!1 point
How it is written can make a big difference. I have books where I read half a page and forgot what I read or didn't understand.... Stanislaw Lem: Fiasco is one of those books. Terry Goodking: The Sword of Truth books, on the other hand, are easy to read. My brother usually took months to read books. Theses ones he read in less than a week. I have been working on the German translation mods1 point
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/academygames/stellaris-infinite-legacy?ref=bggforums Will NumberMan finally be able to stop complaining about endgame lag and bad AI? Find out probably about a year after this project succeeds!1 point
Oh no... I posted this one a long time ago Not like the army ever really had a chance without air superiority. How do you fight an enemy like this??? https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/topics/wildlife/2016/10/on-this-day-the-emu-wars-begin/ I hope they've learned their lesson before the Chinese army shows up!1 point
am doubting it is many politicians or pundits. antifa, in spite o' being a bunch o' bumbling incompetents who think the first amendment only applies to speakers with whom they agree, put themselves on tv by doing stoopid stuff time and again. if you are william barr and donald trump and you wanna install US troops in the streets o' portland to restore law and order, well then, antifa becomes an excuse to legitimize the previously illegitimate. if the trump base storms the capitol, intent o' overturning the results o' a democratic election, then the conservative pundits need come up with an alternative narrative which the base will embrace 'cause we all know god fearing law and order trumpers wouldn't be involved in such reprehensible behaviour. antifa is real, but the antifa that politicians and pundits use to scare the base into believing the impossible is a crafted boogeyman only remote related to reality. is done purposeful and knowing. a few o' the hardcore q folks in Congress may believe such silliness, but for cruz and hawley, antifa is just a minor prop in their fear based morality play. similar... biden said the opposite o' defund the police. biden' solution were to offer more money to police departments which embraced alternative resolution approaches and counseling and other such stuff. nevertheless, trump made a campaign ad to scare old people. reality don't matter and the politicians and pundits selling the nightmares know exact what they are doing. recent cpac didn't have much discussion on policy proposals. were plenty o' talk o' cancel culture ruining america, and biden trying to turn the US into a socialist hellspot. couldn't learn much 'bout specific conservative job initiatives, but calvin coolidge nativism were repeated often at cpac 2021. the hardcore trumpers who posted in this thread before the election used images o' the coming apocalypse to describe why they were choosing trump instead o' biden, and have otherwise ordinary people buying into such fearmongering don't happen natural and organic. has been years o' effort selling fear by the alt-right radio and fox news pundits and such salesmanship were successful. the guy selling snake oil knows his product is 90% lies and 10% alcohol. so, not many. HA! Good Fun!1 point
Man it's impressive how antifa manages to live rent free in the heads of so many politicians and pundits. By all of this attention you'd think they were actively courted by a major political party who used them as security for events and militia to storm the US capital in an attempted coup.1 point
1 point
The Pathless. Completed the game. Mechanically, it is an open-world action-adventure with very light puzzle-platforming elements and boss battles. Thematically, it is two not-quite-reasonable people shouting at each other and talking to/shooting at magical animals (also the MC was climbing towers and collecting glowing emblems). The graphics and sound were stylish and fitting. The controls, while not customizable, were reasonably comfortable. In other words, the game is pretty and easy in terms of narrative and gameplay, but not anyhow ground-breaking.1 point
GOP Sen. Tim Scott says 'woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy' joy reid's comments were shameful in our estimation... but then tim scott had to go and do the double-down nonsense. "The number of arrests, for example, of racially motivated violent extremists who are what you would categorize as white supremacists, last year was almost triple the number it was in my first year as director," Wray said. The FBI director said that January 6 was not an "isolated event" and "the problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now and it is not going is a way any time soon." am admitted particular disappointed 'cause we agree there has been increasing radicalization o' the far left leading to idiots like antifa believing violence is warranted to prevent those they disagree with from protesting. am not sure we would call such increasing dangerous foolhardiness "woke supremacy," but am agreeing it is not a good trend. so we complete disagree with joy reid and we were sympathetic to what tim scott were kinda/sorta trying to say, but then then the senator from south carolina had to indulge false equivalency and channel all that white grievance which is motivating a disturbing significant % o' republican voters, purposeful abandoning the moral high ground in an attempt to exploit the smoldering indignation o' the trump base. the conservative media outlets is so far in agreement that tim scott were 100% correct. story coulda' been so much different. ten years ago and someone like joy reid says something similar and am convinced story woulda' been different. no way tim scott responds same in 2011. and if 2011 tim scot were to say same, most republicans would be at least mild uncomfortable with the statement and conservative pundits would be trying to finesse mr. scott's statement to be something... different. HA! Good Fun! ps we might be more worried 'bout antifa if they weren't consistent being outsmarted by the proud boys. is hardly coincidence the proud boys hold protests in liberal bastions and make announcements meant to inflame antifa adherents. the proud boys show up to these protests in body armour and carrying knives and guns, and when the stick wielding antifa folks show up and attack, the proud boys get to claim self defense as they stab (or worse) multiple counter protesters. add insult to injury, literal, the stabbed and hospitalized antifa folks is the individuals being arrested 'cause they attacked proud boy protesters while the proud boys go to a local bar and laugh 'bout how stoopid is all those college educated antifa dweebs. so how many times does this happen before antifa realizes maybe their tactics is needing refinement/change? if you is losing the chess match with the proud boys, how much o' a threat can you possible be?1 point
My personal opinion is that I would love the idea of getting a few ticks of Brilliant (or resource regeneration in general) every time I achieve something difficult, which I really really have to work for, and thematic / core for the class. But this is just my dreamed implementation (easy to say but hard to implement I know), I obviously don't imply that this is how it should be modded, what you guys have achieved is already incredible. For example, I wonder whether it could be interesting to make Tactician only regenerate resources every time he is not flanked but he just interrupts an action of an enemy who is flanked (interrupting the enemy recovery doesn't regenerate anything). Or for example, a beserker regens resources every time during rage when he/she crits back quickly an enemy who critted him/her. Or a ranger everytime he crits/kills 2 enemies with the same projectile (so you have to move around and sacrifice DPS to regen resources). Or a rogue every time he just dodges an attack thanks to Escape / Shadowing Beyond / etc, and every time he/she hits with an ability an enemy who he/she had previously applied 3 afflictions to. I know I know, I'll stop dreaming now do it in PoE3 pls Obsidian!1 point
1 point
It's only possible to override Item and Ability icons, not UI textures sadly. Which font color would suit you the best? Do you want to replace player dialogue options as well, or just the white text spoken by other characters? I had some success editing the Assembly-CSharp.dll to use specific hardcode font colors, for now just play responses as a proof of concept, but I think it would be possible to apply this to all conversation text if you are ok with this solution: If not, I would try to batch search/replace in the conversation stringtables like you mentioned.1 point
Sure. I think the main problem is corruption. Whatever policies or plans are adopted, somebody always ends up putting a lot of money in their own pockets and delaying everything as much as possible to keep getting more money. They also choose any options that will make that easier, instead of what would be more beneficial to the country. Look at the World Cup stadiums, for example, they ended up costing a lot more than they should and many were built in cities that would never again need a big stadium, if anyone at all. And they barely finished it in time. Also, many infrastructure constructions for the Rio 2016 Olympics were never finished. Yes, Bolsonaro was seen as an alternative, someone who could make better policies and, supposedly, fight against corruption. But the guy practices all forms of prejudice available and whatever new forms are discovered in the future, he probably is already doing it. He mocked people who looked for the remains of relatives killed during the military dictatorship (saying that only dogs look for bones), he told a congresswoman that he would never sexually assault her because she was ugly, he said he supports torture and many, many other things like this. He was never a decent guy and didn't seem care about anyone so I don't understand why people were surprised with all he has done since he became president. Although in the case of the pandemic, he went too far. Even he should know that it was a serious situation that required an appropriate response.1 point
1 point
1 point
If anyone asks me "Why?" the answer is usually "Because I want to end this conversation".1 point
Biden dogs sent back to Delaware after one bit a White House staffer. Champ and Major have been impeached! Well I guess he did what he had to do. If it had been me I think I would’ve fired the staff guy. If a dog doesn’t like you there’s something no good about you!1 point
But INT makes for a longer Unbending HoT instance, right?1 point
Forbidden Fist with max RES, Tuotilo's Palm and even better Instruments of Pain is a very defensive build - or let's say a build that doesn't get hit a lot. Indeed, one shouldn't mention it if it isn't correct. You not only could, you should. It was you who repeatedly said in the past that Disintegrate isn't that good against bosses because of their high RES and that it doesn't last long enough then. With +50% duration from enfeeblement combined with the longer duration from the -10 RES that's not longer the case. You can skip Enervating Blows which is hard to pull off against tough bosses anyway and instead get a reliable Enfeeeblement effect which even does good damage - while it makes it easier to land the stun from Stunning Surge (which then lasts a lot longer, too) in order to lower Fortitude even more in preparation of Disintegrate. Even with stuff like Whisper of Treason, Puppet Master and also Ringleader the Enfeeblement is a great tool - since you can control enemies a LOT longer (especiall in combination with DualityINT and Lingering Echoes). It's easy to punch them and then turn them into puppets for what feels like an eternity. Even cast Disintegrate on them if no hostiles are left to fight. No problem while ascended with +10 INT... Can't see how that makes "very little difference" since the difference is pretty obvious imo. But maybe it depends on playstyle. If you mainly use the Cipher side to increase your martial abilities with Borrowed Instinct and Soul Whipe etc. then it could well be that it's not worth it to have/use Forbidden Fist. But I wouldn't play a Forbidden Fist/Cipher that way. I use the Forbidden Fist to improve the Cipher casting.1 point
1 point
Yes, Hedy Lamarr is a pretty cool historical figure. Stunning actress, film producer, and co-inventor of a form of frequency-hopping spread spectrum.1 point
Don't have a historical person to note but my mom was the best person I've ever known.1 point
No, I hadn't reinstalled it since the last /format Which admittedly was a while ago. But with lockdowns time passes oddly. You come home from the supermarket a nice November afternoon, and by the time you have all the groceries stored in the pantry, it is March.1 point
1 point
I don't even know why I just watched a 4 minutes video listing minimum and maximum specs for a game, that I already know won't sweat my rig. Also I don't know how it took them 4 minutes.1 point