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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/21 in all areas

  1. Alas, Idiocracy was a documentary.
    7 points
  2. My covid test came back negative, I've just been having a long drawn out cold.
    5 points
  3. When I was younger I didn't really appreciate how utterly brilliant a comic Norm Macdonald is. I'm mad at myself for that.
    3 points
  4. For maximum viewing enjoyment play the following while viewing the gif:
    3 points
  5. I turned 29 today, but after this last year I feel 49.
    3 points
  6. This seems like a good time for the kitten update nobody requested. It fascinating to me to observe the genetic diversity that occurs even amongst siblings. Lola (Aka: Plush) is like a personification of Puss-In-Boots. She has a round face and round eyes and her body mass is soft and cuddly. Shes "my cat" and loves chilling on my lap for as long as Ill leave her there. Evie (Aka: TANK) won the genetic lotto. Shes tall, long and lean and her body mass is like holding a fruitcake, shes at least 20% larger than her sister. She has a triangular face and almond shape eyes and even her coat feels different. Shes my "wifes cat" through and through and loves to lay on her chest whenever the opportunity presents itself. I so glad that we adopted both of them.
    3 points
  7. it will divide but is based largely on right-wing imagination. show us where biden called vandals, looters, arsonists and folks who assaulted and killed a police officer with a fire extinguisher peaceful protesters. we will wait while you look. ... nothing? biden condemned the criminals but pointed out that Most o' the protesters were peaceful and should not all be condemned for the actions of a select few. converse, there were literal thousands o' people who illegal trespassed onto capitol property and many who destroyed property and attacked police. if all the trumpers had stopped at the barricades and shouted "stop the steal," then they woulda' been able to claim to be peaceful protesters. at the very least, the thousands who broke the law should face the same condemnation as the vandals and looters received from biden during the summer protests, no? https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-biden-condemn-violence/fact-check-joe-biden-has-condemned-violent-protests-in-the-last-three-months-idUSKBN25V2O1 am knowing reuters ain't zerohedge, but... so, am calling bull. were there some lefties saying the violence and criminality during the summer protests were justified? yup. bad on them. we don't agree even if we sympathize with the anger and rage. however, biden and many others consistent condemned violence and criminality whenever it occurred. bs HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  8. You are correct. Calling this a coup is dressing it up as something it wasn't. It was a bunch of people whipped into a frenzy and then directed at a target. Most of them will end up getting arrested and be made to suffer on kind of justice or another. Unfortunately the guy that lit the dynamite and threw it is going to get away with it. Trump REALLY should have been removed over this.
    3 points
  9. obvious reason to do so is precedent. fact there is only a few days left in the administration should not preclude some kinda meaningful response to the excesses of this Presidency. first ever President disqualified after a second impeachment? will be historic relevant. meaningful more in future than today. trump will be the answer to trivia questions and multiple choice civics exams 'bout the only two-time impeached president. 100 years from now school kids will have difficulty recalling why john quincy adams was a President of significance, but they will likely know trump and they will know for infamy. is also a possible misunderstanding regarding trump popularity and disqualification. trump is popular in many parts of the country. trump current has zero chance o' being reelected as President four years from now (situation can change,) but he could win as a Congressman from florida. be denied this possibility would be significant. whatever ego boost trump gets from being victimized by democrats AND republicans (as we noted, this won't work political w/o republicans) as he is shown the door and excluded from the political process, it will be equal emasculating to be kicked out of washington... forever. ultimate indignity. trump has always railed 'gainst being excluded from the old money elites o' ny society who always treated him little better than the serving staff. excluded is not something trump handles well. a final indignity to a President who lost house, lost senate and lost Presidency? trump is gonna play the victim role regardless. might as well give him something to genuine cry 'bout and doing so would be precedent setting. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  10. I wholeheartedly agree. And to note, the parts in those stories about Arcanum were explicitly stated as being speculation/wishful thinking. And if I were to bet, I would put my money on an original IP. With respect to future inXile games, though, I personally hope they will consider going back to the Numenera setting and IP and create a new game there that is properly funded and supported.
    2 points
  11. A friend send me this one and it took me a moment to get it:
    2 points
  12. Not me!! I freely lower the difficulty level, sometimes for the whole game, and have no ego invested in trying to deny it or hide it. My RL is complicated, challenging, and often not fun at all. My video games are my escape and liberation from my RL. As such, I don't need frustration or aggravation in my games, and challenge only to the extent it is fun for me.
    2 points
  13. freaking robots can dance better than me
    2 points
  14. Iguana escapes fire by jumping on Corby fireman's helmet - BBC News
    2 points
  15. Garlic mate. Garlic against HIV. And beetroot. From your former minister of health. So, rare? Heh, not really.
    2 points
  16. I have a hard time seeing this as an attempted coup ... because if that was, then this must have been the dumbest attempt at a coup ever. Like, man, you gotta seize media centers and military bases and other important infrastructure ... trying to hold capitol hill is figuratively just a hill to die on. This is pure, lazy dumbness.
    2 points
  17. you are asking for a reasonable answer from people who willing joined a mob? the stolen election narrative ain't reasonable, but more than 100 million americans believe such stoopid. georgia handcounts complete undermine the dominion machine conspiracy, but how many people insist on perpetuating such nonsense? seth rich? reasonable is not relevant if you are questioning motives. @Guard Dog and others has discussed the lost cause mentality and the motivations o' the confederacy is endless debated when the civil war is discussed. nathan bedford forrest and james longstreet both fought for the confederacy, but their motivations were extreme different. The Confederacy were wrong, and slavery were/is integral and unavoidable linked to perpetuation o' the lost cause myth, but try and distill the perception on the ground o' the confederacy is impossible. a soldier from virginia and a plantation owner from south carolina and James Longstreet might have been equal devoted to the confederate cause, but their reasons for doing so woulda' been different and even impossible to align. those involved in the january 6 mob were all wrong, but they were wrong unique. some kinda generalized perception on the ground is an unnecessary rabbit hole even if it will be debated endless. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  18. My concern is with the precedent it sets, in combination with the international image it projects. With more effort and determination they clearly could have succeeded. Next time we may not be so lucky. I think an example needs to be made of the leaders to serve as a deterrent.
    2 points
  19. Say what you will about the MAGA marauders, but it really takes dedication to keep up the anti-mask stance to the point of publicly broadcasting their identity as they commit crimes that could land them in prison for decades.
    2 points
  20. Microsoft is taking over AAA RPG territory. InXile is working one one as well apparently. Is there even money in it? Unless it’s Skyrim? EDIT. According to fairly reliable leaker it’s First Person RPG aim UE5. Fallout-like to Obsidian’s ElderScrolls like? On a definitely positive note, outside Deathloop Arcane is cooking something else. Another immersive sim I would hope, looking at who is involved:
    2 points
  21. I've just a released a small mod that replaces recycled icons in Deadfire with unused icons from Pillars of Eternity. Screenshots of all new icons are available on the Nexus mod page. Hope you enjoy it!
    1 point
  22. does vegas have a line on how long it takes before trump complete undermine his recent released taped video statement by tweeting something idiotic? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  23. Well I assume they were trying to disrupt the proceedings. But then it's an army of idiots overdosing on testosterone so they clearly didn't think it through very well. What they potentially could have done is take congress-people hostage, prevent a peaceful transfer of power, and justify Trump declaring martial law. &c.
    1 point
  24. Kevin Sorbo gives excellent summary what actually happened
    1 point
  25. Maybe not, but isometric games in their portfolio is the pinnacle of their creation. Not to mention, that open world skyrim clones are released all the time, and isometric stuff is ignored, despite having pretty big fanbase... If you choose the correct setting for your game ofc...
    1 point
  26. I heard one of the rioters was a Texas lawyer. His boss saw his picture on the Internet and fired him. You can’t even break into the capital and get away with it these days!
    1 point
  27. Sigh, so they purchased the best Isometric Western RPG studios and made them make Skyrim Clones *sighs* sadpanda.jpg
    1 point
  28. Today was unusually productive. I got up early checked my work email and saw nothing had come in. Had black coffee cottage cheese and strawberries for breakfast. Re-checked email still no work. Then I gave Sunny a bath and cleaned her ears. Fed Sunny and the chickens. Then I ordered all the seeds for this year‘s garden. And following such a hectic morning schedule I felt like I deserved a nap. When I got up I rechecked my work email and still no work and come in. So then I sat on the front porch and read a book. It’s a pretty good thing I don’t actually care about my job right now. Because we’re so damn slow I’d be terrified I’d be about to lose it
    1 point
  29. ^ I watched the first season of GoT, because I read the first book, and enjoyed it enough in that regard. Watched one or two episodes of the 2nd season, rapidly lost interest and am unlikely to ever watch the rest at this point. Which is pretty much what happened with the books as well. I think hubby watched two seasons. :)
    1 point
  30. Not only have I not watched Game of Thrones, I have no plans to do so.
    1 point
  31. I did a thing! It's funny because it's Waukeen's Promenade combined with Queen's Berth. Oh, also, it does things. Check the mod page description, and then you can check in-game what each merchant sells, or check here. I added the file if you don't want to register at Nexus. I am open for suggestions as to things merchants should or shouldn't sell. Here's how it looks right now. Hunter (reagents) Osa (food ingredients, alcohol) Rebero (gems, jewelry, wardstones) Cobbler (various shady stuff, unguents and potions) Wanika (scrolls and tools) Waukeen's Berth.rar
    1 point
  32. ICYMI, I released a mod that turns unique per-rest bonuses into permanent ones so you don't have to be locked into a no-rest run to collect them. Here's the link to the Nexus mod page. Enjoy!
    1 point
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