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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/20 in all areas

  1. Whichever game Obsidian is bringing out, has a new(ish) forum section for and this new user meant to post in I don't know. I just troll these boards, I don't keep up with the game.
    3 points
  2. I imagine I'll probably go my entire life without a candidate or party to believe in.
    3 points
  3. Can we have bugs that aggro longer or don't runaway & get their health back? As an archer trying to fight bugs by keeping my distance it gets quite irritating when an insect full recovers every few moments. For example, running around a shrub while a ladybug tries to ram you is effective, until they lose aggro and fully recover. This game isnt archer/long distance friendly if everytime the player walks a few CM away the insect gets full health. Why not just have a hurt bug keep its hurt health????
    3 points
  4. Taking a break from political angst to post a couple things about the day. First, glad you're still among the land of the living and not abducted and sold into bondage, Hurlshot. Okay, so I bought Fantasy Grounds and the DMG, PHB, and MM modules to load into it for my niece. She's excited. I find playing with her kind of a pain, but I'll do it if she really wants. My 5th edition campaign with my main group is going very well and FG is wonderful. Second, I thought I lost my green folder I use for all my patient info. Home health pays a lot more and it's a lot more flexible than the hospital, but it's extremely nerve wracking to have patient info in my house. I'm very careful with the folder, but I have to chart at home and I was kind of sweating bullets for a few minutes. I can hardly wait until I take my boards and start being an NP. I'll work urgent care or some such. Less strenuous and stressful, I think. Being a provider means dealing with things like liability and getting a DEA number and whatnot, so maybe it will still be stressful, but I have high hopes.
    3 points
  5. I asked for the address, claiming I get lost easily. It was my dentist! The pic was his wife with a different hair color. He has 2 numbers apparently, because I already had him in my phone. Weird. Probably a bit anticlimactic, sorry.
    3 points
  6. recommendation: more people have heard of it as 'posed to seen it and context may be required as black & white gives false impression o' age o' the film. 1961. were a film 'bout the nuremberg trials, but were purposeful a criticism o' mccarthyism and red scare. used parallels to reveal hard truths. (don't watch the following if you have never seen the movie and have any serious thought 'bout doing so.) *chuckle* we recent included a bit o' latin to make a point in the politics thread: inter arma enim silent leges. occurred to us after we made the post, ds9 used the phrase as an episode title. is all star trek. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  7. Sucks that it happened, try to make the best of the day and don't let it bring you down. You still have him.
    2 points
  8. muslim ban. btw, Here are the prominent Republicans backing Biden politically we got far more in common with mitt romney than bernie sanders or even joe biden. and a more bipartisan list which should be compelling or at least thought provoking. STATEMENT BY FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTORS HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  9. Actually, I agree with the idea. I *am* afraid of Trump. I think he's petty, small-minded, and dangerous. I just fear him less than the alternative. Virtually all my life, I have voted for the thing I believe. I have voted *for* something. Over the past several years, I've started voting *against* politicians. On the other hand, having the leftists accuse me of being a hypocrite, a charge so rich with irony, only makes me sure my path is righteous. :huge grin:
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Yes, but you wrote "I also appreciate the red herring of right wing militia being the source of crime and murder in our country. Sure. I mean, I have no doubt the folks here are certain of that fact. ". Which would be true if anyone had said that there was only source of crime and that right wing militia or as quoted white supremacists were it. No one here has said as much, the remark about BLM/Antifa is due to some members here seeing Antifa or BLM as The Great Satan.
    2 points
  12. In my circles, very. But I'm a horror/sci-fi/internet geek so I'm not sure if that means much. Evil Dead 2 is one of the (several) films my old friend made me watch, bringing over her VHS copy of it. I laughed like a loon. Then we saw Evil Dead1. Then Maniac Cop and Mindwarp even Moontrap. Pretty much everything else from the 80's/90's we could see/rent (she also became a huge Raimi fan). I watched some episodes of Burn Notice because Bruce was in it. Like Hurlshot, I also have the Chins book and I even watched "My Name Is Bruce."
    2 points
  13. is curious how discriminating an appeal for compassion may be given the ideology o' the individual pleading for understanding. exclude any you fear? well that's not very christian. is also curious how the the discrimination (denotative) ignores what is the cautions from experts on domestic threats. @Maedhros linked what is conclusions from dhs, conclusions which has been annual carbon copy identifications o' "white supremacist extremists" as the most worthy o' the Domestic Violent Extremists label. ‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism "Since 9/11, white supremacists and other far-right extremists have been responsible for almost three times as many attacks on U.S. soil as Islamic terrorists, the government reported. From 2009 through 2018, the far right has been responsible for 73% of domestic extremist-related fatalities, according to a 2019 study by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). And the toll is growing. More people–49–were murdered by far-right extremists in the U.S. last year than in any other year since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995." those domestic violent extremists deserve our compassion and understanding. talk to them. 'course if you are a member o' blm... worse, if you are o' the same religion as isis terrorists, compassion is in short supply. those white supremacists dhs says oro should be more concerned 'bout is almost universal evangelical christian. as a matter o' fact, white supremacist religious fundamentalism is core to their beliefs and hate o' the adherents o' other religions such as papists and jews. much as islamic fundamentalists pervert the teachings o their faith so that it has for them a meaning complete different than more moderate believers o', so to do white supremacists use christianity to excuse their utter disregard for christian teachings. if the muslim faith produces existential fear in oro and others 'cause o' the actions o' the fundamentalists who has hijacked the core tenets o' the religion, then the pass christianity gets in spite o' the more immediate and likely danger from white supremacists is not rational. is in fact, bigotry. Editorial: 75 years later, looking back at The Times’ shameful response to the Japanese internment “This is war. And in wartime, the preservation of the nation becomes the first duty. Everything must be subordinated to that. Every necessary precaution must be taken to insure reasonable safety from spies and saboteurs so that our armed forces can function adequately and our industrial machinery may continue to work free from peril.” And this: “The time has come to realize that the rigors of war demand proper detention of Japanese and their immediate removal from the most acute danger spots. It is not a pleasant task. But it must be done and done now. There is no safe alternative.” And this, a year or so later, when some people were calling for the release of those who had been interned: “As a race, the Japanese have made for themselves a record for conscienceless treachery unsurpassed in history. Whatever small theoretical advantages there might be in releasing those under restraint in this country would be enormously outweighed by the risks involved.” japanese internment were popular. in fact, a gallup poll at the time had better than 50% of respondents saying that even after the conflict with japan were ended, those interned japanese should not be allowed to return to their homes. is no surprise trump and barr is using the language o' insurrection to describe blm protesters. it worked in 1942 because people were afraid. korematsu has been been the most consistent derided SCOTUS decision since dred scott. nevertheless, the trump administration attempted to use it as authority for their early attempts at a muslim ban. so make the same mistake and surrender to fear. inter arma enim silent leges in 2016 it were non-american muslims and immigrants from beyond our southern border who generated panic and fear in the trump base. this year is radical democrats and blm supporters. how much longer before we run out of people not part o' the trump base who is worthy o' oro's discriminating sense o' compassion? HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  14. Well, good that it wasn't some elaborate plan to assassinate/kidnap you
    2 points
  15. I definitely agree there NEEDS to be improvements to the enjoyment of Archery Combat ... Fighting with a bow is a completely experience, and should be treated as such. It shouldn't be just to pop a quick shot off at something to force it to charge you ... Archery is about Hunting, Stalking, being smarter than your prey. There's nothing about hitting something in the face with a Mallet that says "Being Smarter Than Your Prey". That's all about having a bigger Mallet. also .... I would really love if bugs kept their damage for a bit so that when an area becomes over populated ... I can lob in a Gas Arrow, wait till it runs out and lob another .... till the population is more in check.
    2 points
  16. Hi, I have problem I can't Load saved game, after choose character and go to Loading page, game is force closed please help
    1 point
  17. I'm sure that spiders are already nightmare fuel for most players, however as there are already wolf spiders and spiderlings in the game I wanted to make a suggestion. Wolf spiders in real life are known for carrying their young on their backs. If it's not too complicated of a mechanic, I feel that it could make for a good "broodmother" boss to have a mother wolf spider with her babies in tow. Two options could work for this. 1.) When the mother dies, a swarm of spiderlings are released (10 ish to reduce lag despite them usually being 100s). 2.) When the mother takes damage, 1-3 spiderlings pop off her back. Keep up the great work Obsidian!
    1 point
  18. I see. The config files are in weird location and seeing something like this just drives me nuts. You can find the location here: Xbox App: C:\Users\[Your username]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Maine_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Local\Maine\Saved\Config\WinAnvil Steam: C:\Users\[Your username]\AppData\Local\Maine\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor Hope that helps
    1 point
  19. Well, I think taming is a dumb idea, this ain't Pokemon
    1 point
  20. “The supposed canons of GOP orthodoxy—limited government, free enterprise, institutional conservation, moral rectitude, fiscal restraint, global leadership—have in recent years gone from elastic to expendable.” the problem for us is that we remain a traditional conservative save for our libertarian streak insofar as personal freedoms enshrined in the Constitution. am hardly able to recognize the republican party o' 2020. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  21. Ah, but you see, Romney isn't unilaterally loyal to Trump in every aspect of his life both personal and political. I would not be particularly surprised to hear that this would necessitate Romney also being an extreme leftist that is a part of the mercurial "forces of chaos", too...especially given how frequently Biden himself is labeled as a "radical leftist" (lmao, radical leftists wish!) by the same sort of partisan hacks.
    1 point
  22. Whatever. So, in other news, I was thinking of something about Klacik running Maryland 7. First of all, I don't believe she'll win. This is pie in the sky territory for Republicans. Yeah, I think she's doing a good job of it, but some districts are just plain off limits to one side or the other. They can be switched, but that's a lightning strike. Stupid to bet on it. If I'm wrong and it *does* turn Republican, it's going to be early, and that will be a devastating sign for the Democrats. We're talking wave election territory. Anyhow, along those lines, I think the Democrats might want to throw extra money at the race. Not because I think they're in danger, but because it *is* an early race. I'd run up the score as high as possible. Don't just beat her, but have another blowout at ~75 to 25%. I think that's about how badly she got beat last time. That could actually serve to discourage voters who hear the results from Maryland in other states where voting isn't closed. Is it enough to make a huge dent? Of course not, but if this is anything like last election, fractions of a percent will make the difference. This is a high profile race and you can count on the media hitting the story hard if Klacik loses, which they consider preordained. On the other hand, I think she's been a net benefit to the ticket, but not because she'll win. She provides outreach to minority voters and helps encourage white voters to get off their assess and head to the polls.
    1 point
  23. I believe thats all the stuff u need to build the blueprints u have placed
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. https://www.businessinsider.com/cohen-trump-hired-obama-lookalike-to-humiliate-in-video-2020-9?r=US&IR=T
    1 point
  26. You'd only have to fire them, not build them. Debonaire/Beguiler with single handed pistol (+modal) is not bad. Scordeo's Trophy with Opening Barrage and Critial Shot, Eccea's Arcane Blaster for backup. Charm enemies and get 100% crit conversion against them (also for Disintegrate). If you shoot charmed enemies you won't get focus, but the crit dmg from Scordeo's is usually very nice. It's also very nice to later use Ringleader ad shoot some of the charmed enemies while the dominated one attacks them afterwards. Rogue/Sharpshooter with Red Hand. Assassin/Bleak Walker with Dragon's Dowry, Ring of Focused Flames and Ring of the Marksman. Ascendant or Ascendant/Helwalker with Kitchen Stove's (Thunderous Report). Usually instant ascension after Thunderous Report. Shared Nightmare also embiggens the cone of Thunderous Report - as does Healker's Duality of Mortal Presence (INT) Bloodmage/Bleak Walker with Blightheart. Eternal Devotion and the Blightheart corrosion lash not only stack on gunshopts but also on spells which is awesome. All buffs includng heals can be prolonged (endlessly as long as enemies are there) via Wall of Draining. Bloodmage/Black Jacket with 4 weapon sets full of blunderbusses. Cast Combusting Wounds and then unload all blunderbusses on enemies.
    1 point
  27. You seem to be using the wrong quotation mark character in the first line, try changing from “GameDataObjects”: [ to "GameDataObjects": [ ____ "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.ItemComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "IconTextureSmall": "gui/icons/items/consumable/potion_of_deleterious_s.png", "IconTextureLarge": "gui/icons/items/consumable/potion_of_deleterious_l.png", }] I'm not certain how permissive Obsidian is at loading JSON, but it's good in general to leave out the trailing comma of the last line of an array or object. Like this: "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.ItemComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "IconTextureSmall": "gui/icons/items/consumable/potion_of_deleterious_s.png", "IconTextureLarge": "gui/icons/items/consumable/potion_of_deleterious_l.png" }] ____ { "$type": "Game.GameData.ConsumableGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "L4_Potion_of_imperfect_arcane_reflection", [...] } You'll also need commas after each GameDataObject end bracket (except the last one): { "$type": "Game.GameData.ConsumableGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "L4_Potion_of_imperfect_arcane_reflection", [...] }, Hope that does it!
    1 point
  28. I really liked the first three episodes of Raised by Wolves. If the show can bring some surprises and keep the quality it's gonna be good. The first three of The Boys season 2 however left me disappointed. Not that they were bad, but I need more right now.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I've been building an Entire Lilliput Village in the backyard .... at this point .... "Start a new Save Game" .... is about the same as telling me ... "Go find another Game to Play" Also .... I'm still on the Original Save from the first time I loaded the game on Release Day Game Day 577 so far ... my Save Loads ... and nothing has been added that has destroyed/changed any of my buildings ... benefits of building in odd places ...
    1 point
  31. the problem is those conclusions have been consistent for years and years. last year and year before are unlikely to be any more meaningful than this year. would have been more curious if this year were sudden reaching a different conclusion. but yeah, given how this administration handles bad press, or any failure to embrace the administration narrative, it would hardly be a surprise if multiple people lost jobs. 'course administration folks also lose their jobs for spreading the same lies as the President and william barr. two spokespersons at the fda recent took the hit for the premature convalescent plasma announcement. is possible two political appointee with no medical backgrounds concocted the convalescent plasma announcement and managed to snooker the head o' the fda and the President into championing the news immediate previous to the start o' the rnc. likely? is refreshing to know there is still folks in the executive branch who is diligent doing their jobs regardless o' the possible consequences. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  32. well good for you I play on xbox so you must pc so you must have better timing with perfect blocking I'm not judging the way you play I'm just telling my part of my exsperences But back to the topic every big bug dose regenorate they're health when they run away it kinda sucks when you got them more than haft they're health gone it kinda sucks that when they run away all that work you did is now lost it just gets irritating.
    1 point
  33. i hope it's just aphids
    1 point
  34. there's nothing in there that talks about taming. Most of the taming requests were for riding insects and having spiders follow you like puppies. Why create rumors? All it says is pet aphids, they could be tamed to be pets i guess. but it doesn't list specifics, so who knows. And i doubt they'll be able to do much, other than follow you around and annoy you with their little chirps.
    1 point
  35. there's going to be taming its going to be in the next few up dates here hers a link what's going to be updated :https://grounded.obsidian.net/feature-board
    1 point
  36. I finished Wasteland 3 for real this time Maybe not for real, for real but real enough as no cheating was involved.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. I've been rewatching this cool new show called Star Trek: The Next Generation. Don't judge me.
    1 point
  39. i had to do similar. i had auto saves going back to July and wouldn't let me do a manual save. removing all the old saves (i left the last 2 just in case) fixed that for me. didn't change the save rate though. i like how that is, just gotta remember to delete old.
    1 point
  40. I don't know, but we don't need to worry:
    1 point
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