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  1. am now 51, so might be more appropriate to identify as menopausal. HA! Good Fun!
    4 points
  2. 2016 was a presidential election. This cycle is presidential also. I'm not obfuscating anything Grom. You can ridicule and disparage me all you want. Really, I won't hold a grudge. I won't. ...And I don't have time to get into a multi-post flame war. So, I'll leave it stand at this: you don't help your cause. Seriously, you don't. Harangue me on here and get some likes and be board royalty. All good. Your pugnacious manner, as Bruce likens it, is wonderful and undoubtedly gives you street cred here, but it's not an effective political tool. I mean, you need to have some people doing it, but it's overdone in the aggregate and the returns aren't merely diminishing, they're negative. That's an observation, not an argument. Folks here probably don't understand that very well or, if they do, they certainly don't act like it. HoonDing's posts are generally beneath my contempt and certainly beneath my response, but I don't mind crazy assed trawling posts. The more people talk like HoonDing, the more stock rises for my position with the only people who matter... voters. By and large, this is true for your statements also by now. Keep at it. Now, I don't want to be meanspirited to you, Grom. Heaven knows, you're a big guy and I don't want you to kick sand in my face. Console yourself getting some good licks on me, but pointed personal attacks like yours are really the only hope Trump has to win. Luckily, the left has been providing plenty of such arguments. Trump certainly isn't going to stay in office by the strength of his rhetoric. Anyhow, I promise to read your harangue when you post it. I won't reply, but I look over your Philippics with a smile. P.S. Comparing the chaos of Trump's policy decisions with the chaos and rioting of the "resistance movement" is either completely jaded or foolhardy. Either way, Trump hate has been built into the model already. Hate might win the day against Trump, but if it does, he's already lost. Piling on doesn't help your cause.
    4 points
  3. am hoping you are happy as playing the video made one o' our dogs go nuts. side note, seeing the length o' the dog's nails, we couldn't help but think the poor dog were complete misunderstood. so cute to see him/her playing and yodeling, but were actual a desperate cry for a walk. also, unless is a rescue situation, cannot imagine us ever owning a beagle. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  4. “Indeed we can think of no better example of the police power, which the Founders denied the national government and reposed in the states, than the suppression of violent crime and vindication of its victims.”-- J. Rehnquist, us v morrison (2000) we almost invariably claim Justices are misidentified as republican or democrat. Justices follow legal philosophies which kinda/sorta mesh in some places with party philosophy, but that is frequent not the case. J. Scalia, for example, considered by many to be a pro-republican Justice, were the Court's most ardent defender o' 4th amendment protections, making it more difficult for cops to investigate and for da to criminalize. however, rehnquist... "as an aside, J. Rehnquist were always our prime example o' a dangerous Justice. no Justice active during our lifetime has received as much Gromnir vitriol as did Rehnquist. Scalia and Rehnquist were both "conservative" Justices and frequent they voted the same. even so, they occupied diametric opposed positions on our personal scale o' Justice approval." gromnir, feb 2016. rehnquist were a transparent political creature and even he had no stomach for the kinda nonsense you saw in portland. send in military is a state decision. period. worse, while oro and bruce may be forgiven for being unaware o' the law, every single US senator knew. even if they convinced self that somehow sending militarized fed police to portland to exacerbate the violence there were a good thing, they knew what were being done were unconstitutional. without a specific request from governor or state legislature (and not just a single pro-fed legislator) sending fed police to suppress violence is unconstitutional. end of story. period. this is not a gray area kinda issue. not even close. HA! Good Fun! ps what william barr did to legitimize the fed police/troop presence were to claim the protesters were insurrectionists, trying to overthrow the government o' the United States of America. don't even get us started if you are gonna try and sell that bit o' mularkey.
    3 points
  5. If you are still for some reason not sold on Marvel’s Avengers here is the real game seller. Game might look a bit shallow, but monetisation seem to have complexity rivalling your average cRPG systems. I think I will need a guide for that. if you prefer, here is Jim Sterling yapping on the matter.
    3 points
  6. I wonder if Trump actually believes in anything? I think Bill Weld nailed it in '16 when he called Trump a showman. Everything he says and does is an act in a performance. A cynical attempt to use appeals to fear and nostalgia mixed with braggadocio as a sales pitch for a product he would never buy himself. Strip that away and it leaves you wondering why he bothered. He has not had any consistent governing theme like most past Presidents. He has been unpredictable and more often than not he is in his own way. I think he climbed the mountain just because it was there. And, just a guess here, is less invested in getting reelected than we'd think. After all, he can't be removed from the history books now.
    3 points
  7. Muslim ban, crotch grabbing, cheating on his wife, bullying, corruption...it all pales against the fact that he eats his steaks well done, with ketchup. (Only slightly joking): https://www.eater.com/2017/2/28/14753248/trump-steak-well-done-ketchup-personality
    3 points
  8. If Muslim ban doesn't do it for you, maybe **** grabbing will? I don't understand how anyone can vote for a guy who talks like that.
    3 points
  9. Absolutely not. The US military is neither trained in or equipped to handle non-violent crowd dispersal. The only way the military could stop a riot or a protest as to turn everybody in it into corpses. That is its function, that is its equipment, that is it’s training and it’s purpose. It is not a weapon to be turned against the American citizens. to quote Bruce Willis in a movie from a few years back the military is not a scalpel it is a broadsword
    2 points
  10. Africa declared free of polio in ‘milestone’
    2 points
  11. My base is in the exact same place I have the same issue I currently created the automated ant control system A.A.C.S basically I have set 10 to 12 lure traps surrounded by spike traps and covered the entrance with traps the idea is to offset there spawn rate by the trap death rate seems to have somewhat stabilized my game I use gas arrows on the gnats they drop in a few seconds I hope this is helpful until they have a fix. I am on day 321 second world I ever started I don't intend to leave it anyone with questions or needing other tips or so can message me repeatrepeater just like here. Thanks obsisian for the best game ever!!!!!!
    2 points
  12. we would note the predictable whataboutism from the trumpers... oh wait, we just did. the thing to keep in mind about the non-response to our muslim ban challenge is that trump's success isn't 'cause 30% o' the country believes his horseh!t and gaslighting. what trump is really selling is salvation and freedom from guilt. 30% o' the country is angry they has been made to feel guilty about agreeing with muslim bans. you got a family struggling to survive from paycheck-to-paycheck, and they see on tv how they is s'posed to feel guilty 'bout their white privilege? . uneducated doesn't mean you are worthless, but such folks has been made to feel that way for a long time. is more than a few smarty arse yankees who try and make southerners and midwesterners feel guilty about overt displays o' their faith. etc. god help us all, but trump secured the republican nomination with his muslim ban promise. every other republican candidate condemned trump's muslim ban. with the muslim ban, trump legitimized the 30%. trump was the first major Presidential candidate since nixon (*snort*) who genuine spoke to the 30%. trumpers will put up with anything from him, 'cause just like elmer gantry, what he is selling is salvation. jesus forgives your sins, and so too does trump. trumpers will follow him to hell and back because he is the one who is making it possible to breathe again in america, to blame immigrants for disappearing jobs and crime, to repudiate islam and homosexuality and blm. trump is making it possible for the silent majority (maybe 30% o' the country) to stand tall and proud and brandish their guns and cast away their masks. can we get an amen? HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  13. oh, and ad hominems are swell and peachy and fine from a logic stand point unless you use in place of argument. suggesting your fail o' an argument makes you meme worthy is not a logic fail. if you don't wanna be meme worthy, don't post meme worthy. most folks really don't understand logic fallacies. again, the president Promised a muslim ban. he attempted to implement a muslim ban. the Courts struck down the first two iterations o' the muslim ban. you and @MedicineDan do not get to pretend like the muslim ban were never promised and made part o' multiple executive orders 'cause the Court had more sense and wisdom than trump and his supporters. "The dissent's reference to Korematsu, however, affords this Court the opportunity to make express what is already obvious: Korematsu was gravely wrong the day it was decided, has been overruled in the court of history, and—to be clear—'has no place in law under the Constitution. '"--J. Roberts sotomayor used a hammer, but roberts got in a not so subtle swipe at trump as the lawyers for the prez had actual used korematsu as support for their earlier muslim ban attempts. oh, and NEVER use "most americans" as the basis for legitimizing an Unconstitutional action. the whole point o' the Constitution is it is a bar on the tyranny o' the masses. the aforementioned internment of Japanese during ww2 was overwhelming approved by americans. not all trump voters are florida man meme, buth you are not helping. edit: ok, this part is kinda funny and am sure most forget. one o' the attempted muslim bans tried to ban all immigrants from select islamic nations, with the exception o' christians. *chuckle* HA! Good Fun! ps so far we are getting typical trumpster gaslighting, telling us not to look behind the curtain. still haven't seen a defense o' the promised muslim ban. somehow try to convince us we didn't see what we saw is cute and all, but am looking to see the defense o' the promised muslim ban, and why anybody o' conscience would support a candidate who made such a promise.
    2 points
  14. Chelsea Clinton says she wants her 'white children of privilege' to 'erode that privilege I call BS. She could erode their "privilege" right now. Sell everything you have, take all your money and donate it to charity, go pay rent in a run down apartment is some sh--ty suburb and get a job at Dollar General. Put your kids in public schools, charge up your credit cards because your basic expenses exceed your income and die young and in debt. See, privilege is gone and you are living the dream. No doubt her hids will thank her for eroding their privilege.
    2 points
  15. the old IE games: the same sentence in PoE/Deadfire: Prose and flowery language can be nice and I do like the indulgence at times (Grieving Mother in PoE), but sometimes less really is more.
    2 points
  16. Solasta coming to Steam EA in fall
    2 points
  17. Half walls and floors would be nice, buildings should be able to clip through naturally generated structures such as the oak tree and the big fences to give more freedom in building. also acorn walls and floors, and more floor options like a clover floor would be great.
    1 point
  18. How about some kind of mutation that gives night vision for exploring those creepy anthills and dark passages without needing a torch?
    1 point
  19. In terms of ships, generally speaking: Argon - The Mario of ships, decent all around. Teladi - Slow, well armored and shielded, tons of cargo space. Paranid - Quite good overall but very expensive. Split - Fast, lots of firepower, poorly armored and shielded.
    1 point
  20. You got mixed up some stuff. Raedric is the lord of Gilded Vale and surroundings and has nothing to do with Readceras. Readceras was the nation the Dyrwood was at war with during the Saints War (the war Edér fought in - where Eothas marched as Waidwen against the Dyrwood, leading the Readceran army). In order to get the support of the Readceran Pathfinders you must resolve the Iron Flail quest in the White March II expansion in a certain peaceful way.
    1 point
  21. Regardless of which starting scenario you choose scan a station, any station, and eventually you'll come across a data leak which will get you started on the main story. Beyond that, you can do whatever you want. You'll probably want to make some credits and raise your standing with some factions. Do some trading, fight enemies in a faction's sector, or do some missions (you can find missions on your map, they tend to pop up at stations). You can get more missions from data leaks. Sometimes people on stations will also give missions. Generally my main goal very early on is just to get a halfway decent ship and equip it well and to get good rep with 1 faction. Also, do the full loop around the main superhighway. That will introduce you to many of the main factions.
    1 point
  22. I'm back to La-Mulana 2 after an extended layoff. This is my 3rd stint with the game. As much as I love the game, and I do, I have to take breaks from it because it's so difficult and it gets frustrating. It was the same way with the first game. I get stuck trying to figure out where to go and what to do. The game has tons of puzzles with cryptic riddles and clues to find. It can be really hard to figure out what a certain mural or inscription is pertaining to. I refuse to look up a walkthtough, so it's slow going. All the while I'm dying to traps, platforming, and enemies.
    1 point
  23. So far the technical issues of Wasteland 3 appear to be thankfully limited for me. I'm not sure the resetting camera zoom on events is a technical issue, it probably is a brain dead design decision. Whenever you talk to someone or an event happens the camera snap zooms up close, which isn't the issue, it just stays like that afterwards. Which is supremely annoying for me as I always play zoomed out to the max. My biggest issue is how the hard skill checks turned the game from a save scumming fest into a metagaming fest of the worst kind. I find myself on the cusp of running back and forth to my Ranger HQ to swap characters in and out of my squad simply to meet skill checks in dialogues. It's... ridiculous. Oh, I know I could simply accept that my squad can't handle every potential situation but that's the mindset of quitters (and my brain just doesn't work that way).
    1 point
  24. More Dark Souls 2 again, after little bit of struggle to keep alive my summon partner or noticing, that one head already fallen off :D, I was able to finish Duke's Dear Freja in 4th attempt. Getting to her, was this time much easier, when you know where the mobs are hiding, but I've still managed to die few times The fight is little bit over 4 minutes long.
    1 point
  25. Playing NieR Automata, made it through the second ending (Ending B) and now working through the third chapter. Been a while since anything has sucked me in like this, and that even despite that mechanically this game isn't exactly my shtick...
    1 point
  26. I am 100 % the same as you....and Im very excited about DA 4
    1 point
  27. I see where you're coming from, but I can infer from the actions of said governors that they would not request help for purely political reasons. They supported the BLM rioters until the protest came to their front yard, then they ordered the police to protect them. Erstwhile citizens who are suffering and don't care for bureaucracy will blame Trump for not sending the troops. In that situation what would you have done legally in order to send the aid these areas needed, declare the governors and mayors traitors? Use the insurrection act? Either way it gives the excuse to the media to misrepresent Trump's actions as totalitarian and partisan.
    1 point
  28. Guys the video was brilliant for numerous reasons and you also right. I am a huge DA fan and have loved all games in the series and enjoy all there gaming mechanics and RPG narrative parts Also some of the best Romance options, like Isabella, have come from DA games....so this will be a day 1 " most expensive version " buy for me definitely But what is really weird is all the negative comments on this forum about the trailer not revealing any relevant information is also true......you cannot gain much, if anything about narrative or general gaming detail. Everything they mention in the trailer I always get and expect from DA games...like connecting in a RPG way emotionally with your party members which is always a big part of any Romance arc in my RP journey And yet I am definitely buying the game despite not being to able to tell you specifically why
    1 point
  29. also stem floors please. Love the idea of acorn walls. Strong walls and floors. As for clipping through the stuff. I would rather them let us attach to more of the in world objects then letting it pass right through. Also it would be wonderful if at a start of a build we had a full 360° rotation rather then just north, south, east, west.
    1 point
  30. niether log or grass pallets are working. When pressing "E" nothing happens. It ia fully updated and seemed to happer prior the recent hot fix. I have tried uninstalling etc but the issue still persists. I wouldn't be as bothered if there werent hundrerds of planks and stems everywhere! xD i was a class a numpty and pressing the wrong button - no bug here^
    1 point
  31. I am largely immune to MTX schemes, but I had already written this one off once I learned that you need to make yet another account for a "service" I don't really want. I guess it's just a matter of time before companies require you to connect through Elon Musk's brain chip to get access to some great features and deals that you really don't want to miss out on. **** that ****.
    1 point
  32. You are absolutely correct here, but at least for me (yes, I'm a huge DA franchise fan) it was valuable as a calming and reassuring video.
    1 point
  33. Not much about framing but when it comes to hanging a laser level is worth every penny
    1 point
  34. Kingmaker - Just finished Season of Bloom and about to head back to the Tenebrous Depths since the next part is now open. WL3 - Only played through the intro area so far
    1 point
  35. Moar is coming on September 2nd. Too bad it's a modified level. Hopefully it's modified quite a bit.
    1 point
  36. Essentially its a living, evolving world. Devs had stated to expect slight changes to the yard at every update
    1 point
  37. I think your issue is that one of the patches they made was that if you remove something amd it has no structural effect then everything from that up that is attached is destroyed
    1 point
  38. They at least seem to have gotten the priorities straight. So far none of the Dragon Age games had a particularily strong central plot but - love them or hate them - more interesting character interactions and stories. Especially in the otherwise much and probably rightfully criticised Dragon Age 2. The game was marred by being an interactive cave simulator, content recycling and Anders suddenly being able to blow large buildings sky high. At the very least I'll be getting some entertainment value out of the culture war nutjobs who're going to show up with proof that Cassandra is a trans woman because someone modeled her with a male skull. And I be laffing then, all the time.
    1 point
  39. That Dragon Age (4) video told me essentially nothing. It was a bunch of bog standard, catch-all statements that can describe virtually any fantasy RPG ever. In Dragon Age you can go to different places and do things, you will like some characters and dislike others. I guess they're in early development and this video was mainly a "We still exist, EA didn't ****can us yet. We swear we're working on a game." video. Fair enough. Honestly, while I no longer have any faith, I hope DA4 turns out great and sells a billion copies. I'd much rather have BioWare make great games again than get schadenfreude from anothe Bio bomb.
    1 point
  40. Apropos Star Trek, I LOVED DS9, even the stretches where it "dragged", it was just such a unique series in the franchise and had the overall best cast of characters IMHO. TNG was obviously great, even if they went to the oops time paradox well too many times. The OG series still holds up on cheese factor. I liked Enterprise, but mainly because I'm a sucker for Scott Bakula, and the show delivered in the sexy Vulcan department. The stories themselves were pretty meh. I could never get into Voyager, even with the eye candy.
    1 point
  41. I actually force my family members to adopt a diverse skill set in real life so they make a better party in RPG games.
    1 point
  42. Pro-Tip: EngagementRadius doesn't appear to work
    1 point
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