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  1. How let down do you want to be? I find the military fantasy genre particularly good at that.
    3 points
  2. You can always tell when military fiction (science or otherwise) was written by someone who was never in the military. Even if they got the details mostly right. Compare Joe Halderman's Forever War & John Scalzi's Old Man's War. Both are good examples of military sci fi and both are good stories. But you could tell Halderman was a vet and Scalzi wasn't.
    2 points
  3. I have some insight into this that's perhaps a little different than Lady Rojas. As a recovering nihilist, I will say that I spend an inordinate amount of time sucking down adult beverages. By that, I mean ETOH. Okay, fair enough. That, in and of itself, should be grounds to take my posts with a grain of salt. However, I do what I gotta do in situations where I gotta do it. Doesn't make me important and sure as hell doesn't make me a hero. I'm just a guy doing a job. However, there's more to life than doing a job. I've become disciplined so that I can ruthlessly cut myself off from things in order to pursue a goal. Ask my family about that... at least the ones with whom I still speak. You should pursue the good. You should do good things. You should never sacrifice the good for the sake of the perfect. I honestly believe, Skazz, that your allotted days come from the Lord and how you dispose of them is for you to decide. I, personally, was in a deep dark hole. I dug myself out, but some part of me will always be in that hole. The part that dug himself out will always judge himself harshly. That's life, brother, but you gotta live it.
    2 points
  4. This might have been mentioned already but my quick search turned up nothing. If like to see the ability to move placed items without recycling them. Like the water container, when empty it should be able to be moved after placed. Plank and stem pallets, jerky rack, smoothie stand, etc. All need a move option. Aggravating when I build an item and then days later want to move it closer to where my base is but lose materials from having to destroy and rebuild it. Not everything should be moveable, I don't want to drag my house around, just utility and food prep items.
    1 point
  5. Hello, not sure if this has already been talked about but I had an idea when it comes to building. I was getting my base ready for the upcoming update and wanted to replace my normal grass walls with sturdy walls. The process of replacing each wall with the risk of destroying a build and loosing materials is getting old. I was just thinking that a feature could be added or looked into where for example if you have a regular grass wall, instead of destroying the wall completely, you could just add a wood stem to it making it a sturdy wall, saving a lot of time. Obviously this wouldn't work with some things but I thought it would make peoples lives a lot easier. Again, not sure if its been talked about but just and idea.
    1 point
  6. Does anyone else feel like it would be beneficial to allow "Blueprint Ghosting"? For example placing two blueprints inside of each other then building both. I played quite a bit of The Forest and was able to achieve some pretty creative solutions like this. I also think it would help to be able to create some custom size objects like foundations, walls, floors, etc. One example I can think of all the top of my head is that you take a scaffolding blueprint w/grass floor , ghost a smoothie maker through the top and presto, you could then have a counter with a kitchen sink on it .
    1 point
  7. I'd love it if the Threat Detector could give some sort of notice as to which insect I am being threatened by, or even a directional indicator so I know where the threat is coming from? I guess adding a mini on screen "radar" indicator with red dots for insects would give away too much.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. is a poor manager/boss who consistently fails to identify talent. keep placing b00bs into the most important federal jobs should make one wonder at the competence o' the chief executive who keeps bringing in people who cannot do the job. these ain't cases o' trump giving some dewy eyed young exec a chance in an entry-level position to see if they are able to turn potential into production. is senior cabinet positions for chrissakes. can't identify the asshats before they fail? poor leadership. bad boss. is also noteworthy just how many "antitrumpers" there is 'mongst the few competent people who has been part o' the trump inner circle. the people who has character and resumes beyond reproach, people such as mattis, kelley, tillerson and cohn (not cohen) is critical o' the President same as the "asshats," though admitted, competence has been a less essential quality o' trump cabinet/senior admin since first two years. in response to oto, we don't have anything 'gainst florida man. thank goodness for florida man. https://www.google.com/search?q=florida+man+meme&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS699US699&oq=florida+man+meme&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.10830j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 as we observe with skarp_one, the asshats trump brings into the administration should make it more obvious trump is also incompetent. not sure why such a conclusion fails to germinate in the evertrumper mind. similar, florida man is the the supporters from whom trump refuses to distance self. again, trump looks worse precise 'cause o' his embracing o' florida man. we criticized bernie for not being more forceful in his rejection o' bernie bros. would be hypocritical if we didn't criticize trump for going a step further and embracing florida man. can't imagine our sorrow if every trump cabinet position or appointee were william barr and if his supporters were highly educated and successful. btw, florida man gets the vote, same as everybody else. in politics, nobody wanted a part o' florida man or his equivalent in the other 49 states and territories. national politicians, presidential candidates in particular, distanced themselves from the ignorant and unwashed. the thing is, the trump campaign realized just how pervasive is florida man-- they recognized how florida man, unlike young, diverse and educated, actually votes. is axiomatic that a national campaign is just thousands and thousands o' local campaigns, but for years we saw politicians for national office increasing ignore all those backwaters and the florida men those places produce. those young and smarty folks laughing at florida man don't freaking vote even when it matters most, so who is Gromnir actual criticizing? nevertheless, on a personal level, we enjoy florida man attacking the +90% approval o' the usps, or telling us how great the economy were before the pandemic hit, and how the oil industry boom is owing to trump's leadership. perhaps tell us how the President finally got veteran's choice passed? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  10. Essence Interrupter can be bought very early in the game. So I would focus on that. Classes that are front loaded in terms of ranged offense and work well in the early game (at least if paired with a fitting second class): Ranger (Marked Prey, Wounding Shot), all Rogues (Sneak Attack, Crippling Strike), Bleak Walker (Black Flames of Devotion), Helwalker (Helscar, MIG bonus, Mortification of the Soul). A Devoted/Bleak Walker is more suited for melee since both classes gain a lot of defensive capability (which would be kind of wasted) and most of their good offensive abilites work at close range/melee. Also the Fighter only has one active attack ability for ranged weapons (Penetrating Strike) as well as the Paladin (Flames of Devotion). I mean it will surely work and it would be a quite sturdy ranged char (so only few knockouts which can be very nice as well) but it's a bit limited (dare I say boring?) in terms of offense.
    1 point
  11. None of this new. Trump is an ****. This should be common knowledge, by now. That said, people who record private conversations with family that don't have to do with actual heinous crimes are also ****. LMAO
    1 point
  12. I also posted this suggestion but I do agree. I think a QOL feature would be the ability to upgrade walls from one level to the next instead of tearing down what you already had and replacing it with the upgraded building piece.
    1 point
  13. compared to volume o' mail handled by the usps, the problems oro mentions is negligible. again, for a national service provider to achieve 91% favorable/satisfaction is almost unheard o'. heck, in-n-out burger don't even achieve 80% much less +90%. 'course many o' the same folks parroting the conservative radio/florida man shtick 'bout post office fails look at ~1000 instances o' voter fraud and see a threat to democracy... just under 1000 instances o' voter fraud in state and federal elections in forty years. a federal judge in pennsylvania gave the trump campaign a deadline o' this past friday to show evidence o' current or the legit threat o' widespread voter fraud being prophesied. trump campaign predictable failed to produce such evidence. the thing is, the post office does have a money problem, and mnuchin is fixing the wrong way. as already mentioned earlier in the thread, for reasons which make no sense whatsoever in 2020, the post office pensions funding requirements need cover medical instead o' having medicare participation as does virtual all private and public sector jobs. is not a mystery why the post office is hemorrhaging money. the thing is, it will require an act o' Congress to fix the problem they created back in 2006. the post office, like most o' America, and europe and asia, got hit hard by the recession. however, is actual kinda impressive how in spite o' Congressional bungling the usps has managed to adjust to the serious loss o' first class mail revenue with a new focus on package delivery. but for the medicare/pension issues mentioned, the usps would, in spite o' the 2006 legislation, be cash positive... while maintaining the +90% favorable status no other fed government department or organization may similarly boast. republicans targeting the post office, particular during a pandemic, doesn't make sense unless one recognizes the more petty motivations o' the President and his ongoing feud with bezos. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  14. Good morning fellow RPG lovers, it pains me to say that, despite going on a long search, I could not find a one-piece inspired mod for this game (it is perfect for it and here's why): " Deadfire focuses on seafaring and island exploration via a ship. Crews can also be hired to look over them and assist in ship combat. Class-based gameplay returns, with each class having at least four optional sub-classes with unique skills. A new feature in Deadfire compared to the original are sub-classes. " Looking at the overall gameplay, it appears to have already checked in, with one-piece prerequisites. "...focuses on seafaring and island exploration via a ship. Crews can also be hired to look over them and assist in ship combat..." this deals with the overall game mechanics, ship battles, exploration, you know, traveling across the sea in search of the one-piece, with different islands to explore, and different enemies to defeat. " Class-based gameplay returns" classes such as devil fruit class, swordsman, sniper, doctor, navigator, etc. I will post more about it later. "with each class having at least four optional sub-classes with unique skills. " sub-classes for example, as mentioned above, the devil-fruit eater will have Paramecia, Logia, and Zoan types and so on. Another great aspect of the game is, that during a sea battle, you can actually get your crew's help during boarding, this can help with immersion of the game, and make it more funt to play. The interactions between NPCs and the player are also a plus, you can get random conversations based on the character's personality. here comes the tricky part, most of all expect one piece to be fully open-world, and here is my opinion how he city-system in poe2 can make it even more exhilarating, firstly just the 2d artwork of islands in one-piece need to be drawn and mapped (most of them already exist in the start of the anime, when they are explaining the positions of the characters) this can reduce a huge workload as most of the data is already present. The random encounter's text can be edited and the pictures changed, for custom encounters with different NPCs. NPCs can be designed through a mod called detailed character creation ( if an alternative exists that i do not know please enlighten me) most of the tools to create this mod exists, but it is impossible for me to even think about completing it. What i ask for is the help of any kind to bring this idea into fruition, and revive the Poe 2 community with an ever-evolving mod, and possibly encourage the developers to release a 3rd version of the game. the possibilities are endless as the content that exists is extravagant. I am looking forward to your reactions *peace* Cheers,
    1 point
  15. Nice post and I agree with your general positive sentiment I havent been going on my walks over the last 2 months due to the cold and unfriendly winter conditions but I started this weekend again, its great to be exercising again. I am definitely unfit and need to lose about 3 kg but that will happen as I get back into regular cardio
    1 point
  16. Im building a tower like the eiffel tower and just today I reached about half way done and 1\3rd the way as high as the tree!
    1 point
  17. Suicide Squad looks fun, and it will be interesting who they kill off quickly.
    1 point
  18. https://www.kongregate.com/games/mazapan/you-have-to-burn-the-rope Best short game ever made.
    1 point
  19. Late deliveries, lost/stolen items, deliveries to wrong address (some times even wrong country) plague all mail carriers delivery services and courier services all over the world. But cases where such problems occur are less than one of ten thousand at least if service is actually able to continue business for decades. As USPS handles almost 500 million deliveries per day, there are late deliveries, lost/stolen deliveries, and deliveries to wrong addresses each day, as it is absolute impossibility not have human errors, broken systems, computer/database errors or just bad luck in that amount deliveries. I have done software for Finnish postal service and even though they aren't even near the traffic that USPS has, they still handle unfathomable amount deliveries each day and you don't need big glitch in the system in order to cause major problems, like just failure of certificate update may cause hour or two delay in shipment deliveries, as suddenly everything needs to be done manually. And when shipments are delayed by hour or two it is almost certainty that some shipments needs to be moved to next day, which may cause delays to that days deliveries. And it may take couple days over time from tens of thousands people in order to fix problem caused by some one failing to test that certificate update succeeded and systems are still able to communicate with each other and everybody can still access them. Minor issues like that don't cause massive problems to delivery services that handle much less traffic, but in this age of digitization no one is safe from service outage in their computer systems or worst in someone else's computer system.
    1 point
  20. I dont know how often if at all this is suggested but Im too lazy to search. Have you guys ever considered adding a local / splitscreen mode of multiplayer? I just thought it would be cool to be able to play with friends on the same couch kind of like minecraft.
    1 point
  21. As someone that has used USPS before the Trump administration and that for some ****ing reason mail is a political issue. I can say that Honest Government Ad should change their name to Leftist Shill Propaganda. USPS is at best late, at medium your item gets stolen at worst it gets delivered broken....and it is the wrong address. But yeah, lets keep funding them even though everyone has Prime.
    1 point
  22. By and large the difference between a console and desktop GPU is similar to that between a desktop and laptop version of a GPU- lower clocks, better efficiency; and with the proviso that the console 'laptop' has a highly customised SoC type set up. Even much maligned Vega is extremely efficient, when run in APUs or undervolted/ underclocked and may actually be the best selling AMD arch ever due to being used so long in APUs. The problem with Vega was that it was a dual purpose arch with professional/ compute/ science uses and emphasised raw compute power over effective gaming power. In the end that was the result of not having much money, and (correctly) betting on Zen. The elephant in the room may well be texture compression. Much of nVidia's advantage comes from getting way better effective bandwidth from the same memory. If AMD has cracked that problem it may well be game on. People will care if they're running a 250W Intel CPU and 350+W nVidia. 'Money no object' people won't care, but they never care. My Vega64 will run fine on a 550W PSU even with power limits off, but then I also have a 65W CPU only. A fair few people will not be at all used to the old days of having to meticulously check not just wattage but 12V amperage and connector numbers. On the more meta level, I suspect a lot of people who are shocked and appalled at AMD's energy inefficiency will suddenly be of the opinion that power draw is irrelevant if nVidia really does go full Thermi this gen. No doubt it will be different, same as current gen console GPUs weren't literally rebadged 78xx and 570. They're not going to have the same memory configuration and direct access to the CPU, but then they never have. I'd be skeptical of them being architecturally nerfed though. I'd agree if you said that about RadeonVII, but... The corollary being that with a switch to a more advanced, albeit not as much more advanced, node nVidia is claiming ~50% improvement (OK, more for RTX to be fair), but at ~50% extra power draw. On the power/ performance balance that is no improvement at all except for tensor stuff. In contrast 5700XT is just below 1080Ti/ 2070S level, but Vega64 was ~1080 level; plus 5700XT has 40CU vs 64 and is 180W vs 210W. That's a big improvement CU/CU (more than 60%) and decent (~15%) improvement is efficiency as well. The big question being why there wasn't at least a 60CU Navi1 card- probably capacity issues at TSMC, and unlike with the RadeonVII Navi Instinct cards are going to be on a different arch with CDNA, so there aren't/ won't be non certified versions to sell to consumers. (For everything: open question as to how it plays out on release and how accurate the leaks are, of course)
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Settled on reading Animal Farm. It's been sitting on my Kindle for a while now and it'll tide me over until I've made up my mind about continuing Dune or doing something else entirely.
    1 point
  25. Hello MagicFlyinPotato! As tecknotot mentioned, you can totally share YT videos that help out investigate these issue in the community. Please feel free to send that to support@obsidian.net, but for now Ill get in a ticket that this is occurring for you so we can look into in the meantime!
    1 point
  26. Greetings all! As far as long load issues go, we are indeed aware of them and are looking to. It is pretty difficult to hammer down the exact cause, but we do know some contributing factors seem to be long playtimes, and having more than 10 saves appear to give players issue. Deleting down to a number below that has resolved for some, and always feel free to submit a ticket to us with your computer specs to help us gather that sweet data to help find a resolution!
    1 point
  27. Greetings all! Caleb back on the forums to attempt to help! Yeah, sorry it definitely is slated for a fix for Tier 2 weeds as soon as we can get it stable!
    1 point
  28. ^Bill Clinton turned the Democratic Party into the Ronald Reagan Party though, to try to outflank Bush on the right....and it worked. I know it's probably small potatoes but Clinton's role in cementing corporate rule in both parties is significant. Joe Biden is literally Ronald Reagan. Also relevant: Daily reminder that the Republican Party seems to have shed it's "small government, fiscal responsibility" projection since Reagan and is now the full blown "Use federal power to crush dissent" Party. We have an opportunity here to create a Libertarian Left Party or movement if we play our cards right.
    1 point
  29. Oh and that tunnel near the Rash figurines, has an extremely Rare and one of a kind 4 leafed clover at the end.... Currently you cant do anything with it.. Cant cut it down.. Nothing..
    1 point
  30. It adds a burning lash to all your weapon attacks (fists also count as weapons). The lash is 5% per wound you carry. That means it's 0% (no wounds) to 50% (10 wounds). Most likely the reason you don't see it on the animat is the mechanic of lashes: Lashes are multiplicative dmg bonuses which are based on your weapon damage roll (which is great) but there is a hurdle: any (non-raw) lash has to overcome the respective armor's damage reduction - or DR - of the target separately. Here it's the burn DR of the animat. Not the whole DR though but only 25% (or 1/4th). Again: all lashes (except raw) must overcome 1/4 of the enemy's DR. Animats usually have very high DR. If you roll 20 crush dmg to the animat and you have 5 wounds: the burning lash of Turning Wheel would be 25% (5*5%) of 20 which is 5 burn damage. That 5 burn damage has to overcome 1/4th of the animat's burn DR. If the animat's burn DR is 20 or higher... Unlike direct damage which has a MIN value (some damage always gets through even if DR is higher than the dmg roll) lashes work not that way: they can get completely eliminated by DR. So if 1/4th of the animat's burn DR is roughly about the same as the burn damage you would cause with your lash... it will get eaten up completely - gone. In the example above: if the burn DR of the ainmat is 20 or higher you get nothing from the lash. This is less likely to happen with Lightning Strikes (same mechanics) because animats are usually more vulnerable to shock damage (have low shock DR). Of course this is even more likely to happen if you have less wounds (smaller lash) and less likely if you have more wounds (lash is bigger). Also the direct crush damage you do can help: if you deal more crush damage then the lash dmg is higher (because it's based on the weapon dmg roll). The higher the dmg you roll with the weapon the easier it is for the lash to be higher than enemies' 1/4DR. You can also pick Scion of Flame (talent): it gives your Turning Wheel lash a 25% bonus. Meaning it would rise from 5% per wound to 6.25% per wound. So at 10 wounds instead of a 50% lash you would have a 75% one - which is very good. BUT! There's also a small glitch that sometimes happens when you activate Turning Wheel during a session: it doesn't really apply. Best is to save with Turning Wheel active and then reload. That should fix it. Same with Blood Testament gloves (2% raw dmg lash per wound) by the way. They are very good but suffer from the same occasional glitch. To;dr: most likely your lash was too small for the animat's high burn DR. To be safe try another target and save/reload with Turning Wheel activated.
    1 point
  31. Avowed is an awesome name. It's short, phonetically pleasing and hints what the game's storyline is about (Woedica stuff) but is still mysterious. And it starts with an "A" which makes sure it always is among the first in the list - once that's sorted alphabetically. For example when people look up "list of Skyrim clones" on Wikipedia. Having no "Pillars" in it also makes sure there's not too much confusion whether the game is connected to PoE & Deadfire with more than the IP. "Pillars of Creation" on the other hand sounds like the name of a homebrew D&D campaign or a self-pulished novel on Kindle. But it's not corny enough... yet. "Pillars of Creation: Oathbinder" - now that would give the perfect would-be huckster vibes. Nothing beats the pregnant colon.
    1 point
  32. Yup I was thinking this as well like an event where a dog is digging in the backyard and having to defend that spot if you don't want that area destroyed.
    1 point
  33. the good thing is everybody who read a Gromnir post related to obama or trump insofar as their authority over state and local police should already be aware the President has no such authority over, in particular, local sheriffs... though am suspecting that bit may have been lost in the not infrequent wall o' text. Kris Kobach claimed he spoke with 'enthusiastic' Trump three times about border wall project at center of fraud investigation oh, and am not sure why it is ok to ignore the recent findings o' the bipartisan senate investigation regarding russian interference. o'bannon were already referred to doj for criminal charges related to russian interference and william barr decided to do nothing. barr's curious bungling o' the firing o' the us attorney for sdny is a bit less puzzling. what trump has been doing for four years is not possible save for fact he has done so again and again and again and again. if the senate, in particular, won't stop him, he can get away with just 'bout anything. HA! Good Fun! ps the reason why the firing o' the us attorney sdny didn't work for barr/trump is 'cause, of all people lindsey senator graham made it known he would enforce senate committee traditions and give the ny senators veto power over any trump replacement candidate... and there were no acting loophole for barr to exploit as exists for cabinet positions. deputy were next in line. period. what happened with barr's attempt to fire geoffrey berman is how things is s'posed to work as 'posed to the exception. would we be talking 'bout the o'bannon arrest today if lindsey graham hadn't done his job?
    1 point
  34. I like to use the Mask of the Grotto Deep and Garari Cuirass with Cobra Strike - full reptile mode.
    1 point
  35. Have some Aggrotech/Industrial Metal, why dontcha!
    1 point
  36. Am now the proud owner of a Beretta 92 Elite LTT Full-Size custom designed by Ernest Langdon. 18 rd 9x19 and as badass as American Pizza (Beretta is an Italian piece and Langdon is American so take something Italian and modify it in America and you get something truly remarkable).
    1 point
  37. Opps sorry, I thought this was a request programme. Didn't realize one has to justify their preferences. I would argue that you can't dumb down a game if you remove dumb things. Not implemeting stuff that I don't like leaves more resources for the stuff that I do like. Especially if it's resource-hungry quicksand like homes/strongholds and the pale imitation of interpersonal romantic and/or sexual relationships which usually need a ton of good writing to be somewhat non-cringeworthy. PoE and Deadfire have an unlimited stash by the way. If an unlimited stash is enough to turn a game into a shallow action shooter then PoE and Deadfire are shallow action shooters.
    1 point
  38. I'd like crafting and player homes to be as absent as loading times. Unlimited stash. No romances at all. Thank you!
    1 point
  39. also let's remember that poe1 was a per-rest system, not a per-encounter system. Helig just hasn't figured out how to have a good night's rest yet, so all his good stuff wasn't available yet
    1 point
  40. being the "first" lich doesn't mean "only," though. he had apprentices in poe1, so clearly unlike traditional d&d liches, concelhaut doesn't mind sharing his knowledge if it furthers his own ends. plus, liches are immortal--who knows how long concelhaut has been around; plenty of time for more liches to arise. even though llengrath has also been around for ages, concelhaut might precede even them since llengrath definitely came about post-wheel, whereas like boeroer points out, concelhaut may have preceded the wheel altogether.
    1 point
  41. From the monster description, there's enough liches to be plural. Apparently also void seers are the remains of liches, and Concelhaut had a few of those floating around
    1 point
  42. Just wanted to start off by mentioning that I play this game in RTWP, as I come from the Baldur's Gate era. This thread was enlightening. That being said, I haven't finished the game yet - I've managed to read enough of this thread to not read spoilers, but several questions have been answered as far as things being 'broken'. To put it into perspective; I never experienced the transition, since I am new to the game after its final update when allegedly the entire game was left in what has been described as a broken state. I can definitely see why that leaves a lot of you frustrated and disappointed. I can also definitely see some of the shortcomings as a result, in comparison to PoE1 - which I've gone through 4 different endings now at this point, however; So far my PoE2 experience is hovering around a very modest 100 hours. I think the biggest thing has been some hiccups with using AI in tandem with health potions - sometimes I have to make sure I issue the command close enough to the round timer's end to make sure they aren't changing a command on me halfway through the round. Other than that, I haven't really encountered anything that produces any unhealthy levels of frustration. I am probably not even halfway done with the game at this point, even though my party is level 17. I have been so deeply immersed by the absolutely terrific selection of side quests and content, which has been maintaining a firm distraction from my main goal, and in my opinion is one of the most beautiful things to to ever have in a CRPG of this style. The cream of the crop for me was being introduced to what essentially boils down to a truly open world through various map levels. The "Ship Management" page, the ship combat system (which clearly stands out to me as needing more polish than many other things in the game but is still a... blast... none-the-less), and especially the on-deck encounters when you board enemy ships. All of this combined really stand out for me as one of the most epic, fun and truly satisfying combinations of systems in a game like this. Everywhere else, the plot and the character development seem much more deep and meaningful so far than PoE1 did, and the world just feels exponentially more alive. I am very happy that every other NPC isn't a gold-plated backer with a vague soul-peering event. That aspect of PoE1 made that game feel empty and... soulless... (go figure...) and even though some of it was still interesting, it was only to a very shallow degree and is definitely something I'm grateful that they pretty much did away with here. Nothing game-breaking so far. Hopefully the sailing stays this smooth 'as we sail down the Deadfire way' toward of the end of the game. Edit: I'll report back if I do happen to encounter anything game-breaking
    1 point
  43. Grounded by far is the most rewarding and refreshing experiences I have had in a long time. I have built multiple bases, found bracelets hidden throughout the backyard, and climbed to the highest of things I can climb. Obsidian, you have outdone yourself here, I love it from the bottom of my heart. The following are my takeaways and suggestions. Game Takeaways The game is an immersive survival experience propelling the player into a familiar yet entirely different world. From the character's banter to the bug life ambiance, the game truly makes you feel small...but in a good way! Through the well constructed tutorial, you find yourself working to discover why the characters are there, and who has done this. Perhaps you were a high school student of the professor, maybe this was all an accident, or is this a test? The alchemy of story and exploration is tremendous and rewarding Suggestions Who knows where this game will be in one year, let alone five years. This game could continue to evolve, transform and expand into a unique niche of a starving survival (pun intended) market. The following are some suggestions I think would be a great addition to the game, some obvious, others I hope perhaps somewhat unique. Expand the creatures in the game to include more, there is of course many to choose from that I'm sure have been thought of already. Biomes, Biomes, Biomes! If Minecraft and other survival games have taught me anything is that players love to discover new places, new sights, and new civilizations. There are so many ways and options to do this. From experimental teleportation devices, time devices, and who knows what! We are dealing with a crazed scientist, anything is possible. You could travel to a tropical beach with crabs, starfish, plankton, etc. Perhaps you travel through time to a prehistoric area, this ancient more aggressive bugs and small critters. Wetlands, beaches, riverbeds, forests, tundras, etc., the possibilities are endless and ever expanding, but this would be a category I would love to see explored and I'm sure many would agree. RPG elements are not for every game, however, when I first saw bracelet upgrades I thought crazy science boosting powers. From simple leveling to creative abilities and force fields, you could expand the players kit to include more for them to collect and use while they explore to reward them for delving deep into the unknown. Contraptions! Many players enjoy using inventions, teleportation, zip lines, boats, bikes, etc. The more in the game, the more to do! Decorations and Trophies. I know many players enjoy decking out there houses with furniture, beds, platforms, lights, and doodads. The more there is, the more game-play and time spent! Mounts! Who didn't think "I want to ride that ant" when you first saw it!? I know I did, the more mounts the better. Add a taming systems, with pens, feeding, training, maybe even home defense against predators?! Server and Mod integration. This is up to you ultimately but in my humble and small opinion, I think the more integration for mods, and the more people equate to longer longevity of the game. Give us new ways to re-experience the game. Perhaps a hard mode or hardcore mode with more rewards? Thank you all for the work you have done, and please feel free to contact me if you need more ideas or assistance (albeit I'm sure you have plenty of those) -Drax Contact: Davismkevin85@gmail.com
    1 point
  44. Gabriel Paramo - Senior Gameplay Programmer. Worked on Killer Instinct and Strider. Hoya Lee - Senior Lighting Artist. Previously worked on Destiny 2 and Modern Warfare. Jeff Chung - Senior Software Engineer. Zoe Nicole-Aprodite Smith - Junior Character Artist. From Zoe's artstation:
    1 point
  45. Posting here because there is no political image. It's just funny.
    0 points
  46. My feet and calves has swollen over night, going to have to go to the doctors tomorrow. -.-
    0 points
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