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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/20 in all areas

  1. My daughter has always really been into creating somewhat morbid scenes. It started with turning her barbies and their house into of a psych ward with handmade straight jackets and scary makeup. Then she started really getting into the Halloween makeup. Like she would make me a list of all the different products she needs and I would gawk a bit, but she did make some pretty great stuff and she used it all well beyond October 31st. Now as a teenager, she has really gotten into makeup. Which is great, because she does competition dance and the fact she can do all her own makeup is awesome, but it has also been hugely expensive. She likes to experiment with it all before bed, so when I go to say goodnight to her, sometimes she will look like a scary clown, or an elderly person, or a zombie. So now she wants to start doing masks and learning how to work with clay, and I'm trying to figure out how to best support her in this. I've started creating a workshop in the garage. Unfortunately the materials for this type of thing are not cheap. Thankfully there are quite a few special effects on a budget video, including one be the guy who did Army of Darkness. So yeah, my summer project is now figuring out how to best direct her creative endeavors.
    7 points
  2. Makes you wonder what Dinosaurs really looked like..
    3 points
  3. Yeah, there was very little prejudice in the US back in the 60's and 70's. Everything was bright and nice. So the Balkans are a worst case scenario, but Russia is now the dominant player on the world stage? So does that mean in like 30 years the US will re-emerge on the world stage minus a few bits and pieces? Personally I'm rooting for the Republic of California. We've got some good stuff going for us if we don't fall into the Pacific Ocean. Generalizing a country made up of 50 separate and unique states as ignorant is not necessarily how I would make my first foray into the politics thread, but welcome aboard!
    2 points
  4. About the cynical part, I think most people are in some way the sum of their life experiences. We all have some input in developing our personality, but there is only so much you can do with what you're given (in general, I know, exceptions always exists). For me, it was the experience of most of my friends and family throughout my teenage years and early twenties just kept dying on me. Freak accidents (motor cycle etc.), heroin overdose, stabbed to death in drug deals gone bad, freak medical conditions (one brain aneurysm, one heart attack at friggin 20 something) and so on. Eventually you just give up making friends, because, whats the point? Apparently people just don't hang around and you get tired of burials. I probably did develop a cynical streak over the years. I also spend a lot more time listening than talking. It seems to make people feel uncomfortable in your presence Politically I'm an anarchist. Political philosophy that is, not the comic book villain anarchists throwing old cannon ball shaped bombs with lit fuses around, thank you. As for the world... I don't think it's headed for anything better at the moment. Mostly because nothing has really changed where it matters. Old social structures are intact, people in power are mostly still in the same positions. The expendable ones are the vulnerable ones. Nothing has really changed the last few centuries there either. Only difference is the degree of hardship. It will take something much more significant than just a pandemic to change things. Although it's still a theoretical option, total nuclear war seems to have been mothballed for a while, despite many peoples expectations of a such in the 1960 to 1980's. Social unrest creates just that, social unrest. It rarely brings any significant improvement that isn't just improvement in name only, because old structures are often still around. So, short of a giant meteor impact or Yellowstone erupting catastrophically, I don't see the world changing overnight for anything, good or bad. Just gradually oscillating between getting better and worse for the majority of the common man/woman. As for the sources of much of the worlds problems, I believe the way humans seems to shy away from individual responsibility and prefer to have other people do their thinking and decision making. We're selfish bastards as a race. I know from professional experience how draining man management can be when you are responsible for decision making for a bunch of people. You almost get the feeling that people prefer someone they can empower to make their decisions for them so they can blame them for when things don't work out Overpopulation is the second big issue I see as a threat to a "better world" (my vision of a better world, the rest of the worlds mileage may vary). The increasing strain on resources and environment keeps edging towards a point of no return in sustainability. Which is also why pandemics do now and will in the future even more do so, hit us hard, because the sheer number of people living in proximity to each other has exploded. A cornucopia of bodies for an entrepreneurial little virus to explore. One of those things (among many things) I often asked myself, where is it going to end? I work in a line of business that is, when I really think about it, about putting other people out of work by automating processes and work flows. I see many businesses (our customers) who seems to focus on cost cutting when they don't sell enough. Cost cutting is often synonymous with reducing the payroll figures. So, everyone is happy, staff numbers are down, cost are down, we can now sell stuff cheaper... or pay dividends to the shareholders or whatever. Guess what, lots of other companies had the same idea. Lets reduce staff numbers. People without job security are less likely to spend money. I don't have the big data, so that was just a thought, maybe something could get into a self reinforcing downward spiral there, with humans as the obsolete part in the end. As for Australia and if the virus spreads... well, there is a big outback out there. I'm not @Guard Dog , so I don't feel like putting on some banana tree leaves and untanned hides and grab a boomerang and go hunting for roos and grubs the rest of my days. With a bit of luck, we (humans) may develop a bit more herd immunity. It won't save individuals, but it may save the many. Not sure if those were any of the answers you were looking for, but I'm happy to elaborate. Edit: I.e. I would have to ask you to ask more specific questions
    2 points
  5. The term you're looking for is 'chav'. Beefeaters are for those who like juniper flavoured alcoholic spirits. The refined gentleman would make a squad of Yeoman Warders.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. So love the game so far. But im abit of a crazy person that loves the ide of eating sleeping ect in games. I was happy to see it was a thing in OW but was sad to see it locked behind its hardest difficulty. And the harsh nature about not being able to save or rest anywhere but you're ship made the game abit to dull and boring having to run back to my ship all the time. Is there anyway to enable the "survival" part of the game in the other difficulty modes? Sorry if my english is abit on the bad side.
    1 point
  8. personal theory unsupported by anything: am thinking is an acquired taste thing. in the past we drank diet soda, and while it weren't fabulous, it were ok... and there were a spectrum w/i the diet soda world which ranged from undrinkable to much better. now that we don't drink diet soda, all diet sodas taste a bit like our imagination says the greyish not blood stuff which oozes from days old road kill would taste. once you steel yourself and punish your taste buds for some unspecific number o' days and months, drink coffee and you may be able to distinguish good and bad coffee. however, nuanced evaluation is only possible if you are a coffee drinker. once freed from the punishing burden o' daily coffee addiction, your body returns to baseline and once again recognizes that all coffee is in fact repellant. in general am not able to appreciate the ephemeral acquired taste. the notion we should consume more o' something we do not like in the hopes we will eventual be able to recognize its merits is an elusive concept. however, and in spirit o' full disclosure, am recalling we active disliked mushrooms as a child. things has changed. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  9. Thanks for the response, Darkpriest, that did help me understand your viewpoint better. I will say this about the protests in the US; thousands are happening peacefully across the country. They don't get the same coverage that the violent ones do.
    1 point
  10. Good coffee is exquisite. If you find yourself drinking a vanilla pumpkin latte with a shot of caramel and wondering why it isn't good keep in mind you're not drinking coffee but reprocessed, overpriced sewage. If you drink coffee and you find it tasting like water that ran through rusty pipes, then, regardless of what you're been told, you drinking reprocessed sewage, not coffee. Good coffee will never taste like ash or burnt or rusty pipes. If it does, the water used was too hot or the coffee of inferior quality. Getting good coffee is a bit like getting good beer or bread. Depending on your location it can turn out ot be really difficult and you might have to look way off the beaten path. I don't really subsribe to the ideological wars fought over how to prepare coffee. Filtered/drip, Espresso, Arabic? Doesn't matter, they can all be good.
    1 point
  11. Perhaps the language is responsible for some misunderstanding, or just me writing from a phone and not giving enough time to second read. Prejudice did exist and will exist. That's in a human nature. It's derived from the ingroup and outgroup perceptions nd exists in all groups of life (in different forms) , which is not solitary. It's a part of nature and how it deals with scarcity of resources. I'd argue that Italians, Irish, Polish, Russians, Bulgarians, etc now have it much better. From what I observed, you need to be 2nd or even 3rd generation in US to have a reasonable chance for a success, if you are not coming in wealthy or via some corporate assignment to a high paid job. You are even more out of luck now, if you come now as a melatonine deficient human species representative. It's hard to ignore this blatant power grab. It is the same as bolsheviks or nazis 100 years ago. Great ideals, some wealthy enemy being the source of ill fate and mass outrage. Same happened to France and French revolution, which eventually led to rise of Napoleon. I like civil rights movement and I'm in favor of tolerance. But tolerance is a two way street and tolerance should not be abused to change it into a fight for privilages. Especially when that fight becomes voilent and turns into riots and looting. Look at Poland for example, (the 1989-90) No looting, mass movements and the positive change, which led to end of communism in the eastern block. Society, even though still with inclinations to remnants of communism, which is shown in beurocracy and some view on the role of the state, over time reduced coruption, has one of the best success stories in terms of development and increase of wealth per capita, and with eservices much better than in the USA, as a corner shack with vegies will still allow you to pay with your smartphone. Crime rates are low, and cities are now cleaner than in Germany, which would be beyond imagination 30years ago.
    1 point
  12. I also despise the taste and smell of coffee but for some reason I don't mind some coffee ice creams. I mean, I can only eat a little bit but I like it. When I was a younger man I drank energy drinks or soda if I thought I needed or wanted caffeine but now because of the sugar it's mostly tea for me. I can't do diet drinks either because they also taste like death and decay on a hot day. Also, since cutting back I've become a lot more sensitive to caffeine so a little goes a long ways and if I have it too late in the day then I can forget about a good night's sleep. Sorry about your American brother tekno. Hopefully he can get his health under control.
    1 point
  13. complete rando grab via google, which is something we ordinarily criticize, so apologies if is wild inaccurate. Caffeine Chart am not a coffee drinker. tried once in college. tasted like water run through a rusty pipe multiple times, and we were told what we were tasting were the "good stuff." had similar thoughts as hurl-- if only way to make something so vile palatable were to add copious amounts o' dairy and sugar, then we were not seeing value. am in 50s now and we have never had a morning cup o' coffee. that said, if you need your morning fix o' caffeine, you will need drink a considerable quantity o' mountain dew or simillar to get same caffeine. the candy substitutes are amusing, but we loathe coffee flavored candy and ice cream, so... HA! Good Fun! ps is more than a few mornings on our long drive to work we would, quite literal, wake up. honest had no recollection o' any events o' the morning previous to some moment in the automobile when person behind us honked horn or some other sound jarred us into sensibility. perhaps we shoulda' at least considered adding coffee to our morning ritual.
    1 point
  14. "Someone wrote to ask about my plans for the fall, and it too me a moment to realise they meant 'autumn' , and not 'the collapse.' " "You say that like there might be a difference."
    1 point
  15. So you're one of them pound sign calexit folks, I take it? Good man.
    1 point
  16. I don't understand why people who put loads of sugar in their coffee even drink the stuff. Coffee isn't good for you, so if you need to mask the flavor of the stuff, just stop.
    1 point
  17. As saddened as I was overall after reading your assessment, thank you for this bit of imagery.
    1 point
  18. regarding weapon upgrades: One thing is the improvement of penetration. I do not play on PotD, but even then some enemies are very annoying. In systems with DR you can compensate problems with more damage, in Deadfire your damage is pathetic if your penetration does not reach enemy AR. back to sales numbers: Yes, maybe the fact that obsidian nerved stuff every time players found something powerful might be another factor among many others. RPGs are the type of games with the most complex rules. Even devs cannot predict everything. Players will find combinations of items and abilities that can make some encounters that are supposed to be difficult very easy, up to the point of becomming immortal. I am surprized they did not nerf salvation of time+barring deaths door+brilliant, which seems to be the only way to manage the ultimate chellenge. Lets invent a rule: Every sufficiently complex RPG will have legal combinations to break the game. If this is impossible either its not an RPG or its not complex enough. By break I mean you become almost immortal against most enemies. Deadfire is a complex RPG by this definition. I just finished Mass effect again and it is not. Its easy in general, just shoot stuff and watch for cover. Just to be sure: Just because a game is not a very complex RPG does not mean it is a bad game and not every complex RPG is good.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. The article was irritating and makes several completely inaccurate suggestions about white people, Im glad it was written in 2018 because I have seen similar views from some journalists around BLM now and they were equally unhelpful If anyone is interested why most white people should reject this type of " understanding " of white culture its because it aligns to a certain narrative I sometimes have come across where basically non-white ( this journalist is arab) commentators have this view of white people they claim is the truth and yet it is offensive and condescending and creates an issue around something that is just a normal human emotion.....for example this definition of " white tears " as if now when a white women is crying we suppose to react to it in a way that somehow we must respond to it differently than any other women who may be crying Its ridiculous and extremely inaccurate way to respond to anyone who is crying that somehow the person is expecting attention or there is a expected response. And then if you think Im overreacting please read the link below to see how this " white women tears " and keep asking yourself is this what a white women who cries is thinking? Just to let you know it is full of even more inaccurate " views " of what defines white people generally.....I would really like to get peoples views on this ...all opinions welcome and please disagree with me if Im misunderstanding something https://www.awesomelyluvvie.com/2018/04/weaponizing-white-women-tears.html
    1 point
  21. "Wear a damn mask already! 66,786 new cases in one day (July 10th). There's a difference between Freedom and Freedumb. You're putting peoples lives at risk just to try to prove a point. " Maybe in your ****hole country.
    1 point
  22. likely genesis Two Texas police officers fatally shot while responding to a domestic disturbance if you are confused by vol description v. what is reported in the link, see our previous posts regarding vol transitive property quirks. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  23. Nope, not everyone loves Croteam, because SS3 is still not available on GOG!!!
    1 point
  24. wtf? seriously, wtf? anybody else lies to federal prosecutors, impedes a Congressional investigation and threatens witnesses with murder and it not matter if is mueller or some random oil pipeline investigation or fed free-range abuse case 'cause the d-bag is going to prison for such crimes once convicted. what the hell do you mean by distinguishing 'tween protecting trump and criminal acts? the criminal acts were not obscure and stone sure as hell knew what he were doing could be criminalized. weren't some archaic bit o' legal mumbo jumbo which resulted in conviction o' otherwise benign behaviour. what is with some of you people? stone got sentence commuted 'cause he didn't rat out trump. period. commuted sentence was a reward for staying loyal to the don. the day his sentence were commuted, stone public stated how much easier it would have been if he had cut a deal with feds. how can you be ok with that? ... honestly, what is wrong with some of you? this is not normal. this should not just be another trump moment. btw, this corrupt BS couldn't happen in south africa preciscely 'cause your constitution prohibits such nonsense... and you still don't see a problem? am disappointed in you bruce.
    1 point
  25. Yeah it's true for Bleeding cuts because 1) it's stackable, 2) DoT is triggerd on hit. So if you stack fast enough, every follow-up hit will be more and more devastating.
    1 point
  26. Yeah, my PS4 gathers dust most of the time. The Nintendo Switch gets a lot more use. It is portable and multiplayer friendly. Every time Nintendo puts out a console, I think it is weird, but then it ends up being the right tool for the right time. That's why they make the big bucks.
    1 point
  27. Did it have Majesty? That is the realization that had you stop loving it, no?
    1 point
  28. The flying mini robot thingy you can get for Parvati’s room is way too loud. It’s just as loud as the normal sized flying robots, so I feel like the noise could be scaled down a little to match it. Not really the biggest problem in the world, but I would take it up with Parvati if I could.
    1 point
  29. A little fanart made by me I know, I'm not 'professional" (with my shaking-hands :)) but I'm falling in love with TOW! I was ashamed to show my draw. I don't have tablet or even programs on my PC to graphic, but, that's the best, what I can do, by my own hands. I hope you enjoyed my project :)!
    1 point
  30. Also, a Spacer's Choice watchface for y'all: https://www.facer.io/watchface/kP9ouwlwl0
    1 point
  31. I came here to post about the exact same thing. I love this game but on this point it has the same failing that most other open world RPG have been having these last years, developers are confusing the people who like to role play at living in the world with the people who like challenges. Eating, sleeping and not fast traveling everywhere are not really an added challenge to be honest, except very early on, and many players find it an annoyance more than a challenge anyway in terms of enjoyment. Those things appeal to "life role playing" gamers and in that category you have both players who are more interested in the story and the choices and those who like a challenge and hard combat. So ideally the role playing elements should be separated from the difficulty to really be ideal for everyone. Luckily as someone pointed above mods are already here to make things more to our liking, I just hope the devs will take this into account for the future.
    1 point
  32. Eating, drinking, and sleeping are role-play options. They should not be hidden behind a difficulty level. Right now I'm trying to play in Supernova mode, but the combat difficulty is taking the fun out of it. I may have to give up the RP elements in order to play the game, but that would be very disappointing.
    1 point
  33. my mother told my brother not to buy those flip flops because they were slippery. he didn't listen to her. he kept slipping in the house but always pretended that it wasn't the flip flops. today he was taking some luggage down the stairs in the flip flops and slipped. fortunately he didn't break anything (almost 3 hours of tests in the hospital to make sure) but he has quite a few bruises. well, they did find something unrelated to the fall of which i warned him many times given how much sugar he consumes: a fatty liver. my family already consumes too many carbs and fried stuff but when it comes to sugar, my brother is eating more of it that all of us together... like 3 table spoons in his coffee amounts of sugar.
    0 points
  34. Well, I wonder how effective it would make Seekers Fang as a rogue (shadowdancer) weapon. For a cipher it obviously boasts the major disintegration-like DOT on-crit. But it also has the small DOT on-hit for everyone. If a lot of instances of that could be spammed (with Cascade, flurry, drumming), I wonder if it would be effective (compared with other weapons using that combo - obviously everything is strong with Cascade active).
    0 points
  35. GOG finally fixed up the issue with my Witcher 3 redemption thingie so I have a code for the standard edition to give away. It's only good until around noon tomorrow in Poland, so it needs to be snapped up fast. EDIT: Gawn.
    0 points
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