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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/20 in all areas

  1. Something from the famed Italian comic artist Milo Manara that hits home:
    5 points
  2. For the dose of snark..but close to reality..
    4 points
  3. This is the day that that Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Day off for me, so I'm chillin' and getting ready to go to bed. Whatever your creed, or lack thereof, I'm wishing you a happy and healthy day!
    3 points
  4. Forge - Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting
    2 points
  5. The character prefabs are in one of the Unity asset bundles iirc. I'll try to post it in a more agreeable format, but here's the full list for now:
    2 points
  6. China put a city of 15 million under lockdown in january while the rest of the world went "its just a flu :DD" i blame my gubmint's incompetence
    2 points
  7. So, is the US economy open for business again now? I seem to remember Donny promising Easter as the day the magic would have happened by. Buy a bandana and use that, it's about as effective as anything else which doesn't have proper fitting and a proper filter while also being washable/ sterilisable multiple times without the elasticised straps perishing almost instantly. They also make it look like you've joined a cool post apoc street gang while you wait in line to buy your eggs and flour.
    2 points
  8. As platformers go: I see you have Celeste, though with suspiciously low hour count. If that is something you enjoyed, you can't go wrong with good old SuperMeatBoy. On a less manually demanding front: Rayman: Origins and Raymen: Legends two superbly enjoyable games - the latter does come with Ubi-thingy and has some online components. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove - don't recall seeing that in your list. A superb and content rich game. Freedom Planet: I recently played 2 supposively good Sonic games, and I thought they were terrible. Freedom Planet was like Sonic but good. Mark of the Ninja - superb 2d stealth game. More unusual but still: Snake Pass - an original and super enjoyable platformer. Played with with keyboard and mouse, but controller recommended. Not too long, but very novel. Played through Hollow Knight recently and I thought it was superb. It's combat is very deliberate, but quite simple, and if you don't go for 100% and optional hard bosses, it should be too hard. You do get bang for you buck. Spelunky. Excellent roguelite, and a replayable platformer. Steep learning curve. RPG: Fallout New Vegas- must play RPG. Other: I wouldn't be me, if I didn't recomment Supergiant Games - Bastion is a classic, Pyre is the weird one and my favourite. Transistor is pretty, but not as engaging.
    2 points
  9. I locked down ktchong because if I wanted to read blog posts I'd be at a blog instead of a videogame forum. In political news, that senator who totally didn't use her privlidged position as privy to briefings on covid-19 and being married to the chairman of the intercontinental exchange to do some insider trading will now liquidate her individual stocks. Probably won't mean **** in reality, and is just more of an argument for liquidating the government.
    2 points
  10. ^ One of the greatest ever In a completely unrelated entry here's possibly the greatest metal band ever: I have said this before and I will say this again, I think Iron Maiden is one of the all time great bands. The same way we still remember and listen to Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, etc. now, I think people will still remember and listen to Iron Maiden 100, 200, 500 years from now.
    1 point
  11. I cover a lot of Viking history in the Dark Ages, but I only teach 7th grade and we have a limited window of time. I think I remember covering some Swedish rulers during AP Euro History in High School. This looks like the unit: https://www.tomrichey.net/blog/the-thirty-years-war-ap-euro-lecture-notes I mention the general area during tge Reformation as well, but the focus tends to be on Luther.
    1 point
  12. I found it to be quite a pleasant surprise myself. I went into it hearing about how it didn't stand up to Torment and how it fell off after a decent first half after Sagus Cliffs, yet my experience was actually the opposite. I thought the Sagus Cliffs section was alright but it was following it that the game really picked up steam, and whereas I expected to dislike the Bloom based on initial art and concept, I found myself quite enthralled with it. I went with middling expectations and they were easily surpassed. I played the game a while ago so I cannot recall the specifics right now with too much detail, but some general impressions are as follows: contrary to the rest here, I was expecting the game to be *very* flowery with its text, essentially trying to one-up Torment's writing and using word-count as a bar and the likes... And I was glad to find it wasn't really the case. I thought the text in Pillars, Torment, Tyranny or Disco Elysium was much more laboured for instance, and there were also some touches to facilitate comprehension that I quite appreciated, such as making a point to always offer a more succinct and straight-forward summary of what was being told upon asking for clarification; but at the same time these games are more effective at bridging the conflict and backdrop early on than Numenera is, thus making the exposition feel a lot less superfluous by extension. To exemplify: in Pillars you're introduced to the Saint's War and the meaning it has to the present day the moment you step into Gilded Vale and see the corpses hanging on the tree - as a player you are offered an immediate hook relating to a very current conflict, you're prompted to ask yourself why they're being hanged and why are you asked to move on, and the lore regarding the War, the suspicions that those being hanged aided Waidwen, the fears regarding Waiden's Legacy and so on is therefore justified as backdrop to that conflict; in Numenera you arrive to a massive town square and find this ancient soldier caught in time whose only real purpose is to stand around and explain why he's there and what happened hundreds of years ago - it's not until much later that you really connect the Eternal War to the Changing God and the Castoffs and start understanding its purpose or importance in the story. A lot of stuff in Sagus Cliffs is relevant but is introduced as flavour text and little else, making the game feel rather scattershot and indulgent early on. It's through the bottleneck at the mid point of the game that things really start falling into place and the focus feels that much clearer, and where the very Blade Runner-esque existential and humanist themes start to solidify, and from that point on I was very taken by it. Other small tangential bits... I love the area design and music in this, quite like the setting, the characters are rather memorable and interesting, the in-dialogue mechanics are very good and probably a better attempt at this sort of roll-based system than Disco Elysium's... But the turn-based mechanics and encounter design is a very mixed bag, which can at times be quite creative (like the heist sequence somewhere in the latter half) and at others plain horrible (most instances of actual combat). You might say it's not unlike Torment in that regard, but I'd argue that Torment's combat is easier to forgive because it's never really hard or prolongued enough to really sour the experience, whereas Numenera's can frequently be frustrating and excessively dilated through the sheer number of enemies and figures given individual turns.
    1 point
  13. It wasn't when I was in school beyond some super general vikings were from this area type of thing.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Wesoła Wielkanoc! (My Polish is weak, so that's probably not exactly right). Edit: Wesołey Wielkanocy. Is that correct?
    1 point
  16. Oops, on my phone and didn't realize I was in CnC. Please move to OT.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. ^ I love this shot, even if it ultimately didn't lead to anything.
    1 point
  19. Skaen is supposed to contact the Watcher in the room prior to the one Thaos is in. You can see it at 11:19 in this video: I haven't done this myself and most people I've seen get this achievement solo the game with a stealthy min-maxed character, avoiding almost all the fights where they can. Such as in this video: The above video is is only a couple of patches from the final patch and aside from some bug squashing there were no gameplay changes in between it and the current version. I never tried to do any of this stuff because the amount of meta gaming involved saps all the fun out of the game for me.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I started up X4: Foundations. The X series of games are the Paradox grand strategies of space sims, they are deep, complex games with lacking tutorials and a STEEP learning curve. I've played all the games in the series from X2 onward, including X: Rebirth, the less said about that game the better, and even I am struggling with the learning curve. I'll persevere through it, though. I started up on the Young Gun starting scenario, which is the most vanilla starting scenario. They start you off as an Argon (human) with an Elite Vanguard, which is a pretty garbage light fighter, and 10,000 credits. I'm basically using this starting scenario to get through the learning curve and to unlock the hidden Unworthy Entrepreneur starting scenario. The Unworthy Entrepreneur starts you off with a small station (I forget what it produces), a freighter, and about 100,000 credits. More importantly, you are a Teladi in that scenario, and I'm #Teladi4Lyfe (On account of the fact that Teladi are the X universe's version of the Ferengi). Right now I'm just getting the hang of scanning stations and finding data leaks. The worst part of data leaks is that you have to get out of your ship and fly to them in your space suit to either repair or decrypt them and the space suit, besides being extremely slow, is so awkward to maneuver. Hopefully in the future once I have a ship big enough to field a decent size crew, I can just send one of my crewmen to handle that stuff for me. I'm not sure if the game allows for that. /crosses fingers
    1 point
  22. In a gamedate file called Characters.gamedatebundle. Creatures are "objects" within this file. These objects are linked to another base stat object in the same file that can be shared by several creatures. For example all oozes have the same base stats. Their list of Ablities is in Progressiontable.gamedatebundle. Their armor and weapons, even "natural" ones are in Items.gamedatebundle. The attack from the weapon itself is in Attacks.gamedatebundle. The summoning action is an Ability that proc an "Attack" that actually does the summon. All Gamedata objects are linked to each others using UUID. For example, the Creature object refer to a Progression Table by a UUID, weapons by their UUID, etc... There are a few exceptions to these link. Summon attack actually calls their summon through another rule : "Filename": "prefabs/characters/character_templates/creature/summons/cre_dragon_summon.prefab" This file is nowhere to be found, so I suppose it is generated when the game run and is a hard-code of some sort. All these are within following directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\exported\design\gamedata Except for add-ons which are in : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\XXX\design\gamedata Where XXX is called lax1_exported to lax3_exported or laxa_exported to laxi_exported
    1 point
  23. It's Herbie's 80th B-Day! That merits a few tracks. Here's Dolphin Dance. IMO, the best of the tunes he wrote that became part of the standard jazz repertoire. And Rain Dance! My favorite early-electronic Herbie. Head Hunters, which came out right after Sextant, was of course the huge hit of this era, but my tastes run more towards the weird early jazz-electronica than to the funky popular stuff. Lastly, Herbie himself dancing. Sort of. This was an incredibly influential live performance-- it's from the broadcast of the '84 Grammys and was an introduction of both breakdancing and record-scratching to the nationwide TV audience. "Rockit" was already a hit, but millions of people who heard it had no idea how they got the record-scratch sound until they saw this broadcast. The Grammys are a famously conservative organization, and it might be the fact that the ostensible "front man" here was 43 and already an acknowledged master helped them sneak some then-underground stuff into living rooms throughout America.
    1 point
  24. BBC - Buckinghamshire couple dress in period costumes for walks
    1 point
  25. So Keyrock doesn't think he's the only pilot.
    1 point
  26. I really like this one so I took the liberty of modifying it a bit to bring back some of the details from the original:
    1 point
  27. Also, imagine all the movies taking place in 2020 we'll see in the future.
    1 point
  28. I'd have no problem with that. May be better for new console players to find a thread/list with post-last-patch builds.
    1 point
  29. I see how it is, you're trying to out space sim me. Challenge accepted! I Keed, I keed. I haven't played Elite Dangerous, but, to the best of my knowledge, it's a pretty hardcore space sim, and thus has a steep learning curve. Stick with it. I can only imagine Frontier: Elite 2 was a major influence on the X series, just as it was the game that originally got me into space sims and later into Wing Commander, Freelancer, X2, the X3 series of games, and now into X4.
    0 points
  30. I picked up Elite: Dangerous, and it turns out I am a lousy pilot.
    0 points
  31. Read the news. "Big fire at Hisingen". Several trucks started burning and ignited a nearby warehouse. "Hmm.. those images are awfully familiar, I drove there to the meeting." ... *Checks google streetview to compare images from the scene to where I drove* ... Kurwa.
    0 points
  32. Swedish history is taught in American schools?
    0 points
  33. 0 points
  34. Wow Such list Very mod But the main question here is : can it be modded ? But @Boeroer what would be the point of creating a carbon copy if I can add a condional scaling on summoned creatures ? I think summoned creatures should have their stats based on the related non-summoned one (especially because these have Bestiary entry that can be convenient for people to refer in order to get base stats).
    0 points
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