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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/20 in all areas

  1. It is good to see that journalist are at fault on what is written in opinion piece by person who is not a journalist
    3 points
  2. In Finland they opened our apocalypse vaults (security of supply storages), in order to ensure that hospitals will not run out of protective gear, as for reasons those vaults contain among other things millions of surgical masks and protectors, which were running out until someone remembered that we actually have more than enough stored for in case of bad day.
    3 points
  3. a couple inspired by a @Guard Dog post the following are versions o' ubiquitous internet available recipes. these is not Gromnir recipes and am not taking credit in any way. Black Bean Soup Ingredients • 2 T vegetable oil • 3⁄4 c diced white onion • 3⁄4 c diced celery • 1⁄2 c diced carrot • 1⁄4 c diced green bell pepper • 2 T minced garlic • 4 (15 ounce) cans black beans • 4 c chicken stock • 2 T apple cider vinegar • 2 t chili powder • 1⁄2 t cayenne pepper • 1⁄2 t cumin • 1⁄2 t salt • 1⁄4 t hickory liquid smoke • garnish • shredded monterey jack and cheddar cheese blend, blend • chopped green onion, sour cream 1. heat 2 T of oil in a large saucepan over medium/low heat. add onion, celery, carrot, bell pepper, and garlic to the oil and simmer slowly, for 15 minutes or until the onions are translucent. don't brown. 2. while you cook the veggies, pour the canned beans into a strainer and rinse them under cold water. 3. measure 3 c of the drained and strained beans into a food processor with 1 c of chicken stock. Puree on high speed until smooth. 4. when the veggies are ready, pour the pureed beans, the whole beans, the rest of the chicken stock, and every other ingredient in the list (down to liquid smoke), to the pot. bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 50 to 60 minutes or until soup has thickened and all the ingredients are tender. serve the soup topped with a couple T of the cheese blend and a t or so of chopped green onion T=tablespoon, t=teaspoon, c=cup and monastery lentils the lentils, in particular, is a staple for us which contains most o' the stuff we need to survive and thrive. we prefer with beef stock as 'posed to chicken for the recipe, but vegetable stock would be fine for any hardcore vegetarians and/or catholics during lent. is also noteworthy how this is perhaps the only recipe for which we use brown lentils. have tried with green and even beluga. cheap brown lentils is our favorite for this, and only this recipe. it freezes well. when we were taking care o' our sister, she insisted on doubling the sherry, and then she would add a bit o' sherry whenever she microwaved a bowl o' the lentils. she liked the sherry. we would use amontillado for no other reason than whimsy factor. HA! Good Fun! ps forgot to mention, but the lentils is one o' the few recipes for which we frequent use diced tomatoes. canned diced tomatoes is always treated with a preservative which affects taste and prevents the tomatoes from breaking down as does whole tomatoes. we avoid diced. that said, at the recommended cooking time, even if you thoroughly hand crush tomatoes in a glass bowl as part of prep, chances are you get a few annoying large and stringy tomato fragments in your monastery lentils. so our advice is to use diced or to consider cooking substantial longer and only adding parsley with ~30 (or less) minutes cook time remaining.
    3 points
  4. If you take Bloodmage you will be fine. Recently there was a confirmed single class Bloodmage who sucessfully did the Ultimate Challenge for Deadfire (which is so much harder than with PoE). So: totally viable for normal solo game.
    2 points
  5. Poland just implemented ban on leaving the house outside of work, buying food/medicine. Ban will last till Easter.
    2 points
  6. I heard this yesterday and got a laugh out of it: "Kenny Rogers ducking out in the middle of the COVID-19 Apocalypse is the ultimate 'know when to fold 'em' moment!"
    2 points
  7. "Trump is a wartime president. And like a great wartime president, first you say there won't be a war, then you refuse to protect your soldiers, then you lie about losses, then you complain about your press, and then you surrender."
    2 points
  8. I hate boss fights. Now I just turn down the difficulty so I can blow through them.
    2 points
  9. Dragon Age 2 was a fun game. I played it three times. *ducks*
    2 points
  10. Leftovers day, kinda. Some beef, a couple of eggs, an onion, salt, pepper and majoram: It's, uhm, better than it looks.
    2 points
  11. Russia has next to no Arab population. It does have a large muslim Tartar population, but Tartars are Turkic, not Semitic. I'd be pretty sure 80%+ of Russia's population is white though. And yeah, census 2010 gives 80.9% Russian (sic) ethnicity by itself. I don't have any problem with it being called the Wuhan Virus or similar, it's accurate and discrete enough to be useful. But yes, Trump is certainly insisting on calling it the "China Virus" to try and deflect blame for the handling of the crisis away from him and onto foreigners for purely political reasons. If the rest of the response had coherence and competence I think people would largely ignore the dog whistling, but unfortunately it's very far from it. His press conference yesterday was an utter embarrassment, and he's going to get a lot of people killed trying to bullasterisk away a virus in the same way he tries to get rid of other problems.
    1 point
  12. I'd rather play the 2012 movie and make controller noises with my mouth.
    1 point
  13. Trying to picture Judge Dredd saying "Let Agrela help."
    1 point
  14. here you go @baldurs_gate_2, he did ENG run too (overall his 3rd run, mad lad)
    1 point
  15. Why would anyone do that? That is so confusing. Ok got it. Don't look at website, look at in-game item.
    1 point
  16. If true that's the dumbest decision I've heard about this game.
    1 point
  17. Its a reference to a former poster, Qistina.
    1 point
  18. ROFL, seems Greenmangaming are reading this thread. To prove to Shady that Mad Max was gaming related they just announced a Flash Deal for Mad Max
    1 point
  19. Yes, I noticed this one, too. I'm not entirely sure if it's a bug or a feature, but either way it's strange.
    1 point
  20. Little damage is most likely a result from rolling a graze, which can severely reduce the damage. If you mouse over (plus shift I think? For details. It’s been a while) the roll you are interested in (bottom right text box) you will get a detailed breakdown of what contributed to final number. As Boeroer mention, number calculations aren’t straightforward, and maluses are more severe then they might seem. but on to the point I wanted to make. Due to people finding misses frustrating in turn-based combat the threshold for graze has been lowered significantly (Graze has been extended from 50-25 to 50-01). That means, that unless enemy deflection is significantly higher then your accuracy you are guaranteed or very likely to at least to grace him, even if you have about 50% chance to hit. (And them you for that matter) The chance to hit tooltip (percentage number above enemy heads, above penetration tooltip) uses “graze” as it reference, which became quite unhelpful in the turn-based system. For example in your first example you have only slightly more accuracy then the enemy, but the chance-to-hit shows 100%, while you have 56% chance to actually properly hit him and do full damage. Most damage you do to him will be severely reduced, meaning a buff/debuff is encouraged.
    1 point
  21. There's bugs like this on PC as well. Such as enemies immune to corrode damage take 0 damage from a bleak walker flames of devotion. Or enemies immune to shock damage take 0 damage from Lord Darynn's Voulge. Your bug I have not seen before, but I am not surprised.
    1 point
  22. I think the "director" of that game said he next wanted to make a movie, so uh, yeah. Of course, his "directing style" (for his games at least) has been just awkward Japanesey overacting and melodrama that will make for an equally ridiculous movie. But I guess some people like that.
    1 point
  23. BruceVC wants to have Angela's babies. That's not really an in-joke, he just loves her that much. An in-joke would be if I said Qis was jealous of it.
    1 point
  24. Threads like these inspire people to show their true colors, and that's how we like it. I hate Old Skool CRPG's, burn them and their Nazi fanbois to the ground. And Bethesda to, they are both 2 sides of the same neo fascist coin.
    1 point
  25. Since I posted that DJ Bobo song in the political thread YT has been gracing me with such awesome recommendations. So, what's possibly better than any given single Eurodance trash artist? Indeed! Many of them together! So did you get the MESSAGE OF LOVE?
    1 point
  26. both accuracy (chance to graze/hit) and damage reduction get colored separately. yellow = penetration, or i believe 50-74% chance to graze/hit. green/blue (colorblind mode) = overpenetration or 75%+ chance to graze/hit red = everything else
    1 point
  27. Sony now claims that the overwhelming majority of its PS4 library will work on the PS5, and the top 100 was just a snapshot or whatever into what would work in boost mode according to their testing over some hundreds of games (which seems to be less testing than Microsoft still which claimed to have done more than 100,000 hours of testing recently). They also have PS4 and PS4 Pro legacy modes, maybe those will require less work.
    1 point
  28. We got this. https://emubrowser.com/ Also Gabe seems to be seeing the light: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-03-20-gabe-newell-competition-in-game-stores-is-awesome-but-ugly-in-the-short-term
    1 point
  29. fact it is so complete misunderstood by so many makes it our favorite. song 'bout vietnam veterans screwed over by their government becomes a patriotic anthem? other notables HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  30. Eh...I've always played with groups that "Rule 0"ed stuff we didn't like or didn't want to deal with. If the game rules aren't fun for the group (including the DM) they gotta change.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Hello all. I am using a chanter and hate that my chant damage doesn't get added to my character sheet for comparison to my teammates. I recently discovered that "UPMod" fixes this issue. So i went ahead and installed it ( which seemed to require i install IE Mod first). Now, near as I can tell, I cant launch the game form steam anymore, I have to launch it from their own launcher. The only thing I miss is being able to hit "shift + tab" in game to bring up the steam panel ( talk to steam friends/view achievements). Is there a way to allow me to have the UpMod working, but also keep the "steam functions" of the game active? Thanks in advance for your help! EDIT: I found instructions related to exactly my issue on the IEMod page at nexusmods. I'll copy paste the last (optional) step to install to resolve my above issue in case others are having the same issue, or this post can just be deleted as It is resolved on my end, whichever the mods think is better for the community. FIX BELOW: (Optional step, if you want to launch through Steam for the overlay and achievements) Once the game has been launched using the patchwork launcher at least once, you will find a file called Assembly-CSharp.dll.pw.modified in your Managed Folder, which should at this path Steam > steamapps > common > Pillars of Eternity > PillarsOfEternity_Data > Managed Make a backup of the vanilla Assembly-CSharp.dll by renaming it or copying it somewhere safe. Then rename Assembly-CSharp.dll.pw.modified to Assembly-CSharp.dll You can now launch the game as you would have in the past.
    1 point
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