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  1. Witnessed my wife push a living creature out of her nether regions. I have a son! His name is Brendan.
    5 points
  2. Congrats TN. Life goes on. Also, is this going meta? A 3d print of me in a 3d Print..?
    3 points
  3. all you fine lairds and better ladies, we bid you raise a glass to the memory o' tn. struck down so young you were hardly seems fair, and so we spit in the eye o' whatever capricious god decided your time were at an end. fare the well traveler. we hardly knew you. oh, and congrats... we s'pose. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  4. Oh, it's 3 wounds? For some reason I thought it was 4, maybe something's changed in the patches since I left off at BoW... Yes, Twin Eels because of the AoE heal on kill; with maxxed Religion it's a massive burst of health, about more than 150 for her and every other party member nearby. My Xoti build is not really DPS; she's more of a melee support and killstealer for fun and profit. I set her AI so that she always beelines for the Near Death enemy with the lowest Health.
    2 points
  5. Greetings employees of Halcyon, We want to take this opportunity to thank the incredible team behind The Outer Worlds. It is because of their hard work and dedication to this project that we received the Best Narrative, Best Performance - Ashly Burch, Best RPG, and Game of the Year nominations at The Game Awards. To all of those who voted for us in The Game Awards, you are all fantastic and we are so grateful for your support. The reception to The Outer Worlds has been unbelievable to see, and even just being nominated means a lot. However, the journey isn't over yet as we are excited to announce that we will be expanding the story through DLC next year! Details will be made available at a later date. Now we would like to allow our game directors, Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky, to share a message with you all: We just wanted to personally thank our team for doing a wonderful job and our fans for their tremendous support. And Tim would like to say what an honor it was to work with me. – Leonard Whatever, Leonard. Now that we’ve finished, I expect that certain photographs will be destroyed, as per our agreement. – Tim
    1 point
  6. The guide books are currently available on HumbleBundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/books/pathfinder-lost-omens-paizo-books The second tier includes the Guide to the River Kingdoms, where the game takes place.
    1 point
  7. ... one suspects you elicit a few curious stares when grocery shopping or taking out the trash. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  8. Jmt19, the team is currently working to see what can be done in regards to widescreen support. I wish I had more to share with you at this time so you can have more information, but when I know more about what steps we will take I will share them with you and everyone else so you know what to expect. I do apologize for not only the inconvenience of this issue but for not having more to report. However, I do want to thank you for the continued reports not only to Private Division but to us personally as we continue to share these reports with the team.
    1 point
  9. Congrats TN & Mrs. TN. Welcome to the world Brendan!
    1 point
  10. yeah silly me i never thought of that interaction, that's a fun little synergy.
    1 point
  11. Congrats. Your life is now truly over.
    1 point
  12. Now, I don't know how you guys are using Xoti, but personally I always run her with The Twin Eels greatsword, and set her AI to behave like a killstealer. Every time she killsteals, she gains 4 wounds plus heals a tonne of health plus gets 4 rolls at proccing Rooting Pain, all at once. What's not to like? Everything else about my personal build for her is designed to make her better at killstealing, and to make her party tougher just by existing. She can be such a valuable party member if you know how to build her, guys.
    1 point
  13. I'd say that anything you need to know regarding the lore is pretty thoroughly explained in the game too. It does a pretty good job establishing all you need to know lore-wise to get the gist of the world and the conflict at hand.
    1 point
  14. I love Civ, it as also refined it's problems to an incredible extent. It's a rich game. I don't want them to throw out all that history. Which makes it hard to get a drastically different experience out of a similar premise. Hopefully Humankind offers a fresh take on a niche that is dominated by a single series.
    1 point
  15. is multiple more recent pathfinder crpg threads. one were started as recent as this month. whatever. the point o' pathfinder is that it is a d&d clone. wotc stopped making third edition stuff, so folks who liked 3e d&d had to look elsewhere. paizo, with their pathfinder rules, initial used d20 open license to make what amounted to the d&d games folks missed when wotc started releasing 4e. to be fair, even before the full 4e shift by wotc, pathfinder were having critical and fan acclaim 'cause it were considered kinda ideal retro, embracing old skool d&d goodness, while also having high production values. and again, were open-source d20, so... that said, am not sure 'bout the question. setting is kinda a different query than suggested by your "d&d rip-off clone" comment. d&d, for example has had greyhawk and planescape and dark sun and ravenloft and spelljammer and multiple other settings. the main pathfinder setting is using a world called golarion, but there is a splat book which references the other planets in the solar system as well. regardless, the legacy o' d&d is clear and obvious in the mechanics o' pathfinder seeing as how it evolved from open-source d20. setting o' kingmaker specific is the river kingdoms, which is an extreme small portion o' the continent o' avistan on the aforementioned world o' golarion. could plunk the river kingdoms down somewheres on oerth or toril w/o being particular out of place. https://pathfinder.fandom.com/wiki/River_Kingdoms you got familiar d20 races, save that pathfinder elves is taller than humans... just to be different? most o' the core classes is similar to d20 staples, though over the course o' ten years, the folks at paizo added a few more and kingmaker incorporates a few o' those additions. https://pathfinderkingmaker.gamepedia.com/Classes in any event, if you played any 3e or 3.5e d&d, you will be able to jump right into kingmaker with a non arduous learning curve before you. but again, is a couple other threads 'bout kingmaker and its sequel, so... HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  16. @algroth kinda amusing you mention uncut gems 'cause while looking for a punch drunk love video for our earlier post, we noticed the uncut gems clip and gave it a looksee. am intrigued. more curious is while searching video results for "adam sandler" and "punch drunk love," the following video were recommended to us by youtube: ... am thinking the youtube algorithm needs a bit o' tuning. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  17. I still think the Mandalorian half the time looks like a fan-movie. The short episodes, the way stuff is cut, the .... quality of the acting at times. It just feels to me like something you watch on youtube (except for the better cgi budget). It started out pretty well, but now I'm getting a little bit tired of it. There's only a few episodes left, but barely any real story progression so far? Bet this season will end in an annoying cliff-hanger.
    1 point
  18. Philadelphia has been on life support, and while the Cowboys haven't been too hot either, I think they've looked a clear cut above the Eagles and shouldn't have too much difficulty.
    1 point
  19. RIP, . Life can be gone so quickly.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. This week's Mandalorian episode can serve as a pretty decent showcase for various issues and a decent thing (no, really). First of all, Bill Burr as mercenary guest star making meta-fun at both Stormtrooper accuracy and Gungans? Thanks, but no thanks. That's so distracting it killed by suspension of disbelief (and that's somewhat hard to do). Secondly, what's up with those terrible Twi'Lek costumes? Fan clubs have higher standards than that. Jeez. On the other hand the ending of the episode shows that you can set something in the Star Wars universe, whip out a flight of X-Wings and not have it be pandering fanservice. How? It just needs to make sense in-universe.
    1 point
  22. I still don't understand why people love Valve so much.
    1 point
  23. It’s certainly tackling the same theme as CIv, but there is inherent way Civ games progress. It’s all about positive feedback loop. What I am most interested to see is, if it is something they will try to tackle. Civ6 tried to fix some of Civ inherent problems, especially with Rising Storm expansion but I didn’t feel like they quite succeeded. RPShas written a nice article about it a while back. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/03/15/all-rise-and-no-fall-how-civilization-reinforces-a-dangerous-myth/
    1 point
  24. Same issue, sudden freeze followed by crash to desktop, sometimes crashes while in combat during TTD use, sometimes randomly while walking around and just had another while riding in the elevator to Clive's office in Slaughterhouse Clive (while elevator was in use I switched weapons and the screen froze followed by crash to desktop)
    1 point
  25. My wife's side of the family rolls deep so last night we attended the "cousins" Christmas party. Good foods and drink and later on we played a game of white elephant. I "won" a candy bowl.
    1 point
  26. Being a Ventrue sucks. Or doesn't because nobody tastes well enough to suck.
    1 point
  27. Rebalance. More challenging game modes. De-Couple Supernova features from its difficutly if we want survival elements in lower difficulties.
    1 point
  28. One of my only issues with the game is the button layout options, I just want a layout that has crouch on “Right stick” and melee on “Circle” and none of the option have that without a couple of the other buttons changing I.e the jump button.
    1 point
  29. Great changes, but can we please have native 21:9 support added to the game already? For all of us ultrawide users the game is still unplayable, and it just cannot be enjoyed as it is right now.
    1 point
  30. Wait... don't you stomp with your feet? So to connect your writing and programming skills to stomping one would have to write and program with their feet? How does one write and program with their feet? Seriously this doesn't make any sense I simply can't... oh wait:
    1 point
  31. I don't think there's much to be gained by directly comparing DE and TOW, they are very different from one another. BUT, as someone who also played DE just before TOW, it was pretty hard for me to shake the feeling of having just played something that felt bold, fresh, wild and extremely ambitious, flaws and all (and I could list many), and then going into TOW which is pretty much anything but as far as I'm concerned. I've been been a big fan of Obsidian in the past, even through projects that some considered to be downright bad, and I've always managed to squeeze enjoyment out of them (well, except for stuff like Armored Warfare and Pathfinder maybe, which I didn't play) and look forward to the next project. But TOW is the first game by them where I just felt like the whole experience was too lukewarm, too "safe," too... boring. It just didn't move me in any way whatsoever, the whole thing felt very "meh" to me despite there being flashes of brilliance in there such as solutions to quests, good reactivity, stuff that I usually eat up with delight. It's the first Obsidian game where I could not wait for the NPCs to finish talking (and that's coming from someone who usually loves dialogue and always play dialogue-centric characters), but then it only meant that I was back to an incredibly uninspired loot system and very boring combat encounters instead. I just could not bring myself to care about anything in the game, it never pulled me in at all. And again, if we bring up DE, it was a game that I just could not put down, despite its many flaws. I don't know, it's not my jam at all obviously and that's fine. I'm glad there are others who enjoy it. But I was pretty surprised by my reaction to it because I was looking forward to the game quite a bit.
    1 point
  32. The cat had been acting out of sorts, and suddenly started walking funny. The vets initially thought it was sudden onset athritis, and gave us pain meds for him. A week later, after spending 90% of his time curled up on top of the laptop bag rather than doing anything he starts staggering, walking with an arched back and face to the floor. Turns out he had a large tumour in his spine. So now he has gone to the big sleep. The weekend has had that slow dismantling of cat-trees and collecting up the various scattered toys and grooming stuff.
    0 points
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