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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/19 in all areas

  1. That's just like ... your opinion man. But I'm sure everyone here is greatful for your critique. However, my opinion is that it's the best Fallout like game since Fallout New Vegas. My opinion is that the writing is brillant. My opinion is that Obsidian is not known for mediocrity but for some of my favourite games ever.
    5 points
  2. Most important gaming news: I am back after 5 days AFK.
    3 points
  3. I agree companions aren't the smartest but I don't understand why people want to start out the game on the hardest difficulty with very clearly explained penalties and stuff you have to manage before really seeing how the game and systems work. I did see a perk to both increase and decrease the aggro companions will produce, I have not tried them so I can't speak for how effective they are. You can also increase the durability of companions through your skills, their perks and giving them better equipment. They will probably still do dumb things if you don't micromanage them but they would be more likely to survive. A couple changes I could think of is allow players to customize the difficulty so they can choose different option such as I want to worry about food , water, and sleep but not have the penalty of losing my companion if they die. Another thing that is kind of amazing is that in quite a few of the older RPG games you could get pretty specific on how the party members you had gathered reacted to things. Such as dictating what attack they used at what range and when to use the attack, when to heal, when to retreat from combat and where to retreat to. All this was allowed through scripts you could choose or if you wanted to go extreme actually write out in a text document that you could insert into the game. Somewhere and for some reason that idea seems to have died out or at least I haven't seen it in any modern games I have played.
    3 points
  4. I can't overstate how much I love how they handles containers. They open automatically and I can easily choose what to pick up with as little fiddling as possible! Playing in PC I encountered none of the issues OP stated. One thing which I do find annoying, is that I find it difficult to locate enemy bodies after the fight, especially if they turned into a pile of ashes. They hide to easily in the grass.
    3 points
  5. Video is hilarious. Thank you. Title is incorrect though. This is "What would happen if a half-wit with no natural instincts plays this?"
    3 points
  6. "Jim Sterling likes ToW. " That's as bad an endorsement as any.
    3 points
  7. So yes, how I looked at MCM London ComicCon...
    3 points
  8. Your entitled to your opinion. But it's definately a minority viewpoint. Obsidian are not known for mediocre ganes. Obsidian are known as one of the best RPG devs in the west. Something tells me more than likely your a very sad Bethesda fan. Who is so upset that Bethesda have gone so downhill that many don't want to support them anymore. TOW is so much better than Fallout 4. The RPG mechanics are better. And the slow Mo is far superior to Vats. But the biggest problem with Fallout is the writing. Obsidian writing is superb. Please Obsidian don't be like Fallout. TOW is far superior as an RPG. IMO the OP is either a PS fanboy or Bethesda Fanboy. What gives it away is the line that Obsidian are known for mediocrity. When that statement is totally false. Obsidian is synonymous with top drawer quality RPGs. Either he's Annoyed that from here on all Obsidian RPGs will be Xbox exclusive or he's annoyed that so much hate is being piped on Bethesda lately. And people are much happier with The Outer Worlds. 90% of reviews say it's better than Fallout.
    3 points
  9. When this game was released, I was pleasantly surprised. It looked like a combination of Fallout and Mass Effect. But after a few hours of playing, I started to see the mediocrity that Obsidian is known for. My biggest complaint is that the main character is an emotionless husk. Why spend all my time at the character creation, making a human being, while I can only act as an eunuch? No flirting, no camaraderie (besides fetch quests for your team), no romance and barely any friendship. Why surround me with characters, if I can barely interact with them anyway? Whatever I can do in Outer Worlds, I can also do in Fallout 4 and more. And I know Fallout 4 doesn't have the best dialogue in the Fallout series. But Outer Worlds isn't better either. That and Fallout 4 has so many mods, and isn't Epic Store exclusive. When I compare Pillars of Eternity 1 to 2, I can see so many improvements. Maybe Outer Worlds 2 would be better, but currently I see more roleplaying in GTA online, and I don't even own that game. Outer Worlds. 4/10
    2 points
  10. Let me start by saying that I am loving TOW so far and this is by no means a deal breaker for me. Having said that, it is driving me CRAZY that every time I talk to someone I pull out my currently equipped weapon and shove it in their face every single time I press the interact button (X on Xbox). This is driving me absolutely CRAZY! PLEASE, Obsidian, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, PLEASE fix this immersion breaking oversight! The fix is so simple! Please just give us the option of having to hold the interact/reload button to holster/un-holster instead of just tapping it. That would fix the problem COMPLETELY! Thanks in advance!
    2 points
  11. Torrenting it with the Game Pass existing sounds like being **** for just a sake of it.
    2 points
  12. If this keeps going it would be easier for every other country to leave EU and form a new union instead of waiting for UK to leave.
    2 points
  13. So I went and bought The Outer Worlds. Still installing. **** Epic Games Store. That is all.
    2 points
  14. Well, Deadfire is game where it became painfully obvious that Obsidian team's combined writing talent went downhill, but good system was still keeping it afloat. TOW writing is like somebody cloned Xoti and contaminated whole game with her. At least the part I have seen.
    2 points
  15. It's writing is superior to NWN 2 by *far* and significantly better than PoE 1. Also better than Alpha Protocol; KOTOR 2 is unique because the first half of the game is pretty bad but then it becomes absolutely *amazing*. KOTOR 2 also had the benefit of being a more-or-less direct critique and commentary on an already established franchise; it's basically a very long diatribe about what's wrong with the Star Wars good/evil hard dichotomy. I'd say the writing in TOW about as good as PoE 2 and only slightly worse than Tyranny, which itself had the benefit of being in a unique position--there is no other game that I can think of that so directly questions what it means to be good or evil in relation to the society you live in.
    2 points
  16. Where this game really shines is in its commitment to choice. Obsidian has allowed players to create and develop characters the way they want. I don't feel like my character is an empty husk because the game allows me to make tons of choices (and a lot of these choices are complex). So when ever I explore different places I always know exactly who my character is. Could they have fleshed out some of the relationships more? Sure, there's a lot of things the devs could have done. But I've learned that you can't expect everything. Also, this game is way better than Fallout 4. TOW is an actual RPG.
    2 points
  17. If you don't like EGS you can do what many of us have done is pay $1 for Xbox Game Pass. Personally I prefer an emotionless husk as it makes it much easier to role-play. I'm not sure how good the game is relative to Fallout 3 or New Vegas yet, but it is definitely better than Fallout 4 since I actually feel like I can role-play.
    2 points
  18. I do disagree: I think Bethesda's Fallout is the "cheap knockoff". Simply because Bethesda isn't smart. They do not do smart design, they do not write smart things. They themselves stated "You can either fill a large world with cheap content or make a small game with handcrafted stuff". This was true until CD Project Red showed them a pretty large middle finger. Bethesda-games do one thing right: Large, cheap worlds. It's McDonalds, sometimes I like it, but it's just "cheap, low-quality stuff, lots of it". Nothing the Bethesda-makers so far have said or done over the years made me think "Yeah, cool! That is smart!" If you want a piece of their actual abilities to plan, design and execute a game you need only to look at Fallout 76, the writing that lead to that fiasko has on the wall for all their previous titles, just they worked as moddable (!) single player titles, so we did not mind and got our fun out of them (I played Oblivion, Skyrm, Fallout 3 and 4 and enjoyed them for what they were - but always wished they were done smarter in basically all regards). Here's the actual issue: Even though they seem to look similar and are basically the same genre, Fallout 3/4 and The Outer Worlds are *very* different game with very different goals and basic ideas. Both studios want different things and do these "fairly well" when measured against their own goals (note that neither is actually perfect; Bethesda lacks in being smart, Obsidian often has lacked in funding to actually finish a large project and make it as good as it could be (Kotor2, anyone?)). So to be honest: I take "Obsidian-Fallout" over "Bethesda-Fallout" anytime. Simply because I like "smart" better than " incredibly lots". Do you know what I hope for? An Obsidian-Game made with the development effort and money that Bethesda could afford!
    2 points
  19. You're entitled to your opinion, but I *strongly* disagree. 1) Obsidian isn't known for mediocre games. They are a very successful RPG studio that has made some of the best games out there, and are widely acknowledged as such. 2) There's a *LOT* of companion interaction. No, there's no "romance", but so what? There's a cubic ****ton of interaction and comradeship. 3) You cannot do all the same stuff between those two games. You can't throw grenades in TOW, but you can't shrink people in Fallout 4. You can't enslave people in TOW, but you don't have any "dig through rat ****" quests in Fallout 4, either. Etc. etc.
    2 points
  20. +1 for 21:9 support, until this game supports that I will vote with my wallet and not reward developers for lazy programming, no matter how good the game is. I've also posted this over in reddit and got stampeded with downvotes pretty quickly. As of the last steam survey 2560x1080 and 3440x1440 have nearly the same adoption rate as 3840x2160. That UW implementation is fairly straightforward and developmentally inexpensive I'm appalled that this game doesn't have native UW support right out of the gate. Kingdom Come: Deliverance, smaller dev studio, native 21:9 right out of the gate. I could list other examples but I don't want to belabor the point. https://www.reddit.com/r/theouterworlds/comments/dn3gyw/the_lack_of_219_ultrawide_support_in_2019_is/ Let me know when you implement a feature that should have been implemented from the get go in a AA title from 2019. Is this 2009? No it's 2019.
    2 points
  21. Just installed the game and started playing. And everything seemed fine until the first night, when I noticed a rather big visual problem (visible more at night because of the contrast, and also that's when I came out into a more open space). Head bobbing weirdly affects the sky and horizon, causing every layer to bob kind of separately. It's only visible while walking/jogging. Doesn't happen at all while sprinting. I can link a video if anyone wants to see exactly what I mean, but it can really make one dizzy. Anyway, did anyone else notice this particular problem?
    1 point
  22. Currently SAM applies the Robophobia debuff when he is in party. Either the description of the Robophobia flaw should be updated to reflect that it applies everywhere not just combat or (preferably) the flaw should be changed so it applies to hostile automechanicals or npc automechanicals of a certain reputation or whatever. "Automechanicals now give you the willies, and when they're attacking your party you're not as effective as you should be."
    1 point
  23. As title says. Her quest is auto failing with "Parvati was killed." whenever I pick it up, but obviously that isn't the case because I'm speaking with her, and playing on Hard difficulty, where companions don't permanently die as far as I'm aware. I started on normal but changed to hard part way through my play through so I don't know if that triggered it. I'm playing on the game pass version on a regular Xbox One. I also settled things on Monarch storywise just before picking up her quest if that's any information you need.
    1 point
  24. During the quest Solution Vital, I proceed to Captain Irion's location. However there are no Outlaws surrounding him. When talking to him he gives the speech blurb he should give when the outlaws are not killed. Is there a way to reset things so the Outlaws appear? I have tried leaving and returning to Scylla and this resets all the enemies but the Outlaws that should show up around him.
    1 point
  25. While I don't love Steam, I hate the monopoly that Epic is creating. This is one of two games that I refuse to buy because of this practice. Yes, I created an account just to vent. I'm sure very few people care, but I do. If this game has all the bugs fixed I just read about and is still supported when other platforms can sell it, then I'll buy it then, probably at a discount. Until then, I hope your marketing strategy of using Epic exclusively bites your bottom line and alienates any fans.
    1 point
  26. I just landed on groundbreaker, and Vicar Max is both alive and dead! Background - i did first planet power station redirect in an odd order. Went straight to power station without talking to Vicar or biodome lady, switched one switch, then talked to biodome lady, then went back and companioned vicar, then did last two power station switches and chose biodome deserters as power receivers. Vicar Max said that he would be waiting for me at the unreliable, but when i went back to the (now powerless) town he was in the church, and him and Parvarti started battling till she killed him. Dead dead, (i looted his corpse. ) When Paravrti and i entered the unreliable Max was nowhere to be found, but his possesions were in his stateroom. Upon travelling to groundwater i got the companions screen, and to my surprise Max was available as a companion. I selected him and Parvarti (only two available), and when i spawned on groundwater Max was visible but in his "companion knocked down" state. He recovered and i started talking to him, after about 20 seconds i got a message that his companion quest had failed because he was dead! Found one other person with the exact same issue / setup triggers on reddit. So currently i have his companion bonuses active, he is on screen and interacts normally, but his companion quest to find french translator is failed beacuse he i dead. Hoping that this glitch does not turn out to be a gamebreaker later in my playthrough. REALLY dig this game, the complexity of the RPG'ing is simple enough for my brain to deal with, combat is excellent by RPG standards, nice visuals, great art style, lots of Bioshock influence, no crappy Bethesda game engine, cutscenes not too long, overall a really well balanced game :)
    1 point
  27. They tried to sneak him in right after having a "tribute to veterans" segment or something along those lines while the stadium was already pre-cheering, and it was positively Spongebob-esque in it instantly changing from cheers to boos. You hate to see it.
    1 point
  28. I only caught a little of the game and apparently missed some booing and chanting
    1 point
  29. Been tinkering on a character in the Outer Worlds character creator I used head 12 the default:
    1 point
  30. Anytime you talk to someone who does not have an actual dialog, or open a door or click on anything with the X button on an Xbox one controller or the Square button on a playstation controller, Your gun gets Un-holstered and it's breaking my immersion along with annoying the hell out of me. It's using the same holster/unholster button as the interact button, and it's REALLY REALLY annoying. This needs to be fixed, or at least let us change the controller keys. The Keyboard and mouse are fine, but i prefer to play games with my Xbox one controller on PC along with 80% of most people on PC. Fix this Please. - Everyone
    1 point
  31. The Elder Scrolls series survived Battlespire and Redguard.
    1 point
  32. Oh and there are also several reddit threads about this, just for reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/theouterworlds/search/?q=head bobbing&restrict_sr=1
    1 point
  33. I am waiting for OW to download, so can’t comment on game itself, but Obsidian in general: Obs strives to create roleplaying games. Unlike modern fallouts, Bioware games or Witcher you don’t get a premade character with goals, personality and personal objectives. It is what made me bounced off Bioware titles years back, when I transitioned to Obs. This is what also what made me love their games. come up with a character. Who is he/she? Her ideology, personality, goals. See what game will allow you to do, and work with that. You might be surprised how much you get to work with. Naturally, there is a limited range to what you can do, but I usually find Obs games accommodating enough to warrant several playthroughs.
    1 point
  34. Well you're entitled to your one man's opinion. I've rated it 8.5/10 so far. Not just for storyline, but LACK OF GAME ENGINE BREAKING BUGS WHICH BETHESDA IS REKNOWN FOR. Thankfully this time around, Obsidian devs WERE NOT under any contractual pressure from Bethesda to rush out another buggy New Vegas. Which is why the game is so polished. And understand that this game is NOT open exploration sandbox that Bethesda games are known for. So no Skyrim/FO4 wide as the ocean & deep as a puddle sand box questing. And the possibility for mods is still a possibility in the future. IMO, imagine what Obsidian would've been able to do had they had the budget of an alpha release game like Star Citizen. Or AAA budget that Howard had to make FO4. Would they have been able to produce an open world space driven sandbox the likes and scale of New Vegas? Very likely. A Newtonian flight model with PvE exploration and PvP spaceship combat? Possibly. Even more detailed NPC interaction and RP story line? Most definitely. That being said, I plan on taking my time to enjoy all the side quests and not blindly rush through the MQ. Just to beat the game in 10hr or less for bragging rights and/or the achievements. IMO The Outer Worlds is VASTLY SUPERIOR in the storyline/RPG/player choice aspect of anything Bethesda added to FO4 to date. And don't get me started on that cancerous macro transaction, PvP wannabe, BR virus infected dumpster fire that is F76 to date.
    1 point
  35. I don't think it's the cattle quest, as I've never seen them, but I'm having the same issue otherwise. Parvati "dies" as soon as she gives me the "Don't Bite the Sun" quest. Also, I've had her just randomly be dead on the floor when disembarking the ship a few times. A reload fixes that, but I never got the quest issue to fix that way.
    1 point
  36. Pretty sure everyone around here knows that.
    1 point
  37. Comparison, not competing. Each game has its strengths and weaknesses. Compared to other games, O.W. is in my opinion a more laid back, slower paced game than something like Borderlands 3, with emphasis on story.
    1 point
  38. These games aren't competing with one another, people. They are all coming out years apart, so I am pretty sure they can all exist and be enjoyed in the same marketplace. We aren't exactly saturated with these types of games.
    1 point
  39. I came here to post about the exact same thing. I love this game but on this point it has the same failing that most other open world RPG have been having these last years, developers are confusing the people who like to role play at living in the world with the people who like challenges. Eating, sleeping and not fast traveling everywhere are not really an added challenge to be honest, except very early on, and many players find it an annoyance more than a challenge anyway in terms of enjoyment. Those things appeal to "life role playing" gamers and in that category you have both players who are more interested in the story and the choices and those who like a challenge and hard combat. So ideally the role playing elements should be separated from the difficulty to really be ideal for everyone. Luckily as someone pointed above mods are already here to make things more to our liking, I just hope the devs will take this into account for the future.
    1 point
  40. haven't done any cattle related quest but was checking my quest log and saw "don't bite the sun" was under botched not completed and saying parvati was killed even though I was playing on story. I take it junlei didn't like the rose scented soap
    1 point
  41. Same problem, can't even play the game because it consistently crashes anywhere from 20-60 seconds after getting out of the crashpod. Updated drivers, no overlays, NOT gamepass version, and have tried various graphics settings. I've had plenty of games with big bugs and instability, but never one that I absolutely could not play right out of the box like this. I also have the 21:9 issues everyone else has. Nvidia GTX 1080Ti, Windows 10, 16 gigs RAM, i7 at 4K, no overclocking, etc.
    1 point
  42. I'm getting the exact same problem, really frustrating I don't wanna move forward without doing it incase it fails if you go farther in the story?
    1 point
  43. Same problem for me. Bite the Sun autofails as soon as she gives me the quest, with the message "Parvati was killed". I'm playing on "Story" difficulty on PC (EGS). I haven't done the Monarch content yet. Just got done with Scylla (Captain Irion). If I reload and speak with Parvati again, I get the same message.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. I wanted to spoiler tag this but don't have access to the BBCode. Hmm.
    1 point
  46. Hey everyone, Thank you for the input about the font size. The devs have been made aware of this issue so they can consider what action they want to take. If you notice any other issues during your playthrough, please keep reporting them in the forums so we can continue to make the game even better. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience the small text is creating.
    1 point
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