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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/19 in all areas

  1. My 2 years on NC streets and highways was more dangerous than 2 years in Iraq We had a safety brief before a holiday and the speaker asked the auditorium why we lose so many people on the road each year and somewhat shouted out that it was because people in North Carolina can't drive. Even the colonels were laughing.
    2 points
  2. Same here in Sweden, one would think that blinker fluid is more expensive than gasoline.
    2 points
  3. I just hope that the majority of his base is sensible enough to realize Warren is the closest to him, and not Biden...if he drops out at all, that is.
    1 point
  4. I'm pretty sure they've all said that they'll back the eventual nominee but my point was that if Bernie were to drop out now I'd bet money against him backing Biden over Warren or even Gabbard for that matter
    1 point
  5. Rejoice. Only if you have bad reputation with the Principi (-3) you will be able to gain Gipon Prudensco, one of the best armors in the game.
    1 point
  6. I'd say that anything that exists in the backer milestones would be considered a foundational 'tenet,' but that's a very specific list. That's why, vis a vis RtWP, going completely TB would cause headaches at this point. On the other hand, Obsidian owns the IP. They had to follow their promises to backers for the games they produced. Now, the devs can do whatever they want to do. It's just a matter of how much pain they want to incur from the community in order to do it. Surveys might sway them, but the ultimate decision should be theirs. Personally, I like it better that way. Sure, listen to the players in order to get new ideas, come up with features that will appeal to a broader group, identify the features that are vital to keeping the core players happy, etc. In the end, however, I trust the devs' vision of the game much more than a mob of unruly random internet folks. Otherwise, why wouldn't they simply go off of existing sales of other games and try to replicate what's already been done? People want to think of video games as an art form like movies or literature. How can we call it art if we don't allow some freedom to the artist?
    1 point
  7. gonna go out on a limb and suggest gorth were keeding. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  8. I did not, i had not windows 10 until April
    1 point
  9. https://www.pcgamer.com/broken-roads-is-a-philosophical-crpg-set-in-a-post-disaster-australian-outback/ No word on a Bogan faction though.
    1 point
  10. Congrats to Jimmy Carter on turning 95 yesterday. As a President he was rather ineffectual. An undoubtedly good and dignified man but very much in over his head. Since leaving office he has redefined what the post-politics life of a President can be.
    1 point
  11. more basic is stuff described weren't in fact foundational tenets. poe were the first game o' a new ip. axiomatic that only so much could be added to poe, or any other game for that matter. subsequent titles in an ip invariable add features. again, am stating obvious. avoidance o' multiclass wasn't a foundational tenet for poe so much as a concession to pragmatism. were not enough resources to do multiclass in poe with so many classes. converse, an arguable foundational tenet from poe which were abandoned in the sequel were no bad builds. however, were impossible for developers to simultaneous add multiclass and retain no bad builds in earnest, though such a goal were still aspirational. poe2 limits on customization o' individual classes actual decreased the accidental failure rate o' single class builds in poe2, but from the start o' development, the obsidianites acknowledged that multiclass would create trap builds for the unwary or ignorant. heck, is again arguable that maximizing customization o' classes were if not a foundational tenet of poe, at the very least it were a goal. the developers never abandoned the belief that no bad builds and maximizing class customization were worthy goals, but once again pragmatism demanded its due. multiclass or ___________ were the oversimplified and repeated binary choice, and developers chose multiclass. purchasers wanted multiclass. original plan for poe2 multiclass were to do similar to d&d 3e with free multiclass choice at every level-up. a few boardies observed how such would almost certainly lead to insurmountable balance issues... which it did. that said, the reason why poe2 has a more limited multiclass scheme than d&d 3e is 'cause the balance notions which were at the heart o' no bad builds philosophy remained even after no bad builds were sacrificed to make way for multiclass... so either/or choice is not even as simple as we described. as such, would be more accurate to say that while no foundational tenets were abandoned after poe, concessions were made in an attempt to meet player expectations and desires. is also worth acknowledging that in poe we got classes in spite o' fact josh and other obsidian folks were not favoring a class system and we ended up with vancian casting in poe even though the original poe plan were for abandoning such. why did we get vancian in spite o' fact the developers thought per encounter were a better option? 'cause there were a flood o' nerd rage when it were announced vancian casting were out for poe. foundational tenets? not sure they exist in any concrete sense. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  12. Yup, that was a thing https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99848-you-can-pickpocket-head-from-yours-bounties/#comment-2025881
    1 point
  13. I guess it has a duration because it had one in PoE1 - and also because if you make it really "constant" it would have to be lower per tick (else too strong). But if it's lower per tick it's actually a lot less useful in 80% of the encouters (when having a party). On lower difficulty settings even more so. A good approach would have been to add a second, low but infinite regenration on top of Constant Recovery with Rapid Recovery. Or even better the other way round: Constant Recovery is a low but endless regeneration but Rapid Recovery adds a higher but time-limited heal. Regarding the question: now, after having played Deadfire a lot and using a dedicated tank (or even two) in most of my runs I would say that a Fighter is a must - at least how I play tanks/what I need them for. Not because of regeneration or even the highest possible defenses or whatever but because of engagement. When I have 6 or so engagement slots I can bind up to 6 enemies (if they are not too big in size) and it seems nobody wants to leave my engagement ever. It's the perfect CC. Especially if the tank is the only one unstealthing first. If I want a good mixture of engagement, defense and offense I choose Unbroken/Trickster which has some awesome synergies and doesn't even need Defender Stance at some later point (gets enough engagment due to passives and items) and become a murder-riposte-tank with Mob Stance. Sure, Arcane Dampener hurts because it removes 50 points of deflection immediately - but it's still not too bad then. If I want the absolute impervious turtle I go Unbroken/Shieldbearer (many engagement slots to begin with - gives me more freedom with my items and such) or Goldpact Knight (highest AR but will have 1 less engagement). The defenses are stellar, you're resistant to everything, the support is cool and Exalted Endurance (combined with a Ring of Greater Regeneration perhaps) is enough to keep me near 100% health all the time. Also because the damage I receive (if I receive any in the first place) is puny. Cadhu Scalth reduces it, the stellar AR reduces it, Death's Maw reduces it, Defender Stance reduces it... At the same time a Herald is surely nice to have because of the dual healing aura (can spare me another healer, also because of Lay on Hands and such). But in my experience he can't bind foes very well. You'd have to use a spear+modal (+1) or Kapana Taga (+2), a Shieldbearer (+2) and some other gear that may come rather late - and you still wouldn't have the amount of engagement I would like to have. I work a lot with AoE effects - and unsurprisingly those work best if the enemies are all in one place (where they can't hurt anybody). I will just nuke on my tank if I can't avoid it- doesn't get hit a lot and if he does he shrugs it off. At the same time a considerable amount of enemies will run around my Herald and get to my other party members pretty quickly. While that is no a big problem because the Herald makes everybody sturdier it makes the combat a lot messier and chaotic. I can't use AoE then a lot and have to use single target damage - which is just less effective (than debuffing and pulverizing a whole group of foes). I'd rather use a Crusader or Swashbuckler tank and then a Herald offtank/CC/support. That works well with few engagement slots and can still deliver all his goodies. If we talk about perfectly facetanking one single powerful enemy - that's a different story of course. But I guess the Crusader would also do very well then (while the Shwashbuckler would stink at some point). No need for engagement, sure, but still stellar defenses and resistances and ok regeneration. You can switch to Warrior Staance then (the deflection bonus stacks with Refreshing Defense and tha Paladin's passive).
    1 point
  14. I just started a new game of CK2 and I picked a random count and decided to try to stay a count until the end of the game. I've never attempted such a low stakes game before
    1 point
  15. So.. the first time in 10+ years I've gone with Nvidia again (since AMD hasn't released anything competitive in the upper echelon of GPU's) and my GPU died on me. It was an ASUS GTX 1080Ti Turbo.. and it cost something like $800+ (don't actually remember). It didn't even last two years. Luckily it's still under warranty so I just sent it back to the store. My old AMD card is still running without problems in my cousin's computer and that's twice as old. I dislike everything about Nvidia except the performance. The way they make proprietary hardware (G-Sync) to raise the prices, the way they make you log into ****ing Facebook for their GPU drivers, the way their drivers are HALF A ****ING GIGABYTE that you need to update twice per month, the way they always make new technology locked to their own hardware (RTX, hairworks, etc).. and the absolutely ****ty quality their third party manufacturers have to build to try to keep their prices below at least $1000. I can't wait for AMD to get back into the top end GPU segment. Holy ****.
    1 point
  16. Ah, good old times, when one could pickpocket target's head from his/her inventory.
    1 point
  17. I'm playing the "waiting in queue on Destiny 2" game. Apparently there's lots of free players who are only slightly less new than me. And also the moon is haunted.
    1 point
  18. can you have one megaboss join your team and just hide your actual party somewhere? anyway, my money's on hauani o whe stomping on every other boss.
    1 point
  19. On second thought, this isn't anything new, really.
    1 point
  20. Not a bad call. I do hope the devs make enough money to do all the things they wanted to. The game deserves to get more work done on it.
    1 point
  21. Pillars of Eternity 3 : Arcanum of Steamwork and Animancy Obscura
    1 point
  22. either that is fate calling, opportunity knocking, or both ... don't let it go unanswered ... have fun in Atlanta
    1 point
  23. Why is this so ****ing true. I swear I almost get hit every day coming home from work from people who just try to turn into your lane and only put on turn signals when they cant or half way into your lane.
    1 point
  24. Have some people I know attending Anachro-Con in Georgia this coming February, and got an invite along to catch up with them. So I decided to take time off work and book a flight over the pond for it. Of course, not originally paying attention to the specific date until after I said I'd go, I've suddenly realised it's that whole 14th-16th February Valentines Weekend... and one of those people is an ex of mine. So that might be a little quirky. Still, steampunk ahoy and all that.
    1 point
  25. You absolute drama queen, get a grip.
    1 point
  26. I hope he is okay but yes its best on several reasons he pulls out the Democratic race and his supporters start endorsing Biden as the only realistic candidate to take on Trump in 2020
    0 points
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