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  1. More like animancypunk ('cause who needs hot wet air when you can use soul essence, right? ) - but yeah. It wouldn't be such a big step since Eora already seems to be at the brink of some kind of industrialisation (see the luminous adra milling and stuff). It wasn't a medieval setting to begin with. Not saying I would want that for PoE3 necessarily, but a game in the Pillars universe - maybe with a small time leap (see the animancer experiment in Sacred Stairs) could be a nice little side project. I think the lore and setting are perfect for such a transition. I also have a name for that: Gears of Eternity. BAM - now it's official: I'm a genius.
    3 points
  2. Same here in Sweden, one would think that blinker fluid is more expensive than gasoline.
    2 points
  3. YES! spicer comes out day 1 o' Presidency and equivocates about crowd size. looks kinda silly, but no big deal. spicer comes out day 2 and he is a pugnacious ball o' fighting fury and he tries to gaslight. of course the media covers overt Presidential lie. any other President woulda' got just as much coverage for such stoopid and obvious attempts to dissemble and mislead and change facts. and the administration kept on lying and lying and lying. every time media asked a question, trump and spicer and kellyanne conway lie more? thank you ms. conway. am knowing we will never forget the bowling green massacre. do you even recall how this went down? you think is not worth coverage 'cause is a small and petty issue? it's a LIE. it's a stoopid lie. and arguable worse, it were gaslighting. were such an obvious lie, but instead the narrative becomes alternative facts and the badness o' the fake news media, fake news which were accurate reporting trump lies? oh, and btw, you kinda miss point 'cause we got months and years o' previous trump badness in our post which had come before day 2 o' the Presidency. this were just another lie, but it were telling 'cause he couldn't even get through two days w/o gaslighting a nation. is why the sharpie pen alteration o' a weather map were no surprise to anybody. such monumental stoopid and unsupportable were the norm from whenever you wanna try and identify day 1. honestly stopped reading here 'cause... *shrug* you not care is why such a crude and vulgar parody o' a man who advocated overt unconstitutional could get elected. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  4. Oh she would only be in office a few months. But you are thinking about this logically. You have to think angry. Angry think would go something like this: Both Trump & Pence are removed sometime next year. Pelosi becomes President. Now there are only two GOP candidates in the 2020 election: Sanford and Weld. Neither is really electable. Although ironically either would likely make a capable if uninspiring President. So whomever the Dem nominee is in 2020 cakewalks into power. The electoral math already favors the dems keeping the house and possibly taking the Senate. Now suppose all that happens. President Warren has an all democrat congress and they go after and remove Kavanaugh. Not likely but not impossible. The half of the country that is already against the Democrats will start thinking this whole thing was just a coup and the fact that Trump actually did something wrong will be forgotten. And of course he will never STFU about it. Between him and Hannity and Co making hay of this whole thing it could get REAL ugly around here. The Democrats are going to come out of this winners to one degree or another. And, of course they wil over play their hands because that is what they do. And when they do it's not a stretch for the conspiracy theorists to theorize this was all a conspiracy. And the people who already think the worst will feel they have been justified. If this does end in Trump's removal (still a very long shot) there needs to be a tone or reconciliation after. But, that ain't gonna happen
    2 points
  5. am curious as to what counts as "day 1"? was day 1 when he had spicer go out and lie about crowd size? technical the lies 'bout crowd size started day two o' the Presidency, so you can feel good 'bout that, eh? maybe day 1 were earlier, before he became President, back when he were talking 'bout a muslim ban and making his pu$$y grab comments? can't imagine why the media would go after such stuff. blatant unconstitutional on the one hand and moral repugnant on the other. take your pick. earlier? back when he had already designated the mainstream media as the enemy of the people and opined that mccain weren't a hero because he got captured? pick us a day 1 'cause chances are trump were a walking nightmare o' lies and hate and ignorance from before that day. if media calling trump out for each lie and misdeed feels like overkill, is only 'cause o' just how often trump lies and attacks the Constitution. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  6. Pillars of Eternity 3 : Arcanum of Steamwork and Animancy Obscura
    2 points
  7. wasn't me ... never had FB or twitter* accounts appears Pompeo has his own Giuliani ... Gorka is literally flying to Europe with the Secretary, on the same plane, with no security clearance *had a profile for one day to say hi to Wil Wheaton but then a swarm of bots descended and it was deleted
    2 points
  8. Praise be to Yevon! Thanks for the heads up @Boeroer! If you notice that it stops working for any reason, please let me know
    2 points
  9. who wouldn't? he were also married to farrah fawcett in the 70s. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  10. I've been failing to live up to my gimmick as of late, I blame The Witcher 3 (no point in posting screenies of that, I'm sure everyone has seen hundreds by now). I've been trying to make up for it by posting videos for upcoming indie games nobody else knows the names for.
    2 points
  11. No, you aren't. You are also not the only one who remembers the backstory of the Voerman twins being about their father molesting them.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Maxine Waters: Trump should be imprisoned and 'placed in solitary confinement' it's kinda traditional to have a trial first. *sigh* oh, and in case it weren't clear, we personal would never have made it through voir dire o' the amber guyger trial. if we thought a person might be in our home before we entered, we sure as hell would not go in with a gun drawn intending to kill the intruder. what? have said multiple times we don't own anything which we would be willing to kill to keep and have given gd and others a hard time 'bout their belief that concealed weapons somehow increase safety in spite o' pretty much every study ever showing exact opposite. if we had a family to protect, then maybe we would feel different. the cop in this case weren't protecting her family. the typical da don't prosecute this kinda case, but this case were different from the start. say amber is deserving punishment 'cause what she did were unreasonable is one thing, but jury functional said they didn't believe her excuse that she were going into her own apartment. ... regardless, we wouldn't be quick to buy into conspiracy theories 'bout an intentional flub on the part o' the da. rare is a jury decision overturned 'cause they got it wrong. needs be mistake of law, and decide judge screwed the pooch seems mighty unlikely here, particular in regards to gag order violation. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  14. Good way for him to keep his promises of draining the swamp
    1 point
  15. Yeah, my wife thinks it was sabotaged on purpose just in case she got convicted. I try not to put much stock in conspiracy theories but I can't but help feeling the same, especially after Gromnir's post on the issue.
    1 point
  16. hah ironically I played CK2 yesterday for a while, got very strong character almost getting all counties to form Scandinavian empire while my 45 yo character without reason got infirm and my regent decided that going to war for last 3 counties is bad idea. Long story short, after 3 years of doing nothing character died and whole empire collapsed to petty kingdoms AGAIN. I effing hate this game xD
    1 point
  17. thank goodness we can still laugh 'bout a wh story. is still hope. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. Dallas Police officer Amber Guyger convicted of murder. Well, what do you know
    1 point
  19. Hey now, the 80s movie has a moment that cannot be topped
    1 point
  20. You usually only "lose" the loot. That may be not worthwhile at all (like Gorecci Street where the looters drop nothing that's exciting) or quintessential for you build ideas (e.g. with Familiy Pride/Bardattos vs. Valeras: Casità Samlia's Legacy and Deltro's Cage can only be yours if you kill both family heads). It is possible to do a pacifist run. You will have to fight every now and then - but most of the time fights can be avoided with dialogue and stealth. A "problem" will be bounties though. You can't do them without fighting. In those cases the nearest thing to not fight is to sneak in and deliver a gouging strike, go invisible, run away, grab a coffee and watch a Netflix show and come back later when the enemy is dead. Repeat.
    1 point
  21. either that is fate calling, opportunity knocking, or both ... don't let it go unanswered ... have fun in Atlanta
    1 point
  22. Have some people I know attending Anachro-Con in Georgia this coming February, and got an invite along to catch up with them. So I decided to take time off work and book a flight over the pond for it. Of course, not originally paying attention to the specific date until after I said I'd go, I've suddenly realised it's that whole 14th-16th February Valentines Weekend... and one of those people is an ex of mine. So that might be a little quirky. Still, steampunk ahoy and all that.
    1 point
  23. It has to be present day or near enough. The main plot seemingly has to do partially with big tech control.
    1 point
  24. "Why would she make that choice? " She's a piece of garbage. There. Simple. No different than anyone cold blooded murderer.
    1 point
  25. That's why I was curious about what part of the Russia thing Gfted1 meant and thanks to him for clarifying. Did they actually change any votes themselves? Nope. Did they try to heavily influence the outcome of the election? Yes. Can we measure how successful that effort was? Not really, no. Did the Trump campaign "collude" with Russia? Insufficient evidence to bring conspiracy charges. Did they try to? Yes. Is that nothing? In my mind no, it's not nothing. PS I refuse to type nothing before the last name of the 15th chief justice of the US
    1 point
  26. Maybe we need a separate political "humor" thread? If you can call it that.
    1 point
  27. john kelly kinda tried something like that. it were only during the hour of the wolf when trump were complete alone with his phone, which were why so many o' his bizarre tweets went out at ridiculous early hours in a day. then again, “This is the worst [expletive] job I’ve ever had. People apparently think that I care when they write that I might be fired. If that ever happened, it would be the best day I’ve had since I walked into this place.” @ManifestedISO rudy will claim attorney-client privilege... in spite of fact he will be asked about conversations he had with people who weren't his client. he isn't a member o' wh staff, so he can't use executive privilege. is gonna get ugly. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  28. Im never angry here. I like to chit chat and it brings me a almost perverse pleasure watching you in particular misinterpret almost everything and try to pick that misinterpreted point to death. Youre just very very very bad at understanding the normal flow of a conversation and purposely try to insinuate that which isn't there. Voting fraud is not a myth but somehow we cant check peoples credentials. The clown show then moves the goal posts to "it don't matter, dur". The Russian "influence" cannot be quantified. Theres no denying that. But if it will dry your snotty nose I can tell you one thing. Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine. I mean, if some kid or something gets killed I may think to myself "bummer", but that's about it. I hope that makes you feel better.
    1 point
  29. tongue-in-cheek recognized, however, according to full report, blunt force weapon. am recollecting in the definitions portion, discharge o' firearm must be actual or proximate cause of death to be counted as a firearm homicide. as such, use a shotgun as a club would also count as blunt force. 'course, it depends on how such were reported to fbi. fbi uses statistics provided by individual law enforcement. instructions to law enforcement would have pistol-whip counted as blunt, but if wilton county wherever sheriff's department doesn't bother to distinguish proper and simple lists all handgun deaths as handgun deaths, then errors will result. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  30. I still believe though there is a 10th circle in hell, reserved for people who got the best armour in Bloodlines. I also believe we'll be sitting around there, with marelooke blaming me for getting him to buy games, and others complaining that keyrock posts screenshots of weird indy games nobody else knows the names for.
    1 point
  31. Am I only one who remember that part about snuff?? films with monsters raping and killing women?
    1 point
  32. You know, for as much as I like The Witcher 3, and I do, the movement in the game can be infuriatingly inconsistent. Most of the time, if I'm jogging forward and I stop pressing up on my left stick Geralt takes 2 more steps forward and stops, which is fine, I don't expect him to completely stop instantly like he's a character in a NES 2D platformer. Once in a while, however, I'll be jogging forward and I'll stop pressing up, which is interpreted by the game as take 8 more steps forward. Then there is the fun times of trying to get on a boat from the dock. Most of the time it works as expected, you just walk off the dock right onto the boat. Once in a while, though, I can't just walk onto the boat because apparently Geralt can't lift his foot higher than 4 inches off the ground. This forces me to attempt to jump onto the boat, which, naturally, results in me diving over the boat and into the water. My favorite one, though, is when you make a small jump over some obstacle and upon landing Geralt decides the thing to do is to immediately go into a roll, despite the fact that I'm not pressing any controls. This is especially fun when you're up on a platform somewhere high enough that falling=death. I'm assuming that Geralt is still recovering from his rolling addiction in TW2 and sometimes he falls off the wagon.
    1 point
  33. You absolute drama queen, get a grip.
    1 point
  34. Hey, Florida is a lot cheaper to live in than Oakland.
    1 point
  35. We did Trials and Tribble-ations and Far Beyond the Stars to win over our converts. This was mostly just playing to the audience's sensibilities and I was trying to sell them on Sisko more than the show itself. Netflix for us too. I used to have all the seasons on DVD but they got swiped a long time ago. We do skip some episodes occasionally and Move Along Home always but we generally watch most of a season and it takes us months to get through the whole show. Now if only I can get around to watching the last episode of Elementary. I think part of what's holding me back is that I can imagine how the show could tie everything up satisfactorily in only one episode.
    1 point
  36. given our a la carte viewing o' star trek episodes, netflix makes sense. breaking out all the disks, for all the seasons, and all the series is tedious when am likely to only watch a couple episodes from an individual season. also, as you note, there ain't no remaster for ds9 available in any case. tomorrow am gonna need watch it's only a paper moon. probably will watch the visitor and in the pale moonlight as well. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  37. Song has been stuck in my head all day
    1 point
  38. Found some cool ones if anyone has time to watercolor or just likes them.
    1 point
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