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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/19 in all areas

  1. When I started playing pnp rpg's, we all had one thing in common; We hated dungeons and dragons, the rules were awful to everyones mind. But we all loved Wheel of Time, we were crazy about it - still are really - and a few years into our playing we found out about the Wheel of Time rpg being released so we bought it, the GM set up a campaign during spring, had us make characters, confered with a GM friend at school to create a really detailed campaign. Play during school weeks was limited to the weekends, but summer quickly came and with it the best summer I had. We spent almost every day, every week for two months playing that campaign and the sidetracks that we ended up on. It was really well made, everything had a thought and story behind it, and it was really really massive - though independent from the books, we saw the consequences of the books ofcourse, but I'm really impressed with how well he made everything fit despite how encompassing the books are. The GM's old girlfriend played an Aes Sedai, I played an Andoran Armsman that eventually got roped into being her Warder, we had a Arafelan woodlander/wanderer that was clearly insane that later turned out to be a darkfriend, an odd woodlander that we couldn't tell from the beginning where he was from which turned out to be a Seanchan infiltrator that really liked wolves, a male wilder that always managed to find the one Whitecloak in town and got us into massive trouble and a couple of others that were less regular. For some - completely - unknown reason we had a hard time trusting each other much and ended up sending notes to each other, back and forth. I kept the Aes Sedai constantly updated on what was going on through the bond since my character was completely clueless on how to block it, haha - we had almost entire sidestories through those notes. I actually still have the charactersheet, it's held up nicely against time despite it being 15 years or so. It has been stored in a plastic folder inside a metal and wood ringbinder all the time.
    4 points
  2. It's probably just a self defense mechanism we've all built, since we get our share of people using alt accounts and people possibly being paid by the Russians. I mean, I haven't seen you and Bruce in the same room at the same time, so there is always the chance...
    3 points
  3. Yikes! Sorry for the absence everyone! Sorry for the issues you've been having. Our web programmer was working to get the login time fixed and has officially submitted and integrated the fix. Anyone frequenting the forums or any of the other Obsidian sites shouldn't have to log in again so long as they return within 5 days of the last page they've visited. Anyone coming back after a 5 day hiatus will have to log back in, but that should be way better than the 24 hour window that wasn't updating prior. In regards to BBCode, unfortunately I don't believe Invision supports this feature anymore and are taking a WYSIWYG approach going forward. As a person who admittedly doesn't know much about BBCode, it seems that it is considered a bit of an older technology that more and more places are supporting less. I grabbed a forum thread from their site as I was looking into why this isn't an option for us anymore. If interested you can find that here. Lastly, edits. It looks like the timer on that is set to 7 days which would likely be enough time for most posts, but you make a solid case for polls and lists. The mods have been giving special editing capability to those that request it and have proven to be trustworthy of the capability (not trolls). Because I have interacted with Boeroer and AndreaColumbo a lot in the past, they have been granted this ability. Should someone be looking to make a list or a poll and need this ability in the future, feel free to reach out to me or a moderator about this and they will look into it for you. I think that covers the major points of concern. Sorry again for my absence. If you notice myself or any mods not responding promptly, please feel free to DM me as the notifications for those don't get drowned out by the flood of notifications I get from forum thread posts. Should these issues or any others remain, definitely let me know and I'll have it looked into as soon as possible Thanks again for keeping us appraised of these issues and for your patience!
    3 points
  4. Nice try. But we know now, so none of us believe you, liar.
    2 points
  5. First it was hornworms (tomatoes). Hubby checks once or twice a week and picks off baby hornworm caterpillars from his tomatoes to this day. Not tons, but several per season show up at least. But now he's been growing dill and the yellowish swallowtails have zeroed in on that. They fly around our yard all the time, but we've never had dill (or celery, or carrots, or anything similar) before. From a gardener's perspective, they're pests. From MY perspective, they're awesome. The little orange thingies that pop out over its head for a second when it's disturbed are too cute. Sidenote: looking at the old hornworm pic attachment makes me miss my DLSR. It's the macro photos I miss, I've never been a landscape/portrait/photo-art type person. But I'm simply too lazy to pull it out of the closest anymore, let alone convert RAW + any editing. Also needs new rechargeable batteries, they stop holding a good charge too fast. I wonder if they still cost $20 each. I remember when I'd put one (or two?) of those large watch-type batteries in my 35mm camera (all it needed) and it'd last 2+ years. Rechargeable ... pfft. EditEdit: I have no cat, so I'm now a hubby's garden blogger. Ha.
    2 points
  6. as soon as andy garcia and denver were mentioned, our brain started loading up scenes from things to do in denver when you're dead. not a good movie, but it had a few fun scenes and more than one quotable moment. but yeah, clint eastwood is old. he were old in gran torino and that were 2008. is so old that he and ruth bader ginsburg look like twins, save for the height difference. 'course betty white is 96 or 97, yes? apologies for the brobdingnagian proportions o' the video. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  7. New Cyberpunk 2077 video for us. Has some spoilers in it, so anyone that doesn't want that should leave it. ZOMG HYPE!
    1 point
  8. I thought it was interesting, so I tried it, but didn't really like the feel of it. But it was educational in a sense. What it made me realize is that Obsidian's goal was to VERY strongly encourage you to look at the stat blocks of your opponents to see what they are weak against, and to encourage stocking up on diverse damage types so that you have what you need on hand to crack open any particular nut. That said, Obsidian didn't do that great of a job of PROVIDING good diversity of damage types, particularly for some classes like ciphers. I'm working on a mod for that, which to bring it back to the main thread topic, maybe might even become somebody's must-have mod someday!
    1 point
  9. Older people are embracing video games. For some, that means stardom.
    1 point
  10. I'm telling you the truth or my name isn't Brad Pitt.
    1 point
  11. I'm officially playing the forum game at the moment. I'd like to get into DOS 2 more, and I *do* enjoy the game, but I'm back to having no time and I can frequent the forum without investing the same amount of time... and I can do it on my phone. I've lurked on and off for some time and I find that I get good game buy ideas here, but even if I find something useful in this thread, I imagine I won't buy it until I have more time. So, I'm playing Captain Corcoran in the operetta called OBSIDIAN.
    1 point
  12. Buffing random people was pretty common during TBC, at least on my realm (Wildhammer-EU), as was conjuring water for thirsty Paladins
    1 point
  13. in 2018, elliott had 14 +20 yd plays and 1 +40 yd. in 2014, murray had 18 +20 yd plays and 3 +40 yd. inexplicable, murray were expendable in 2015 but elliott is essential in 2019. it's the o-line which drives dallas. given the early schedule, am thinking jones would be smart to gamble and let elliott hold out for awhile. if elliott is sooper important and dallas crumbles in early games, then jones bargaining leverage with dak increases. if dallas rumbles on, business as usual, then elliott bargaining position suffers. best situation for jones is dallas struggles early but wins close games while dak underwhelms in spite rotation o' rbs posting consistent 100 yd games. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  14. Dallas oline has produced three 1k yard rushers (Murray, Morris, Elliott), but not having Elliott is still a big loss in "homerun" plays. I think Dallas finishes 10-6.
    1 point
  15. Hey Guard Dog, I don't recall seeing anything by you on the subject, so I'll ask here. How do you see the internal skitstorm that is affecting the NRA of late? They seem to be steadfastly digging their own graves.
    1 point
  16. The pop culture references were always present in WoW, though. Suppose it was made a bit worse in Cataclysm, at least for the Alliance parts of the revamp. Will see how much people enjoy the journey when you lose a lot of direction at 30-45. Reading comments about this on other forums people bandy about 'immersion' so much, I'd think they were talking about a Bethesda game. Not sure what's with the excessive nice behaviour, must be some weird conformist thing where everyone has to buff everyone they can and I keep having strange people trying to offer me gear. Definitely not the WoW community I know, hopefully it returns to normal.
    1 point
  17. I kind of like it that way. If I wanted a more fast-moving and energetic experience I would log on something like Discord, which is where most communities are created and reside nowadays. Message boards, much like isometric CRPGs, are a niche for a handful of stubborn enthusiasts of outdated things...
    1 point
  18. Part of the problem with long established mmo's is everyone is focused on the endgame and little on the slow path to the cap. That slow journey is the most engaging part for me, and it is nice to have it rekindled for WoW classic. It feels like a nice slow walk through the world instead of a mad dash.
    1 point
  19. admission: given a choice between a well-developed and character driven villain and a symbolic stand-in akin to grendel, am gonna choose character 99% o' the time. the thing is, the joker already exists. try and reverse-engineer origins and understandable motivations is wasted effort and counter-productive. @algroth your provided video, which we actual watched in spite of not having seen the 2017 film, does a fair job o' explaining concerns. thanks for sharing btw. now perhaps am misunderstanding joker film. maybe is a full on deconstruction o' comic book villains. the whole point is to subvert tropes and archetypes and whatnot. film joker is not batman's joker save for sharing name and aesthetic similarities. batman/stranger shows up in the final act only to beat mr. phoenix's character to edge o' death and whisper for the joker to sing of walls. "grendel, grendel! you make the world by whispers, second by second. are you blind to that? whether you make it a grave or a garden of roses is not the point. feel the wall: is it not hard? he smashes me against it, breaks open my forehead. hard, yes! observe the hardness, write it down in careful runes. now sing of walls! sing!" batman tears off the joker's arm with his bare hands. the world explodes in white-hot agony and arthur fleck stumbles out into the snow to die, but not before breaking the fourth wall and cursing the audience. fin *eye-roll* am not seeing it. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  20. “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."
    1 point
  21. 2020 is shaping up to be a fantastic year theoretically, for me, at least: Baldur's Gate III? Yes, please. I'll try some of that! Realms Beyond! I was an avid backer, Josh Sawyer will design the lich tower. Who doesn't want a turn-based massive SP 3.5 galore CRPG? and now, Amplitude has announced Humankind, as a true competitor to my beloved Civilization series. They did a fantastic job with their latest 4x game. Here's a little teaser:
    1 point
  22. Wait, you... have been... LYING TO US? This WHOLE TIME? I thought we could trust you... I thought we were friends...
    1 point
  23. Not really fitting, but it fits worse on other threads
    1 point
  24. Fans boo Luck. Dirtbags. Smh.
    1 point
  25. "Dead State". Good writing (so new Bloodlines will be fine in that department at least), meh gameplay loop and I'm saying that as someone who cannot resist hoarding. Also trying Baldur's Gate EE because I realized I cannot remember sh†t about it, started and now I see why. Some observations: 1) low level DnD sux, 2) Larian will be on par with their writing, 3) I forgot how much of a pain in the arse trying to climb up/down the stairs was.
    1 point
  26. Coincidentally, I've been playing a lot of DD too.
    1 point
  27. My Doggie Dragons: Dark Arisen character, Frundelstein: One of the few games that lets you make a fat, bald, old man character.
    1 point
  28. More Guillermo del Toro-produced horror films.
    1 point
  29. RG3 lasted longer than Andrew Luck. Yikes. Another reminder for me to appreciate Rodgers while he's still here...
    1 point
  30. The most surprising thing about this statement, is that there still exist entities known as Anthem players
    1 point
  31. today was my father's funeral. healthiest adult human in town and died in the most unlikely way. he tried to calm down one of his 4 sheep that was a bit agitated, it tried to run off and pushed him, so he fell at a bad angle and broke his neck... and to think the ground was made of soft dirt and grass which makes it even more unlikely to get an injury like that but somehow he beat the odds. i was there when it happened, called an ambulance that arrived in less than 10 minutes but by that time he was gone. they kept trying to revive him in the hospital for about 30 minutes but to no avail. at the time they were not aware that his neck broke (meaning he was dead on the spot with no chance to be saved), we learned that the next day after the autopsy. and of course i had to go find and consult a lawyer because there is a chance some crazy animal rights group will try to sue my dead father since an animal was involved. fortunately, the lawyer said that such a case will be dismissed by default so there are no worries on that end at least.
    0 points
  32. Got some terrible news. My dog Sunny Smiles has Cushings Disease. It can be managed somewhat with medication but her life expectancy is 12-14 months. She's only 8 (give or take). No one is guaranteed tomorrow as we all know. We have to enjoy the time we have.
    0 points
  33. Yakuza 7 1/16/2020 in Japan. Presumably sometime later in the west.
    0 points
  34. There's a small arty cinema down here that's doing a season of cult films / 80's classics. So I got to see The Lost Boys on the big screen... Dang, that soundtrack always sticks to the mind. And dammit, now I have an urge to break out my old World of Darkness books and doodle up some characters... Oh, and Azdeus, you're perfectly welcome.
    0 points
  35. But here's the real kicker: you can't tell if he's lying about no longer telling lies, or maybe the lie was that he was telling lies to begin with. #LiesNotEvenOnce
    0 points
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