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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/19 in all areas

  1. Star Trek's LeVar Burton Hopes Geordi Has Had Sex With a Real Woman by the Time Picard Takes Place
    3 points
  2. It's part of northern European culture really, hailing from romanticism, where a journey to the south was part of coming of age for those who could afford this. As the world was a smaller place up until recently, it was "easier" to find people to take a person in, so much more so since that person might be the most up-to-date source of news from home. In school we had to read Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aus_dem_Leben_eines_Taugenichts The main character reminds me of the beg packers in a way. With the internet we don't need to take someone in to speak our language outside the immediate family. Athens has been seeing it's share of beg packers. Not a fan. But the issue should not be mixed up with the homeless problem.
    2 points
  3. I'm playing Setting Up My Controls On X4: Foundations. They don't have a premade profile for my Thrustmaster HOTAS X fightstick, so I have to set everything up myself. My flightstick has plenty of axes but not nearly enough buttons to cover all my usual functions, so I'm using a gamepad in addition to the flightstick. I mapped all the on foot controls to the gamepad (walking around with a flightstick would feel weird) as well as menu navigation. I have all my usual flight, targeting, and weapon controls on the flightstick and I'm mapping as many of the communication, fleet command, etc. functions to the gamepad as I can. I'll still need to use m&kb once in a while, but I'm trying to get a setup where I can use flightstick & gamepad 95% of the time.
    1 point
  4. Been a long time since I've had to think about flag etiquette but I believe burning is the preferred method here as well. Personally, I don't really care. I think if you want to burn your purchased inanimate items then it's your money to throw away. Though be aware of burning restrictions in your area lest you also pay a fine for that.
    1 point
  5. If you take down publicly visible flag without permission you fill be fined for defacing the flag and you will most likely get conviction for vandalism if you burn flag owned by somebody else without permission.
    1 point
  6. Well... I've got 41 left days and I'm in Neketaka but I've killed Nemnok, Belranga, Fire Dragon, Concelhaut, Watershaper's Dragon, Giant Wurm. I'm pretty sure I've got enough time now.
    1 point
  7. https://vimeo.com/user44259461/review/347983037/1d348e341c Ok, wow. So, I'm testing my ranger/chanter to see a leveling path. All challenges on except expert and Wael and TOI. I have 52 days left (27 until Maw), I'm in Nekataka, and the huge thing is that Nemnok is dead, which gave me a ton of xp, gold, and, importantly, I don't have to sail back out there later. And I'm lvl 19 (which is critical for my char, as you then get ancient weapons and can do the Maw). My only deaths have been in testing some new things, but I have no deaths from difficult situations that I can't avoid (such as a hard stealth or dangerous combat). There will be some relatively difficult combats later. This means that I should be able to easily do the Eothas challenge, with a lot of room to spare. Also, I have a zillion withdraw scrolls, and all my bond points. I'll just have to win fights that I've already won in testing (although Galawain's can always throw in some surprises). I'm not actually doing Ultimate in this run. This is a mirror. But that turned out far better than I expected, xp-wise. Being able to do Nemnok at lvl 16 after visiting that middle-north Huana island for the Crookspur slave master is huge in terms of travel time and xp and all that. The key to Nemnok is to use Wurms and stay pretty far away, so you don't trigger him teleporting, and very rarely trigger his Siphon. Then, it is just a matter of time (took me about 2 hrs in real life of doing about 20 hps a turn, as he has 15 fire armor and a zillion hps; it feels like he has more hps than Dorudugan or something, although that probably isn't true). In the video, I scroll through my saves to show my general path, but it should be noted that I tried going to Tikawara but reloaded and did not actually go there yet in this run. I'll go there at some point, probably next, and then I'll probably do the mega-bosses.
    1 point
  8. From my understanding, all the summons should have a "default AI script", but can someone kindly explain where do I access this in the game files & how to modify accordinhgly please? Basically I want to make it so that the chanter's ancient weapons would automatically spam their special abilities after summoned.
    1 point
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy
    1 point
  10. I thought people said Alita was good. The acting in it was CW level bad (especially the male lead) and the effects looked like PSX graphics...
    1 point
  11. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest there will be a 99.9% chance of unrealistic scopes in TOW. It is a sci-fi game, after all.
    1 point
  12. Here are my feelings on this issue. I have many personal political and philosophical beliefs. Everyone does. I respect everyone's right to hold their beliefs, even if I don't agree with them, and even if they don't believe I should have a right to my beliefs. In the times we currently live in, it is increasingly hard, if not totally impossible, to make any game/film/book/etc. with any political/philosophical content without enduring instant and constant criticism/harassment. I grew up in a time where artistic integrity and freedom of speech was sacred, and I am infinitely grateful for it. It is very sad to see that this isn't the case any more. IMO, ANY developer should be able to make ANY game they want, ANY way they want. I applaud Leonard Boyarsky for trying his damndest to not preach to a particular audience or shove a particular ideology down our throats. I wish more creative directors had the courage to do so.
    1 point
  13. ktchong melting down over it makes me want to watch it more tbh
    1 point
  14. Update: pregnant ladies are useless.
    1 point
  15. overwhelming quantity of fantasy cliche was the point of pathfinder everything have a piece in it so player can start a game in whatever setting they want and it was also the setting's most obvious weakness as for roleplay as a more consistent character it was not very well constructed worst part are the dialogue option block by alignment the game play system are so ancient even compare to poe and wasteland2 it just doesn't work at all the strength of pfk certainly didn't penetrate it's many flaws player have to fight every single one of it to get to the good stuff usually the short story piece together by items scatter around
    1 point
  16. The 8 surviving Apollo astronauts for the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing They are from left to right: Charlie Duke (Apollo 16), Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11), Walter Cunningham (Apollo 7), Al Worden (Apollo 15), Rusty Schweickart (Apollo 9), Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17), Michael Collins (Apollo 11) and Fred Haise (Apollo 13).
    1 point
  17. Over 400k plan to raid area 51.
    1 point
  18. Nope, you should have wishlisted them on GOG instead
    1 point
  19. Animal control showed up to my house today to return a missing dog which I'm assuming is the previous owner's so spent the last hour or so trying to track that person down just in case animal control stops looking. The person I got the house from was a flipper but I contacted him and the agent listed for the time the house was listed before that in the hopes they had his number or email or something and could get in touch with him. No luck tracking down the person themselves but I don't want to give up just yet. My dogs are my friends and I'd hope someone would put in the extra effort to see my pets returned to me. Other than that my new PC was finally completed last night so that's fun. I don't know what to play first even though I have absolute negative zero free time. So long sleep, even though I already barely knew ye.
    1 point
  20. My build is getting a bit out of hand, fitting it meaningfully in a screenshot has gotten rather hard. Anyway, might be interesting to see how I go about building. So I ended up finishing the palace wing of my palace (at least the structure part, need to decorate rooms etc still. From the entrance to the end I built a big throne room: Dragon heads are kinda big, but I managed to fit one in the equally ridiculously big Map Room Overview including my initial base at the bottom of the arch, for scale. The palace I built is barely visible here (it's behind the Derketo temple, which is the yellow or green(*) light beam) I'd probably have to make a video of sorts to fit everything in without it feeling too disconnected or resulting in a truly ridiculous amount of screenshots... In total there are 4300 T3 (Aquilonian) building blocks used in this (so far), of which 1181 are foundations (not counting all the Stonebrick for the ramps and the Sandstone Foundations used underneath to level out the terrain) (*) yours truly is colourblind
    1 point
  21. Entering the thread I assumed it will be about realistic scope of the game, and was about to make a joke about realistic weapons scopes, only to find that the thread is about weapons scopes.
    1 point
  22. I've finished Torment: Tides of Numenera yesterday and it is a pretty good Planescape: Torment's successor. Not as great as the original (nothing is ), but closer than I expected. I heard it was boring and overwritten, so I postponed playing it for a long time, but when I finally dived into it, the game turned out very enjoyable. I liked the characters, the world, intertwining quests and crazy items. Combat is probably the weakest aspect (mechanically - encounters are varied and interesting overall), but still serviceable (so similar to PST). Next up, a game I never really gave a real chance, abandoning it after a few hours of play years ago.... Fallout: New Vegas. Already got my character up and running around Goodsprings.
    1 point
  23. Tonight Im chlling at home, I cooked an ostrich steak last night and there were leftovers as there always are with a large piece of meat so for dinner Im having ostrich steak rolls which include Prego sauce Sauteed onions Thinly sliced ostrich Cheese Simple but delicious
    1 point
  24. I think you mean satire. I mean, you are correct that it is basically trolling the original content, but I disagree that it makes our world crappy. I think it is great that we can satirize basically everything, and a gung-ho propaganda book pushed out during the Cold War seems to be a perfect subject. If they didn't use the same name, it is arguable that people would really make the satirical connection. Heck, enough people struggle to recognize it for more than a standard action flick.
    1 point
  25. Guys the final for the Cricket World Cup is on. Its New Zealand vs England and England really could win, they need 72 from 60 balls which is very achievable and they on 170/4 For those that dont follow cricket we obviously must support England...we dont want NZ to win.
    0 points
  26. The point is that people can't disrespect our flag when they burn it regardless of reason why they are burning it, as legally burning the flag is show of respect for the flag
    0 points
  27. Almost died on Nemnok btw was on fast mode for buff and forgot to turn off auto attack action
    0 points
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