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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/19 in all areas

  1. Answer: USA wins the FIFA World Cup! Question: What is something American Women can do that American Men can't?
    4 points
  2. No, they don't need to be 100% on the same page, that seems like impossible anyways as they are not robots. Directors have a vision where they want to take the game, then it is up to individuals to do their interpration of that vision. It is not open revolt, it is humans doing art, design or writing. There is no way, everything that Boyarsky intents for the game will be shared and done in exactly they way Boayrsky intents it to be, by everyone in the 80-120 team members who have worked on the game. It is teamwork and the Leads and Project Director should be able to see if everyone is on the same page (or near enough) when it comes to actual content that makes into the game. Writing and art can be interpreted in multiple ways, so even if some artist/writer views his/her piece of art/writing expressing something, it doesn't mean everyone will pick up on that and will see it the same way. Someone might put a bit more emphasis on something that they create but in the end Boyarsky, Cain and the Leads will check whether it will stay true when compared to the rest of the game. So someone won't go totally overboard with their own ideologies in the game. They are talking about ideologies, not that someone is making a 3rd person game when the game is 1st person and since games are seen as art, they can be interpreted in multiple ways.
    3 points
  3. From the independent benchmarks I've seen, the 2070 SUPER is on average 5-15% faster than the 5700XT, but it's also $100 more expensive. Price wise, the 5700XT is the same price (give or take a couple of pennies) as the 2060 SUPER, and it's on average 5-15% faster than that card. 2070 SUPER is the faster card, 5700XT is the better value. You could make the RTX argument in favor of Nvidia, but RTX has been mostly a non-factor so far, and I've made the argument before that if you really want to be playing with RTX ON and getting anything remotely resembling good frame rates, you're going to need to mortgage your house for a 2080 Ti. What resolution are you targeting? If it's 1080p or 1440p then I would go for the cheaper card for sure (5700XT). If you are targeting 4K then the extra oomph of the 2070 SUPER might be worth it... might be worth it... maybe.
    2 points
  4. So what if someone finds being engaged with themes, debates and ideas in a game to be *fun* in and of itself? I certainly do, it's one of the main reasons I love Obsidian's usual work as much as I do. Neither are mutually exclusive, same as "politically charged" and "humorous" aren't mutually exclusive either (see South Park and The Simpsons as very obvious examples of the same).
    2 points
  5. I've had a few drinks. And followed those with a few more. I passed one too many a little while ago so allow me apologize in advance for anything I might say in the next two ot three hours.
    2 points
  6. Been enjoying my time in Deadfire. So far in visuals it is a great improvement. Xoti gets a little on my nerves but that's a mild complaint. I can't wait too see more sights.
    2 points
  7. Kinda expected a wild Tom Cruise to appear out of nowhere.
    1 point
  8. Got bored (landline broken-no "Stranger Things" for me) so I started test run (without Weal). Went with bm/skaen aumaua/raider Maje(max mech/hylea bounty/adra potion)->Meryel(she walks fastest, lure her out with traps)->Sandswept(4800xp)->Deadlight->Dunnage(Irwena)->Neketaka(retrain in gullet for max stealth/spechulars done/stole everything that wasn't bolted to the floor/ every drop of xp, even hire Rust to kill Spindle-1200xp bestiary/kept effigy husk and bought mantle 7 bolts and skuldr ear(!)->new ship->Hasongo(reptile blood!)->Beina->Dunnage->Crookspur(free wahaki/kill Dhwrgas)->Sayuka(half cpt banquet)->Ori o Koiki(brutish blood!- enchant effigy for AoE)->sayuka(captain banquet)->Bekarna(cape and rest)->Onadere->Ikorno->Vessali all bounties were done from stealth with kamikaze phantom (effigy&7bolts) I tried to do Poko Kohara (lv15) but culdn't went Tikawara(natures resolve)->Nekataka->lv17 :)(giant grub, water dragon), killed Arkemyr(still brilliant from cape after dragon fight, attack first ironclad and only corridor agrro then send spirit ally for spell target practice for Arkemyr) 19 days till Ashen Maw. Ideally (I think) next Poko Kohara->Concelhaut->Nemnok->Belranga->Ashen Maw (I would have north covered, Auranic last) but I have doubts that I can kill Belranga pre lv19 (no wall of draining), rest should be easy with cape and arkemyr departure. I don't think I will have will to practice all fights with notes and stopwatch and do Ultimate so maybe it can help somebody. Edit. Just realised that while replaying post Crookspur to figure out how to get cpt banquet I forgot to take master navigator so it should be faster than 19 days till Ashen Maw
    1 point
  9. Besides, no one who worked on the game should have to worry about whether they could express what it meant to them. That kind of atmosphere would completely stifle creativity. From the 'big picture' standpoint though, they probably have to make sure that they don't wind up in some party political corner that they never intended.
    1 point
  10. I'm viewing Tim's interview in a similar context. From the standpoint of a present-day American, he seems to be trying to convey that: no matter where you are on today's political spectrum, you should be able to enjoy The Outer Worlds, and not feel particularly alienated by the pro/anti-capitalism themes or satire found in the game. The goal appears to be to give the players as much room as possible to explore the narrative regardless of whether the staff, studio, or Tim Cain himself personally ascribes any truth to the notion that such opposing viewpoints carry equal validity. The fact that individuals at the company may have particularly liberal views shouldn't surprise anyone. The LA metro area is a solidly progressive corner of the United States.
    1 point
  11. why does concept artist need to share any vision of director for the game? writer need to have a consistent writing style artist only need to put some slogan on the picture
    1 point
  12. So paraphrased: Capitalism = Good Crony Capitalism = Not So Good I don't see any problem with that statement, but I'm not surprised that SJWs and post-modernists once again have their panties in a bunch, because Boyarsky didn't endorse full-blown global communism and one-world government fantasies.
    1 point
  13. Oh, I'm such a bad subject of Her Majesty's I'm sure the outback is large enough to hide in. On a serious note, you know I couldn't care less about countries and nationalism. It's some perverted idea that was introduced in 1648 that you should die for a country. Ideas and values? Maybe. Nation states? Never.
    1 point
  14. Gorthfuscious !!! Thats treasonous talk....you cant call yourself a loyal subject of the crown and think the UK government has made a mess of BREXIT Us patriots know exactly what is going to happen, Boris Johnson will be elected leader of the Conservative Party and the UK will leave the EU with no deal and no agreement on matters like the Irish border....and its going to be an economic disaster as new economic and political deals have to be properly renegotiated. Problem solved When in doubt about the prudent political strategic decisions made by the current UK government never question it and just refer to the poem Dulce et Decorum Est written during WW1 by Wilfred Owen,in the final paragraph where he says My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mor The translation in Latin means " It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country.”
    1 point
  15. Because Infinitron needs to stir s*** when there isn't s*** to stir. Basically what they are saying that they don't share Boyarsky's ideologies or his intent with those said ideologies. It doesn't mean that they are sabotaging the game by shoving their own stuff in there when Boyarsky isn't looking or that they disrespect him in any way. Last time I checked I can have different ideology than my boss and say it, without it meaning that I'm declaring a war against him and all his kind. I'm paid to do a job, that is it. I'm still allowed to have personal believes and life outside of it. Twitter is just pure cancer as proven by Infinitron.
    1 point
  16. That's great. This kind of a game needs that, but it needs to be in service of a story. I guess it's a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation. The game is coming out in the lead up Trump's reelection campaign. There are obvious parallels, not just Capitalism vs Socialism, but the whole 'fake news' thing and Trump's war on the press. so what do you do with that ?. I think that the kind of activist editorialising that you have seen in other parts of the industry is a bit perilous. What you need to do is have the NPCs battle it out, and have the player make up his own mind.
    1 point
  17. Gotta say, this is pretty spot-on regarding my personal experiences with the game.
    1 point
  18. You ALSO have the freedom to succeed. The view that the only way for someone is to become wage slave is like XVIII, XIX century. Nowadays you have thousands other options to pursue. I don't agree that being born into the riches is necessary to make economical success, or any other success for that matter. Just ask Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg if being born into riches is required to make a financial success. It's not. Is it possible for everybody to become super rich? Of course not for numerous reasons. Is everyone aspiring to be super rich? Of course not, also for numerous reasons. Is everyone who is less successful lazier and dumber? Of course not, what a preposterous proposition. Being economically successful is not a measurement of anything else than being economically successful. Is a soccer mom who is happy with her husband and two kids living in a nice neighborhood not a success because Bezos has more money and stuff? Preposterous. Is a teacher who loves his job and doing it with passion and dedication not a success? The view that only being the 0,1% of richest people is success is a rather limited view. Nowhere I said anything about only legal restrictions matter in determining freedom. I said that economical status have nothing to do with freedom. Handholding is not freedom. The all powerful protective state failed each and every time and produced nothing but death and servitude. A good government would be the one that ensures you can pursue your goals and prevent others, including the government, from restricting your freedom to do so. Also to ensure you are not stomping on someone else freedom. Thought I need to include this as you guys seem a little picky. Some of them do. Agree. It's a silly assumption that if not everyone will succeed and become super rich somehow the system is broken and doesn't provide freedom. Free markets (or capitalism) are very similar to democracy. It's the worst system except for every other system ever created.
    1 point
  19. That episode with Quark's mom was hilarious.
    1 point
  20. I feel exactly the opposite: a wider range of skills allows more customization in your character build. The limited number of skills in PoE1 made every character feel like a cardboard cut-out.
    1 point
  21. nice one. this is going my watcher ini my next playt
    1 point
  22. Played Assetto Corsa today for more than 2 hours after a looong break. I am in middle of GT2X Championship, and as a next in line was Mugello track. This track is for me more challenging than Nordschleife and very hard to drive it without errors. And the race was 30 laps long Thankfully the setup provided by the game for this race was pretty solid so after 3 completely botched races, I was able to finish it on 4th try with only one hickup. Still after slowly moving forward to first place, I had to defend my position almost until the very last lap of the race. If anyone is interested, you can find my race against Medium AI here:
    1 point
  23. Dog walking out of a fire gutted house, great photo if just for the way everyone's eyes are on him.
    1 point
  24. Your security settings are nuking facebook*? I get the same for twitter embeds, just filename.jpg *Very sensible if so. I'm presuming fbcdn is facebook's content delivery at least. Shouldn't have anything to do with the site change. Well, if the pictures of Tank Man in the politics thread didn't get the forum blocked in China I think this image probably did.
    1 point
  25. Tactician/Bloodmage with Whispers of the Endless Paths (using Mule Kick in order to apply AoE Disorient/Flanking) and later Spirit Lance (same trick) with the support of Chillfog (AoE Blind/Flanking) is pretty nice. Also Clear Out with Whispers otEP and Spirit Lance is pretty good. Tactical Barrage and Disciplined Strikes are both pretty nice - but since you can get +5 INT/smart via Infuse wVE already I'd probably go for Disciplined Strikes. Unlessyou want to use Monastic Unarmed Training. In that case you want to stack every power level you can get for the fist scaling. Or if you want to use lots of spells that scale well with Power Level (like Missiles etc.). Generally speaking with Tactical Barrage vs. Disciplined Strikes on a Battlemage you trade +5 INT and +1 PL (+5% multiplicative dmg, +duration, + PEN, +ACC with all offensive abilities) for +25% crit conversion. Usually I'd say Tactical Barrage wins this comparison, but since you can already get smart with another ability... Also notable: Vigorous Defense stacks its buffs with Wizard spells like Mirrored Image, giving you +50 deflection and +20 to the other defenses. Vigorous Defense does NOT stack with Llengrath's Safeguard though. But with all other wizard buffs that raise deflection. With Spellblade the nice thing is that AoE weapons like Minor Blights and Spirit Lance can apply all your afflictions and DoTs in an AoE. Arterial Strike, applied right at the start of the encounter on a bunch of enemies, can have a devastating effect for example. Same a Toxic Strike - especially if you buff up your INT. Also Riposte can be pretty nice with Spirit Lance and all those self buffs. Llengrath's Safeguard stacks its defenses with Mirrored Image etc. Llengrath's Displaced Image works very well with a large shield and Adept Evasion in order to make reflex based spells no threat to your Spellblade. You can basically nuke yourself with reflex based spells like Fireballs but won't get harmed a lot.
    1 point
  26. Found in my portraits
    1 point
  27. Neverwinter Nights EE is currently 3.19€ at Steam summer sale so I bought it.
    1 point
  28. you could be right, but we wouldn't bet on it. after all, aloth were written by carrie patel. as a writer o' fantasy, what is chances ms. patel ain't a fan of dune? dune approval is a near universal for sci fi/fantasy nerds. we do know folks who ain't fans o' tolkien's lotr, but is a bit more difficult to find a genre fan who do not like the first dune book. such people exist, but... HA! Good Fun! ps if the valians in deadfire had employed a document forger by name o' simone simonini (or similar) as part o' a quest, then we wouldn't hesitate at pointing to josh as the root cause.
    1 point
  29. Pretty sure this Dune reference is Josh Sawyer's fault...
    0 points
  30. Hehe... someone leaked memos from the UK Ambassador in Washington intended for London. He had some interesting things to say about Trump. No surprises though, more like stating the obvious: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48898231 "We don't really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction-riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept." He questioned whether this White House "will ever look competent". A bit rich from a government that haven't worked out how to exit the EU yet
    0 points
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