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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/19 in all areas

  1. Thank you both! Got it working last night and my Arcane Archer has never been better
    4 points
  2. Never thought a couple of dudes could rock pencil skirts so well, those are like the power suits of kilts.
    3 points
  3. Not tonight you werewolf cuck!
    3 points
  4. some photos i tried watercoloring edward kenway ragnar lothbrok Corvo some random dude
    3 points
  5. The following is a dramatic reenactment of me watching the Death Stranding trailer:
    2 points
  6. Soloed Hauani in 1 min. Weird that if Hauani merged once, it won't split anymore... A bit annoying to solo this in 5.0 because blade turning no longer last if u moved, so need to be careful to recast blade turning + salvation if u moved accidentally. Redo this and use static field on it when it try to merge, easy as usual.
    2 points
  7. As luck would have it, Scientist Man explained the current Terminator canon a while back:
    2 points
  8. Guild Wars 2 My Charr warrior wielding his giant chainsword... gettting ready for action. The eye next to him attracted some undead friends outside the camera view One of those insanely long (and tall!) jumping puzzles. I eventually made it all the way up there New map ("Dragonfall") and dailies and events and masteries and mounts added with the latest living world installment "War Eternal". People are all the world map these days, scrambling for the bits and pieces to get the new flying mount Dragonfall has 3 main areas, which is something the Elder Dragon tore out of the mist when plummeting back to the "real" world again. Each domain themed around one of The Six (Grenth - god of the Dead, Balthazar - god of Fire and War and Melandru - goddess of Nature)
    2 points
  9. CONSTANT RANDOM CRASHES -- especially an Neketaka Hello Obsidian. I am getting constant random crashes. They occur 100% of the time. They make the game completely unplayable. I am playing with the lowest video quality, but it doesn't help. My PC specs are as follows: Intel-core i5 7200 CPU, 2.5 Ghz 8gb memory 256 Gb SSD Windows 10 x64 Intel HD Graphics 620 Pillars of Eternity II.rar
    1 point
  10. Hi, in case you wanted to write a PM to our community manager @Aarik D: give your keyboard some rest, today was his last day at Obsidian Entertainment. Which is sad. I mean for us. I'll miss his jollity... See you buddy, may your plans all come toghether - even better than those of Hannibal Smith (if that's even possible)! All the best and I drück you the Daumens!
    1 point
  11. When I was but a tween, addicted to the original Neverwinter Nights on our crappy family computer that could hardly run it, I refused to play anything but the Shifter prestige class. The idea of shapeshifting into different creatures to face my enemies was too exciting to even consider abandoning. Now that I’m much older and only very slightly less single-minded (sadly my computer can run Deadfire only slightly better than the old junker could run NWN), I’ve imported my love of shapeshifting to this game, resolving from the beginning to make the most of the Shifter Druid subclass. At this time, I believe I have some insights that are worth sharing for others who may be interested in this subclass. This post will be a bit long and unusual, because I will provide a brief analysis of the strengths of Shifters in general as well as my favourite class build to illustrate my points (it’s a Tempest build, so Barbarian fans, stick around). I hope that the post encourages others to give the Shifter subclass a shot, whether in the form of my Tempest build or otherwise. Let’s jump in. First Principles The biggest pitfall one may succumb to when planning a Shifter build is to think of the Shifter as an entirely martial subclass. Spiritshift has the benefit of two strong single-handed weapons in combination with armour as strong as superb Heavy Armor (when fully scaled) without any recovery penalty, and with no vulnerabilities (i.e. the armour has the same rating for all damage types unlike regular armours, which have weaknesses). This is a solid foundation to build on, but it is not equivalent to the martial benefits of an entire martial subclass like Fighter or Rogue. Shifters are still Druids, and Druids are spellcasters. Now let’s take a step back and ask what makes Druids special. What is their niche? I would provide two answers to this: healing and versatility. If there is one single thing a Druid can do better than any other class, it’s keeping a team healed. But that’s far from the whole story. Druids can also do significant damage, valuable crowd control, have some good summons, and a few very useful party buffs. And, of course, they have bursts of martial power from Spiritshift. No other class packs such diverse value in a single team slot, even though other classes will be better at most specific aspects. Druid subclasses leverage this versatility by offering specialization in one of the dimensions of the Druid kit, usually compromising another. This might lead one to think that a Druid subclass should be built to focus on that one specialist dimension and no other, but this is simply the general form of the pitfall that I mentioned at the beginning of this section. Versatility remains a core strength of the Druid class in each of its subclasses. The subclasses emphasize a dimension of the class – they do not invalidate all others. Your Lifegiver can still drop strong damage spells. Your Fury can still summon and do plant/beast DPS. Forgoing such versatility will always just make your Druid worse than they could be. This class is not supposed to just do one thing. Our first principle of building a Shifter follows easily: spellcasting must be respected as a core part of the character. Shifters are Druids, not furry warriors. And because Shifters lose their spellcasting when they shift, each battle must be divided between casting and martial phases if we want to benefit from all the character’s strengths. These are the parameters within which we will be thinking in what follows. Single Class vs. Multiclass I admit that I’ve never played a SC Shifter (I’ve had 3 Shifter playthroughs; a man only has so much time) but theorycrafting it is pretty straightforward. It would be decent. The main Shifter-specific benefits from SC would be Avenging Storm and Wildstrike Frenzy. Shifters will have good melee attack speed (especially cat form) and relatively low deflection, so AS is liable to put in some decent work (though nothing at the level of what can be metagamed with hand mortars, blunderbusses, Frostseeker, etc.). The Wildstrike Frenzy passives ought to be the #1 draw, but they are unfortunately lacklustre. Their effects only proc on kill with a shifted animal-weapon attack, not on spell kills (thanks to Boeroer for testing this). As we established in our first principle, good Shifter will be doing a lot of damage with spells, and Shifters will emphasize spells that do continuous damage while they are transformed. This means Wildstrike Frenzy will do nothing when the final blow comes from Avenging Storm, Nature’s Terror, Plague of Insects, Relentless Storm, or several other DPS spells you may have cast. Now, ‘on kill’ is an inherently weak trigger condition: the goal of combat is to kill enemies, therefore on-kill effects reward you for having already been successful and can’t help when you are struggling to get kills. On kill effects can still be very good for momentum (see the build below), but they need to be reliable with a trigger with such an inherent drawback. SC Shifters will be doing most of their damage from spells since they lack martial passives to help with melee, get higher level spells, and benefit from high power level (shifting doesn’t benefit from PL). That Frenzy doesn’t work with spell kills is therefore a major disappointment. A great thing about SC Shifter is that Shifters don’t lose access to any Druid spells (before they shift), meaning that you can enjoy the complete Druid spell list with the added benefit of sustained martial abilities. I would recommend SC Shifter to a player who primarily wants to play a caster but likes the idea of having a respectable melee presence without much fuss (i.e. no relying on buff chains or specific gear). Multiclassing is where we can get a bit more creative in drawing out a Shifter’s strengths, most obviously by giving our Shifter access to martial passives that will help their melee power. But if there is one thing you take from this post, let it be this: try to pick a second class that synergizes with the Shifter’s spellcasting as well as its melee ability. You’re going to be spending a significant amount of time casting spells and relying on spell damage so, ideally, you don’t want your second class to be irrelevant to that dynamic. A shifter has two major dimensions, two combat “phases” – you want to build for both. The class build below demonstrates what this looks like. Beast Tempest Shifter/Fury Shaper Dive into your enemies’ midst and thrash them to pieces with spells, claws, and teeth. Game version: 5.0 Difficulty: POTD (upscaled) Solo: Untested Overview: Perhaps most importantly from a synergistic point of view, Barbarians are most effective in melee when going after groups of weakened enemies. That’s because they get damage spikes against low-health enemies and massive action speed benefits on kill (see writeup on Blood Thirst below). This means that their damage per second increases significantly when they can crush multiple low-health enemies, back-to-back. Accordingly, compared to other possible martial multiclasses, you get significantly more value out of your Druid spell damage-over-time effects that you will have casted earlier in the fight. Making every enemy weaker before you start your melee phase therefore has a direct and noticeable effect on Barbarian power. This alleviates the inherent martial-caster action time tension whereby spell damage and melee damage compete with each other since time spent doing one is time not spent doing the other. With a Tempest, time spent casting damage feeds into your melee power directly. Note well that, unlike Wildstrike Frenzy, Barbarian on-kill buffs (Bloodlust and Blood Thirst) do indeed trigger on spell kills, so no need to worry about what gets the final blow (except for when a spell steals your Barbaric Smash kill and you lose resources), and you’ll find that when you have multiple spells going on against a large group of enemies, these buffs will pop up regularly when you didn’t even notice you got a kill. Finally, the action speed and Might benefits from Frenzy obviously help in your spellcasting phase. Furthermore, Barbarians have some tension in their design: with very low deflection, very high health, an armour passive, and more, they are meant to take hits. This screams, “get the highest armour value possible!” They also have multiple ways to increase action speed, so you want to build them them to swing fast. Unfortunately, heavy armour comes with a hefty recovery speed penalty, so if you try to maximize your armour, you action speed bonuses get eaten up compensating for it. You’ll recall, though, that Spiritshift armour has a high rating and no action speed penalty whatsoever. Therefore, while shifted you will fully leverage a Barbarian’s tankiness and action speed perhaps unlike any other context in the game. You can see that though Barbarian is traditionally a “martial” subclass, it benefits from the characteristically Druid form of spell casting (damage over time across a wide area) and it powers up spell casting as well. Add this to Spiritshift’s inherent speed and armour benefits and you’ve got yourself a beautiful set of synergies. I chose Fury Shaper because access to Fear Ward is worth the Will penalty, especially on a caster Barbarian because you can leverage Captain’s Banquet, which gives you immunity to most of the most dangerous stuff that targets Will. No subclass would work fine too, as the wards aren’t essential to the build. Mage Slayer is out because you’ll resist your own Druid stuff, and I find Corpse-Eaters looks pretty bad, but do your thing if you really want to be a man-eating werewolf. Berserker could do a lot of damage but Confused is particularly bad for a Druid with their dependence on Intellect and powerful foe-only AOEs, so you’ll have to constantly make sure you’re managing that. Also, this build uses high Might, which increases Berserker self-damage, making you significantly squishier. Attributes: I’m not going to give numbers because they depend on whether there are Berath’s Blessings, the player’s comfort with stat dumping, role-playing, and so on. Instead, I’ll give priorities. MGT: High DEX: Medium CON: Medium PER: High INT: High RES: Low Druids rely on a lot of damage and healing over time, so MGT is better than DEX for both (DEX helps you move through your casting phase faster, but it’s not going to make your spells tick faster; this is unlike burst damage/healing or buffs where getting a spell off a little faster can significantly change the flow of the fight). In addition, you’re getting a lot of action speed buffs as a Barb, so it’s better to give more weight to each swing than try to be the Flash. PER is a priority for anything that needs to hit enemies, and Barbarians have some nice on-crit benefits. INT is critical for all your many AOE radii and (de)buff durations (including Spiritshift). You want as much of this as possible. DEX and CON are good but should only be invested into when the priority three are maxed out. Having some RES can be nice so hostile effects don’t keep you down, and you don’t get crit against deflection to a ridiculous degree (crits give bonus penetration, potentially bypassing your high AR), but if you want to dump a stat this should be it (as per usual). Skills: I like a split between Athletics and Stealth. Athletics for some heals and Stealth so you can more reliably get a cast off while sneaking for the reduced recovery. Not super important. For non-active skills pick what you want. Abilities: I’m going to give brief writeups on key abilities so the reader can get a good sense of how this plays. The “no brainer” passives are Combat Focus, Blooded, Two Weapon Style, Wildstrike and upgrade, Thick Skinned, Unflinching, One Stands Alone, and Brute Force. Along with what is detailed below you will have a couple free points. Use them where you like. Frenzy: Blood or Spirit? – The Spirit line has great synergy here: spell hits cause Staggered as well as melee hits, and Might afflictions are valuable for lowering Fortitude, which synergizes with Brute Force and many strong spells. The AOE terrify can also be clutch in buying yourself casting time when surrounded. However, you may be using lots of Might Afflictions elsewhere on your team (I nearly always run Serafen spamming Dazing Shout) and find that you’re not getting much mileage out of Staggered, and would prefer the resource-saving Blood Storm over Spirit Tornado’s short terrify (especially if you’re packing Fear Ward anyway), in which case the Blood line works just fine. I personally find the Spirit line generally better because of the reliable Staggered, and Terrified lasts for about 10secs, which can save your skin and help you to cast in a pinch. I don’t think you’ll usually benefit that much from Blood Frenzy’s extra crit damage because melee targets don’t usually last long enough to experience all the DoT. Barbaric Roar: Your only command interrupt; always good to have. Especially nice as a quick-cast, foe-only, ranged attack. More valuable than the alternative upgrade – you’re not a main tank. Leap: Jump right in. Just do it, you'll be fine (usually). My playstyle usually involves tanks taking the initiative and diving at enemies to start combat, which effectively takes a lot of pressure away from the backline. This character isn't a main tank, but can and should certainly be right up in the thick of things with the tank. You want Leap to get around with no fuss and Daze enemies while you cast. You can take Wild Sprint as well as sometimes that's all you need and it's cheaper, but it's no replacement for Leap. Barbaric Smash + Bloody Slaughter: You can get some big damage numbers with these. A bunch of crit conversion, up to +100% crit damage, and increased base damage can save you a few attack resolutions (plus your animal form gives a little roar with each swing that sounds cool). Depending on the enemy, casting this around 40-30% usually reliably picks up the kill for no Rage cost, allowing you to continue your rampage. Don’t overlook the bonus penetration. Blood Thirst: better than I originally thought. Turns out not only does this cancel the recovery of your killing blow, but it also cancels the recovery of the next action you make within the buff’s duration. That means that after you kill an enemy, not only do you not have to recover, but your first attack against the next enemy doesn’t impose recovery either. I kept wondering why I seemed to be getting random Full Attacks in combat until I realized this. Remember, it triggers whenever spell damage gets a kill, too. Moonwell/Garden of Life: This character can be a primary healer. Insect Swarm/Plague of Insects/Infestation of Maggots: Core spell damage, and you get two for free! Stack these on enemies and watch them wither away. Do note that Plague does not affect Poison-immune enemies (and there are quite a few), but Swarm and Infestation do. Plague of Insects is absolute gold because apart from its good damage and stripping Concentration, the Sickened affliction increases your accuracy via Brute Force and lowers enemies’ max health (all the better for smashing). Nature’s Terror: A fantastic spell for this build. You want to be standing in the middle of enemies anyway. Having damage from this constantly wearing them away along with Carnage is great, and the Frightened affliction can block dangerous abilities and make them easier to hit (if you’re using Spirit Frenzy, it debuffs both Deflection and Fortitude). It’s friend-or-foe, so watch your step, but don’t let that make you afraid to use it. Having teammates with resolve affliction resistance can help (Wild Orlans like Serafen come with it, Fighters have a perk, etc.). This spell also seems bugged in that randomly it will sometimes do like 5 ticks of damage to a single enemy instantly. Not sure what causes it. Most important of all, the spell looks really cool (Tempest indeed). Relentless Storm: Of course. Depending on your needs for the fight you can and should cast any two of this, Plague, and Nature’s Terror. Cast all three if you get resources back. Venombloom: Must-have for any Druid, in my opinion. Does nothing against Poison-immune enemies but is devastating to anything else. And with Brute Force it will hit the lower of Deflection and Fortitude. Gear: Weapon: Spine of Thicket Green - unfortunately, your damage bonus on Beast/Plant spells will go away when you shift, but the duration and initial accuracy bonuses from power level are done deals at the time of casting. There's very little reason to use any other weapon. The crush damage and extra effectiveness against Vessels (who are often pierce immune or resistant and tend to be more vulnerable to crush damage) also means this is very occasionally worth using over shifting. Head: Helm of the White Void or Survivor’s Tusks – HotWV gives +10 to every attack roll involved in affliction-causing attacks (i.e. not just the roll for applying the affliction but also for dealing damage, etc.). For this build that means Barbaric Roar, Spirit Tornado, Plague of Insects, Nature’s Terror, Relentless Storm, and Venombloom (Fear Ward, being its own “creature” does not benefit). If you want to use this on another character, Survivor’s Tusks can give you survivability, though the Spiritshift upgrade is less valuable on this build because you will usually have Strong from Frenzy anyway. Neck: Strand of Favor – more INT and beneficial effect duration means longer shifts, etc. Armour: Garari Cuirass – any light armour can work here but I like this one because it gives you as much AR as light armour can so you can take hits before you shift. See also Miscreant’s Leather for the recovery bonus and Cabalist’s Gambeson for the extra effect durations, but remember your normal armour gets replaced when you shift. Feet: Rakhan Field Boots – always nice to dash around and get another interrupt. Footsteps of the Beast can be nice too since you tend to run around a bit. Cloak: Greater Protection Hands: Woedica’s Strangling Grasp – extra Might and AR Rings: Kuaru’s Prize + whatever you like Pet: Giftwrapper or Abraham – Abraham speeds your casting up but Giftwrapper gives you free AR when you get her. Both offer a bit of healing. Food: Captain’s Banquet – Immunity to half of the affliction types, including those which most often target your debuffed Will, is huge in itself. Extra spell damage is fantastic on top. Unfortunately, the action speed buff gets overridden by Frenzy, but with this you don’t need to cast Frenzy at the beginning of your casting phase just for the speed. Being able to wait without much drawback let’s you use Spirit Tornado when it’s most impactful. Closing comments: Embrace a Shifter’s versatility and you’ll be rewarded for it, in both power and fun. The build I’ve detailed has been my favourite to play in the game and is no slouch in power. I hope this post encourages more people to consider playing a Shifter and to play around with getting the most from the subclass. I can confirm that Ascetic builds are great, and I bet interesting things could be done with Wizard, Priest, or Paladin. Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  12. So.. my race on my watcher is Spirit. I definitely picked Ocean Folk. Is there something going on? I'm in the starting cave after shipwrecking after starting a new campaign on PoTD for 5.0 turn based mode.
    1 point
  13. Obduction is free on GOG for 40 hours or so.
    1 point
  14. grabbed finally Tyrany, i was keeping eye on it of some time now
    1 point
  15. Went back to playing Atom RPG, since it just was updated to 1.1. Which includes 20 brand new side quests, along with 20 more locations added to the Dead City. Also new non-player characters. Plus what I was looking forward to most, several new random encounters (man I really do enjoy them). I have been playing this game for almost 131 hours, doing side quests, killing things, leveling my people up, finding new gear to use and I been enjoying ever hour of this. People on Steam have been saying the game's main story-line is pretty short but I don't think so, I can see myself replaying this game a heck of a lot, since I'm having so much fun.
    1 point
  16. Some little feedback concerning the basic community patch: - deep pockets does not appear as a PL 5 passive for barbarians. The talent's wording is also rogue specific for other classes, as it mentions the correct one slot in the description but two in the text. Keep up the good work !
    1 point
  17. is so difficult to have a meaningful mueller investigation discussion. polarization o' opinion, mostly along party lines, is extreme. few folks has read the report and mueller left enough opaqueness such that those pundits with an agenda may point to out-of-context quotes to support whatever conclusions they wish to advance. regardless, and most immediate relevant, mueller made clear he were hamstrung. am disagreeing with the law, but doj says can't prosecute a sitting President. by the same token, accuse President o' a crime at this time would deny him right to a speedy trial. as such, barr's summary were, at the very least, intentional misleading. am not seeing any way to give barr a pass on his summarization efforts or his characterization o' mueller concerns via his snitty letter. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  18. curious aside, gorsuch writing has dropped off a bit since he got on the Court. typical takes a year or two for a Justice to find a comfort zone. perhaps following in footsteps o' scalia added unnecessary pressure. regardless, am hopeful gorsuch regains his pre-appointment groove, 'cause as it now stands, he ain't anywhere near kagan or roberts... and we would say such is correct order: 1)kagan and 2)roberts. as to rare earth metals... has the last nine years been a dream, 'cause ktchong appears to think it is 2010. china's rare earth weapon went from boom to bust. the thing is, rare earth ain't all that rare and the US is gonna have a refinery up and running within a year... but admitted only a single one. regardless, five and fifteen year estimates look a bit hyperbolic. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  19. I play CoH. I am more retro than you
    1 point
  20. we got the memo. penned by thaos, the missive were delivered on woedica's personal letterhead. props on the quality paper stock, although the memo had a faint but distinct odor... burnt flesh and cumin? regardless, we tend to be dubious 'bout the conclusions o' self-serving executive memos. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  21. I find it dumb as heck that they forced Jon to leave for a Wall after Unsullied and Dothraki left Westeros. Everybody have to stick by their word now? The whole season 8 felt like a recap episode of like two seasons it was like watching The Last Airbender, even worse because we could watch the actual season of Last Airbender. Here we only have the recap. It seems Martin left the directors a quick pointers what have to happen and hoped they will fill out the blanks, but they just filmed the pointers and called it a day. Some characters were just cut off like Asha Greyjoy. Her character was clearly going somewhere in earlier seasons and they just handwaived her and didn't even included her fleet in the final battle.
    1 point
  22. the only reality of politics is that the stupidity of people is as infinite as the universe. we, unfortunately, get the government we deserve. here in greece we currently have 2 major parties and many smaller. one of the 2 has been very small until 2012 when a previous major party started collapsing and it's voters moved to it, making it win the 2015 elections. the other had been in power for 26 of the last 50 years and is still intact. that party was directly responsible for bankrupting greece in 2009, they further collapsed the economy in 2013 in an epic failed attempt to clear part of the debt, half it's members are currently on trial or under investigation for corruption, bribery, embezzlement and so on, it has gone bankrupt 5 times and every time the debt was "mysteriously" put on hold and cleared as soon as it won an election, it is currently bankrupt yet it somehow has the funds to advertise it's members non stop, it's current leader owns a bankrupt business that "mysteriously" stays open with no bank asking for it's money back, in the last term as a minister he fired 40% of state employees leaving all agencies crippled, he promises 12 hours of work a day for 7 days a week with lower wages, he promises to fire even more people and raise taxes, to dismantles the universal healthcare system and make all healthcare private and many more stuff like that... and people voted for this party in the EU representative's election because "the current prime minister is an atheist and didn't swear on the bible when he got into office"
    1 point
  23. Skaen doesn't really remind me of Bhaal at all. Bhaal was an extreme authoritarian whose desire was to conquer everything and rule it with an iron fist because he felt he was superior to everyone and everything else. Skaen is more of a "pay evil unto evil" creature. He's bad, no question--cruel, vicious, etc. But he directs most of those things towards people like Bhaal while *pretending* to be on their side. His whole deal is to be the most subservient yes-man in the universe while holding all of your hatred and rage inside, and then strike at the moment of their greatest vulnerability.
    1 point
  24. WoW is a complete wasteland now pending the next major patch release, so I registered the FF14 key I got way back in the Christmas 2015 Squeenix surprise box and gave it a go. Less than a week in but some first impressions: It has some good points, - No looting! Everything is done automatically so you can move on as soon as you kill anything and get whatever relevant items were on it. And I emphasis *relevant*, there are no worthless vendor trash items here, they simply don't exist. As inventory management is my number one pet hate in any game, this is a godsend. - Very clear ground effects during combat, making it damn clear whether you're standing in that fireball blast radius or wild axe swing or not. - Multiclassing! Sort of. You can only enjoy the benefits of one class at a time, but you can learn to be all of the classes on a single characters. - Surnames! No longer are you locked out of choosing sensible names for your characters, as the existence of surnames means that it's far easier to find a unique but sensible combination. - Individual quests are fairly short and to-the-point. While it's still standard MMO fare of "collect bear butts", you're typically asked for just a few of them, with a 100% drop rate, compared to WoW's often absurd kill requirements. - Bust size slider. Done with being weighed down by my absurdly sized sweater puppies in WoW. Some bad points, - The world is extremely confined, being broken up into dozens of separate, fairly-small areas separated by loading screens. It simply does not feel like a living, breathing coherent world and it also makes maps a nightmare to read. - While multiclassing itself is fine, what happens is that there are really only enough regular quests around the world to level one class properly, maybe two at a stretch. Beyond that, you're relying on grindy, repeatable content for your XP. - The game loves its cutscenes, but it doesn't really have the chops to pull them off. Too often you end up watching tiresome generic cutscenes consisting of unvoiced dialogue, perfunctory emoting, discussing some irrelevant or inscrutable plot point. At the moment I'm finding maybe 5% of cutscenes are voiced, which makes it really jarring when it does happen. - Speaking of voice acting, the player character, despite you being made to choose a voice during character creation, is completely silent outside combat grunts. I don't expect full voice acting (though I think SWTOR did it well enough), but not even having so much as generic acknowledgements, even a simple "yes", gets pretty awkward. - There are a *lot* of FedEx/fetch quests. Hell, the game is pretty much set up such that your first 3-4 levels are all in this vein, with no combat until then. - When the combat does arrive, it's extremely simple at low levels. My skill rotation is simply 1-2-1-2-1-2-etc. I'm sure this will change later on, but I'm level 20 already and I'd say that makes it too gentle of a learning curve. But it all works out, sometimes I'm a little freaked out. - Some of the non-human races end up being really uncanny valley. Might get used to it over time, might not. - I'm still not sure what the setting is. One moment I'm in a bird-drawn carriage, the next a Batmobile zooms past. Just, what? - Fashions are all over the place. One minute I'm in a frilly dress, the next in a green diaper, the next in a puffy jumpsuit.
    1 point
  25. I quite like the director too. Berberian Sound Studio was excellent, for one. But back to In Fabric, this is an awesome poster too:
    1 point
  26. Surprised this wasn't posted yet.
    1 point
  27. Sat down and finished Spellforce 3. The bad: After a certain point the RTS part has endless waves of enemies attacking you. It feels like a cheap trick to make maps last longer, when you need to explore to figure out the quest but rush back every 60 seconds to defend against yet another attack. Partly as a result it is easy to miss loot and the odd side quest on the huge maps. At least in German the voice acting has mistakes. Some lines are read by the wrong voice actor, so the mercenary leader for example replies with the player's voice at some point. Sometimes the wrong sound file plays and the text being spoken is not the text written, but a repeat of a previous line. The Good: The game is gorgeous. I feel guilty building bases in the maps and ruining the environment. The story is fine, and while not having any real surprises, provides a good fantasy ride with stuff to do. Though for fans of the series it is awesome once you realize what the story really is all about. A good variety of party members and loot to equip them with. Actually a neat real time RPG dressed up as an RTS.
    1 point
  28. Lara's first tomb For the glory of Set! That was one badly timed sandstorm, had to scramble to get the mask on without getting chomped to death... Still working on Murloc Castle... (that's also about the furthest I can go away before draw distance starts kicking in) Reducing their HP doesn't necessarily make bosses any less nasty, one mistake too many and, well, let's just say that's not an NPC corpse there...
    1 point
  29. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/05/us-department-of-energy-is-now-referring-to-fossil-fuels-as-freedom-gas/
    1 point
  30. Back to trinkets: how about some that bring back the good old Priest weapons from PoE1? In PoE a Priest of Magran could get +10 ACC with Sword and Arquebus, Wael got Quarterstaff and Rod, Berath Great Sword and Mace, Eothas Morningstar and Flail and so on. Most spiritual weapons in Deadfire miss one of those. Magran got Sword + Pistol (why?) but no arquebus, Berath Great Sword (no Mace), Wael has Rod (no Quarterstaff)... So what about trinkets that add a spell like "Spiritual Mace" for a Priest of Berath for example (same bonuses)? Only question is: would it be possible to achieve the same look? And if not: is that a problem?
    1 point
  31. Having made many friends through therapy and support groups, sometimes life can get a little weird. For example, this text conversation: Her: Hey, I'm in town this week if you want to hang out! Me: Cool, where are you staying? Her: The psych ward, I'm on suicide watch.
    1 point
  32. It's bananas hard to try to just update my list like I always do so this, my last update, will be just the new lukewarmness. Steam Uplay Assassin's Creed Origins I think I also still have all the one-offs I posted between the this and the last update RIP Humble sub
    1 point
  33. We are doing that with the upcoming "Community Patch" (it's basically a mod) which not only fixes some leftover bugs (as long as fixable by modding), polishes some abilities (includes mild buffs and also nerfs, based on a community poll), adds unique icons for all passive abilities but also will introduce some trinkets for priests and druids (which you'll be able to get rel. early in the game). And while will be based on grimoire mechanics, they don't give the exact same bonuses (+2 spells per PL - since both classes already gain a bonus spell per PL) but can grant a broader variety of bonuses such as +Power Level for certain keywords, some bonus spells (fitting the theme of the trinket - e.g. prayerbook) and so on. More about that in the "Deadfire Polishing" threads (discussion thread and poll). Those things will be spread out to seperate mods though (basic polishing, extended polishing, passive icons, trinkets...) so that you can decide what you want to use and what not.
    1 point
  34. Best is turn based Worst is no pen, no pen, no pen...
    1 point
  35. Eh, seeing people meltdown because Dany did some roasting has been entertaining enough.
    1 point
  36. Even though Star Trek Discovery has been renewed for a third season, there is a lawsuit going on with STD stealing from an indie game dev.
    1 point
  37. tried experimenting with corvo
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Headed back over to the Santa Monica Pier to do a side quest added in the plus patch. I never explored this part of the pier. It's got a nice view with the rain.
    1 point
  40. What a great guy ShadySands. A friend informed me about this and I couldn't believe. I will definitely help him out with those free games
    0 points
  41. Whats wrong with that, it sounds like a good plan around work ethos to achieve results and optimize profitability ? I wish we could do that in my country but workers have these things called " workers rights " and we have these damn pesky " labor laws " which prohibit us from doing this
    0 points
  42. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-05-30-iron-maiden-suing-ion-maiden-for-usd2m Iron Maiden can't be bought.
    0 points
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