Blarghagh Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 The thread to talk about the game you're playing right now. Currently, I myself just ragequit Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy again. Once again thanks to Shady and his generosity in the giveaway thread for making my self-torture possible. Previous posts: Just before work I got her down to 5% and was wiped. The solution was to strip down to my undies so I could get the long roll.I just stayed away from her so she uses her extra telegraphed, extra long wind down animation attacks. Cait's sidequest in FO4 isn't close to as good as Nick Valentine's was. Gave Dungeon Siege 3 a whirl. Never played the DLC and decided it was time to rectify that.I still think it's pretty fun after all this time. My original playthrough was as Reinhardt, I remember softening enemies up with ranged attacks, then dropping some area attacks before punching everyone to death. Now I'm giving Anjali a whirl and just somersaulting them all in the face. Or swiping at them with a spear when I can no longer do my sick flips.
Katphood Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 The original Far Cry...on the PS3. I remember Crysis having a lot of crashes on the PS3 as well as some cut content. Let's see how 'Far Cry Classic' is on the consoles. I remember not being able to finish it on the PC, the mutants eventually made me rage-quit. There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.
marelooke Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 (edited) Playing whack-a-mole with Windows 10 issues. Booting was starting to take ages so I did a reinstall. Then it installed updates and deleted its own master boot record. Then the start menu broke. After I fixed the start menu it upgraded again and messed up the CLR and PowerShell (and all the tools that you're always told to use to "fix" things) Running an in-place upgrade now. This is easily the worst Windows version I've experienced so far. Everything breaks and since MS decided to "integrate" everything you can't even reinstall them. Only real solution is reinstalling Windows or that in-place upgrade, apparently. What a mess. Let's see what this is going to have broken once it completes. EDIT: didn't break anything. The installer broke, so I'm stuck. Only option left being a clean install, which I just did. Tempted to wipe Windows 10 and reinstall 7 at this point. Edited January 11, 2018 by marelooke 1
LadyCrimson Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 Nothing like spending a couple hours trying to catch some hard to catch fish in a game. Not hard to reel in, just very slow, and hard to get to bite lures in the first place - takes forever. In those two hours I caught three of the 30 or so missing from my "you caught these fish" list. Then I cast the line again and the game froze with Noct stuck in standing on a pier animation pose, with splashing fishing noises, but can't do anything control wise. First time it's done that while fishing in hundreds of hours. *turns FFXV off in a huff* “Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
Humanoid Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 (edited) I started my three week holiday with grand designs of playing supposed epics like Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey on my sister's Switch before buying my own later on this year. Now, on the final day of my holiday, I can say I've played about an hour of them, combined. Not because of any particular dislike, it's just that I found I'd much rather play co-op games, and so my time was occupied by such titles as Octodad, Guacamelee, Overcooked and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. EDIT: I also tried that Project Octopath demo. I was hugely sceptical because of the "from the makers of Bravely Default" marketing - I couldn't get myself to enjoy that game at all. But this new effort is actually pretty good. I mean, the writing is still the standard agency-free JRPG fare, but at least there are no insufferable child protagonists, no weird chibi representations in cutscenes, and it has a far more sensible combat system. Edited January 11, 2018 by Humanoid L I E S T R O N GL I V E W R O N G
Flouride Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 Finished Mr.Shifty that I got from Humble Bundle Monthly. It's like Hotline: Miami, but better and not as annoying to play. You won't get hit by something you can't see, all the damn time. Last level or two were annoying though and I could have strangled whoever designed those levels. Definately not playing that game again, even though the teleporting + melee combat mechanics were fun. Hate the living, love the dead.
Hurlshort Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 (edited) I started a game of Fallout 2, got a bit into it and his F5 to save. Turns out that is the load button. So I lost about an hour of play. Ah well, I didn't love my character build anyways. Edited January 11, 2018 by Hurlshot 1
Jozape Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 Finished Shadowrun: Dragonfall a few days ago and am currently processing what I think of the ending sequence. I will say writers were very brave and that's a refresher. I'll surely play it again after I finish Shadowrun Returns which I started a few days ago. After playing Dragonfall it's amazing how unremarkable Shadowrun Returns actually is. Nothing is really bad, but nothing is really good. It's so intensely mediocre that the only games I can think of comparing it to are NWN 1 and 2, sans expansions which are really their own games like Dragonfall. Oh well. I'll probably finish it up just to explore the setting some more which is growing on me still. The games are short so I still feel like I don't have a good grasp on the universe yet. Maybe I need to pick up some additional reading material or something. Regardless after this I'll replay the superior Dragonfall campaign, then I'll probably try Hong Kong. 1
ShadySands Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 (edited) It's usually best to do them in order Also, there's tons of material out there if you want to read up on the setting. I've even read most of the novels but it's one of my favorite game worlds. Edited January 11, 2018 by ShadySands 1 Free games updated 3/4/21
Gfted1 Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 I'm currently only playing mobile games. Hawk: Freedom Squadron and Sky Force Reloaded (already beaten) are two of the more recent ones.,Gfted1,black,red.png
GhostofAnakin Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 I'm a hoarder. I keep collecting all these "special" weapons and armor in FO4, but I rarely carry more than 2 or 3 of them with me. The rest just sit in my storeroom in Sanctuary Hills. "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
Tigranes Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 Icewind Dale, with a party of level one Jansens. Surprisingly, it's pretty fun - and pretty competitive. Amazing what a flatter power progression does. 1 Let's Play: Icewind Dale Ironman (Complete) Let's Play: Icewind Dale II Ironman (Complete) Let's Play: Divinity II (Complete) Let's Play: Baldur's Gate Trilogy Ironman - BG1 (Complete) Let's Play: Baldur's Gate Trilogy Ironman - BG2 (In Progress)
Blades of Vanatar Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 Revisited Age of Wonder, playing head to head with my bro. Tons of fun. Also I’m revisiting TripleA scenarios. Enjoying the NWO 1939 scenario. Actually struggling as the Axis. On the side I am giving hints he to my 10 yr old in Shining Force 2 on Genesis. What a great game! No matter which fork in the road you take I am certain adventure awaits.
GhostofAnakin Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 About to start Nuka World. I'm not sure which companion to bring along, if any. Nick Valentine for Far Harbor was obvious. "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
Blodhemn Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 FONV. Picked up a few old games over the holidays(Thief 1,2 and PST: EE) and the single new game purchase since 2015 in Cuphead. Yet I'm just hitting up New Vegas. It just hits that spot of substance with slight personality, not too much to be in your face and tiresome. Perfect game, glitches and all. Am looking forward to checking out Cuphead though, art style and music is right up my alley. 1
Fenixp Posted January 12, 2018 Posted January 12, 2018 Cities: Skylines. I've spent like two hours tweaking traffic to finally get it going smoothly, but it worked out in the end (somewhat)
GhostofAnakin Posted January 12, 2018 Posted January 12, 2018 I'm in Nuka World and doing that quest for that crazy chick who loves Nuka Cola from FO3, and I have no idea what I'm actually supposed to do. I can't find these "images" anywhere. "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
Jozape Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 So Shadowrun Returns was a quick diversion and I'm done with it. I really liked Dragonfall though and am itching to replay it, but now I'm itching to play Hong Kong too. Suggestions? 1
redneckdevil Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 My last Hong Kong character was a troll adept with cyber fingers
Melusina Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 (edited) On humble store I bought Mages of Mystralia and Moon Hunters - two excellent games. I also play Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - also a gem of rpg and Tangledeep - a gem of rogue-likes, Nine Parchments - gem of unique gameplay and Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok - a gem of point and click and rpg hybrid. Edited January 13, 2018 by Melusina - Picky Gamer Girl!
Lexx Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 Bought Hollow Knight the other day... feels harder than Dark Souls to me, tbh. 1 "only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."
Hawke64 Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 (edited) So Shadowrun Returns was a quick diversion and I'm done with it. I really liked Dragonfall though and am itching to replay it, but now I'm itching to play Hong Kong too. Suggestions? HK is my favorite in the series, so I do recommend to play it and the bonus campaign ("Shadows of Hong Kong", aka Epilogue). Some characters from DF appear there. --- Completed Immortal Planet. Souls-like isometric action-RPG. Nice plot and lore, nice graphics, unrebindable uncomfortable controls*, odd collision detection, 1 ending. For some reason, all bosses (except the final one) had to be defeated twice. Edit. *In particular, Dash, which is used for both avoiding attacks (when you don't dash into an enemy) and stunning enemies (when you dash into them and they have low stamina, otherwise you get stunned). The thing is that the player attacks and uses abilities in the direction of the cursor, which with the above-mentioned game mechanic makes combat rather inconvenient. In Dark Souls the player always rolled in the direction they were moving. Furi had the option to bind the direction of dash to WASD, instead of mouse. Edited January 13, 2018 by Hawke64
SadExchange Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 Waiting to play TangleDeep when it comes to switch in the spring. Besides waiting, playing some MP GR Wildlands with a friend, a bunch of Stardew Valley and SteamWorld Heist on the switch while looking forward to Darkest Dungeon Switch release next week. Also while waiting for Hollow Knight Switch release, I put in a few hours into the pc version to check it out. Seems great but my preferences have changed a bit with this portability.
Tale Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 I did one more quick game of Stellaris to try and get Horizon Signal. Ended up building 5 science ships and had them leave and enter a black hole system repeatedly to get it. It's really cool. It's a shame my beloved Driven Assimilators don't get anything like that. "Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
Orogun01 Posted January 14, 2018 Posted January 14, 2018 Bought Hollow Knight the other day... feels harder than Dark Souls to me, tbh. It was one of my favorite experiences of last year, definitively worth mastering. Please keep in mind that after a while charms and the correct charm combinations become indispensable, if you want to have a relatively easy go at the later bosses. This game rewards exploration as much as skill. I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"* *If you can't tell, it's you.
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