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Today in Yakuza 0, I helped a dominatrix be more dominant, poured a kettle of boiling hot water on a thug, delivered a pizza, and got stood up on a date.

This game is so weird and wonderful I love it  :dancing:


I'm trying to find that random fanart I saw about two weeks ago, where the main character starts out saying 'Time to commit some CRIMES', and the rest of the panels consist of them playing video games with children, delivering groceries for an elderly woman, and telling a random person to be the best they can be.


It was kind of hilarious and sweet and it makes me mildly interested in trying out the Yakuza series for its writing.




On another note, I'm still going further into Kingdoms of Amalur.


I decided to look into how the game determines enemy levels and loot scaling. Apparently, different regions in the overworld have enemies scale to your level starting and ending at a certain point, and enemy levels/the loot table is locked the moment you step into the region for the first time. It's fairly interesting design, potentially allowing for low level speedruns to be a thing while still keeping the game somewhat challenging towards endgame if you level grind/do all possible sidequests.


That said, I'm about to cross the river area to where the Tuatha strongholds are, which I assume is the point where the plot really takes off as I cross into enemy territory in the narrative. Going by the lorestone list, I'm probably about 60% of the way through the game now.

Edited by Saito Hikari
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The only legendary animal that gave me trouble in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey was a violently farting pig.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Dark Souls: Remastered.

Acquired the Lordvessel. Explored the Darkroot Garden.

Somehow after Sulyvahn's dogs with their odd hitboxes, the Royal Rat Authority and even the forest cats Sif, a mandatory boss, feels much less dangerous (except the obvious hit in the feels).

Realized that my favorite armor is basically a pajama with protection from poison, as I can't roll if I wear anything heavier. Tried to ascend my Uchigatana +10 to the Chaos Blade and tested it at the nearest giant guards. They took 3 hits, but damage to my health was rather inconvenient.  

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Today in Yakuza 0, I helped a dominatrix be more dominant, poured a kettle of boiling hot water on a thug, delivered a pizza, and got stood up on a date.

This game is so weird and wonderful I love it  :dancing:


I was getting into that game, but I started to find a lot of the fun mini-games have terrible pc ported game controls that seem to make them incredibly difficult. It's that juggle of pondering if it's actually worthwhile to invest in a controller just for one freaking game.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Today in Yakuza 0, I helped a dominatrix be more dominant, poured a kettle of boiling hot water on a thug, delivered a pizza, and got stood up on a date.

This game is so weird and wonderful I love it :dancing:

I was getting into that game, but I started to find a lot of the fun mini-games have terrible pc ported game controls that seem to make them incredibly difficult. It's that juggle of pondering if it's actually worthwhile to invest in a controller just for one freaking game.

Do you have a console? If you do you can use your XBOX 360/XBone/PS3/PS4 controller on PC.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Hm. Dawn of Man. Looks a whole lot like Banished but with some focus on combat and missions perhaps. I'm tempted. (it's on GoG too). Maybe I should wait for 30% off tho. :p



...I still haven't done the Terra Wars or the FFXIV, FFXV collab. missions. I've started each one but they felt dull + I have no personal association with those games so...never finished.  And it's not like I need another op'd weapon in FFXV. Wasn't impressed with the Ardyn anime prologue but eh...maybe I'll find him amusing in his own DLC. Hopefully he'll remain largely snarky. A weepy/sad/soap opera Ardyn would make me go urgh.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Today in Yakuza 0, I helped a dominatrix be more dominant, poured a kettle of boiling hot water on a thug, delivered a pizza, and got stood up on a date.

This game is so weird and wonderful I love it  :dancing:


I was getting into that game, but I started to find a lot of the fun mini-games have terrible pc ported game controls that seem to make them incredibly difficult. It's that juggle of pondering if it's actually worthwhile to invest in a controller just for one freaking game.


As Keyrock said in an earlier post you can use a variety of different controllers (I personally am using an old XBOX 360 for my game). If you don't have any of those controllers then I still think that a controller would be a wise investment. There are many different PC ports out that have terrible controls on the keyboard but have outstanding ones on a controller. There maybe another game out in the future that may get that have an awful PC port but tight controller support.


PS.Yeah the mini game controls are the worst. Who in the hell uses I,J, K, and L for a rhythm game !?

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So, multiple things happened:
a) I kinda gave up on Warframe. I mean, I assume I'll still play it every now and again when I feel like it, but I got to a point where there is very little progression or variety. I still think the game plays great and I want to see what they do with it in the following updates - but, as it stands, the grind's too much for me to go through it and prices too steep for me to significantly accelerate it. So... That's that.



Yeah, they... Grabbed Mario, Rabbids (which is apparently a Rayman spinoff I never even heard of before) and made a super polished XCOM-like in Mushroom Kingdom, with most prominent Mario characters (and their Rabbid version, naturally) making appearance, all with their own semi-unique weapons, tools and (presumably?) skill trees. The game is colorful and silly and, apparently, gets rather difficult later on, so there's that to look forward to. Anyway, weaponized Mario, yay!

Edited by Fenixp
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I'm playing "Masquerada: Songs and Shadows". It's kind of well written, colourful adventure game with turn-based combo-centered combat in very beautiful setting and with superb cast of VAs, including commander Shepard and our own* Matt Mercer. Reaffirms the importance of good voice acting in story and character heavy game. 



* Eder and Aloth is way more quintessential part of PoE for me than, say, soul recycling or **** constructs serving as gods.

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Well... hopefully Zelda: Breath of the Wild soon.. ordered that and a Switch the other day. I never thought i'd have any interest in buying one but I just caved in after watching Matthewmatosis' new review for it...!


Haven't played a Zelda game since Wind Waker as they have looked pretty dull since that.


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I abandoned Resident Evil 6 one mission into Ada's campaign. It was too frustrating to even drag myself through.


Started Resident Evil 7 and I'm already terrified.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Played The Division 2 open beta, although spent maybe 2 h playing vs 8 h downloading...


Anyway, seems like more of the same, just a bit less annoyances.  I like the change to weapon mods, no need to have to find which MG you left your scope on, as they are unlocks rather than loot.  Had about 4 disconnects in the middle of a mission, but that is a known issue so (hopefully) it gets fixed.   In any case, will buy this game when it's on sale and play co-op with friends.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Playing Enderal, so far its fun. But I really hope Bethsoft up their game in their next titel in terms of combat, its really boring...

I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiene"

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I am almost done with the missions on Mars. I also did some void fissures but I figured that they are best suited for higher ranks. Speaking of which: I need to rank up!


Also, back to Fallout 4: Nuka World DLC. It seems that I haven't upgraded my armor properly, only deep pocketed my armor pieces for the sake of carrying a heap of junk around. I need to upgrade my armor because the enemies in tha Nuka dlc are pretty tough.

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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I am almost done with the missions on Mars. I also did some void fissures but I figured that they are best suited for higher ranks. Speaking of which: I need to rank up!


Also, back to Fallout 4: Nuka World DLC. It seems that I haven't upgraded my armor properly, only deep pocketed my armor pieces for the sake of carrying a heap of junk around. I need to upgrade my armor because the enemies in tha Nuka dlc are pretty tough.


re: void missions. It depends on the missions really. They're tier based (as you probably noticed) and the lower tiers are pretty easy, especially when you group up. That said, for solo play, the enemies that spawn from the Fissures can be rather nasty if unprepared (they're slightly tougher than their Void equivalents, so if those are no problem same tier Fissures shouldn't be too much of one either).


Anyway, also been playing quite a bit of Warframe, given how there's a bit of a content draught I've started grabbing those last few items I don't have yet so I can maybe even make it to Mastery Rank 27 (which is the highest attainable at the moment).

And while the other day I was proclaiming how Warframe, despite being grindy, respects its players' time DE decided they'd undo that feature by replacing the random "alerts" system with some sort of tiered (and time-gated) Battle Pass (or Reward Track, if familiar with GW2 PvP/WvW) type system that makes you do all kinds of random, and often annoying, stuff. It's basically MMO dailies all over again :(

Edited by marelooke
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I've been playing some Borderlands 2: The Pre-Sequel lately with 2 friends. The Handsome Jack clone is just hilarious when trying to act with the real Jack's charm. His flirting attempts are worth a good laugh at times.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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How do you start over in Warframe? I installed it a couple days ago and my brothers were in town and started playing it. I have no idea what's going on or how to do anything and want to play from the very beginning. On PS4 if that matters.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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looks like there is no option to reset your progress :(



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12) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 127+ hours

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15) Tales of Xillia 2 - PS3 - 302+ hours

16) Mortal Kombat XL - PS4 - 95+ hours

17) Project CARS Game of the Year Edition - PS4 - 120+ hours

18) Dark Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

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26) Journey - PS3 - 22+ hours

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28) Tales of Arise - PS4 - 111+ hours

29) Dark Souls: Remastered - PS4 - 121+ hours

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So much for that game then




Depending on how far they played you could just replay the "Vor's Prize" quest (which is basically the tutorial mission of the game) from the Codex, though you'll be stuck with whatever gear they chose during that quest, at least until you can get your hands on alternatives (everything can be acquired eventually). Although you'll probably miss out on unlocking all the functionality of the Orbiter if they already did all that, which isn't all that much (imho)

Well, just checked ingame and turns out that, despite it being a heavily requested feature for like 6 years it's still not possible to replay "Vor's Prize" :(


And of course you could try and see if support can reset the account, they won't on PC, as it's easy to just create another one, but I'm not convinced they might not do it on consoles. I guess you could, as last ditch effort, have them delete the account, there's some warnings attached but I'm not sure how relevant those are for the console versions (I play on PC).


And in a severe act of desperation you could just play through the tutorial stuff on a PC (Warframe is rather well optimized so it'll run on most things barring a literal toaster) and then go back to the PS4 if that's your preferred platform.

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