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  1. 4 points
  2. Obviously the machine has been possessed by the neighbour of the Beast
    3 points
  3. Was also dealing with an issue like that on Wednesday. I also had some guy reach out to me about a ticket I created a couple weeks ago and ask if I had any updates. I'm like nope, no updates to the ticket that is assigned to you and I've not worked on. I can maybe provide some background info but definitely can't give you an update, dude.
    3 points
  4. I once heard a pretty good line about that: problems that disappear on their own can also come back on their own. Maybe it should be corrected to "will" instead of "can".
    3 points
  5. Russia? Belarus? Kazakhstan? Kyrgyzstan? Tajikistan? Union State? Or why does not Azerbaijan's aggression towards Armenia trigger CTSO's Article 4 of the Collective Security Treaty (CST) which establishes that an aggression against one signatory would be perceived as an aggression against all
    3 points
  6. "You naughty Shiina " That whole arc is something else. Chibi-Usa getting on her knees every episode to beg the pedohorse to blast her mom with it's horn has some interesting readings.
    2 points
  7. https://www.gog.com/game/terroir Terroir free, go get it to let it sit in your library unplayed forever.
    2 points
  8. Well maybe, but it is far from being obvious to say the least. I've discarded fixing the "ranged weapon paired with melee weapon + melee attack" issue, which applies to several abilities, most noticeably clear out. This one isn't big and gives support to "classic blunderbuss" (opposed to mortars) setting. So I guess it's ok.
    2 points
  9. An Ostrich??? There are really only two large birds down here that I'm aware of (Emus and Cassowaries, the former is sort of goofy and wants to be fed, the latter will kill you on sight) My airbrush and compressor arrived about an hour ago. Waiting for the workday to finish so I can get to the "unboxing" part. Then start assembling and priming some old obsolete plastic space marines (1995 is says on the sprue) so i can use those as disposable practise targets
    2 points
  10. What I really want to know is why has this game breaking bug been here for so long without being addressed. Same issue, absolutely crazy that this isn't a priority bug to be fixed.
    2 points
  11. I am sure that Armenia has been very happy be part of security organization that has given it next to nothing assistance when it has been under attack of its neighboring country and lost some of its territories
    2 points
  12. Happy Thanksgiving to all our Murican forumites and anyone else who celebrates it.
    2 points
  13. I have encountered a bug during the dinner scene with the Abbott. When greeted by the Abbott I chose the cordial response. Then the Abbott said a prayer and the scene shifted to show the food on the table. When asked about what I had done since leaving Tassing I told him that I worked in Poland. The abbott expressed displeasure about protestant uprisings and I talked about a great artist working at the king's court. The abbott said it was no excuse for the violence and I remained silent. At this point I asked the abbott why he really asked me to dinner and this is where the game breaks. Instead of more dialogue, it's just the table with the food, no dialogue bubbles. If I move the thumbstick I can hear footsteps, as if I was back on the Abbott's House screen. Pushing face buttons does nothing. I exited out to main menu and reloaded the last save and tried again with the same dialogue choices. Same problem. I then reloaded again and was able to get past the bug by chosing different dialogue options. This is on Xbox Series X.
    1 point
  14. So, Solasta. Damn this is actually real good. That is if you can accept a game that's narrative-wise is less about having an epic story, and more about providing a bit of context to pretty fun tactical combat. (I was more invested in Icewind Dale's narrative than this, though, tbh, Icewind Dale DOES have a pretty decent story for what is essentially a dungeon crawl). The voiced banter on the occasion can be good for a smile or so every once in a while. It's also cool to play a CRPG for a bit of a change that: - doesn't need you to engage in repetitive buff orgies before like every fight - has fighters being fighters, rather than for the sake of "balance" let them cast non-spells left and right (this is a party game anyway, what does it matter if casters can do more?) - doesn't have epic +1 +2 +3 magic loot like everywhere, something that back for more traditional RPGs seems to have started with BG2 (my party is level 6 and still carrying standard weaponry) - doesn't have an abundance of talens and feats that mostly bog down to like a +5% increase in hit chance anyway (ok, there could be a bit more options, in particular on level-up) Mind you, a lot of this is down to the game simply being based on stripped-down D&D 5e, but the implemantion seems solid, the combat is fun, there's surprised to be had during travels as well, what's not to like? Also, the production values are on the occasion surprisingly solid for a game from a team of 20. If somebody would have shown me this beforehand, I couldn't have told whether this was BG3 or else (but then, according to Vincke, much of the extra budget of BG3 goes straight into cinematics... zzzz).
    1 point
  15. Trying to debug performance issues that magically resolve themselves while I am looking at it. Damn databases.
    1 point
  16. Sorry the pics aren't great but I was eating with barbarians who couldn't let me take a pic before diving in. Almost forgot
    1 point
  17. Kerch bridge repairs, enough to pass a train on at least.
    1 point
  18. I couldnt help myself and already spoiled me the first time you mentioned it. I does sound pretty good.
    1 point
  19. Banker and then criminal records? Those are the worst people, you can't trust them ever, at all, no matter their words. Shame they got to such people and now it's all in ruins. Thank god they noticed it and Kurvitz is blocking the sale.
    1 point
  20. Nah, I haven't tried Emu. I have tried Ostrich though. Snake, Crocodile, Kangaroo and Shark. But no, not Emu. Maybe it's time for The Great Emu war II ?
    1 point
  21. The legal war over Disco Elysium reaches Disco Elysium levels of complexity
    1 point
  22. @Gorth @Gfted1 @Lexx@ShadySands@majestic@Zoraptor and all fans of sci-fi You really have to watch this series, its on Netflix and as I mentioned you will never ever predict the ending. And dont read any spoilers. Just watch the 8 episodes
    1 point
  23. Come on now, you know better than that. Muh Boys are good for AT LEAST 2 stupid losses a season. Our week 1 loss to Tampa doesn't count since it was week 1. Week 1 is chaos, nothing makes sense since teams are still sort of in preseason form.
    1 point
  24. The difference here is that Takedown Combo applies to all attacks to the target, not only to the one from the ability. So Takedown Combo would enable your whole party to get +100% damages on a single attack. This is quite a big buff. I think the dual claw aspect comes from the Drizzt Do Urden dual wielding ranger trope. They wanted to make an ability for dual wielding melee ranger specifically. Is this good ? Well I don't know, but the ability is still usable with two hander, I think it should even be optimal with WotEP specifically. Also with non dual wielding weapon, you still get a +10 Acc attack with damages scaling with PL, so this part of the effect is quite equivalent independantly from the choosen weapon. To be fair, I think it might be very tedious to change due to the number of subeffect coded separately for this one. So I think I will discard. Nothing prevent you from using it with DW weapons, then to swap to a good 2 handers. There's not ton of builds that favor style swapping.
    1 point
  25. As always, I'm thankful for this forum and all the great conversations we have about weird stuff. We are cooking a 13.5 pound bird right now. We were supposed to go to my wife's brother's place, but they had to cancel last minute, so we went shopping yesterday and have thrown together a few dishes for our 5-person household.
    1 point
  26. another surprise, but this time positive. animal control retrieved the corpse, and on thanksgiving day no less. 'course we had just moved her, 'cause we assumed it were unlikely anybody would retrieve her before monday after the holiday weekend. given the bruising we saw, the poor thing had clear been hit by a car before she managed to limp her way next to our doorway to die. well, is back to playing nurse to our little and a-bit-less-likely-to-die-immediate dog. as odd as it sounds, am genuine thankful, and not just 'cause his 24/7 care got us out o' family thanksgiving. is hard to see much improvement from the dog, but he don't look as if he is suffering as were the case a month past. is current an unseasonably nice 66 degrees, and is only noonish, so am gonna take the pooch outside to absorb a bit o' sunlight and fresh air in just a bit. happy thanksgiving day. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  27. Making chitlins, short ribs, polenta, and collard greens. Wife bought rolls and meats and cheese for a charcuterie board. Cousin is bringing drinks and pie and other friends are bringing brussel sprouts and maybe something else. Pics later maybe.
    1 point
  28. lol Armenia is just an awful example because... who is the major backer of Azerbaijan? No, not major western ally Israel, they're its second biggest backer (mostly in the hope they'll, double lol, invade Iranian Azerbaijan), but important NATO member with its [belated edit, 2nd, obviously] largest military, Turkey. For anyone who thinks NATO- or the EU, or individual western countries- will do anything at all for Armenia I present the Syrian Kurds who did 99% of the dying on behalf of the 'international coalition' in Syria yet have been and are being hung out to dry by them now. Of course, you don 't hear much about it, now, because it ain't Trump doing it, it's Biden. Who was going to stand up to Erdogan and MbS, and instead is kissing their ring about as badly as Trump did. Oh yeah, and who do you think is a major supplier of gas to Europe? Azerbaijan. Doesn't matter how many times Macron phones Pashinyan to express support, c'est la carte blanche for the Azeris in realityland. Only worse example would actually be the Syrian Kurds not being protected by Russia. Because guess who's been cheerily blowing up civilian infrastructure like power stations in their revenge for a bombing- carried out by a religious arab woman whose brother is a commander of the Turkish sponsored FSA and two other brothers fought for ISIS and who had been repeatedly contacted by the Turkish Nationalist Party; supposedly on behalf of atheist anarchist Kurds? Yep, it's NATO member Turkey. Let's see how long it takes for the Euroweenie Parliament to declare them a terrorist state, shall we? My money is might get passed just before earth gets swallowed up when the sun goes nova, but only might. Mmm, I do love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning. I eagerly await all the accusations of whataboutism from the usual suspects who can't cope with the cognitive dissonance.
    1 point
  29. Casters also have passive abilities that improve all casting, scrolls included, which can be nice. It's a bit overkill but I've really liked playing a Loremaster with high Arcana as it fits thematically and they really, really never run out of things to cast. Salut Elric, by the way
    1 point
  30. For Active Skills only. Arcane is certainly the skill with the highest potential because it turns any character into a caster... for a cost. That being said catsers are the ones that need it the least because... well they are alredy casters. Main character has skill check to do on its own, so I tend to specialize them less than others. My "rules" : - a couple of Athletic (needed for some check and helps in general) and Stealth (helps positionning) for anybody - 1 specialist for each skill except Sleight of Hand : mechanics (the most important, but only 1 character needs it), arcane, alchemy, stealth, athletic, explosives (by approximate order of priority). Yes, you have 5 members for 6 skills, so one of them has to pick 2 skill speciality. I tend to give 2 speciality to main character since they have to do some checks by themselves and main characters ultimately get +1 to all skills. - a couple of Sleight of Hand points to the Stealth Specialist - spare points can be put into Arcane (the most powerful, and 3 points give access to Tier 3 Scrolls) or Alchemy (healing potions) - try to use starting skill point to your advantage, but only Explosives, Mechanics and Sleight of Hand points tend to be lost since arcane, alchemy, stealth, athletic are at least a bit useful to everyone. Finally, there are no utterly bad choices, and you can respec later. For Mechanics, I would give it to either Eder if Rogue or the "mysterious 4th party member" from Port Maje.
    1 point
  31. Finally playing through Dark Pictures Anthology. Picked up a couple from Humble Bundle, the rest in a sale. As a big Until Dawn fan, I had to get around to it sometime... First up is Man of Medan. Better than I expected from all I heard about it. The downside is the twist was so predictable I figured out half of it in the prologue and the other half of it from a single clue later on. What it's doing with secrets would be so much better if it wasn't telegraphed to hell and back. Some strong ambiguity that I need to really pour through every clue to figure out my interpretation is something I like doing with stories.
    1 point
  32. it's not a big reward, but IF you did the diplomacy thing with indrah in act 1, then with a successful completion o' the quest you are able to initiate a crusade project which results in all your generals acquiring a level o' master of maneuver. as such, this is a quest which is best done as early as possible in act v. also, while has possible been fixed, if you looted enemy corpses before the end of combat, it were possible to generate a fair amount o' gold from this quest-- potential infinite amounts. if you wait to loot after combat, then bodies disappear and so do their gear, but this is one o' the few instances o' respawning enemies in the game and it is/were possible to manipulate the rewards by stacking bodies improbable high and taking their gear before they evaporated. 'course in act v is unlikely you are strapped for cash, so... functional, nothing is lost by skipping, but if you really want the extra master o' maneuver, and if you are funding your crusade projects by buying material points and the like, then in the unlikely event you are able to trigger this quest early in act v, then there are a few potential (and possible exploitive) rewards. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  33. I liked Dead Space and its combat system - can't remember dismemberment implemented effectively anywhere else (in The Surge, maybe?). Though, would prefer the MC to remain silent, because it is more immersive and less irritating. I think, there were MTX in the last game (and the DLC's ending was disappointing)?
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Found a sour beer brewed in the area, Delilah Into Darkness. The first few sips of it I kind of hated. At first all I could catch was the "dark" and my palette was confusing it for chocolate. I've been there before with chocolate beer, I do not care for it. But once I got a little used to it, the sour and fruit came out and it was wonderful. It's my first sour beer and it's bit heavier than ciders that I also enjoy. It's a very dark beer, I put it in my large stein and it's pitch black. If you're in the DFW Metroplex of Texas and like sour beers or hard ciders, I strongly recommend it.
    1 point
  36. A couple of recent news stories about possible future D&D video games: First, Tuque Games, the WotC-owned studio that made the new Dark Alliance game last year, has been rebranded as Invoke Studios and is now headed by a new, veteran game designer. And WotC confirms that Invoke Studios is now working on a new AAA D&D game using the UE5 engine. This of course is in addition to the two previously announced D&D game projects under Hidden Path Entertainment and OtherSide Entertainment, both of which are said to be progressing well. Second, there is this very intriguing story I saw from inXile Studios. It has been known for some time now that they are working on a new IP AAA steampunk RPG using UE5, codenamed Project Cobalt, which the head of Xbox Games recently raved about after seeing a playable vertical slice of it. But now inXile has announced in ads seeking to hire more talent that they starting work on another new AAA project using a challenging but exciting existing IP (their words). Given that (a) inXile boss Brian Fargo has long wanted to do a D&D game and lobbied WotC for BG3 way before Larian jumped in on that, (b) inXile having done their Torment: Tides of Numenera game as a spiritual successor to Planescape: Torment, and (c) WotC bringing back the Planescape setting next year for TT D&D gaming, I am wondering if maybe this new inXile project is a Ps:T sequel?
    1 point
  37. Give me a mod where I play as Gun Jesus and I'm in. You think that's sacrilegious, there sre several MegaTen games that include YHVH and the Tetragrammaton is generally not portrayed in a positive light... I guess that depends on where you sit on the order/chaos spectrum.
    1 point
  38. I would love it, if there would be jumping spiders roaming the backyard. They could be friendly and tameable, but instead of taking the usual approach of feeding them, it would be fun if you could befriend them using the emotes (dancing etc). Maybe mimick what they are doing 4 times or something like that.
    1 point
  39. Apparently she is also a MAGA loon, so at this point it's all kinda self explanatory I guess.
    1 point
  40. This is one I think would be a great creature in Grounded additions. And dance emotes would be great to have. If implemented you can make it dance with you after taming it.
    1 point
  41. I always favor style as much as (or sometimes more than) function in an RPG, and Pillars of Eternity is no exception. If something looks good on a character, I will wear it even if it's not the best piece of equipment that I could give them for their class or role. Here are a few characters in my party who aren't wearing the most optimal equipment, but they look great nonetheless. This is my ranger character named Aela. Sometimes I wear the pink and silver cloak until I get this one and the ring of thorns. I love how the exceptional hide armor looks on female characters. I usually wear the fur-lined Dyrwood clothing until I get this hide armor. Durance, who looks awesome in this armor and helmet that don't really suit his class completely. Kana, who looks cool in most things. The Deadfire hat looks awesome on him. Sagani, who looks good in the Wayfarer's Hide. I swap the hood for the eyepatch if she uses firearms. I always have Aloth and Eder as well, but those guys are always changing equipment. I usually have Aloth in Angio's Gambeson for a while.
    1 point
  42. Cool to see this thread! FYI, we made matching helms for the unique plate armors, so you can look appropriately badass (among a lot of other stuff). Will be out with White March II.
    1 point
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