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  1. honestly this is how i thought food bonuses did work for much of my playtime, since the way you set them up is more akin to setting up an extended passive bonus rather than, e.g. drinking a short durational potion. maybe this is too much of a buff, though honestly maybe it's a necessary change to make a set of rest bonuses and consumables more useful since they're no longer trivially overriding each other.
    3 points
  2. https://www.gog.com/game/cdpr_goodies_collection Try clicking this?
    2 points
  3. Yeah, that's the first thing I tried. The issue is that it makes any correction about untestable. If the bonus doesn't stack, it could mean either that the mod worked OR that for some reason you're not in a situation where stacking would work. I'm not at ease at releasing some untestable feature, so I'm probably going to abandon the idea, and let the game be as it is. The only possible alternative would be "Oh well, let's make all food bonuses stacking". If you guys ask for it. This would be a buff, but at least it would have clear rules. This one is testable I won't nerf food effect to make it more balanced, though. Just too much headache
    2 points
  4. In terms solely of solving the Keyword Immunities behavior, let's jot down the suggestions that are on the table: 1. Implement Elemental Weapon keywords. (Current Community Patch solution) It seems the more this is scrutinized, the more side effect are discovered... I just looked a bit more and found that Ice Blights get 8-12s of Shaken/Frightened/Terrified when hit by a Fire attack, and likewise Flame blights get Might afflictions when hit by Frost, and so on. This behavior is now lost. I'm strongly against keeping this solution since it has caused so many unforeseen regressions, most likely including ones we haven't found yet. 2. Narrow the Immunity effects to Class abilities. I mentioned it briefly earlier in the thread, but it's possible to limit the immunities to Spells and Class abilities (and scrolls), allowing the enemies to be hit by keyworded weapon attacks. The downside is that it also allows enemies to get hit with non-Class abilities, such as those granted from Items. While enemies be protected against the appropriate damages as usual, any secondary effects will bypass immunity. (So if you e.g. hit a Storm Blight with a Druid's Reckless Storm, it will be completely immune. But if you hit it with Conductive Storm from Deltro's Cage, it will be stunned but not take any damage.) Here's the table of all Item Abilities with relevant Keywords, and whether an enemy would be completely immune or get hit with secondary effects with this solution (which would be a regression) Ability/Enchantment Full Immunity? Storm of Seven Bolts Immune Lighting Wrangler Immune Spellbind: Jolting Touch Immune Heaven’s Wrath Immune Of Fireballs Immune Conductive Storm Stunned Fire Shield Immune Greater Fire Shield Immune Purifying Fire Shield -3s Beneficial Effects Minor Spellbind: Sunbeam Blinded Dragon’s Breath Immune Corona of the Soul Immune Ball Lightning Immune Wind Calling – Wilting Wind Immune Wind Calling – Winter Wind Push Metani’s Traps Blinded Sun’s Blessing Blinded I'd say these are acceptable edge-cases. I'm more worried about the risk of unforseen consequences with this solution. Enemies getting hit by their own AoEs they should've been immune to? What are your thoughts, good enough? I'm not convinced of this myself yet. Here's the download if anyone wants to try it -> Elemental Keyword Pseudo-Immunity.zip 3. Remove the Immunity effects altogether. Drastic, but consistent. 4. Changing elemental weapons to single-damage. (Boeroer's suggestion) This is definetely the most clean and straightforward solution, but I'd be really sad to see those dual damage types go... as well as the option of adding the new ones. 5. Keep it as-is. Not ideal, but won't cause any regressions either. This is the crux. I'd argue that vanilla behavior is fine, if it just weren't so deceptive.
    2 points
  5. I didn't know mac had different paths https://www.gog.com/forum/pillars_of_eternity_series/poe2_mod_installation_for_macos_fyi It seems you have to create the "override" folder inside the "Contents" folder, then drop the mod folder there.
    2 points
  6. Ok, actually finished Stray. My ratings notions still stand. The campaign/story ending was a bit ambiguous in some ways, without real clear cut answers. Some won't like that but I don't mind. I don't think it's as deep as some might believe but considering it's ... y'know, a cat ... it was still good. In a way the story isn't really about the cat itself, either. Anyhoo...had fun, no regrets, probably the first game in a while that I actually kept turning back on and finished (yay for short games? )
    2 points
  7. Some time back @Elric Galad made the suggestion of a mod to enable a standalone playthorugh of the Seeker Slayer Survivor DLC: I've (sporadically) worked on implementing this concept, and the mod is now at the point where it's a fully playable - big thanks to everyone in the modding subforum thread! I thought to post it here since this new gamemode may be of general interest. Features New Game starts with entering the Temple of Toamowhai, and you'll be blocked from exiting the island. All quests flags will be set appropriately. You'll begin at Lv 16 with 100'000 gold and a Superb copy of every weapon and armor kind. You'll be free to access the inn and hire a full party of adventurers before taking on any challenges (just speak to Humaire once first). Challenges will provide extra gold (50k) and experience. These rewards are repeatable, but your party will reach Lv19 in the later parts of the campaign even if you only do the mandatory challenges. Vendors will sell unique loot and large quantities of all consumables and misc items: Caretta will sell all (non-SSS) Unique Armor and Weapons. Winge will sell all Grimoires, Scrolls, Trinkets and Unique Accessories. (Note that Winge is available after the first challenge.) Neale will sell all Potions, Ingredients and Upgrade materials. Cook Corrin will sell all Drugs and Prepared Meals. (TODO: Pets, Soulbound Armor & Weapons, Bombs & Traps) Artefact-hunting challenges will be unlocked simultaneously with the ones you get from exploring Kazuwari. You can load any preexisting non-S4 playthrough while the mod is enabled, and experience vanilla behavior! (The changes to rewards and vendors only take effect if a specific flag has been set upon character creation.) To start a new non-S4 game, you only have to temporarily disable the mod (and reboot the game). Then reenable it after character creation, or whenever you go back to your S4 playthroughs. Looking for feedback! All feedback is much appreciated, in particular regarding starting gold and rewards which are currently somewhat abitrary If there are any items missing from Vendors that you think should be available (besides the ones listed TODO above), I'd be happy to hear! Feedback on Levels/Experience reward are also welcome, here are some more details on what's currently implemented: Download -> S4 - Standalone Seeker Slayer Survivor.zip Installation Download the .zip file and extract the content to your override folder. .../Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire/PillarsOfEternityII_Data/override Note that if you install and enable the mod while the game is still running, the vanilla intro scene will still be used. In that case, restart the game once and the mod will thereafter property override the intro scene. (Likewise, if you want to uninstall/disable the mod, the game must be relaunched after the mod has been unstalled/disabled for the intro scene to revert.)
    1 point
  8. I thought that it was a tiny bit faster than normal while I tested it and just counted the seconds - but that just may have been my imagination. It's a bit difficult to watch the recovery bar while running around - and frankly I forgot to slow the game down but did the test at the highest game speed (which wasn't the smartest thing to do, heh). But as I said it seemed absolutely negligible. So I think +100% -50% is correct. +50%-50% would lead to a much more visible difference I assume.
    1 point
  9. And Ron Perlman, Michael Wincott, and Dominique Pinion too. I actually enjoyed it, as I mentioned. There's a couple of of patented JossWhedonisms™ that are a bit of a groaner, and I don't think its Jeunet's best film from a direction standpoint, but its a purer realization of what it is trying to be than Alien³ as I recall (I've only seen the extended version of ³ and then only once).
    1 point
  10. harbinger's problem is ACC imo, especially trickster/skald, both subclass require a high ACC to be good but barely provide any on their own. Cipher/skald will have enough ACC to proc phrases and will make great use of Helm of the White Void, both sides have lots of afflictions. But that would be more like a front line caster rather than actual weapon wielder. And Forbidden Fist + anything doesn't need INT is a monster. Although it might be too boring to play after properly set up.
    1 point
  11. People who like Alien: Resurrection would ditch a cripple.
    1 point
  12. Space Cobra Episode XXX "How to Defeat Salamander" aka "Saramandā o Taosu Hō" and Episode XXXI "So Long! My Cobra!" aka "Abayo! Ore no Kobura" Fun series, if you like pulpy 70s-80s anime sci-fi.
    1 point
  13. https://www.ign.com/articles/gta-6-female-playable-character-story-bonnie-clyde Sounds like a lot of DLC, probably get tuned out by the people moaning about them being woke or whatever
    1 point
  14. a few hundred episode of conan would make dub unnecessary sub was pretty good even 2 decade ago problem would be the amount of new content one can get their hands on back then someplace seems to have a videotape and dvd network but most people are stuck with rental store with very little selection
    1 point
  15. GOG has a CDPR goodies giveaway on occasion of the company's birthday.
    1 point
  16. I remember FMA was a thing when I was 12 or 13. I didn't keep up with it because I didn't have cable. Somewhat recently (Covid has destroyed my sense of time) I watched FMA: Brotherhood which was ok, but requires getting past some of the more annoying Shonen-isms that almost made me quit out of embarrassment. I think a lot of these Shonen shows would be stronger if they dropped it, but what the **** do I know? The 90's Berserk series is a good start for someone looking for something more serious and can deal with heavy violence.
    1 point
  17. Edit: inserte quote: “ The only possible alternative would be "Oh well, let's make all food bonuses stacking". If you guys ask for it. This would be a buff, but at least it would have clear rules. This one is testable I won't nerf food effect to make it more balanced, though. Just too much headache “ Personally, I think this would be the cleanest solution. And resting is not so much of an “active” act that it would break the games buff logic.
    1 point
  18. The amount of effort this guy puts in his youtube videos is unreal.
    1 point
  19. Alright, let's see what screenshots the fans have uploaded in order to sell the series to us. Ah, yes, exquisitely framed zoom-ins of our characters' crotches and butts while they're in their underwear/swimsuits, how delightful and totally unexpected. We also see a bathing scene where our characters are all nude and one of them looks to be sexually assaulted by the others as a result of some kind of humorous "misunderstanding", a truly classic sequence required for any and all anime of a principled nature. Glad to see said characters also look like they're somewhere between 13-16 years old. Generally speaking, I tend to believe the fans on what a show is about based on the screenshots they like to upload for the show in question, and boy, this one sure looks good, . Glad to hear the wedding stuff is finally over, hope you recover soon.
    1 point
  20. wowowow this is great work. ...where do i install the mod on macOS? i'm not near my gaming PC for a while and only have my laptop edit: this is as close as I can see so far in terms of equivalent paths:
    1 point
  21. you would be right but your numbers are mixed up between poe1 and poe2. in poe1 you have a 50% recovery penalty, in poe2 you have a 100% recovery penalty. the inversions work out just right so that in poe2 you have no penalty whatsoever with shot on the run. (+100% penalty combined wiht an inverted -50% recovery bonus) if there's a bug, it's different than what kaylon says - in poe1 shot on the run only erased half the recovery penalty, in poe2 it seems by accident it erases the entire recovery penalty. but the talent is niche enough that it's not worth addressing imo. anyway, while niche, i think it's pretty handy for kiters or part-time archer/casters. once i learned that it completely cancels out the movement penalty for ranged weapons, i figure that once you have it there's no reason to not be running around in between attacks, which aids a lot in survivability and casting positioning. none of this applies to reloading weapons though. edit: further reading - https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/227477-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/faqs/76599/ranged-weapon-recovery
    1 point
  22. I'm rarely logged into my YouTube account. Logged into it some days ago. Tried to go to a YT video link today. Got a page asking me to verify it was really me. I logged back in again. Got a page telling me there was unusual activity on my YT account and to please give them a mobile phone number so they could help me. Closed browser, wiping cookies. Can view YT videos again. Pffft. Looking at my account video page, my avatar is now a blank image with a line through it, maybe because it's on google security lockdown, or who knows. I can't imagine anyone would care about my almost never used, hardly any subscribers, non-monetized YT account and I'm suspicious Google just wants my mobile phone number. Maybe I'm wrong and some hack wants my cat and FO:NV videos. Regardless, whatever.
    1 point
  23. The mining mini-game in ME2 brings out my inner child. I just keep wasting probes on Uranus and laugh at EDI's increasingly annoyed replies.
    1 point
  24. Maybe it was just after seeing the joke that was Aliens that it felt like the characters got some development and knew how to actually deliver their lines on some other level than corny B movie. Jeeze louise was that bad in Aliens - how can you have such technical prowess and vision as a director and let it all go to waste because you can't figure out how to get freaking Sigourney Weaver to act? I don't know whether the theatrical cut or Assembly Cut is better - I read some comments that said the new cut is much better, while others say it ruins the flow of the film. If you already thought the theatrical version of 3 sucks, maybe it's worth a try, I don't know. Ms. Weaver isn't even in Alien vs. Predator, right? No chance of me watching it if not, she's too core to Alien. Yes, watching it directly after Aliens, with Alien instead being five years ago, probably makes quite the difference. I don't know, I just appreciate some attempt at slow atmospheric horror instead of whatever Aliens was supposed to be. In no universe could I ever sit through all of them (much less LotR) in one-go - would make them miserable just for that reason alone, regardless of the quality of the films watched.
    1 point
  25. I usually don't take any uprade for Lay on Hands because the higher cost of 2 Zeal isn't worth the upgrade (and the precious ability point) imo.
    1 point
  26. Fellas, how could you miss out on these two:
    1 point
  27. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1184370/view/3400797688635109882 august 11 is new dlc release. september 29 is console and enhanced edition release date. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  28. I'm definitely of the crowd that loved POE but had no idea that deadfire was even a thing. If I'd known I would have backed it from day 1. POE was the best iso crpg I've played since the glory days of BG and IWD, a close second is Tyranny. Its not just nostalgia either it's genuine enjoyment of iso CRPG party control gameplay. I wish there was more of it but it can be hard to find good ones. I really tried to get into pathfinder kingmaker but its buggy as hell and kinda clunky gameplay. People have discussed deadfire sales and POE3 again and again and all sorts of reasons crop up but some I see voiced a lot by players is too much narrative, not enough gameplay, setting wasn't typical fantasy setting. I think all these points a terrible because the narrative in POE and POE2 paints a really immersive world one of the best in a long time, the games weren't the longest but had sufficient content to keep you busy both for the side quest story OCD's and the power big fight min maxers. Lastly the setting was refreshing. Fantasy is always set in the same dark age medievil tolkien-esque eurocentric setting. There is nothing wrong with this setting but its been done to death. Setting a rich fantasy world in the early age of exploration was amazing. It also gives oportunity to explore some really adult themes such as colonialism, resource exploitation, salvery and land title. It may have been set on a ship but you didn't have to be a pirate as many claim, you could be a merchant, an explorer, a raider, the game lent itself to any of these ideas with its faction choices. I'm still holging out for a POE3, but then again I've been waiting for KOTOR 3 for years and what we got was a lacklustre MMO so I'm not holding my breath sadly.
    1 point
  29. I am working on a mod that will hides the message boxes that alert you to DLCs being installed. The "DeliverMissive" script for a certain “lethargic, misshapen bird" bearing a message about the wonderous critter cleaver, is however proving very hard to track down. Any ideas where I might find this? The only information I have to go on is that the critter cleaver apparently came with the Forgotten Sanctum DLC, but I can't find any mention of the script that delivers the letter in the lax_3_exported folder.
    0 points
  30. I've never seen Alien: Resurrection, so I am no help. I'm more of a Predator guy. edit: Apparently that's a lie since I never watched the most recent Predator film. I liked the Adrian Brody flick though. Prey looks fun too.
    0 points
  31. See if @Hurlsnot likes it too. Well it's not the worst movie ever, but it's not very good and seems almost perfectly tailored for Antichristus Bartimaeus to hate. I liked A Serbian Film lmao
    0 points
  32. I mean, I just said they are being too harsh. There are plenty of worse movies out there. Like for example A Serbian Film, if you are brave enough to watch it.
    0 points
  33. They are being too harsh, you should check it out. It's not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination, but neither were the rest of the alien movies. Although it has been a long while since I last watched them, so take that with a grain of salt.
    0 points
  34. Uncle ep 2. I spoiled my self a little with the manga, but have since decided to follow the anime. Ep 2 is more of the same which is very good. Can't wait for more characters to be introduced.
    0 points
  35. Hhaha, I may be watching all the Leprechan films later this year...
    0 points
  36. It takes place in 2017, so he'd find out with the rest of the fans.
    0 points
  37. Uncle From Another World 2 I forgot to mention when I talked about the first episode: Episode 2: We meet with another character, with hilarious interactions. It could have been worse. What if he was a fan of Star Trek or The Wheel of Time?
    0 points
  38. I once watched anime on behest of another, to serve the people of this thread in person. I found only chaos and insane stalker girls. Dead whispers. For twenty-four episodes I was confused. No more. I have gathered the will to watch under no name but my own. To champion the withered trhead and correct this blighted world. Beg that I succeed. For I have seen the future of anime, and it was empty! That said, inorder to stop myself from trying whatever kooky Isekai you guys want to watch, I instead watched: ストライクウィッチーズ (Strike Witches), episode 1 So, basically, this is an alternate reality magical girl show where instead of World War 2, an alien invasion happened in 1939, and the militaries of the world came together to create the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, colloquially known as Strike Witches, to fight the alien invaders. It is set apart from other sci-fi magical girl shows (read that as Nanoha, mostly, because there aren't that many of them, far as I know) by not having transformation sequences with nudity, instead the girls grow cat ears and a tail when using magic. That said, there's... very weird fanservice. Well, some is fairly regular, like girls in swimwear in the first episode (always a good sign, I guess), but uniforms of any sort apparently have neither skirts nor pants. The girls are basically wearing a shirt and some underwear, and as logically follows, there's a heavy focus on awkward crotch shots. Most of the time, I at least 'get' the fanservice. I don't particularily enjoy it, and it's often embarrassing, but at least I understand why it is there. This here? No idea how that's supposed to be appealing. So, for no reason what-so-ever, three quarters of the cast aren't wearing pants or skirts. I have no idea why. At least it doesn't have an super stupid slapstick to accompany it. Yet. Yeah, I basically have no excuse for this. There's any number of things I could have continued to watch but didn't. Not particularily in the mood or able to watch Texhnolyze at the moment. That's going way over my head right now, what with everything being a buzz. Currently alone at the office, my sleeping has been spotty and my weekend was filled with one giant social gathering, i.e. my wife and I invited friends and family to finally celebrate our wedding. That was, funnily enough, three years ago, but with the lockdowns it was more or less impossible until now. It's not all bad, because outside of the silly fanservice stuff this looks like it's the sort of goofy, mindless action shlock I can watch while being brain-afk.
    0 points
  39. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/actor-david-warner-baldurs-gate-2s-antagonist-jon-irenicus-has-died-aged-80 David Warner, voice of Jon Irenicus from BG2 has passes away.
    0 points
  40. In space, no one can hear you scream while you watch Alien3, Alien: Resurrection, Alien vs Predator, Alien vs Predator: Requiem, Prometheus, and Alien: Covenant.
    0 points
  41. Oh come on guys, how is he going to watch Alien vs Predator? He will be so confused if he skips Resurrection. Plus it's worth it just for the basketball shot.
    0 points
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