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John Romero hiring for new fps developed on UE5 If it's Daikatana 2 I am buying it, you have all been warned.4 points
isn't this already the case in vanilla? i've made a couple builds that use firebrand. i think right now it's a niche interaction rather than anything too powerful, so i don't see what's wrong with preserving/maintaining this behavior.3 points
Iran has Israel check mated. Hezbollah has tens of thousands of missiles and rockets with range sufficient to hit any target in Israel including Dimona. The instant Israel attacks Iran Hezbollah will open the gates of hell and drop those tens of thousands of missiles on cities and towns all across Israel. Israel has "Iron Dome" but it is a matter of numbers. Hezbollah has so many missiles they can saturate Iron Dome and a lot of Israeli cities will be badly damaged. Israel basically invaded Lebanon in 2006 the way Putin invaded Ukraine, with a coordinated air and ground attack into Lebanon and basically lost. Hezbollah outfought the Israelis on the ground. The missiles kept coming even as Israeli forces leveled Lebanese communities. Since then Hezbollah is estimated to have increased its arsenal tenfold. Israel knows this and is thus constrained from acting directly against Iran. Israel wants the US to do their dirty work but if the US attacks Iran the same thing happens and Hezbollah levels Israeli cities in retribution. Hezbollah also has substantial forces in Syria who are experienced and combat hardened fighting alongside the IRGC and Russian forces.3 points
3 points
Can't wait to be his bitch again. /Edit: Holy ****, bitch isn't censored. On a serious note, Romero is cool. Very dedicated and still supporting Doom with new maps and stuff. Very nice.2 points
I recently made this point to a news interview I did on this issue. The benefit to Iran of having nuclear weapons would be exactly the benefit Russia now has with its nukes with respect to their war in Ukraine. Look at what Russia is doing. It blatantly invaded a neighboring state with no provocation or justification, and has done truly outrageous things to that country. And yet Russia's position is that neither Ukraine nor any Ukrainian ally can retaliate for what Russia is doing to Ukraine by striking any targets in Russia. So, Russia can attack Ukraine. But Ukraine cannot retaliate by attacking Russia. Why? Why does this clearly obvious double-standard work? It is entirely because Russia has nukes, and can (and does) threaten nuclear escalation if their territory is attacked (known as "escalation dominance" in international security literature). This is the true, practical benefit of a state like Iran having nukes. Escalation dominance is awesome for a state to have. But it is in practical terms very difficult and very costly to achieve. Possessing nukes is a quick and dirty way to try and gain escalation dominance (though you would need to have a reasonably large arsenal of nukes AND a very reliable and survivable delivery option for your nukes). It may allow Iran to believe it can do whatever it wants to and in states all over the Middle East while threatening nuclear escalation if anyone dares to retaliate against Iranian territory. Iranian air defences have in recent years been considerably strengthened, ironically because of sanctions-relief following the JCPOA in 2015 and as predicted by critics of the JCPOA. But that doesn't matter. If the Israelis see Iran possessing nukes as an existential threat, they will strike no matter the cost to them (and yes, the cost to them will be tremendous, including post-strike Iranian retaliation and fallout with other states in the world). Also, Trump was no true friend of Israel. Like everyone else, Israel too was useful to him so long as he gained some personal political benefit from presenting himself as a champion of Israel. It is known that on at least one occasion as president he personally blocked a covert Israeli op against Iran. He is also known to have told Netanyahu he would not support an Israeli airstrike on Iran.2 points
Iran now has all the technology and components it needs to put together a bomb. So it is only a matter of the political decision to do so followed by the mad rush to get the first bombs assembled and operational. It is my professional view, which aligns with many other nuclear proliferation experts, that the timeline for this would be about two months, give or take. The Israeli strike on Iran is coming once Israel has a stable new government in place (or sooner if circumstances require it). In its most recent test run of the strike, Israeli F-35s were refueled in-flight by US tankers. There cannot be a bigger green light from the US Administration than that. The only way this does not happen is if Iran agrees to a return to the JCPOA without getting any of their unreasonable extraneous demands being met by the US side. I don't see Biden caving on those Iranian demands. And I don't see the Iranians giving up on those demands. I also wouldn't count out a desperate Biden 'rally around the flag' attempt in October to save his party from a rout in November.2 points
Im pretty interested in the purported strength of Iranian concrete.2 points
Dimash Kudaibergen is a singularily gifted vocalist cursed with an excruciatingly annoying fandom fandumb.2 points
can always try a duel. the tricky part is 'ccording to the code duello the challenged party chooses the "ground" and am suspecting the shark selects ocean/sea. so monsieur bruemmer needs goad the shark into being the challenger, then demand to meet "behind the luxembourg at noon." the shark's briny hiney is done for. HA! Good Fun!2 points
2 points
Good news for people afraid of The Winter Draghi signed new energy deal with Algeria already, and von der Leyen has visited Baku to propose new energy deals with Azerbaijan. Few more small steps, and Russia will lose a big chunk of the market, and will have no more opportunities to even try to blackmail EU...2 points
So after 1000+ hours in this game and futilely trying to trigger Xoti/Maia romance by raising their relationship with one another across many, man runs... I finally made it happen. It is insanely unintuitive and difficult to pull off, and last I checked there is no explanation on the internet for how to do this. The steps are: 1. Get Maia and Xoti to mutually like each other (at least +1 relationship mutually) 2. Get Eder and Xoti to like each other 3. Xoti will initiate a conversation with you where she talks about romancing Eder. If you fulfill the first condition, you can now suggest that she romance Maia instead. Caution, this is hidden behind a dialogue option to suggest to Xoti to not romance Eder, and if you miss it, Xoti/Maia romance does not happen. One tricky part is to not get 3 to happen before 1 happens (and 3 happens quite quickly after you fulfill 2), and the other tricky part is to get 2 to happen at all. Basically Eder does not have a lot of lines tagged as jokes. I've found it absolutely necessary to bring Eder and Xoti on two occasions: 1. While speaking with Serafen before going to Fort Deadlight, propose a head on assault. Serafen will joke about it being suicide, and Eder will chip in with his own joke. 2. While visiting Fort Deadlight, have both Eder and Xoti in the party when talking with Syri the Siren with Serafen in tow. Comment that Serafen made his bed, and now has to lie in it, rather than lying on his behalf. Eder will chip in with another joke. AFAIK these are both mandatory for triggering step 2, otherwise it is near impossible to get Xoti to have +1 relationship with Eder. You then need to kick Eder out of the party ASAP (there are a few random conversations which will cause Xoti to hit the +1 threshold with Eder, and you don't want 3 triggering prematurely), go get Maia, and get Xoti and Maia to like each other. Careful where you bring Xoti, as she does not like Maia lying. Anyhow I've attached screenshots of the beginning of the romance and a conversation that seems to confirm it, as I've never seen it on any previous playthrough.1 point
You'd have earned those pieces through the battlepass, so you'd be safe, but if you'd missed some of the other matching parts in the battlepass and it rotates, well you'll never get it. And it's very unlikely that anything on a private server, if they'll even exist properly, will count towards a battlepass since you can change all the settings to your liking which would work badly with a grind oriented battlepass. This'd also apply to mods I suppose.1 point
1 point
1 point
I don't think the Russian stance on Iran has changed, it toggled back and forth in March or so, but nothing since. That might change, I guess, depending on how Russia feels about trying to stick it to the US. Not sure what you mean by can't be trusted with a nuclear weapon when they are also not suicidal. That just helps them deter an invasion (depending on how many weapons they have, anyway). Israel bombing them, successfully or otherwise, will be interesting as well - hopefully people can go back to talking and Iran decides to trust the US a bit too, heh. Looks like the Kherson offensive or whatever may start soon, they attacked the bridge a couple times. Bridges are not easy to take down. Is comical how bloodthirsty people are on Twitter with combat footage in this war.1 point
I was unfamiliar with the term Whiskey Throttle but looking it up, I did do that on my low speed dump when learning hahaha. Engine was revving good on the ground but I had the good sense at least to flip the emergency kill switch at least.... I think I probably did something like that waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back as an 11 year old on a little 50cc dirt bike that I promptly concluded I didn't like after popping the clutch in the back common area when we moved out to an acreage. I enjoyed being a passenger with my Dad or brother as a pre-teen though.1 point
Iran would never directly attack Israel using there army or using nukes because the latter would wipe Israel\Tel Aviv out because its a tiny country but then Iran would also be wiped off the face of the earth because the Israelis have nukes for a deterrent. So Iran is not suicidal But you still cant allow the hardliners in Iran to ever get nukes because they definitely cant be trusted if you just look at the numerous proxy wars in the ME that is supported by Shia fundamentalism and more importantly if Iran has nukes the Saudis and the Sunni states will want nukes and then you have a nuclear arms race in the ME which has to be avoided if you consider how volatile the region is That why the previous Iranian sanctions were supported by the entire UNSC, all 5 members agreed that Iran cant get nuclear technology. They just didnt all say it openly But Putin's War has changed this consensus but you dont need consensus from the UNSC to stop Iran getting nukes Its up to the hardliners in Iran to not go down this path, they have plenty of time to change the course they on and lets hope they do1 point
was planning on getting a motorcycle when we went away to college. given the parking situation in berkeley, our 78 jeep cherokee were gonna be problematic. we thought a motorcycle were a decent alternative and we already had experience (limited) riding. our aunt, an er nurse, advised us not to wear a helmet if we rode a motorcycle. said the people who wore helmets tended to survive, "poor bastards." motorcycle injuries, being on the horrific end o' the spectrum, our aunt saw death as the more enviable alternative. decided we would get a nice bicycle and use bart as much as possible. HA! Good Fun!1 point
The return of the best Yakuza character, The Obatarian: This lady is the greatest.1 point
Never done the whisky throttle, but I remember a few times where full rev and acceleration saved my butt. One time in particular when I was about to be crushed like a ripe tomato between two large trucks (and neither had seen me). 3 lane highway leading out of the city. A truck going slow on both lane 1 and 3. Gorth going through on lane 2. Suddenly the truck on lane 3 thought he was going to slow for lane 3 and pulled into lane 2 (my lane) Note... left hand side driving, so lane 1 (left most) is normally for slow traffic. The guy on lane 3 had no business whatsoever being there....1 point
A bit off topic... different colours (mine was red, because red wunz go fasta!) but otherwise this was my very first bike. Drove it a lot for 5-6 years. I had to sell it when I moved from Australia to Germany (or would have both pay shipping and import tax) Edit: There are days where I really miss it and think I should get my act together and get a new one...1 point
Into the Breach on my iPad. The wait was worth it, as it is again an excellent port. I guess I will keep my Netflix subscription for a while.1 point
https://www.yahoo.com/news/russia-says-losing-because-ukraine-104546288.html Now we know the irrefutable truth, the truth is out !!! The Ukrainians are creating mutant soldiers, thats why the Russian military campaign has been so ineffective. No one can fight mutants1 point
I love Dimash' take on that song Also, Space Truckers is without doubt the best space comedy1 point
Fellow motorcyclist here! You dumped your bike because you were turning and leaning going less than 5 mph, you want to be at least 8-12 mph when doing low speed maneuvering and mastering that friction zone on your clutch, rear brake, and throttle control or gravity will strike you down. Never crashed, never will, because I know my skill level. However, If some braindead teen in a Kia thwacks me someday (1% chance of that happenening!), and there was absolutely nothing I could have done about it, at least have good gear to mitigate the damage. U.S. cannot get adequate public transportation going so you gotta be an adventurer up for risks and danger if you wanna travel here. B-b-b-b-ayyyad to the Bone.1 point
1 point
That advice is sound, 10mm ammo is indeed more expensive compared to 9mm, I'm willing to pay the difference, though. As for recoil, I can handle the recoil of 10mm no problem.1 point
The same is true in my game, which is one of the reasons I always equip items that make on immune to push-pull effects on my MC. While technically not "stunned", but ragdolled with the prone icon, one cannot do anything at all while being thus affected. So I'd say that @Constentin Lévineis correct about this effect's OP nature.1 point
Replaying Mass Effect as I got the Legendary edition. Plodding my way through ME1, doesn't really seem like they changed much. I'd still have liked them to add in the mission locations on the galaxy map as a QoL feature, but ah well. My Shepard looks less greasy, as well.1 point
had a couple three-inch thick rib-eye pork chops in a bag with (bread and butter) pickle brine and 'cause we got too busy to cook, it were +2 days before we got 'em outta the fridge. thought they would taste kinda funky, but the pork turned out better than anticipated. as is our habit these days with any thick cut o' meat, we did reverse sear; effective roasted in the oven for almost 40 minutes at 250F and then threw the chops on the grill to finish. since the grill were hot, we cooked a couple peaches. also had sauteed spinach which mighta' been arguable healthy if we hadn't used so much butter. regardless, am nevertheless shocked by how delicious were the pork as we expected cloying sweet or overpowering pickle flavour. HA! Good Fun!1 point
I am very seldom shocked by new lows from the Russians but you right ...another new low And whats worse is the " we invaded Ukraine to end fascism " You know Russia is hosting the worlds first anti-fascism conference in August, can you imagine the countries that will be attending? The worlds worst autocratic and failed states that should include China, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Venezuela, Cuba, NK , Eritrea and Syria. I can just imagine them sitting in a room and all agreeing " how fascist and evil the West is and how they all care about good leadership " https://thepostmillennial.com/russia-to-host-first-international-antifascist-conference-to-fight-nazism1 point
BTW, official statement on all the videos, which "miraculously" popped up after a lot of HIMARSes hit the right targets...1 point
Do they make pasztet? It's a pate, essentially liverwurst, but the best liverwurst you can imagine. This is the best I've been able to get here in Cackalacky: There are several varieties, but this is my favorite for how delicate and smooth the flavor is. Not quite as good as the best I could get in New Britain, CT, but still quite good and it's better than the stuff I could get at the supermarket by several country miles.1 point
Blood sausage. I'm salivating just thinking about it. Pan fried with sauteed onions... I had a long 12 1/2 hour work day on Friday, so I'm rewarding myself this weekend with the good stuff.1 point
Catching up on stuff: Stranger Things IV. I've pretty much binged the episodes. If there's one largely negative thing I can say regardless of anything that happens is that the episodes are definitely too long. Please structure your episodes better next time. There's also no need to make the final episode of the season into a 2:20 movie with actual acts. With that said, there's a part of me that is hypercritical about Everything Everywhere All at Once (well that pun went better in my head than it came out here), however, if there's something I love, and it continues and just spins its wheel, or it becomes terrible, it takes a long, long time for me to change opinions. Like back when the third season of Andromeda aired, I watched the episodes and read the complaints online, and I disagreed. 15 years later on a rewatch, I joined in. Season three is bad, and the series never recovered from that. Now, Stranger Things IV is probably not bad, because if nothing else, the episodes are impeccably shot, the CGI could be a tad better, but it's all right for a streaming series, and the actors are still great - even the new additions. That said, it was definitely running too long. Large parts of El's storyline could have been shortened, and it never contained characters I really like, outside of El herself perhaps. I have no idea why Will was even on the show, doing nothing but looking awkward, the same with Jonathan. The entire Russian storyline is ludicrous and useless, just like in season three. Everything else though was not entirely what I expected from the trailer, but it was entertaining enough for me to not really care that all of this feels tacked onto the world building (basically what you get when you a have a self-contained first season with an order of YOU'RE MAKING US OODLES OF MONEY, CONTINUE! afterwards). If they had cut the Russian plot a little and reduced El's self-discovery to a tighter, more streamlined part of the season the time could have been spent on, dunno, resolving some issues that are just dangling open because even with all the time they had for the season, it's kind of a mess where so much is left unfinished. That just goes way beyond having sequel hooks. It also up and abandons a lot that happens in the first two episodes. What gives? Typing up all this just to state that I'm not blind to the faults. I still loved watching every episode. It wasn't what I expected from the trailer, which looked much more goofy than it actually turned out to be. So this isn't the Stephen King / Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors crossover that I wanted it to be. Maybe 15 years down the line, I'll rewatch and eventually even stop at the second season. That's still a ways off. A long, long ways off. So for now... yeah. Still enjoyed this a whole lot and don't regret spending the time on it. Anyways, guess continuing the Boys is up next. Still on early season two.1 point
1 point
https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1184370/view/3400797688635109882 august 11 is new dlc release. september 29 is console and enhanced edition release date. HA! Good Fun!1 point
A bit of film music... an adaptation from The Fifth Element (depending on the day, it's either that or Galaxy Quest that takes the place as my favourite space comedy)1 point
My dad is in Poland attending to some business and he has been sending me pictures of some of the delicious looking food and beer he is consuming. This inspired me to make the half hour (each way) drive to the Polish deli in Pineville. Szynka myśliwska (hunter ham, double smoked), boczek cygański (gypsy bacon, super duper heavily smoked), ser podlaski (a popular variety of Polish yellow cheese, I don't have a better description) with horseradish, tomato, white onion, and ogórki małosolne (Polish pickles, małosolne translates to low salt) on rye bread. Plus, the obligatory Polish lager to make it a proper lunch. I have kabanosy drying: It's going to take all my willpower to give them the 4 or 5 days necessary to reach peak deliciousness and not devour them early.1 point
Word on the street was that the developer that has been working on Bloodlines 2 is The Chinese Room, a British development studio (owned by Sumo Digital, who are in turn owned by Tencent). They have previously developed Little Orpheus, Everybody's Gone To The Rapture and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, although the latter two those were quite a while ago and a lot of talent has moved around since then. Just a rumour of course. It struck me as plausible because firstly the Sumo group and their subsidiaries are widely used work for hire studios with the sort of technical skills to take a mid scale game to the finishing line, and secondly because it's not some kind of obvious fantasy pick. At some point I should probably get around to requesting a refund on my Blood Moon Steam Preorder and do something productive with that money until they show the game again, lol.1 point
When I try researching clover I only unlock the armour instead of the roofs like I'm meant to confused can someone help pls ?1 point
A really really simple and tiny change to characters.gamebundle to allow you to place such classes as Gunhawk or Priest of Woedica. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/44/ All I did was change "HideInCharacterCreation": "true" to "HideInCharacterCreation": "false" for all the classes. Enjoy.1 point