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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/22 in all areas

  1. I did not include parents in my "young person and their medical and mental health professionals" for a reason. No kids should actually need parental consent if they want to talk to a mental health professional. It should be available to them freely and privately.
    4 points
  2. As far as I know, the only children who might undergo surgery without their consent are intersex (it is an umbrella category which can include variations in chromosomes, gonads, hormones, and other sex characteristics that do not fit the typical medical establishment’s definitions of “male” or “female"; 1.7% according to the UN statistics). I can't find the list of countries where it is banned. https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/07/25/us-harmful-surgery-intersex-children Welcome. Social transition and hormone blockers. They do not have access to surgeries. Considering the levels of abuse towards LGBT and gender-non-confoming (i.e. not only trans) youth by their biological parents, if the parents' wishes include only the parents' ambitions, but not the child's happiness, they should not have been parents in the first place. https://galop.org.uk/resource/lgbt-experiences-of-abuse-from-family-members/ An anecdotal story from 2018, but gives perspective (regardless of the child actually being gay/straight/cis/trans, he was killed because of his parents' homophobia). https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/mom-pleads-guilty-murder-8-year-old-boy-thought-be-n848741
    3 points
  3. The last line of Bruce's quote is the important one: it is a process that involves work with a medical team and a mental health professional. We don't need to have a say in this. It is between the young person and medical professionals. All we need to do is be tolerant. Puberty can be pretty rough even without transitional questions, so we should all be able to empathize.
    3 points
  4. Who knows, I don't even understand what they chant when it's in Serbian. Here is one more But saying all that, it's nothing compared to football. There a lot of criminal and hooliganism takes place so it's on another level. and one more
    2 points
  5. Well, hopefully those trackers are secure, lest they get blown up. Have seen concerns about the smuggling before, it is a sensible thing to consider. Flood any country with weaponry and there's going to be some. Hopefully no Starstreak taking down a A380 somewhere in the future.
    2 points
  6. The great downfall of a wireless mouse: losing the fingernail-sized USB receiver and being rendered completely powerless.
    2 points
  7. BTW, official statement on all the videos, which "miraculously" popped up after a lot of HIMARSes hit the right targets...
    2 points
  8. I have heard that as well. I dumped the bike while learning to ride going less than 5mph so hopefully that was my when I'm definitely a lot more hyper aware of things when I'm on the bike that I never am while in a car. If I'm in busier traffic I make sure I can see the face of the people beside me in their side mirrors to have more confidence I'm not in a blind spot. Every intersection I anticipate whether or not there is someone in the oncoming traffic about to turn left and don't drive in the middle of the lane in case in an emergency I need to lane split because I'm hitting the brakes and the person behind me is a bit too close. Certainly my brother's accident helped play a role in having a healthy dose of respect both for the machine as well as the risks. That said it is a thing and nothing saying a crash is always something that I could have avoided if I was just more diligent. I drive a Suzuki Boulevard M50. It looks a lot like this but has an after market seat that gives me a bit more of a backrest if I need it.
    2 points
  9. These are all questions I don't have the answer to. I'm an atheist that largely became so because as a 13 year old I found many of the explanations to be inconsistent and/or bull****. My assessment is that our understanding of any sort of heaven or hell is firmly rooted in projecting what we consider rewarding and punishment as human beings. For example, the supposed suffering of Hell are things that are very understandable from a human perspective (burning, having our physical bodies tortured, etc). But it's not one based on any sort of scripture.
    2 points
  10. Hey This is my first post on this forum. I've created a simple mod for PoE II that allows you to choose any skin/hair/eye color for any race. So if you want, you can make a Pale Elf with black skin and green hair. It doesn't add any colors that weren't already in the game. It just collects all colors across all races, and makes them available to all races. The original colors of a race are always at the start of the palette. Download Here or Here NOTE: Color selection is cut off (can't scroll down) during character creation. Simply start the game, then change colors from your character sheet › Appearance. I hope you find this useful AllColorsForEveryone v1.0.0.zip
    2 points
  11. The interstellar peddlers of make up are as old as Rogue Trader itself (1987)... followed by Adeptus Astartes chapters using lethal trigonometry (The Dark Angles and the Blood Angles)
    2 points
  12. I want the US government to take the lead in designating the Donetsk and Luhansk "people's militias" and "governments" as terrorist groups. That would be a good start. But eventually we are going to have to address this issue of what is Russia's very clear and obvious new strategy in recent days of trying to terrorize the Ukrainian civilian population into surrender.
    2 points
  13. I think there's a big misconception about the ease of official transition, probably due to fear mongering. Even in places where there are trans friendly options, getting official medical transition (blockers, then hrt, then surgery) for adults is usually a very long process with a lot of vetting and bureaucracy. For kids, most likely you'll see blockers at most and even then the transition is more likely to be social in nature. As someone who lives in a place where they have made transition child abuse, I'll say that it should be allowed because the alternative is having kids taken from their parents and dumped into foster care. That's not a good thing at all.
    2 points
  14. I couldn't have said it better myself
    2 points
  15. If a child can access cancer treatment should they have cancer, they must be able to access puberty blockers if they have gender dysphoria. For the reference, 12 year olds get neither surgeries nor HRT. Blockers only prevent the default hormones, which trigger the default puberty when the person stops taking the blockers. For younger kids only social transition, i.e. clothes, hairstyle, pronouns, is available, which obviously have 0 physical consequences. Thus, the only people threatened by trans youth having access to healthcare are transphobes (who'd rather force the children to commit suicide), not just cisgenders who are not affected by it anyhow. On another note, cis people do have their gender-affirming healthcare, TRT/HRT for the people with low hormone levels and implants for breast cancer survivors.
    2 points
  16. have always thought people were overinvested in questions regarding what happens after death, the nature o' souls and the existence o' god(s). does that stuff matter? why? am suspecting there is extreme few hardcore nihilists 'mongst you all, and even if there were, they would have same pov as Gromnir: those questions is the least important. chances are you believe in love, family, justice, fairness or some other invention o' the human beast. in fact, chances are the things you is most willing to die for, and hopeful live for, is having no existence save for belief. bob believes in god and his deity is vengeful and hates teh gays. wilma believes in god and her deity is compassionate and loving, embracing all walks o' life. bob, in spite o' his beliefs, volunteers at a local homeless shelter and helped fund weave outreach in his community. wilma is a keyboard warrior who never hesitates to tell folks how to be better people, but she has never helped a person who couldn't help her in return. michalangelo does Sistine chapel ceiling and his pieta. jim jones had his koolaid. chances are you believe strong 'bout any number o' things which ain't objective real and can never be prove real. why should god and souls be different. strength o' belief and how you change your behaviors based on those beliefs is what matters, no? HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  17. Please fix the game! Multiplayer is broken right now, clients can't interact with pretty much anything once this desync occurs. This results in rubber banding, lag, disconnects, and glitches like your base breaking into a million pieces! Please fix this! We love Grounded but lately the multiplayer is so bad it's almost unplayable. We love Grounded and want to see it thrive, but it's too frustrating for anyone who isn't the host to craft inside bases, or do much of anything really! Client side players only seem to be affected. Please look into this! This game is at it's best as a multiplayer experience and multiplayer needs to work properly! This seems to be occurring after this last patch or the patch before that. We've been playing since the first early access launch and have never had these desync issues until recently.
    1 point
  18. Bruce what did I tell you once? There are only like 10 people posting here. You might be speaking to him everyday and don't know it!
    1 point
  19. This game doesn't use any servers . Why we can not play this game directly by local area network ? There is a high Ping warning when we play this game online . Sometimes the game crashes . So we really need support for LAN . Thanks .
    1 point
  20. For now. I hear there's an Orcish horde under the command of Vladolf Putler just waiting to change that.
    1 point
  21. Oh come on, I'm sure it's at least 10 years since we had a religious disagreement. Was it that Malaysian (or was it Indonesian?) poster, Kristina (sorry, I really don't remember the spelling) who was all about mixing religion and government?
    1 point
  22. Sadly i did not know about this tech back then.
    1 point
  23. Yep. He's the EA CEO who bought Bioware/ Pandemic off Elevation Partners (whose immediate former CEO was... also John Riccitiello) for 860mn. Now that's what I call monetisation.
    1 point
  24. Also - you can still cast spell/s (like a big, huge AoE, or anything else) while in "fight for your life", which makes getting a 2nd-wind a lot easier/faster. Just sayin'.
    1 point
  25. Ukraine Gets First M270 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems | The Drive
    1 point
  26. It's impressive that he manages to have 4 visible guns, and still look like an unthreatening dork
    1 point
  27. I started playing Sea of Thieves with my son. He's much better at it than I am. Basically I get to steer the ship while he runs around doing the important stuff. It's a strange game.
    1 point
  28. Minoletta's spells work very well with combusting wounds, the number of missile are scaling pretty well with PL. Beam spells (Ninagauth's Bitter Mooring and Ray of Fire for wizard) are great too, they damage anyone in the path each 1s, with 1 wounds by damaging hit roll. Wall are fine too it's right. A cipher-wizard can be really efficient damage dealer with this spell by the way. There are some others good combo with Combusting wounds with the other party members, like AoE attack with AoE weapon / multiple projectiles weapon / AoE effect from the weapon. For exemple, Clear Out (fighter) with Keeper of the Flame (burn damages AoE) can give +5 or even more wounds . This spell can really profite too to a SC Priest, I like when there are some enemies close to some of my chars under the effect of Spark the Souls of the Righteous. With combusting wounds on top, it is "passively" crazy.
    1 point
  29. I overall lukewarm enjoy Ubisoft games. I haven't played a Far Cry game in quite a while. Since 5 is on Game Pass, I may give it a go at some point. AssCreed is decent enough, but I only really liked Black Flag and Rogue and that's mostly for the sailing, hence my interest in Skull & Bones, despite the trepidations I have (live service model & lack of solo campaign). AssCreed games always take a giant nosedive whenever they go outside the Animus and into present day IMHO. I haven't played one since the reboot on account of the reported added grind. I played Watch_Dogs briefly, but that game quickly lost me due to wonky driving physics and how much of a black hole of charisma Aidan was. Watch_Dogs 2, on the other hand, was a game I thoroughly enjoyed, largely due to how likable Marcus and the other DedSec hacker were. I legit wanted to do right by those wacky miscreants. It's amazing how far a likable protagonist(s) can take you.
    1 point
  30. Played, and finished Necromunda: Hired Gun. Game is a mixed bag, objectively it ain't that good, but I had a lot of fun anyway. It's developed by the same people that also created Space Hulk: Deathwing and feels similar in many ways. Keeping in mind that this game is mobility focused I think you get a pretty good idea as to what to expect. Story doesn't really matter, and is basically wasted potential. The main character is a one-dimensional doofus that, despite being from the Underhive, doesn't seem to understand how things work around there (or "here", I guess). Game starts off being pretty hard (especially the side missions with their infinite spawns), but it is very easy to max out your bionics rather early on. Weapons and upgrades are a mixed bag, and balance is kind of all over the place. While I'm sure all weapons are "functional" there's also quite a few that just don't work too well, especially later in the game (shotguns, in general, but the two shots from the double barrel especially are problematic given the floods of enemies and its inability to deal effectively with shields) Gameplay wise offensive mobility is very much crucial, the game seems to push wallrunning but I barely used it (getting that achievement is going to be a chore) since it's kinda jank. The grappling hook, and just jumping all over, on the other hand... As for the "offensive" part, medkits are very limited and can only be stocked prior to the mission, you're supposed to heal using bionics, which only triggers after you have gotten hit yourself (yep, if you're on a sliver of health, out of medkits, have no more shields, and somehow are still alive you really are SOL). Story missions are quite a bit of fun (except the boss battles, most of those are, ehhhh, but I'm not a big fan of boss battles in general, so ymmv). I especially enjoyed the train mission. Side missions are a mixed bag, and risk/reward is way off for most of them. I'd imagine many players will quickly decide "Capture" (Domination, for all you UT99 players) missions, aren't worth the frustration, and in general just 'settle' on a set of favourite (or "to avoid") mission types and locations. On the note of locations, secondary missions are set on parts of the main mission maps where the same mission type will always use the same part of a given map. Similarly "secret" chests that contain upgrades are always in the same spots. The game also has its fair share of bugs, though most qualify as "annoying" rather than "breaking". The grappling hook is liable to get you stuck in terrain (that said, I've not gotten stuck anywhere in a way that forced a reload). Enemies can also get stuck in terrain, for side missions it doesn't generally matter as more will spawn, for main missions this can block progress (I've had to reload the last mission because of a stuck enemy that I couldn't get to in any way). When it comes to mission bugs there was only one that I found that is breaking, in the mission with the container puzzle, if you touch the controls "too soon", you break the whole thing and have to reload, that said once you know how it's triggered it is easy to avoid, but yeah, should've been fixed by the devs, really. "Finishers" don't seem to work reliably (often there's no prompt when there probably should be), maybe there's some hidden cool-down, but it's a good way to get killed for sure. Similarly it seems that the heal-on-damage mechanic doesn't always work reliably, or doesn't heal as much as it should (especially obvious when finishers heal tiny amounts) There were also some graphical issues, personally I had clipping issues with the armor of my character. Not exactly game breaking, since the game is first person so you only really see it in cutscenes, or loading screens, but when the devs are selling skins that is kinda...hmmmm... (that said, I did scroll through Steam screenshots and saw people using the same skin without issues, so maybe something with my system). There's also some very underdeveloped systems: side missions are given out by factions that you rank up with, but there doesn't seem to be any real incentive to do so (aside from "for fun", of course). Sure you get a one-time "bonus" reward for maxing out a faction, but that's about it. As a sidenote: you can also gain reputation with factions you're actively fighting, which, errr, doesn't make much sense. Another thing of note: for some reason it turned on FSR 1.0 by default for me, while my PC can handle the game just fine with everything cranked up without FSR. Took me a little bit before I figured out why things weren't quite as sharp as they probably should be... I'd probably give it a 6/10. I had a good time, but the game feels very undercooked. Just like Space Hulk: Deathwing, really, there was potential there, but they called it "good enough" way too soon. If you can get it on sale and enjoyed Deathwing and/or WH40k and/or janky shooters you could definitely do worse.
    1 point
  31. I read faster than the characters talk, I skip a lot of dialogue.
    1 point
  32. I can agree on everything but the writing. Obsidian is way ahead of Owlcat in writing and character development, and that is kind of important in an RPG.
    1 point
  33. That sounds a lot like Obsidian.
    1 point
  34. Has someone posted this before? For some reason I can't see half the posts in this thread (maybe my noscripts). Whatever, it's adorable/funny.
    1 point
  35. This Forbidden Fiat rolls over enemies even on difficult terrain and hits like a truck... It's a real trickster too: you never know what's gonna happen when you turn on the ignition.
    1 point
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